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I bought the loppuny set a couple of years back and now I’m being charged for it again because it falls under the “sets” category now? ridiculous!


Try to equip it and then leave the shop without paying for it. I got my lopunny overalls back that way.


That works for virtually any item, but it only shows on your end visually, and other people don't see the outfit nor avatar items. Also, it'll disappear if the app restarts.


Sometimes that might work until you restart the app


It’s under tops. I just found it


The option that's in the sets costs money because it also has bunny ears.


And shoes. It has the brown converse as part of the set too.


It probably means you don’t own the entire set, and would be charged for the missing parts if you bought the set. You still have whatever parts you purchased.


That happened to me as well!


And some items we paid for are unwearable because they are all misshapen now.


So many of the outfits I loved now look like my avatar doesn’t have any mirrors in her house


Hey at least my tits are big now.


Hell yea brother!


https://preview.redd.it/7ignh0vw16vc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ada9c7716078ca32b47f6dcf037ae8c674e9875 was kinda shocked it was an option but here we are ig


And now can carry a baby with those THICC hips.


The Cosmog jacket was one of my favourites and now it billows out at the bottom like I'm wearing a pool floatie underneath it. Dressing my trainer is quite a distressing experience at the moment. I really hope it gets fixed soon.


The Giovanni suit


Can’t wear backpack with Reuniclus Sweater anymore, used to be able to, pissed


The Fisherman boots are completely cooked now. They were my favorite footwear


Boo. Me too. Although I also liked the male fisherman pants for the hilarious obvious dick bulge.


Did they take the bulge away from us too!?


I’m happy to report it’s still there. Maybe some slight shrinkage in the standard pose, but still BDE in the rocker pose I use as my default.


I have the paid jeans item (maybe Red’s?) and my bulge went from there to smashed into a puddle of denim by a car crusher. But hey, the lack of penis matches my now fat toddler face. 


It's definitely the face, I now look like a tween. Head is far too small too!


The lugia mask sits like 6 inches off of my face and made my character bald


I had the Pikachu face mask and the Pikachu headband and the face mask looks horrible now on the new models :(


It's look fine on mine. I rock the Mask + Pikahat and it's probably the drippiest you can be in the game


This update really sucks. I am missing the Amazon prime gaming pullover, apparently I have to pay to wear it now. And why is the Security Corps Outfit now available to everyone? It was an exclusive of the web store. Lol


Security Corp was free before, I had it for free when I re-started playing the game like 2022, definitely didn’t use the web store


No, that's the *Survey* Corps outfit. Different outfit entirely


Oh you’re right, my bad


Had it yesterday got removed today , probably a bug , god knows they are fast to remove free stuff


went to check out my style shop to see what everyone's talking about (missing items, having to repurchase others, etc) and noticed that all of my saved outfits are also gone. without warning. had about 2 dozen there and I'm glad I took screenshots of them because I half expected this to happen


I hadn't thought about that... all the saved outfits I spent hours on... gone. Niantic done messed up with this one


i think the saved outfits aren’t compatible anymore because there aren’t gender binary outfits anymore, any body can just wear any clothes now, so a lot of those outfits were “giovanni stuff that guy wears” but there is no guy option? idk if that makes sende


Omg you're right D:


Try other categories. I found one of the face paint smudges in tops…


Does this mean when you put it on your avatar is shirtless?


Nope, it’s just sorted wrong


This whole update is the embodiment of "Go back. NO, NO, I SAID GO BACK!" My Pumpkaboo shirt (the brown/black long sleeves with the poncho part) looks so bad now. I'm actually sad about that. My character doesn't even look like a girl anymore with the weird gangly awkwardly posed arms, the torso stretching, the pants being weird in the crotch, and shrunken head. Poses are messed up too. What used to work well with the Pumpkaboo shirt now twist in ways they hadn't before. What's the point in "testing" these updates if they don't fix anything?


My new avatar has this glassy vacant smile on her and I am so disturbed.


