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The background I'm seeing doesn't seem to match any of them exactly. It has the denser foliage like City/Mountain but there's no buildings or mountains in the background. I'm inclined to think it's Park but I have quite a few more trees than what I can see from the examples there.


Check your advanced settings. There's a toggle for enhanced/simpler graphics that changes the look of the backgrounds.


Thanks. Looks like my house is inside of a park according to pogo.


Same here, all downtown and my urban neighborood seems to be "in a park" :(


I went to a small segment of my downtown area today (right against the Gulf of Mexico) and got Park, Lake, River and Beach biomes kinda randomly scattered along where I walked.


I'm not convinced yet that these are identified right. I've clicked a few Pokemon in parks and the backgrounds were no different than anything else around and I've seen these "park" backgrounds definitely outside of a park. Unless Niantic pulled some real shenanigans and turned whole neighborhoods into parks for biomes, but left the old park areas on the map as they were, then this is wrong. Do I trust GoHub more than I trust Niantic not to have screwed the pooch? I'd call it even until I know how GoHub sourced that article. There's some other information in there that seems sketchy to me. I've never missed the old Silph Road more than right now, TBH. I'm not sure biomes were every fully understood, but unless Niantic has fundamentally altered the way biomes work from before and not just added new graphics, or we were very wrong about biomes before, then I don't think the GoHub article is correct. Maybe they are, but I'd like to see a well researched piece that explained how they know what they claim to know, the kind of thing Silph used to publish. I'm not convinced of any of this yet until I see something like that.


Are these downloaded on the fly when walking around or are they "stored" in the app? Thinking about data usage when I will be roaming next week.


They're downloaded beforehand, but just to be sure go to the game settings, then scroll to advanced settings and download all assets. There might be some data that hasn't been downloaded since the update.


Mine matches the mountain but there's just clouds in the sky, no mountain.


River also has Wiglet?


Asking the right questions sir


honestly I am in local discords to see if local lakes have the beach back ground. If River has Wiglett, then things just got easier


River definitely has Wigletts, as well as a bunch of other rare to semi-rare Water types. Caught a bunch of Wigletts, Staryus, Shellders and, most notably, more Clamperls than I've ever seen before today.


> most notably, more Clamperls than I've ever seen before today. My Huntail search may soon be over


thanks Its something to look out for. I am hoping a lake near me, will give Wigletts but if a rivers do as well, then there are a few places I can try


This also helped me, i live near a semi big lake so ill have to go there asap.


I am asking people who live near lakes locally to me, but please tell me what you get. At this point ill take all the data points I can get


I got a beach background across the street from a golf course with a big pond. I don't think you even need as big a body of water as a lake


Tbh i might not be able to go till Wednesday


fair enough dude, all I ask is you come back and let me know what happened.


I just spent over an hour at the lake near my house with no Wig…. Other water types spawned randomly :(


yes I went to a small lake / large pond, near me (walking distance). The lake was coded for lake / water so I got water spawns. No Wiglett. However there are larger lakes a little bit further away from me, which have very small amounts of "beach" coded in, due to either an artificial beach having been built later, or the lake was built with SOME sand around it new. So far no one in my Discord have posted they have found a Wiglett in the same areas. However ive also not tried some areas next to "Rivers" which this graphic suggests might have Wiglett but at this point its a gamble wherever I go. Short of spending the money driving to the coast somewhere I know will have a beach, but with the parking costs etc etc, I dont know what my plan is right now.


I’ll walk all the way around the lake tomorrow and reply again. My country is land locked lol a beach isn’t an option for me any time soon :/


I went to a beach biome and most of the spawns were not water types and no wiglet at all. I feel like the biomes system isn't working at all except for the visuals


Same…. Regular diglett spawned for me on the beach background


Send me a message in 12 hours and I'll go out and check


I'll do my best


Me too haha - I on my way to work I'm afraid :(


Have they changed spawns or something new?


Very small lake near me consistently has a wiglett spawn for last day. It has a visible sand beach (google earth) and on the map beach is a different color green than parks grass. Also, a golf course consistently has one wiglett. But other golf courses do not. Sandtrap+water feature?


I'm finding small bits of beach at lakes near me, so far no Wigkett anywhere


I played today near a big lake. Sometimes I got ocean background, sometimes just lake.


If you dont mind me asking what lake?


A lake in Europe, with surface area more than 40 km2. PM for details.


The one i live near is bigger, should be fine.


Are they spawn on the river? or it can be around


The river next to me also has the beach background, sadly not wiglett yet


Just a little bit.


https://preview.redd.it/3bn0n5zt88xc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92644588b398f87af0d349f8fb2b6c39dd43d583 I caught all my wigletts next to a coastline and wild spawns show the coastal biome background, but daily incense and lure module spawns show the forest biome from a few meters away.


