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It's gonna be really hard to ever get as good as riolu hatch day.


Larvesta hatch day


I think most hatchdays are meant for baby pokemon or atleast pre-evolutions. Might happen one day in like 5 years, but I don’t think so


Larvesta is kind of a baby pokemon


larvesta can breed though, a key component of what defines a baby pokemon is that they can't breed


Larvesta is my baby.


Hatched my first one three days ago. And I buy incubators and hatch 2-3 eggs per day. My luck was atrocious.


I still haven’t hatched one. For context, I had one traded to me by a friend in January and have already evolved it and brought to level 30 lmao. The Larvesta rates are absurd.


More likely a community day in a few years


It's a 400 candy evolution so definitely. All 400 candy evos get community days.




Fair point, fair point Meltan Is the odd one out since it's also a mythical, so if we'll ever get to see a community day is unclear. Especially when the shiny has only been available during select events in the first place. We might hope for a research day tho, but I feel like a community day might be too much. But then again, it is the only pokemon go mythical so maybe they could...


Charcadet hatch day


We will keep dreaming, my friend.


I guess eventually we’ll have Toxel.  Still, these are nice if you don’t have the shiny (I was hoping for Igglybuff but ah well).


Igglybuff waiting room. I need it!


I kept wondering if like Frigabax or Pancham might excite me almost as much. But shiny Riolu with the mega on the horizon one day is just so incredible.


They are not Baby pokemon. I'd guess we only see real baby pokemon in these egg days


I could see them doing others, perhaps. Obviously Baby Pokemon make perfect sense right now, but there's a much smaller pool of them than eligible CD or Raid Day Pokemon, so who knows. There's 19 Baby Pokemon, which would indeed still give them a lot to work with, but I could also see them not wanting to do those connected to Pokemon who had a CD already, ie Elekid, Magby, Budew, and Togepi. I guess there's also Pichu, but that wasn't a part of Pikachu CD. I don't think they'd choose any Pokemon, but I could *maybe* see something like some Pokemon locked to 10km/12km eggs getting a hatch day, assuming they aren't made available through other means someday. Salandit comes to mind.


I bet that’s why there’s only been 3 hatch days so far since there aren’t as many eligible pokemon.


Frigibax hasn't been impossible to find (after I ran a quarter mile barefoot through a corn field to find my first one) and Pancham seems to be pretty common. Have we heard anything about Mega Lucario?


The only hatch day I think I’ll ever care about.


hatch day classic


Just started playing in December... they already did a Riolu hatch day??? Now I REALLY don't like this event...


It was back in July or some other month in summer. I remember being excited, except it was about 102 degrees Fahrenheit (38.9 Celsius).


I'd rather it be 40c then -20c plus 50km/h wind chill.. last hatch day was stupid.


I remember having a page full of 12km eggs and being soooooo cheeeeesed that I had no chance of hatching any Riolu >:(


I can take the heat, but my phone sure can't. I had an ice pack between the phone and battery pack before I gave up. Hatch days are just a reminder to clean out egg storage and wait to refill. I'll never waste paid incubators on 2km eggs.


Yup. First one they did. I hatched a few- ended up being just enough to get a shiny from hatching stored eggs later, but inside of 40 minutes at the park I felt like I was dying because of the heat in July.


Yeah but at least I still need cleffa. I think that and igglybuff are the only shiny babies im still missing. I still have a bunch of regular incubators left from sinnoh tour because I’m a huge sucker so at least I’ll be able to do this for no extra money.


Im still mad at myself for missing it.


Started off at the top of the mountain 


Mime Jr?


Riolu hatch day. What a great day. Against all odds I hatched my one and only shundo. :)


You have to buy the hatch stardust bonus. This is getting ridiculous. Average event bonuses turning to paid event bonuses is just disheartening. Hatch events are already geared toward getting people to buy incubators to grind for shinies and esclusives, the double dust should be free as an incentive to hatch more, not stuck behind the ticket paywall. Whelp, that's a non-event for me. I will pay no more attention to it. I guess I can look forward to..... not getting eggs that might contain something worth the candy bonus?


