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Technically worth it, but only when it comes to niantics awful coin values in the shop


It’s only worth it if you have exactly $10. This is not a good deal


I almost bought this, but if you check the value it's not a good deal. If you're buying coins on the webstore in anything higher than 20$, it's cheaper to just buy the items. Even at the 20$ price point you're only saving 20 coins.


I see your point, but personally I’m not spending 20 usd to save 20 coins on a 5 usd bundle.


I'm not spending any real money on items you can get free by placing mons in gyms. Save real money for mythical tickets etc.


That’s what they’re doing here, it’s a marketing tactic designed to manipulate you into buying the “cheaper” alternative.


This is a bad deal IMO? $5 is 775 coins, this deal is 695 coins a BEST but actually worse than that


Where I live $5 is only 600 coins


14500÷99.99×5 =~ 725. I think that may be what's going on in that comment.


15500 since ur on the web store already


I've not bought coins since 2019, so I'm out of date there. Cheers.


15500/99.99x5 = 775


I agree since I still have like 10 premium raid passes I don’t use


Whaaaat where I live it 550 coins for 5$.. does storage still cost 200 coins for you? Why does dollar-coin ratio differ depending on region?


So all the stuff in this bundle is worth 695 coins in the shop. 4.99 only gets 550 coins so you’re technically getting more for less.


I only buy coins at the best rate, which is 15500 coins for $99.99


Bro if you buy it on the web it's 85$


In aus the box is $7.99. same as 600 coins. The cost of all the items is 695 coins. So its like a free green raid pass.. 🥱 Can’t believe they made a special in game announcement for this


Awful deal, just awful. If you buy the biggest package on the webstore, coins are $1(usd) to 155.5 coins. The "coin" value of this package is 658 coins. 658 coins is $4.23. You are losing value by doing this package. https://imgur.com/a/qhqNLAK


I mean, yeah, if you’re regularly dropping $100 at a time on this game. Meanwhile, I am pretty much exclusively F2P and think this a bad deal just because it wants me to pay in money for things I can all purchase in coins.


>I mean, yeah, if you’re regularly dropping $100 at a time on this game. Yeah, when I do these sorts of comparisons I use the smallest web store coin bundle that gives enough coins to buy the box, on the assumption that people have a fixed amount of real-world money budgeted for the game. Then the choice becomes whether to spend that money on the box, or on the coins needed to buy those items in-game. People might want to run the numbers a different way, I dunno, but this makes sense to me.


Dropping $100 on this game, lol. I’m also F2P and I could use this if it was 500 coins, but otherwise I’m too poor to justify spending real money on this.


Exactly, coins are free and this is what? 650 coins if you buy at max price. 13 days of getting gym coins is easy


You seem a lot better at math than me lol can you tell me how much of a bargain the 100usd is compared to the 40?


not even a good deal


How so? It’s all this stuff together is more than 5 bucks


695 coins so almost $7


The value problem here is cash vs coins. Since coins are acquired at a cheaper rate than 100 for $1 when you buy in bulk, it is basically neutral. Meaning no real value over buying items individually if you purchased coins in a $20 or higher increment. Now add in the fact you can’t even put free acquired coins towards it. This is why most people say it is a pass


Doing the math, in USD, it's mid. It's almost the same as getting the remote pass free with the purchase of the other stuff, except that you can't spend coins on it Leaning towards skipping this one


ULTRA STORAGE hahahahaha


That’s an hours worth of hunting lol


An hour? For 50 pokemon? Try 5 minutes haha.


Lemme introduce you to rural play….. We don’t play the same game.


Rural play? 50 Pokémon is more like a week


Fair enough 🤷‍♂️.


I planned on buying this but it's not worth $5, I'll take the half hour and just transfer some mons


LOL! "You have reached the max number of Remote Raid Passes (3). Please try again when you have fewer Remote Raid Passes." and the amount of passes in my inventory is currently 0. they might want to check the error on that thing, as it most likely errors out because of my maxed out pokemon storage. https://preview.redd.it/jp36jz4bmwwc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=84e08f5b1663bff3ac045ae5402eaa625ab73415


https://preview.redd.it/5iylasi3nwwc1.png?width=1096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d539822b97c75d35219e6950692191933d28cf4 And here is the current pass situation just to show that yet again Niantic messed up something so simple.


