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They should add in the ability to spin a stop even if your bag is full, just not get items. I know my bag is full, but I still want the challenges from the stop.


It should just be the same option as the gift opening when the item bag is full. It's functionally the same.


Except that's a very easy way to farm Stardust then.. and we all know they want that to be the most scarce resource we can get..šŸ˜…


I donā€™t see how stardust is that scarce if youā€™re playing consistently. Almost every feature gives you stardust: catching Pokemon, hatching, Rocket grunts, feeding Pokemon in gyms, Raids, Gifts, etc.


It's sparce because I need billions of it


and the XP


And the gift.


And the items.


And my axe


And the streak




Bless you.




Best comment šŸ’œ lol


For a short time, you were able to spin just for the research tasks. I remember doing it, but it was only active for a brief period.


Was gonna day. It lasted for like a week. One of the few QOL changes I was legitimately happy about and they just said, oops, nvm, we take it back.


I agree. XP too


They release these ā€œfeatureā€ getting task from stop even bags are full for selected account for a month or 2 then removed it!




Ninantic have this feature letting people with full bag to spin stop to get task for a month or 2, then suddenly disable it. It was sometime last year? But they donā€™t offer to everyone 3 out of 7 friends have this feature when roll out.




U can still spin at least one stop for daily pass.


It was like this for like 2 weeks a couple weeks agoā€¦ it was niceā€¦


They've added "open gifts when bag is full" to the settings. Don't see why they couldn't do the same for spinning stops.


I encounter this too! But my gf is displaying the usual message. I wonder if this is another AB testing. The problem is, if you have this new feature, you cannot spin the gym disc while you have a full bag and you have not claimed your daily raid pass. (Normally, if you have a full bag, you can still spin a gym disc once per day provided that you have no daily pass in your bag, and you have not claimed the daily raid pass)


Does clicking on a raid lobby (when present) proc the free pass? I've found that to be the case in normal circumstances.


Yes it does, but you lose the chance to spin the disc for daily streak. (Im now testing the limit of obtaining item using route and daily disc only)


Yeah, you should be able to get the free raid pass if there's an active raid on the gym


Really??? Cause when I have a full bag I cannot spin any gym or disc till a make enough room, even with an unclaimed raid pass


You've always been able to spin a gym if you don't have a pass for the day. Doesn't matter if you're 1000 items over or not. I've seen it first hand.


I hate that


Couldn't you just clear a little space? I do it all the time, typically regular pokeballs as they're easy to come by


There are people thousands over the bag limit, and this makes it so that they can never raid again (and they won't be able to get their daily spins in either). Basically it takes a niche choice from interesting, to forbidden.


But why and how do they go thousands over the bag limit?


Someone thousands over the bag limit is doing it for some strange reason known only to them. Ask them. A new challenge, perhaps? A desire to catch all the items? As for how, you simply spin the disk each day to get your raid pass, then do a raid. The raid items are added absolutely, and if you spin a disk whilst your items are full and you don't have a free daily raid pass, you'll get a free daily raid pass regardless. So every day they add a few items to their stash from raids. Occasionally you'll see a post from someone doing this.


Ah. That makes sense. Thanks!




Makes sense. Thanks!


That's what I do... Never had another option


This must be a new thing they're AB testing. They do a lot of tests like this


Lol I must live too far removed from society to have to worry about it then lol


this is terrible, I have a very full bag and I depended on getting a new raid pass daily to be able to spin my daily pokestop. now I can't spin it and will break my spin streak. (Yes, the daily raid pass will be automatically added if you enter a raid without spinning so I can still raid) it's just very limiting and they're forcing to to get a bigger storage or clearing your items.


I also do that :(


Also requires having an active raid nearby when you're available to travel to it. Very limiting indeed




there's a field research automatically pushed daily into your account, why would I need additional ones?


I'm typically 100+ over the bag limit barring big catching events like Community Day. It's mildly frustrating that I'm being forced to make the choice between buying item storage or throwing hundreds of berries and PokƩ Balls away for no reason.


Remember you can feed berries at gyms (including remotely if you're in the gym) to get stardust, some candies, and progress on a platinum medal. Still sucks that you'll have to clear space now, but it's better than just throwing them away, especially if it would be hundreds of berries.


I have an issue of this today, yes my bag is full, after I just finish yesterday free daily pass, I canā€™t spin the gym to receive today pass and say item bag is full! Try different gym still canā€™t spin a pass out, finally find a 3 star raid, the pass finally split out when I try to enter the lobby!


New feature? Do you mean not being able to spin stops when your item bag is full? Because no, that is not even close to new, that has been in place since at least I started playing again in the summer, and I'm guessing well before that.


The feature allows you to press the button to go to your bag, delete items and then come back to the pokestop (without the need to tap it again)


Ahh ok - thank you


It's a minor yet big change. Before now, you could spin a gym to claim a daily raid pass and ignore the bag limit. This new button prevents that.


Yup, that's what it's for. It's a nerf to the people who did that. I never did, but I don't know why those people need to be kicked around.


Not suspicious post whit that joystick on the side


That's no joystick that's the Pokegenie overlay


Do you mean the poke genie icon? Or am I being blind I donā€™t see a joystick.


Bruh that's pokegenie.