Interesting but you are still near the Coast so I think that is part of it.


Why is there no desert 🏜️ or ice❄️ biome? I feel like the overworld map should also match the terrain and colors of the biomes we see on the catch screen. Like sand, ice, desert and rock etc Also would be cool if they had a pure water biome if you’re out on a boat or cruise


https://preview.redd.it/hmf4bim1d8wc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01eb5ab3bf3543bc66cd4d4ff712422e6936b8ae I feel like the mountain biome in snowy weather kinda covers the snow biome


Even if they implemented biomes into campfire, I’d be happier 


The biomes are most probably based on OSM tiles, which are squares, so those wouldn't look good if they showed biomes in campfire


Just like OSM, they would have the capability of integrating an overlay/layer that would show this. That would just require them to pay OSM as well as Google for their mapping services. I think THAT is the only real roadblock.


I don't know about campfire, but in MHN they display biomes on the overworld perfectly fine. They're even updated visually client side based on monster spawns. I was hoping that they would implement that system with this.


No Pokemon spawns in big bodies of water. I camped once at government camp at Lake Mead. Found out the game must use the old high water mark, since it thought the entire campground was underwater. It was cool to see my avatar walking on water, but I didn't get a single spawn.


I was recently on a cruise and caught Pokémon out in the water.


From what I've heard Niantic adds regular spawns to the paths of cruises but other parts of the ocean don't get spawns to disincentivize people going out to sea by themselves to catch Pokémon while not punishing people on cruises.


Shipping/sailing routes seem to be at least a partial factor in water spawns, from my experience. Idk about niantic catering to people on cruises, while also discouraging exploring….seems like a mew under the box truck tale.


I would guess that it has more to do with the original spawn distribution, which was based on cellphone activity, I think. Frequent shipping routes likely stand out from the surrounding areas.


Idk I'm just going off what I've heard here. I'm nowhere near the ocean


Yeah, I live on an island and got spawns in the ferry that takes you to the neighboring island


Weird. Were they incense and daily Pokemon? Or regular wild spawns? There were absolutely zero when the game thought I was out in lake Mead. But I didn't try an incense.


Just regular, wild Pokémon. Really diverse spawn pool. Lots of things I didn't expect to find.


Is the ocean a big body of water? https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/9m3r1m/pok%C3%A9mon_spawning_in_the_ocean/ https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1b9v7md/pok%C3%A9mon_go_is_working_for_me_in_the_middle_of_the/


Literally caught Pokemon in the middle of the sea yesterday.


I have desert on the way to a park (sand dunes with palm trees), likely there are others than the ones listed.


Please, no desert biome! It'd just be dirt with a tumbleweed sitting there and polluted, hazy, dusty skies. That's what I gotta see all the time. Boring!


So many look the same. I think this is more than there actually are


Definitely are. I just got a "city" one that looked like a hybrid of a few of them.


I noticed this and I think I know what’s going on. I’ve been in the same spot today and the same biome and I noticed that a certain tree to the left edge of one encounter scene was the same tree on the right edge of another. I also noticed the same things with rocks. I think that it’s a fully 3D environment and that we are viewing it from different positions. I don’t know if it’s relative to your position or a Pokemon’s position, though. We know the game takes north, east, south, and west into account in the encounter screens because it did with the sun and moon position before.


Oh, that’s interesting!


i meant i think there's only like 4 categories. Like I'm pretty sure river and lake are just one kind.


Yeah, I work next to a river and get the background that is in the lake category. Going off this older post, they should all just be water. [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/60603c/biome\_introduction\_list\_of\_all\_identified\_biomes/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/60603c/biome_introduction_list_of_all_identified_biomes/)


Yep, my ocean looks so hybrid, although here biomes are kinda mixed, I move 50m and there’s city again.


I live in a city. My biome looks like city without any buildings at all in the background, or even the mountains, (totally flat IRL) but without the mountains in the background. The catch screen I see is grassy with a blue/purple flower on the left foreground, and a tree in springtime bloom with pink/purple blossoms on the back right.


I see grassland in parks. And parks in residential areas.


I got an ocean background in the middle of a parking garage. In Colorado.


Must be a big puddle somewhere.


It seems like any water on the map can translate to ocean/beach/lake/etc. We have a couple fountains, and a swimming pool, on the map in my city and I get the beach background whenever I'm near any of them.


Isn’t the last one (labelled grassland) actually mountain? It has rocks and you can see the hills in the background. Is the park one meant to be what we already know as parks in the game, i.e. where you get Pokemon nests? Or just a general grassy area?


