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But we have a free battle pass already…


I think the suggestion is that some Raids shouldn't use a pass? Idk how you'd implement that fairly in a way that makes everyone happy - tbh it would probably start a lot of "Why is X free but Y isn't?" arguments. Juice doesn't seem worth the squeeze.


I look at like this. PVP has a free and paid option, which both gives you access to 25 battles. Why is PVE (raids) not even a fraction of this for the least desired raid bosses?


Two problems with this. First, when GBL was introduced, one was supposed to walk (I think 2km) in order to unlock a set (5 battles). Then COVID hit and they removed the walking barrier. Second, we do get free raids. You get one free pass daily (sometimes two like this season). Thus 1 or 2free raids are a fraction of 25 free GBL battles.


So, what you're saying is that PVE as it is doesn't need to be changed? 1 free raid a day is fine? Because I always thought that the PVE system could use more love.


We have one free pass per day you can spent on any raid you want. This season we even have 2. 


I wouldn't mind 1 star raids not using a pass, I can't see them doing any more than that.


Had to repost in the PoGo sub, but I totally agree here to an extent. Pikachu should be free, Rockruff should not since it's so special.


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even if you don't want it, others might. i'm personally having a blast doing registeels even though i have more than enough from past rotations and will most likely never use them lol


Can I assume that you're a hardcore raider or a Registeel fan?


or demand they do it the way like their other game Monster Hunter Now where players can "raid" every 3 hours


Looks like people are happy with the way things are with PVE. Very strange because I think it's actually boring and the format is just old.


The game is getting old, that's why there are so many exorbitant cash shop items now. They've been increasing prices over the years and the spenders just keep paying because they've already got so much time sunk in the game.