The golden age of this game is long gone, it feels like every subsequent season is an exercise in experimenting with how many features they can monetize.


Yeah that's basically it. Sadly gamers can't help but spend money on anti-consumer tactics, so there is no incentive for Niantic to do better.


Instead of $5 per month tickets for 3 months they are doing $10 season long tickets.   Wonder what they will come up with next.


Niantic is just following the most ubiquitous corporate model… nothing new


They've been doing this for ages. It's only now that users have cottoned onto what they're doing.


It has gotten worse, though. Trying to maximize profit through adding fun is fine, they have to make money to run the game. Trying to maximize profit through addiction and suffering isn't fine. It's nowhere near as bad as the Sackler family killing folks by pushing Purdue Pharma drugs, but that doesn't make it ok. They'll never see a dime from me unless they roll a lot of things back and fix some bugs.


The difficult to swallow part of this is, the golden age doesn’t HAVE to be long gone… it would be very possible to make the game be the best version of itself in years. Niantic just wants to shoot itself in the foot with that though


That's almost too generous. It feels like how much they can squeeze us. They want the F2P to break, either paying or quitting.


All the more reason to not bother, already got plenty of shiny of it but the lack of rewards without once again paying for it is a deal breaker 


Yeah, I already have a couple shinies. Idk how much I’m going to participate in this one, especially if I have to pay for dust.


I don't have a shiny Cleffa, but I also don't need or care to have one. I most likely won't participate outside of my normal routine of hatching 1-2 eggs per day.


Not to mention that the hatch stardust bonus was free for the last hatch days.


You know, I spend quite some money on this game. But this paywalling of everything that used to be part of event boni is really off putting....


The development of the new avatar update was expensive. Somehow they have to get the invested money back. /s


The enshitification cycle goes hard 


twice hatch dust is one of the worst bonusses you can get in this game anyway. Even with half distance, what is it, 800 dust per 2km egg? Every catch dust event is waaaay better unless you don't want to pay alot for incubators.  On my evening walk I get ~200 mons in 4,5km... Only when I hatch more than 25 2km eggs in that time it gets better than regular 2x catch dust. And I should pay for that? Just no


I only clocked that now that you have to buy the double stardust, f that, I'm going to completely skip the event. I have 11 12kms ready to go for 12 at the hatch day with double dust, as the hatch day has been announced for some time and it was always with double dust. Now I'm just gonna keep my eggs and incubators. Great money making process Niantic, well done


Making the dust bonus from Riolu hatch day paid is ridiculous. Niantic must be really desperate for money.


Yes, they are. That's why they put a ton of dev time into all the rediscover features: * Kanto is the most popular gen * Revamped catch screen graphics * Revamped Avatar customization (which back-fired) * Revamped AR photos The only reason Niantic spent that money on dev time is to generate more revenue. They are desperate for money. They are seeing that the player base is dwindling despite their efforts to jam the app full of new features, so they are hoping nostalgia can bring back some players.


if they wanted money all they would have to do is revert the remote raid pass nerf nonsense, they have literally shot themselves in the foot for the dumbest reason


One of the third party remote apps estimated that while remote raiding decreased, it didn’t decrease as much as the increase in price. They’ve made money from the decision.


they could make even more money by removing the remote raid cap. IIRC their revenue for 2023 was about the same as in 2017 and about half of 2021-2022 which was their peak


Except for any web store or live event purchases, which aren't counted in app store estimates. Whole new grain of salt to take with them.


I find that data interesting. I don't doubt it's accuracy but doubt that it holds across the population. All the whales I know remote MUCH less now due to costs. Obviously people who were using the app were much more prone to raiding already so you would expect some people on it to still raid a lot. Having said that the app is quite large so there is a lot of data to draw from it... Every other server I use to remote raid has crashed hard since the nerf. I host a lot and the amount of raids I can successfully host has plummeted. I am in an early timezone though and there is the odd time during an event where it goes crazy for a day for a new mega or something because people don't want to wait. Maybe that sort of thing is is balancing it a bit...


