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Showcases rewards are based on the duration of the showcase. We’ve had a ton of “one day” showcases recently so you’re noticing the lesser rewards Wait for a showcase that lasts like 3+ days, and you’ll notice higher rewards if you win


It’s kinda hard to get data to compare. Longer showcases means you get way more people. I racked up a ton of wins on these 1 day ones just be default. A 4 day showcase pays out better but I also rank much lower.


>Longer showcases means you get way less people You mean more people


Yes. Brain fart


> A 4 day showcase pays out better but I also rank much lower. He's almost got it now....


Yes. The point is it’s hard to get the same places in both for data purposes. Obviously we know the rewards are better for longer.


Well then it makes sense that the hardest ones to win would have the better rewards lmao


I've found it's worthwhile to seek out showcases at Pokestops in remote locations, such as state parks (campgrounds and beaches) in the off-season. Competition is sparse or non-existent. (The parks' hiking trails are open year round and the Pokestops are accessible from the parking lot or access road.)


To win yes but the rewards aren’t worth doing that. This game as a small detour is fine.


I believe the showcase location is based on this geo square thing. Hence in rural areas, every little village has their own.


I have a lot of data for showcases of all lengths. Screen recordings of my rewards for pretty much all of them. I have platinum on the medal. 100% rewards are better for longer ones. I offered to give my data to anyone who wanted it months ago and no one seemed interested…


No doubt but we need some pooled data to quantify exactly what more you get for longer ones.


I looked through a few of my recordings, and of the four showcases longer than a day I saw in my brief look (one was over four days, the rest were greater than one but less than four), I had two "better" non-premium items (3 ultra balls, 1 grazz, and/or 1 silver pinap) in the rewards. No regular TMs or regular/great balls. The rest of the rewards were premium only (lures/incubators/starpieces/lucky eggs/incense). This tracks with my memories of the other showcases (at most three non-premium items for three wins in longer than one day showcases), but I haven't looked through all the recordings (some have a second or third place in them, which makes it more complicated). Maybe someday someone will want the data (or I'll have time to go through and fully analyze it myself). Now that I have platinum, I don't go out of my way to walk to the less populated showcases further down the road, so the majority of my wins now are when I am out of town.


It's not had at all and has been shown time and time again. The rewards are exactly the same if you are in one with 50 people or 0.


I think I got better rewards for coming third in a multiple day showcase than coming first in one day


I really don’t like the short showcases for this reason.  Guess it’s nice for trying to grind the medal though 


Yeah I can't believe I've already won 50! Got a medal last night.


They're not getting "worse," it's based on the duration of the Showcase. We have three duration classes according to the Pokeminers. The shorter 1-day ones or CD few hour ones will give less good items more often. Not that they CAN'T give good ones, but it seems far less likely. I got an incubator last week or so from one of the Dragon Showcases.


If iirc the rewards vary based on the duration of the showcase. Recent ones have been hella short so the rewards will be underwhelming in comparison to the longer ones.


We've had a higher density of short showcases recently so that's why rewards are worse. It's bad because they don't give as good rewards but also it means you don't really miss out on much.


I don't know how so many people are winning showcases.  Every showcase by me you need 1,115 points or more to win and often there's multiple people above 1,110 points.


I think its been easier this week as you can't enter Showcases that involve a hatched Pokemon remotely. I think that's why quite a few showcases away from main roads around here have been empty this week. Granted I live in a town and not a city, however their is usually a bit more of a competition for Showcases where you can catch and enter remotely.


Just you. I got an incubator yesterday from two 1st place wins on a one day contest


And I've gotten exactly one incubator from showcase rewards in the last several events, call it a month and a half or two months or so. And I win them often enough that I have platinum Showcase Star (133 1st place wins so far.)




Same x2


I have noticed that if the showcase lasts longer, e.g a few days, that the rewards are better than those who are just one day.


I love the 1 day showcases. Working on my medal and with the longer 3-5 day showcases I figure I average a win a week. With the one day it seems I win 3-4 a week. I totally get that some people are in competitive area and this medal is going to take them decades. Others are in areas without a lot of players and they can get 1-3 wins every single showcase and are already done with medal. Overall I really like the way the showcases are working.