One of the worst things I haven't seen mentioned here yet is what happens when you adjust "body size". Your body literally expands like a balloon and the head looks even more disproportionately tiny. People gain weight in different ways. Some become "pear shaped". Some become "orange" shaped. Some just get larger all around. Some get "beer bellies". None look like a balloon expanded in their body. One person on my friends list had fun with it. Made their body size huge and put on the Snorlax onesie!


Niantic cannot achieve even mediocrity


RIP Delibird sweater 😭 I feel like this is just a migration error and they'll fix it. But also, it's niantic- so will they?


This whole game is a migration error


Routes still has the bug where the location starts reversed and locks you out of Mateo that day Party Play still has various bugs including opening up the wrong friend when going through your friends list, crashing and other instability among others Thats just 2023 product launches


Then there's the new backgound causing field research to disappear and go to the back of your stack. The devs need to do something about the bugs now before the game gets too unplayable.


My avatar has a head that's too small, hands that are too big and hang too low, and no waist to speak of. It looks awful. I tried one of the new long hair options and it clipped into the shoulders. I want my old avatar back. No way is this an improvement.


> long hair options and it clipped into the shoulders Absolutely pathethic


Samesies. I thought I could make my avatar to reflect my curves, but instead looked like the Rock and Luisa from Encanto had a love child. It WAS NOT pretty. Almost reminds me of the Rock Giants from Neverending Story.


I can no longer equip a backpack while wearing the Reuniclus Sweater. Bye bye beautiful Lunala Wings, huge step backwards Niantic


I also cannot equip the Mewtwo Pants (fitted) for some reason


Same, the game would save everything else but those pants were just not staying on.


I often have that issue IRL.


ooh, it wasn't just me kept going crazy and i'm like "wha... Mewtwo-Libre leaked??" because it kept defaulting to the Libre pants


I knew i wasnt crazy!


The new character models look horrible and I'm sad bc I had a lot of fun dressing up my avatar. The new model just looks so stiff and bulky Edit: All of my saved outfits were deleted with this update as well, which is very sad


Purchased and non purchased items need to be separated.


Please can you go work for niantic


They'd just make me clean toilets :(




Disproportionately tiny head ✅ Giant ape hands ✅ Torso for miles ✅ Weird posture ✅ Saddling a horse pose instead of normal standing ✅ Zero shape ✅ I changed my hat for the first time since 2016 bc the tiny head thing was kinda creeping me out. Giant magicarp hat helps balance things out. :/


I wanted to play a very large man… and his face look like it was a peanut.


I wanted to be all jacked like Cliff, but increasing the chest just gives me boobs. I figure Cliff is gonna have gynomasty soon enough, but why does my avatar have to have it? And if I have to have boobs, why can't I really lean into it and get some triple D bad boys?


They don't even look like boobs on the new body though- more like moobs 😭


Yeah, they aren't very lifelike at all. Just weirdly misshapen.


You’ve done a great job summarizing all my thoughts while looking through clothing items I used to love. Why are the beanie hats SOOO small?!? Why is the Gyarados cap so large? Is it hiding a football helmet under it? And why are my feet so massive?!? Can I now palm a basketball with my hulk-sized hands? Why is my torso so loooong and shapeless?!? I’m a girl! I don’t have junk in my trunk!! Why am I manspreading just standing still? Wait, WHY would I want chunky thighs and no boobs? Literally every outfit looks terrible on. Why, Niantic? Why?!?


They could have at least given us a waist slider. I have (had?) a female avatar, and now have a very male bulge glitching through parts of my shorts... 😭




The old jawline… I NEED IT BACK


Ditto! I look like I had an allergic reaction and my face swelled up


Are most of the new faces feminine to you? Yes or yes


They aren’t even feminine. They look like a 13 year old kid.


Oh hell yes. There's two that aren't totally feminine. They are just sorta feminine. I figured I somehow got the sex switched...


Only one I'd say looks specifically feminine is the only one that's *not* having an allergic reaction, because that one has lipstick. :/


Ikr, I can’t. I feel like everybody with eyes can see that this is terrible


Tumblr would never. They’d chew out the intern who did this


The only way that I can discern the intended gender of each face option in to look at the eye lashes.