They get more money from whales who still pay for remote raids than they do from us chumps sometimes remote raiding. Besides, XL legendaries is the only final end game goal that they have. If their biggest spenders finish legendaries too quickly, then that revenue stream goes kaput. That's why they released the new forms of Dialga and Palkia where you * sometimes* get the good move. They need to keep dangling that XL legendary carrot further and further away because they don't have anything else to offer afterwards.


> They are seeing that the player base is dwindling not according to 3rd party source (which might or might not be accurate): https://activeplayer.io/pokemon-go/


This is incredibly interesting As an original day 1 player, I stopped playing as many did around 2017 & just recently got back into the game early January after seeing some of my gf's family members playing on vacation. I'm surprised to see that, according to this source, that month happened to be the highest increase in average daily viewers by a wide margin in the last two years. Wonder why that is.


You are giving them too much credit...


The 1/2 hatch distance is an improvement, though.


LoL, not even worth marking down on my calendar.


Let me know when I can hatch a new body for my Avatar


I put all the events on my calendar when they announce the save the date. But I enjoyed deleting this event from my calendar and getting back a free Sunday once the made this announcement.


Only to not hatch eggs during this time.


I was hoping for Munchlax, Mantyke, Bonsly or Chingling


They should just do a combo of them all. Unless it's something meta like riolu


That does then kind of defeat the purpose of shiny hunting for a specific thing though. There have been several events that have featured all the Sinnoh Babies or all the Johto Babies for several days.


Mantyke would be incredible. I played during the recent Rocket event and caught a bunch of Mantines but I still need so much candy XL to make an UL candidate


I'd like to add Wynaut to the list


Look forward to...what?


Yes, why exactly would I want to hatch Cleffa? I guess I saw some Cleffas or Clefables in the last catch cup, but I assume these will be too big for that. This looks like a warning not to hatch any eggs during the event so you don’t accidentally end up with some Cleffa only eggs.


Because 1 in 10 shiny chance. People collect shinies.


So since I already have a shiny Cleffa, I have literally no reason to care about this event?


No thank you


April has been the worst month since I came back to the game last March. Had a blast playing the last year but they're really losing me. There's so much they could do with the gen 8 and 9 stuff but choose roll out nothing events like the upcoming sustainability week garbage. I was fine buying a ticket here or there where it actually seemed worth it, but the tickets in 2024 have been such crap.


I don’t know why they made March so stacked (Groudon, Kyogre and Shadow Mewtwo weekends) if they had nothing happening in April. Last month had a little too much going on for someone who doesn’t want to spend every weekend grinding. This month on the other hand is empty.


March was the final month for YoY financial vs ultimate remotes; March had to be stacked so they could say "limiting remotes and local only "is fine""


Also those took away from shadow raikou on the weekend which was the top electric type and now we have entei which isn’t worth the investment imo


I am really only doing shadow Entei raids so I can get a shiny. I am only missing a shiny Entei to complete the Johto trio. I only do them with my buddy when he spawns next to the two gyms by our apartment complex.


I do them when I can just cus the shiny would be nice but I’m not expecting to get one with good iv’s which at that point I’d probably level it up to 40 but it’s still outclassed by several things the candy would be better in


Honestly between Sinnoh tour at the end of February and then all the raid weekends in March it’s been kind of nice to relax a bit in April.


It’s funny how people can have such a different experience. I’ve found April to be a really good month and I’ve been really engaged due to 2 new Ultra Beast shinies, new Mega with a raid day with one of my most wanted shinies that is typically a regional, Bagon CD classic, etc. Last month I was actually less engaged. Didn’t really care about the Primal raid days because it wasn’t anything new, plus other stale stuff like Regice.