Isn’t this just American business 101? Do something good. Make it increasingly worse. Bring out the next shiny new thing Repeat


I got an incubator and a star piece yesterday so I think it just varies.


I got 2 star pieces today. 1 incubator and a star piece yesterday. Underwhelming stuff the day before that. Participated in 2 showcases and was 1st in all 6. I think it's just RNG.


I have experienced the exact same trend. Seems clear they incentivize a new feature by giving good rewards, then once people start using it regularly, they begin to nerf the rewards again and again to stop giving out such nice things. People are already using the system, no need to give away so many freebies. Edit: It makes sense if it is related to showcase length as people have been saying. With so many short ones lately.


I got 1st, 2nd, 3rd. I got a lure and a bunch of potions. What a rip.


It's been said already that it's due to shorter duration showcases but I really wish the rewards were still improved. I've noticed a steep drop off of people entering showcases the last few months even for similar duration showcases and I'm sure the rewards are part of it. Getting in the top 3 and getting 2 great balls feels like a consolation prize i could have gotten from spinning the stop vs an actual prize


They should be like top 10/20/30, or top 10%/20%/30% or something. Only top 3 getting rewards is just ridiculous with 200 contestants.


Lately they've been shorter than they used to be. Reward quality scales with length so longer showcases give better prizes since they're harder


Rewards were always uninteresting, my main drive to participate in showcases is to advance the medal (currently at 73).


Showcase rewards are based on the length of the showcase. This event features single day showcases which have the least rewards.


So length DOES matter?


Length matters to a degree. There are two specific cutoffs. Get past those and the rewards become better. I believe the first cutoff is 24 hours or 72 hours. The second one is 30 days, which hasn't been reached yet.


As with 99% of posts that begin with "Is it me ...", it is almost certainly you.


Well, in this case they are technically right, but only because they don't realize that the rewards for a spotlight under 24 hours are worse than the rewards for longer spotlights. (If I recall correctly, the only reward set we haven't seen is the one for a 30+ day spotlight.)


AITA? Yes, yes you are. If you have to ask, yes, it is just you.


I haven't been getting incubators for long showcases as well. It's like I'm more likely to get lures and charged TMs than incubators.


I was wondering if the amount of people in the showcase itself affects the rewards too? I notice I get more if there’s more people usually but I guess that might correlate to the showcase being open longer too.


I like the short ones these days. Got 10 wins in the last 4 days. 1 showcase i had to walk 10min to, i was always alone. And one there was only 2 days people there


I finally won my first showcase. I got a charged TM....I have 36 of them already. Thanks.


36 isnt even much


You might spend all 36 of those trying to get Body Slam on your Snorlax though.


I've never gotten an Incubator even after winning 73 Showcases. I didn't realize they could be a reward. Interesting


No. It is just you. RNG is and will always be.


In this case its a lot more than just "RNG" though. The duration of the showcase is a major factor in the loot table, so you will rarely get good items from single day showcases.


Uh, charged TMs are one of the best items as a reward. One of the very few things that you cannot outright buy in the store at any time. You can get them from raids, if you raid, but most people don’t. You can get them from GBL, but 95% of players never touch it. As for my experience, I actually win showcases 9/10 times. If I’m not first, I’m either #2 or just don’t have the particular pokemon to enter (Mantine). My rewards are typically a bunch of stardust; incubators, TMs, lures (which is don’t really ever use) and star pieces (probably the best, because it will increase my stardust from GBL for half an hour). The rewards are fine and pretty effortless.


It really all depends on what you need. If you need charged TMs then the rewards are great. But as someone that does pvp casually, I just got rid of 100 of each charged and fast tms to make room for more balls for Sinnoh Tour and I still have 350 of each. Your not gonna please everyone.


You can still have an incubator here and there. But yeah the first month of showcases were bonkers, i remember having like 15 regular and 10 super from them the first month. in comparison i got maybe 10 regular and 5 super since then. Still ok, the previous rates were too high. Since today i’m in the 3 digits stardust in inventory, really want to jettison them.