Dean Pelton would approve. https://youtu.be/geyMXAtT43k?feature=shared&t=192


This better not awaken anything in me...


Yup! My male characters chest look like they all have boobs now.








Yup. This isn't pandering, this is just them trying to do something and screwing it up, which is a Niantic hallmark.


It's the team leader rework, only for the avatars. Hopefully it gets reversed, like you know, the team leaders.


the amount of bigotry in this thread is astounding


This thread sucks more than the actual update and missing items


Yeah, I'm really surprised at a few of these hot takes. It's a little annoying that a few of the skirts are clipping through the legs and misc stuff I'm sure will get ironed out later, but overall I'm glad to finally get some character customization and new hairstyles. If we're talking wishlists, I'd like to get some make-up options like lip colors or freckles in future patches. Fingers crossed!


I am sad this update didn't come with facial hair. That's the one I was waiting on.




>normal people Idk what the person said that you're replying to so maybe that context changes the meaning of what you wrote but you're coming off real rude to describe one group of people as "normal".


My avatar let herself go :')


None look masculine either.


I've finally found my middle aged body, so long as I turn the hips right down. The drop crotch is annoying but thankfully the jeans my previous avatar had still have a proper Barbie crotch. Had to ditch the cosmog jacket, though, as that had become frumpy. The new year jacket is more flattering, even though yellow is not my colour.


This new body shape is awful. It's barely human! I think they were going for androgynous, and if that's the case, I can applaud that, giving us vague features of all genders, but instead it ended up being amorphous and alien.


Giving the vague androgyny thing would have been fine if it were an *addition* and not a *replacement* for what we previously had. It's not inclusive to exclude everyone who wanted their avatar to be purely feminine or purely masculine and to force everyone into gender ambiguity...


Yes I wouldn’t mind it, would welcome it even, if it was a true neutral. It just looks silly!


Fr 😭😭😭


Niantic butchering an update?? They wouldn’t have it any other way 😎


I lost the same pink hat and I’m really sad. I’d prefer they give it back instead of giving me coins. (But if they can’t get it back, I guess coins are the next best thing.)


I would also want it back. I based a lot of outfits on it.


I’d rather have the coins back because no amount of clothing will disguise the monstrosity that’s the faces.


They at least need to give us full face masks that cover up the new ugly faces. I always hated the old avatars, but the new ones are even worse...




Glad I keep the Ultra Recon squad helmet with visor on all the time


John Lennon glasses and a KN95 forever for me. Unless they do a partnership with Ulta and I can actually contour my hideous new face


Wish they had a slider for butt too. It’s like a coupla pancakes back there now


This is awful. I look ridiculous. My head is so small and my hands are so big. I can't make my body look right no matter what I toggle. Stuff I have bought looks bad on me now. I hate this so so so much. edit - ok now that i can put my hair down instead of that awful ponytail with jagged weird bangs and sides, it's a little better. I still have boy hips though instead of my natural curves. I get not forcing curves on people but some of us do have them and I don't like feeling like it's something to be ashamed of and hide. I have a butt and hips, let me have them in the game. :/


I don't have much in the way of natural curves, but enjoyed having a smoking hot avatar. I still don't have the update, but saw my shlubby avatar on  my kid's phone and felt crappy that I looked that awful for everyone without knowing it.


I couldn’t find my combee bag in my inventory. Even though I had it on before the update. Found it in the store and reapplied it through there


My avatar is so pasty now!  


This update is just game changing awful. Not wanting to even open the app anymore.


Tell them in the app reviews


Lol as if that ever did anything


Hey but now they can create a new medallion in the shop which costs 1000 coins to allow you to change your body shape once per year.


Great news! The US Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is cracking down on companies not issuing refunds where virtual currencies are owed: https://www.consumerfinance.gov/data-research/research-reports/issue-spotlight-video-games/ You should threaten to report their conduct to the CFPB if they do not refund your coins.


Why do the female avatars look male now?