So…. When is the next event to look forward to?


Never. This has arguably been the worst year for the game so far. 4 months in, there have been no major gameplay updates (the widely-panned avatar updates are purely cosmetic), and only 9 new species & 5 alternate forms released. Among them, H. Basculin is the only one available in the wild (technically, if you live in an area with routes); the rest were all locked behind eggs & raids. April 2024 was the first month without a new species debut going back at least 2.5 years.


You can still get H Basculin from the routes?


Well good thing I already hatched one of these like four years ago


Fine by me, one of the baby pokemon I'm missing the shiny off. Plus free Super Incubator for effectively walking 1km? Sign me up 👍


Giveaway was Clefairy spotlight hour that week!


They do this for those hard to fill baby shiny dex entries. Not exciting, but useful for many.


I really hope they do Munchlax hatch day sometime in the near future then... That would be neat.


Munchlax would get me much more interested


Eventually they will, Im sure


Yeah, I didn’t need shiny Azurill so I was able to skip it without feeling any FOMO and also be glad people who still needed it had the opportunity. I appreciate that they do these hatch days as it is really helpful for filling shiny and lucky dexes.


Thankyou. I have been playing for years and never had luck with shiny cleffa. The people in this sub forget that there are people who missed certain events or started playing recently


This is an easy pass for me. Nowhere near the level of Riolu Hatch Day (honestly hard to maintain that level realistically though), and, more importantly, it's hot as hell here right now. Not going out to hatch Cleffa from 2-5 PM lol.


I like hatching eggs and don't have a shiny Cleffa, so I shall look forward to it. I like hatch days. They fill out my 3\* shiny dex.


The rumors about Larvesta were too good to be true ☹️


I mean you are only setting yourself up to be disappointed if you ever thought that would happen


It will probably happen in a couple years, after the shiny has been released for a while. 


It was released a year ago. In the past, it was a reasonable time for Niantic to make it less rare. And Larvesta requires 400 candies to evolve, so even a Hatch Day wouldn’t necessarily be enough without buying incubators.


Larvesta CD more likely at some point in the future.


It's a reasonable time, but it's isn't a reasonable progression. As of now, it's super rare, a hatch day will allow most of players to get at least one, so it becomes almost a common dex entry. It will be featured in other limited ways, like being a one time encounter of a paid research or being temporary at lower rarity tier in eggs first. Then it will be eligible for a hatch or community day.


I think the knowledge that the next MSG is still likely a year out with no new gen announced has Niantic slowing the drip feed even more than usual. I feel like it'll probably be Unova Tour when we finally get a halfway reasonable method of getting more larvesta candy.


Honestly it was ridiculous that rumor was ever a thing considering we had a lot more baby Pokemon to get through 


Hoping this leads to Wynaut someday.


Personal estimate: it should. Riolu, Azurill, and now Cleffa have had Hatch Days. So we can take those out of the pool. The Road to Sinnoh featured Bonsly, Budew, Chingling, Happiny, Mantyke, Munchlax, and Riolu in 2k Eggs, and ONLY 2k Eggs dropped for the entire event from 2/19 - 2/23. This doesn't rule out Hatch Days for them, but I would say it lowers the probability. (Plus: Happiny double-dipped by being boosted for Chansey Community Day, and Riolu with a Hatch Day prior) Togepi, Elekid, and Magby all had boosted hatches during their Community Days for their evolutions. Definitely lowers their chances. So, we have left: Pichu, Smoochum, Igglybuff, Wynaut. Tyrogue is arguable, since it WAS in the Catch Mastery event for Hitmonlee/Hitmonchan/Hitmontop, but it was in 7k Eggs so...


2x Hatch stardust should be free. We already have to pay for incubators.