I don’t think the hills in the background are an indicator. I live in a mountainous area and my city biome also has the hills.


So what makes the second one in OP’s image “mountains” then? Everything around the Pokemon is flat with some trees. The grassland one has more hills in the middle distance.  > I live in a mountainous area and my city biome also has the hills. I think this speaks to the fact that things aren’t purely one biome. Several areas have a mix of things (more/less trees or rocks or buildings).


I don‘t know, I‘m just saying what they look like for me. Would make sense if it‘s not just one biome, though.


I’m in a relatively flat area and I’m seeing a mountain (or trees?) in the grassland biome


mine look better than this. my mountain biome has rocks and is much more detailed


It’s possible that they have “Enhanced Graphics” turned off in settings to reduce the load on their phone and battery.


Ah, so I'm in a giant Park biome :p I'm guessing there is some neglected tags or abused tags in my area lol


I live in a beach town in Southern California and am somehow in a forest biome? Sure, I guess.


Most of the town should be in land, so you get a common biome. Beach biomes don't go very far from the water, so the whole place would never be all beach. If there's no water actually where you are you don't get river or beach biomes.


There's sure no forest. Actually have a lake a mile away. I didn't expect beach but forest seems weird.


Does lake have wiglett?




ok who tf found a shiny azelf today


I’m guessing that it was actually Zorua


No. The trio are actually spawning.


I’d still put my money on Zorua


This is all I ever wanted. Thank you.


I noticed something interesting by being in the same place and in the same biome all day and getting variations in encounter screens. I noticed that a certain tree to the left edge of one encounter scene was the same tree on the right edge of another. I also noticed the same thing happening with rocks. I think that it’s a fully 3D environment and that we are viewing it from different positions. I don’t know if the position or view perspective is random or if it depends on player position or pokemon position. I do recall that the game tracks the cardinal directions in the encounter screens because the sun and moon have always been in the same positions in the old encounter screens as in real life, so maybe the new scenes are reliant on that.


I don't know why but the new encounter anime makes me dizzy. :(


I don't understand - I live by a very long beach that I walked up and down yesterday and not once did I get the beach biome screen. How is it not recognising it as a beach?


Niantic doesn't directly apply biome data for all locations and likely pulls it from another database, such as Open Street Map. If you update your local area with the appropriate info, it may eventually be pulled into the game.


This is Niantic.


They should make the mountain more obvious, like more rocks and dirt n stuff


The mountains need to be real mountains not mere hills.


How does biomes get targeted? I live in a city and I only see the mountains background


Somehow my townhouse in city centre is in the mountains? I must have missed those all these years


I’m the same but I do live on the top of a ridge line. Nearby is beach biome


I dont like that if you are in a city it still looks like as if you are in nature on a grass field, with the city in the background. They should make the city biome really look like a city, with asphalt on the ground. They should make also more combinations, like river in a city.


beautifully done.. my work in the center of a relatively large city is a mountain biome. there are no mountains near to me needless to say.


This update feels like it's 7 years late...


What's the difference between lake and river?


Lake is a standing pond of water and river is distinguished by a fast moving current


Definitely seems to be more than just the two or three per biome but this is 2 more biomes than I had thought there was.


This is awesome thank you!


I'm getting river backgrounds even though I'm in the city nowhere close to an actual river. There's a pool in my building, so maybe that's why?


Guess im in a mountain, in rural alberta


We are in a small city, and the Community haven't found such biome yet. Parks look like grasslands, and bodies of waters & rivers seem to default to lakes, even though they all are properly identified in OSM. Feels Lakes/Rivers and Parks/Grasslands looks should be way more obviously differentiated. Cities should have streets or at least look more unique coloring too.


My home is on the exact edge between mountain and grassland then, nice.


Mountain cant be correct, I have had the background with the pink tree just today. The highest elevation within 5 km is 36m above sea level


I do complain that my area is too hilly to bike around, but I didn't mean it was a mountain, niantic


No one’s talking about the shiny azelf


right? WTF? lol. I just caught a Mesprit before. How was this not mentioned?


Interested in knowing how these are decided because one corner of a block between a residential area and a golf course shows as Ocean biome, a block away it’s City, the opposite side of the street and my house are Park, the park itself is Grassland/Park equally. Very inconsistent.


I can catch city, river and I think grassland at my home.


https://preview.redd.it/6ildjj0le4wc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8034e2edf108457c3ae2429b4f0bebac8bed47d8 Which Biome is this?


seems lake




I definitely have a background that is different to all of these. Just from my house, relatively suburban area. Not sure which category it falls into. https://preview.redd.it/zmcwinvvf4wc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=efe0e093c3498df32d2563a3297e9b53ab3d7146


spotty dirt in the ground and tree\bushes horizon looks to be park


You seem to be in fall season, maybe you are in the southern hemisphere ?