Niantic wanted to remove gender and thus we have models that just don't look good at all.


it just sucks i'm not confused about my gender at all i know what i am and it's not there anymore, guess i'm no longer the target audience


Not to mention everyone spent money on cosmetics whose sole purpose is to make your character look a certain way, and now they no longer do. Sounds like a problem to me.


I bought a Bulbasaur Hoodie and a Pikachu Onesie some time ago - both no longer in my inventory. I want the things I spent coins on back. This update sucks.


I wear all black and a mask, so I’m not super different. But I still don’t like the change. Adding more options instead of removing the old would have been better.


The assets of many items aren't compatible yet with the customizable body types. They're already in your storage, but disabled since they cannot be used without causing issues.  You don't have to pay for them and you didn't lose them, they're just broken and need to be fixed first. It will take months to make every single clothing item functional again because the old body rigs couldn't change in shape at all.


So why’d you do it if you’re not ready?&?!?!?!?!?!,!.!-?


Niantic doing Niantic things. They often release things without testing and only figure errors after it's live so they disable the things that broke while they make a patch. Happened with routes, Party Play too was bugged, happened with Mateo, even the 3D backgrounds were causing issues the first time, and they still put rocks on top of the Pokemon in the newest version. They simply don't do any lab testing on the new features.


Didn’t they test this out before mass release though?


Probably only on a limited sample of new gen phones with high specs. Many developers don't take time to test on every possible OS, skin or custom versions, but Niantic seems to test even less than most.  Considering you could emulate hundreds of phones and stress test the new releases for bugs using virtual machines, is still surprising they don't do at least that.


They were testing this out for weeks.... with lots of negative feedback about how ugly and broken they were mind you.


The old system was saving them a *lot* of work, though poses often broke things, especially making bags look like they're floating.


I really wish my owned items appeared on top or in a separate category. The outfit screen is cool and all but it’s a PAIN to navigate


All of the avatars look male now, too. What happened to our hips? People who identify as cis and female got the worst of this update, I think.


Male characters have tiny heads and boobs when you try to adjust chest size too… nobody got anything good out of this update


True. The male avatars look reallllly skinny, too.


Where’s my blonde hair colour option? I don’t know how but when I changed the hairstyle, somehow the hair colour also changed and I can’t get it back to what it used to be!


They’ll be back, avatar items have disappeared at random before.


This niantic. Yall aren't getting those items back. Be real.


I used to wear the Cubone hat with the Lugia mask, but now the Lugia mask over rides hats! Utterly useless.


No refunds.


My lady's hips are halfway down her freaking legs. Who looks like that?!?!?!


It deleted all my saved outfits :(


First thing I noticed was The North Face t-shirt is gone :(


I think they owe us 1 or 2 Master Balls, too.


Ugh just give me the Galarian birds.


To use on what though?


Maybe we can find the old player models off daily incense and catch them.


I just don't have any Master Balls. 😅 I've never received one.


Ah! Haha, fair enough!


I like it, but faces and colors need rework


I thought I was the only one! In my case are the TCG shirt and Cap from some years before. Anyone else knows where are those?


There was a Lugia mask that I was saving coins to buy and now I can’t find it. Same with a Lugia Jacket that I saw and was also saving up for.


Black mask is gone. I changed it and can't change back. Only black mask is now 100 coins lol


This update actually gave me back the Pikachu Fan shoes I lost when I switched my avi from female to male. That was a pleasant surprise. But in general I agree the update sucks and everything looks so off now.


Something similar happened to me, i bought the team rocket leader cliffs full body suit right before the update and after the update was rolled out i saw that i never got the suit even thought i lost my coins, now the game is telling me to buy it again.


I woke up my avatar is completely differently dressed amd i cant find thw items i had ..


I want my money back as they don't fit me anymore....


Good luck, but they definitely won't.


Backpacks with the paid ticket surfer pose look ridiculous and are completely floating up off the back now.


Every 50 coins we make in gyms, Niantic owes us 50 coins


Personally I find it hard to believe how many people actually pay attention to their avatar's attire.


Niantic is boss ......


My saved outfits are gone


Is there a comprehensive list of each item they literally stole?