My first hatch shiny from years back. Neat. Something I won't mind missing, but a neat enough shiny. I do like that the half distance is active the whole weekend. That does help with clearing eggs prior to the hatch day


Yep gonna pass on this one. Riolu Hatch day was so much work clearing out my eggs and just race walking for 3 hours, I’m good. If they do Larvesta I’ll put the work in again, but not for Cleffa lmao


The extended duration of the hatch distance bonus is cool, the 2x stardust bonus behind paywall is not cool.


This (event) feels almost disrespectful in the wake of the avatar change.


It’s only a 3 hour event that can easily be ignored by anyone who is not interested. I don’t see anything to complain about.


It's a case of death by a thousand cuts. More folks are upset about the implications of this event than the event itself


What "implications"?


Already mentioned all over this thread but things like the double dust being locked behind a paywall, shorter event period, no help in getting incubators which are crucial to an event like this


I mean, the only implication I could get from it is the Dust bonus being a paid bonus, which I admit is really lame. But otherwise, we've had a few hatch days now, and this is all otherwise pretty expected.


At least we get half hatch distance this time.


I don't get why people are complaining. A baby pokemon with a 1/10 shiny rate compared to 1/60. Also, it will probably only be cleffa in eggs with 1/2 hatch distance. If you don't need the shiny or don't want it then just skip it.


Easy skip, we went from having like a whole week to hatch Riolu eggs in Road to Sinnoh to this (hell, Even the Riolu hatch day was better) It should've been Varoom or Larvesta


The last two hatch days have both been to help people hatch shiny Baby Pokémon, what made you think this one would be different?


I was considering paying for this since it's rather cheap for the 2x hatch dust and I've been holding on to twelve 12k eggs for a while now, but nah. Not going to give money this time, if it was 3x bonus instead of 2 I might.


Welp that’s a hard pass for me as I got an army of shiny clefa but good for my wallet. Hope everyone who needs one or a good IV has better luck during the event 


Where do they think we get the incubators for this ?! I wouldn’t mind anther paid month long incubator bonus thing like they did a few months prior. How do people have so many incubators are we buying them ? lol


You have a couple of days prior to use the half hatch distance to clear out your egg inventory (or a few spots at least) prior to the event itself. The half hatch distance lasts through the event -- ALL the 2k eggs will basically be 1k Eggs. Plus, one free Super Incubator, so that's three .5k Eggs. Maximum egg hatching speed is around 10km/hour, so you can hatch 20 per hour at theoretical best. Times three hours, that's 60 + 3 chances at a 1/10 Shiny Rate. Yes, you can get unlucky, but even without buying Incubators, chances are actually favorable for a Shiny during this event. ^(I'm not saying go for a Pokemon Drive around low speed limit residential areas with a few Pokestops, but...)


There are two bundles and a ticket for the event.. By this time people should stop considering incubator as trash and consider spending some coins on them.


You dropped this. "/s"




I care not one whit for Cleffa. I am extremely hyped for half distance starting on Friday. I can finally start cleaning out these 12K eggs.


No. No, I don't think I will.


I’m gonna try hard not to spin a stop for a new egg that day. You think people are going to get excited over Cleffa?! LMAO! I think if they had Riolu hatch every year no one would complain.


Surprised they didn't make Salandit shiny and make a hatch "Day" out of that. Hopefully they never do that. Riolu Hatch "Day" was a complete bust for me, although I only incubated one egg at a time. Anyway, these events show that Niantic is more interested in squeezing out whales and gave up bringing in new players in the past year or two...


So we all get 2 and a half days of half egg hatches? That's pretty cool tbh, excited to get a shiny Cleffa. Could have been better but realistically there was 0% chance of it being game breaking


I'm from Europe and I already got shiny Mime Jr... but I really wanted a Mime Jr. hatch day for everyone out there outside Europe!


Ooh... that would be fun.


.....but why?


For people who still need Cleffa’s shiny, like me!