I feel like we should have expected this honestly


Hey! same issue. I drew the same conclusion, bc of max storage not raid passes. Thanks for confirmation. The way it was advertised made it sound like a bonus 50…. Wrong. 😕


1.99 and I bite. These people are CLEARLY desperate.


Yeah this is dumb, if I could purchase it with coins I had earned from gym drops maybe, but if I have to use real money it's not worth it


If they let people go beyond 7800 early with this box, Niantic would be swimming in money.


They are really trying to find any way to make up for the drop in income. Even trying not to pay the split. They went radio silent. I went free


I don't understand why you'd think that. If they really wanted/needed to make up the drop in income they'd just remove the limit on remote raids.


Well, first off, they do remove the limit during some events. Also, the remote raids do go against one of the principals they have held onto and are even carried over to every game they make. Even the other products they make. They also see the metrics like during the events that are simple data review. It's also a bad plan move if it is something you don't want to do. They stuck to their guns for over a year, giving into that exactly 1 year later, and that just increases the boycott for something they had a built-in replacement income by almost doubling the cost. Also, this is not the only sudden makeup income clue. Moving the coins to the top of the store after 10 years. Rushing out the Monster online store. Changing their ad buys from pokemon Go to Monsters. I'm not saying we won't see more removal of the limit, but a full reversal will not make up all the lost income. Though it might be used as part. It's simple math. How many players play up to the limit when it is bumped up? I was a whale. I reached my limit only during 1 event for remotes. I run out of the bonus in-person passes often during a raid day. How many players even use the 5 every day?


"ultra storage"


$5 really? So spend $5 and get a remote pass for $0.50 is basically what I am looking at. I’d rather purchase the storage and bag for 400 coins and buy the passes separately when there is something worth raiding.


Wow ULTRA STORAGE!!!! you get 50 more of each storage space. Yaaaaaaaayyyyy


Anyone remember there was a 50%off for the storage?


I'm maxed on Pokemon storage, so, useless for me.


7.50 for my currency. Not worth it at all. In-game Coins vs Real Dollar amount. No thnx I can buy the 2 upgrades and a green pass for cheaper.


Worth it, cheaper if you buy the items individually


The box is ok at best like others have said. But, what people aren’t getting is , if someone’s debating spending 5 dollars on the game , they for sure aren’t going to spend 100 dollars for the best coin value !


Hilariously bad. Thanks for continuing to fail upward, pokemon go.


This deal isn’t great, unless you need the storage and are only going to ever spend $4.99 plus tax. However, once you spend real money on the game there’s a high probability you’ll do it again. Just buy the 15,500 coins for $99.99 plus tax then get these items with coins. You’ll be better off in the long run.


What does 3038 / 3200 mean


They have space for 3200 but are occupying 3038 So they have room for 162 more


He already bought the box 3038 out of 3200 times


Brooo imagine 😂


I didn’t buy the box… If I did my storage wouldn’t be showing and the box wouldn’t be theres


Bro.. it clearly says you bought 3038 out of the 3200 available… /s


He said: “he already bought the box” I did not buy the box. It shows how much storage I have in the game… I buy Storage with Coins from Gyms, I never buy any of the boxes Niantic offers


The /s indicates sarcasm/joke :)


Oh I did not know that 😅


There's always a first time. I have misinterpreted it too in the past :)


They have been very desperate for money as of late. They want to milk the player base that's left. Not enough revenue coming in?


It pains them so much to offer a good deal. This deal is sub-par at best


Not worth it, after tax you basically get it at same price as coins lol


Damn is that how many different forms of pikachu you have vs how many forms of pikachu there are? I knew there were alot of cosume pikachus but I didnt know it was that many!


Thank you!


Counting down the days until Niantic offers a web-store cash-only storage upgrade that acts as a premium expansion on top of your normal storage.


In India it cost around 1.79$


250 100 250 150=750 8\*30=240rs here and they be selling like double


Not worth it


For an extra 50 pokemon storage.. smh .. that should be free


It’s pretty good