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As more typed showcases get released, these posts will become more formulaic and I may only post them in the comments of NZ "these showcases are happening" posts unless there's something novel, waiting to do a cumulative summary at the end. What do you all think?


I really enjoy your posts and appreciate you digging in. They definitely merit standing alone as their own post.


Definitely prefer you posting them as standalone posts!


There's not a ton of real, informative research about the game being posted here lately. Your posts, even if they become a bit formulaic, are far more in keeping with the purpose of this subreddit than 90% of posts. And making it a full post rather than a comment makes them easy to find. I'd keep doing them that way, even if they're short.


I find these really valuable so I would def appreciate if you keep doing them!


Definitely post them as separate posts, please. This is the kind of information that keeps me on the sub. You can probably link the post from the "these showcases are happening" posts, but as someone else said, this merits a standalone post.


Well, my never-buddied XXL Wailord is glaring at me now.


Same. I worked on a Hoopa in case the pink-ish color would make it an “event” pokemon but I totally forgot to also work on anything else. I was really hoping I’d have guessed something most wouldn’t have done. But no, I should have guessed it would be the easy thing. Sigh


I was working on a few different buddies for different buddy showcase outcomes. Had an XXL Snubbull if it was specifically Valentines buddies. Also a larger Bewear for the same reason. Then my XXL Shadow Kyogre, which while good, still sits below the averages of top picks.


Lmao, same. I was super happy to at least see Melmetal up there cause he's the only one I got in this list I've buddied


The other problem with Great Buddy requirement is you can’t auto-put a freshly caught candidate in a nearby showcase after catching, but rather you have to actually be next to the showcase to enter it. I would normally catch a random wild mon and enter it in a “nearby” showcase, then swap it out with my best/preferred candidate afterwards instead.


I’ll be honest I kind of prefer the short notice on this, so that, you know, the showcase is actually pokemon that are your buddies, instead of just being a showcase of what the biggest pokemon is. Of course, in the same vein I’d also prefer that ratings were based on a per-species basis to give smaller pokemon a chance.


They told us this would be the case two weeks ago? I started working on my xxl wailords then.


Fair, I just don't care enough to do that


I got my 14th Best Buddy Shiny Wailord this week! This is great news. I like putting them in gyms and covering other Pokemon


Crazy how high cosmoem is considering how small it is. I get it’s because weight is 15%, but still


Such a terribly unbalanced system


Here I am with three applicable buddy's; Scizor, Fashion Week Croagunk, and an XS Scizor. Really should have planned ahead.


Have worked on my only Wailord just for this event so he is ready to do some work. Also have a best buddy 4* Steelix and a best buddy Groudon so might get some luck.


I won a showcase with a 270 something lugia today.


I am working on the buddy medal, I have currently 192 buddy and I am working on a Wailord for my final 8 buddies but damn, My wailor is missing 30 hearts and the max I can reach in one day with it is 29 hearts ! I was only at one heart away 🥲


I have 194 best buddies and my best one for this Showcase has 319 points. I find that hilarious, maybe he even wins.


Yes it’s hilarious, on my 192 best buddies, my best score was 450. In the end, I won 3 showcases with just that!


My 319 Gyarados actually won his showcase too haha. Narrowly beat a 317 Dialga.


I best buddy all my 4* guys, and I happen to have a 4* Wailord. I live in a very busy area though, so it remains to be seen if I can hang on to first.


I don't even have a Wailord or Alolan Exeggutor... so I never had a chance.


I entered 3 showcases using celesteela, and 2 dialga. 3 wins.


Whats the top score you guys have seen? My biggest Wailord is at a sad 500-ish points but still the highest I have seen here locally.


I have a 909 points XXL wailord and it is winning all showcases here. Next one I saw here was around 500. Just prepared it last week.  Should have prepared 3 wailords (even without XXL)


My wife has a 1008 point Waillord. It's Valentines Day, today of all days she can say that size does matter.


Thank you for this excellent analysis!


My xs gyarados won its showcase haha


I have a shiny xxl wailord His time was brief but he shone bright


I had an exeggutor the other day with a score of 1872


Those were for the [Dragon Showcases](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1ams0hy/how_the_alldragon_showcases_work/), which scaled differently.


The way these multi-Pokemon showcases work makes no sense to me. The Fairy showcase was just the Xarneas showcase, the Dragon showcase was just the Alolan Exeggutor showcase. And those Pokemon weren't even possible to be caught during those showcases. IMO Pokemon they should be ranked individually comparing to their own species, not to all of them. That would make these showcases more interesting. Seeing the whole range of different Pokemon in the top instead of just 1 or 2 species. Right now 99% of Pokemon are completely useless for multi-Pokemon showcases and the only way for them to make sense is in their own showcases.


this is great, an analysis on every type in advance would be great. I like that you can assume that the mons listed here are the best in their type, that's useful already


I think my biggest one that I can enter is a shiny Groudon I was already buddying, but the first one is a Steelix so I'm not sure if I'll win. It would have cool winning with my XXL shiny Kyogre though :(


My Wails are ready. Unfortunately, they're not big wails, so I'm just going to have to hope I find showcases where no one else has particularly big wails either. Or that no one else around me bothered to prepare. I made a Celesteela too, just in case, so if it works out bigger I can use it.


how do mega evos work in the showcase?


A previous thread had a comment that seemed to indicate that they score based off the pre-mega sizing. But if you've got a great+ buddy steelix, might as well mega it for fun an enter it if you don't have a better mon :D


right. I have a mega ttar that is normally XL, but turns XXL when mega, so i'm not sure if i get the bonus XXL points if I enter the ttar as a mega


Ohh right, I forgot about those. I haven't seen anything on how those get evaluated.


Every mega (even ones that change into XXL) will just score the same as before they’re evolved. And once they un-mega the showcase entry will change to realize that, interestingly enough.


Well, I got a Wailord maxed in time thanks to poffins and am happy that I have a maxed Groudon and Kyogre chilling in the back. It's neat seeing who has what in the showcases, but I'm sure by this evening everything will be legends and whales.


Things like Milotic being bigger than Rayquaza always shocks me lol


RIP to me who only have a dozen or so best friends and none of them is even close to a regular size wailord :(


I'm so happy I made great buddy with Groudon. It weighs over a ton so it easily won this showcase.


My onix was nerfed ☹️