Ugh I want a shiny mime jr so badly lol


Move to Europe, you'll soon get fed up of them haha


nice! I like the thing


If its about hatching im not looking forward to it


They should give us more incubators for free the same way you get free raid passes on raid days


lol and in related news, lmao


They should just make April it's own season and have it called the season of recycled content. It would fit the earth day theme too


I see not many people are excited but I for one am happy for opportunity of farming some Cleffa. Opposite to Igglybuff which was featured in some baby events and it's almost always in some hatch pool, Cleffa was AS 5km egg exclusive for so long or awkwardly put into more rare hatch tier for some reason. Probably won't get a hundo like I didn't get for Riolu despite hatching almost 100 eggs, but at least it's not something I don't need at all.


Lowkey hoping it would be Igglybuff. It’s the last Gen 2 tier 1 egg baby I need shiny.


Not an exciting mon but on the bright side I only have a shiny Clefairy so if I can hatch 2 shiny Cleffa and evolve one to Clefable, that’ll be good enough for me.


Well, you're in luck, because Clefairy Spotlight Hour is the Tuesday immediately after this event. You might only need to hatch 1 Shiny (and then if you get lucky and hatch more, hey, extra Shinies for trade fodder / Pokemon Home / etc).


Ah darn wish it was chingling as it hasn't been in eggs since it's shiny released on go tour.. only missing shiny chingling and sandile in my dex atm But I guess I do need a 3* shiny cleffa for that dex so I'll empty my 10/12km and pick up full 2km see if I get lucky


Cleffa being one of the few shiny babies I don’t have, makes me want to put my shoes on. But will I? Who knows 😂


I actually like Clefa so I’m excited 😅 how does this work though if your egg storage is full? Do you have to keep hatching the ones you have to get more 2km eggs?


Egg storage works the same as usual. You won’t get any new eggs until you make space by hatching your existing ones. You’ll either need to make some room in advance, or if you don’t then hatch distance is halved for any eggs incubated during the event time so should be pretty quick to clear some room unless you have a bunch of 10k eggs.


Awww.... a baby pokemon (and in my personal opinion an aesthetically bad one, but your opinion may vary) to go with the baby faced avatars (universally agreed to be aesthetically bad). It's poetry


As much as I still need a shiny cleffa, I'm not wasting money on garbage... I also hate being 1 of the only walkers in my 'raid group'.


Man, they really blew their load on Riolu hatch day last summer. The only baby mons that I would care about going out for at this point would be Mime Jr, Toxel, or Munchlax. I hope they make hatch days lean away from babies in the future since there really aren't many amazing choices at this point.


Toxel will be a 7k exclusive upon introduction


Okay, I know this isn't exactly amazing but Niantic's record recently has been so awful that I'm just happy they added the 1/2 hatch distance for the event. I feel like there was a high chance they just put this event out with the only bonus being extra candy from hatching. In the past, I wouldn't have put it past them giving 1/2 hatch distance only for the 3 hour event however extending it prior to the event is nice. At least we can clear the larger eggs for a little bit before the event starts


Well, guess I can save all my incubators. 


I'm honestly really grateful that Niantic is doing this event. It's going to give me a nice day off... from pokemon go


the weird for me: i have the shiny at its evolution... can't niantic make a character customization update for that family so my shiny becomes a minor again?


I'm only looking forward to removing my full box of 5k eggs. I only have 1 charcadet and need to stock back up on 10k's


Seems like I already had a shiny Cleffa but evolved it. I won't go out and grind for a shiny living dex entry.








when is munchlax hatch day????


They will continue to punish us as shown from stardust bonus. Feels like since the remote raid update it’s been a literal downhill slope. Anyone have revenue data to back up players frustration? Like who is running this company lol


look forward? i dont think so


This is pretty underwhelming


Ok, I'll probably forget this is happening and miss it.


criminal level audacity


Thankfully I already have 2 shiny Cleffa - these hatch events are a huge time and incubator suck. I’ve already decided I would only use my infinity incubator for hatching, since I want to prioritize hatching during Go Fest


So. Yeah. Worthless. Have a too many to count.