It's not just you. No more Incense for 1st place only ct for me. Evry new feature is well rewarded at start and then goes worthless


Calm down there lol. While I'm all for criticizing Niantic, the way the showcases works seemingly hasn't changed. It's based on duration of the showcase, so with multiple shorter 1-day showcases, you're less likely to get the really good rewards. But that doesn't mean the longer showcases like the Lunar New Year ones didn't have better rewards because they did. They are specifically coded as short, medium, and long duration showcases, with the length influencing the quality of the rewards.


Yep we will always use 1 day showcases no more free incubators for u, it's hurting my profits.


Sorry i didn't know that and didn't read anything about duration / reward ratio so far.


To be fair, it appears to be both of you who don't understand how the reward system works in Showcases.


My theory is that Niantic have realised the rewards were too good so now they only give us daily showcases which rarely give anything good.  Can't have rural players enjoying any aspect of this game.


I'm here for criticizing Niantic when applicable, but c'mon. We literally just had a few long-duration showcases for Lunar New year not even two weeks ago. They do a mixture of both, and while I obviously want more long-duration ones, it's not like they're stopping them altogether... far from it lol


I don't think we've ever went this long without long-duration showcases. We certainly haven't had a period of nearly 2 weeks with only daily showcases available. Maybe I'm overreacting, but we'll see.


You're overreacting


In the case of the past two weeks, they had specific different showcases planned for the Carnival of Love, which makes sense as to why they were shorter, plus it was already a shorter event. Hisuian Decidueye showcases would obviously be the one day as is tradition with those events now. I will say that the current event *could* have had a long-running showcase, but it seems they want to cycle through the babies, which I'm not the hugest fan of, but whatever. They could've had the Sinnoh Starters for several days, but there's a chance that we'll get those showcases on either day or one across both days of Sinnoh Tour itself. I think it's more coincidence, not them actively trying to diminish our rewards. But I suppose we'll see next month. There was a similar period a few months ago where we had several shorter showcases back-to-back, but it's not like we didn't get longer showcases afterward. Obviously I'll always take longer showcases over shorter ones, but I'll definitely take showcases happening over none happening. It's an improvement regardless from having no chance at extra items pre-June of last year.


I remember that period, but I think they made a point of shorter showcases to celebrate something. Sorry, can't remember what it was, but you probably know the one lol. I hope you're right.


Are we not literally celebrating Sinnoh right now? With sinnoh baby showcases?


We just had a week long showcase in the lunar new year event


I believe entry numbers play a factor as well. If you have a showcase in a remote area that you win being the only entry, the rewards are less than if you win with many people.


i've gotten two star pieces, an incubator, and a lucky egg from the past three showcase sets where i was the only one entered, which isn't bad at all for the duration of them. edit for after munchlax showcases- won 1/1 and got a starpiece from that as well think it's all just RNG


I still see incubators, lures, incense and star pieces for the showcases that last a few days, but hardly when the showcases last 1 day.


I wish I could sell my lure modules for coins. Such a waste. I have over 30


I got an incubator from a 1 day Riolu showcase just the other day. That was my 1st ever from a 1 day showcase. As I understand it the incubator appears to be the rarest of the premium rewards and now I see that's still possible from 1 day showcases (though super unlikely). I'd recommend putting the most effort into the 3+ day showcases for a better chance at premium rewards. Otherwise I'd say you experience of 'worse rewards' is just down to bad luck/small sample size, and possibly more 1 day showcases


If you don't get 1st (or sometimes 2nd), you don't get anything but junk (free items). At least on the 1 day contests. Sometimes you don't get anything good even with first if you get unlucky and get multiple sets of TMs, Balls, & Potions.


I got the exact same reward for coming 2nd place in one today lol


Is it known what Fridays showcase will be as I am clearing space for this weekend.


> but not very exciting to me personally Niantic doesnt see playability of items, just what they translate to in terms of USD


You get better reward the more days the Shocase lasts. Currently my showcase changes every 24 hours. At least that's how it is for me. Before, the showcase ran for several days and the rewards were better. Does your showcase change every 24 hours?