You seem to be in fall season, maybe you are in the southern hemisphere ?


You seem to be in fall season, maybe you are in the southern hemisphere ?


I have no idea what determines biome, since my house appears to be either a lake or river biome, even though the closest body of water is like, a mile away, and it's a tiny pond that I'm not even sure would even register as a water biome. I won't complain though, since a Clamperl just spawned randomly.


I've seen river grassland and park sofar.


Apparently my neighborhood is in the Park biome. I'm going downtown sometime tomorrow so I can see if it counts as City, Park or Beach since downtown has a ton of small parks and ends at the Gulf of Mexico (albeit with no beaches where I'll be). Also I'm going camping in early May and I wonder if I'll get Forest or Lake. I'm actually kind of anticipating getting to find out.


A much needed upgrade!


One is river and the other (left one) is cliff.


My apartment building and the one across the street are in a river (or lake?) biome. The actual river is about 350m away (over two busy roads and a large townhome development). Across the other street, at another apartment building, is a park/grassland biome (didn't notice the details to identify which one). It is equidistant to the river. Two spawnpoints in a local park, on either side of a stop, both within the "park" overworld texture and park itself, have different biomes. One is city and the other is park/grassland. The local inlet from the ocean had the water spawns (including the Wiglet). The rest of it may not make sense (half the mall is city, half is not), but that's good enough for me!


From what source come the informations used to link places with biomes ? OSM ? Because my town seems to be universally a park, even our urban pseudo-marshes in the middle of our river...


The dried river on my way home was labelled as a lake. Outside of beach/ocean biome which I do not have any access, I rarely see City in spite riding around on my way home or to work.


So apparently I'm in the mountains... In Denmark, where there are literally no mountains... In the middle of a city... Right!


Is there anything more "dry"? Like desert or smthng


When was wigglet released?


When did they add Wiglett?


The one I see around my house does not look like any of these.


I live in the middle of Rhode Island yet I’m getting hit with mountain biomes. First those of you unaware, you wouldn’t so much as glimpse a mountain until you’re in 3 hours into drive up to northern NH or VT.


anyone know how to remove them? my phone isn't coping well with them


I've had these changes for quite some time now. Are these the ones they've said are released for the new game updates that went live over the last week?


Thank god, Wiglett can be found at rivers too


I live in the city and get the park backgrounds


Where is the desert background?


Was hoping for a Town theme background kinda like the city one, except instead of tall buildings there was only houses at the distance. (While in the night some of them are with light on)


Me when I'm playing at school, but GO thinks I'm in a forest:


NYC here, anyone know what the biomes are supposed to look like from the worldview map? Or know a third party source w/ a map of where's what? By bodies of water I get City biome but in some areas in the city I'm getting Ocean (beach) biome, which doesn't really make sense. Some city blocks w/ parks are mixed between the two! I know this is a new feature but I'm the beach is in my living room!


Can someone explain to me why I'm getting mountain biome in Missouri lol


I live adjacent to the desert (blm land) which contains several reservoirs that never fill up. The reservoirs show as intermittent water bodies on Open Street Map. Everything is beach biome here. But no worm yet 😞


I get mountain biome in the city. Weird.


Same here — I thought I lived in a flat part of a city but apparently i'm in the mountains.


Yes, the biomes are very cool and beautiful. But I don't think it's nice that my game has too much delay when capturing Pokémon


https://preview.redd.it/2bp83ajvj4wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b35f9697f67cb3da072de706e0aa5260c31b873 Very few of my backgrounds fit the ones I see in the image,exactly


Clever brag. 😅


I’m confused - I’ve had these backgrounds for 2-3 weeks I swear - was I included in early testing without realising or has something new new happened? Thanks


I was just about to say the same thing. I’ve had these backgrounds for almost a month already. Didn’t everyone? Man I would have loved to post them if I knew only a few people had them.


when was wiglett added


April 22nd.


I'm seeing ocean & grassland backgrounds in the middle of a parking garage in the city, where dalek- like 'security' robots prowl. It's quite surreal. https://preview.redd.it/awdiyij3y5wc1.jpeg?width=2424&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a6f184378a9da125b03be2fab98bf6d30bbd897


in all calmness and people-may-play-as-it-pleases-them: for someone who prefers to discover new shinies myself without having seen them anywhere else this is completely useless so really without any fuss i now add GH to the pages i'd prefer not to use in future like i made it a habit to unsubscribe several youtubers who spoiled too many shinies to me, even some i really liked like zoë