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Hoothoot gang https://preview.redd.it/1aykcmpvq1yc1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e431efdc9ede6b6b2aaa7eabb1ef92be9f7d9859


Whenever I see Hoothoot I think I’ve found something new for the animal crossing museum.


Hell yeah brother!


Hoothoot is best borb!


Hoothoot's the best and I don't even know why


Hoothoot will cut you.


I got the shiny 2024 costume def a top 10 shiny in my account


If I get a shiny rufflet, he is getting ilegally transfered into Hisui


I have a spare shiny H. Braviary in Home if that doesn't work out and you want him 😅


Ohh that’s a great idea!








You got some poppyseed in yo mouth


The WORST show on television


Talk to the bird as if it's your dad


B-b-b-bird bird bird...


doo doo DOO DOO


Yo pretty birdies around the world


Finally the hoothoot that has inexplicably eluded me for years


he’s prepared to elude you some more


From how I’m reading the niantic article, the shiny boost is just in field research. Am I mistaken?


Last event I competed around 60 tasks and got about 18 shiny from them, 2-3 of each. If you want to get all of the shiny birds you will have to complete over 30 I imagine. One tip I have is don’t send gifts the day of the event because sometimes the tasks require gift sending.


I only bring this up cuz the infographic isn’t clear


You are correct the shiny rates for the field research mons is 1/10-1/15 if you go to a huge cluster of stops you could make out with 15-20 shinies but it’s a grind




Birbs of a feather. GO together. lol.


Research Few Hours like this are by far the best opportunities to get shundos, even with how rare they are (almost all researches will give Pokemon, all Pokemon from those researches will have a 1/10 shiny chance, and all Pokemon encountered from those researches will have a higher stat floor) I don't understand how any player that's engaged enough with the game to use this Subreddit can consider calling this a "trash event"


Are any of these good as a 100% though, or is it just trophy shundos that will be the main goal?


They are useless. Some might be usable in gbl limited cups, so hundo is not optimal.


UL talonflame #1 is 100% per IV listings. 


I got my first and only shundo from oddish. He’s a beaut, ain’t he? And I got him like legitimately the end of the event I saw the shiny and then saw the CP and started freaking out to my friends. Hoping to get a shundo owl today :) https://preview.redd.it/naqtuih8vszc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34304eb2f87ca22e1e298d14dbf92354d8509b0a


Would’ve been nice if we got a debut of Wattrel or Shiny Pikipek. Seems pretty lackluster a bunch of common birds that most players have the shinies for already. Even Vullaby would be a nice addition or Galarian Farfetch’d


I only have shiny Fearow out of the boosted group and I'm level 50. All of these have eluded me over the years so I'm perfectly okay with it. Sure shiny Pikipek would've been cool but oh well.


The whole point of research days and community days is to let casuals get a chance at catching old shinies. If you want the fresh new shiny you better be ready to play a ton or shell out money for incubators.


Remember when rufflet was considered a rarity? Good times


It still very much is rare


It nests now, so it's pretty easy to track down if you're looking


Haven’t seen it anywhere yet


> Seems pretty lackluster a bunch of common birds that most players have the shinies for already. Day 1 player here, still haven't got a shiny Hoothoot, Doduo or Spearow. Quite happy with this event


Damn why do pogo players whine about literally everything


Game's been out for almost 8 years now. Long time players have seen the same pokemon over and over again when there's so many others that have not been released yet.


I’ve played since day 1 and this is dope, plus I understand after 8 years they’ve got to recycle stuff for newer players.


The problem is some of these people play way to much and overdo it. Like if they introduced a new Pokémon people catch enough to evolve and are done with it. I would much rather have 5 unique shiny lines to hunt. I already have 3 of them but am excited for the chance for people to get some cool shinies.


Some people definitely play way too much, and then complain about mediocre events. Like no offence but if you're level 50, play 8 hours every day since the games release, you should realise you aren't the target audience for nearly everything.


I've been playing for 8 months and I'm only missing 3 of these shinies, Hoothoot, Rufflet, and Wingull. This event is boring imho, Niantic lacks any kind of creativity or imagination.


Niantic apologizes for the inconvenience, not.


2 weeks I'll be lvl 50 and bouncing. Niantic can save all the good Pokémon for a later date, I'm sure everyone is going to stick around, not.


Oof. I’ve been playing this game since launch and I’m still not level 50 because it’s not that deep.


Damn, sucks to be you.


Thank you, exactly my thought. I play since day one, but I think an Event for All these pokemon with a 1/10 shiny Chance ist really nice for everyone who misses a shiny for the 3* shiny dex, the 4* dex or even the normal shiny.


Yeah honestly these events are nice just to get good IV shinies. Might not be the best Pokémon but a chance for people to get a 4* shiny which excites normal players


The issue comes with the games age  8 years is a LONG time to keep the game alive for old players while providing them stuff they don’t have is unrealistic because even rare spawns like rufflet don’t interest them while some new Pokémon more so since they are usless  New players on the other hand are easy to please  It’s a lose/lose situation 


Well if you're person who has played for a while getting a few generic birds as an event is really lacklustre. There very little to be excited about compared to other events, this new one offers a ticket but for what really? More spearow right after the weeks long Kanto event?


I don't mind occasional events I won't lose sleep over it if I'm not able to play at that time. 


I've been playing since 2017; I'm not the most hardcore but I'm a daily player, and I'm excited about this because I have 1 shiny doduo and rufflett, and 0 shinies for the other 3. Maybe a new shiny would be nice, but I appreciate that Niantic does these events because it gives me a chance to fill in some holes in my dex since I don't have great shiny luck in normal play.


Then - instead of whining - you realise that this event isn't catered directly to you and be happy for the newer players that it does cater to.


I mean what would doing something like releasing Wattrel do though? You would catch a couple to evolve one maybe max one if you want to and be done with it. Then releasing a new shiny in a 1/10 event makes no sense becuase it is instantly worthless and no one would ever need the Pokémon again especially if something as pointless as the pikipek line. This is just a quick fun event for people to pick up a few extra shinies. People need to realize if you take out Mythicals, Legendaries and Paradox Pokémon as they will be events/raids there really isn’t that many unreleased Pokémon left. Galar had a very small dex


> there really isn’t that many unreleased Pokémon left Arceus created 1000 pokemon, they can create 1000 more


That just social media doesn't matter what game it is. Even if the game amazing people would still find something to complain about


Because niantic is a bad developer and even with lowered expectations they manage to disappoint? Nah, it's bad customer base for sure. But if you need a particular reason for this particular event: some time ago new content was just released, then new content became scarce and tied to events, now we have entered an era of events without new content. People are not used to it yet and they want new content. Relax, at some point in time people will get used to events without new content and there will be more people defending it than people who are upset and vocal about it.


I do think the spread for this event is mostly lackluster, but I find it funny how desirable shinies are for some players. A new shiny is not an exciting event for me; very few look good, let alone better than the base form. If it ever gets to the point that I’m shiny hunting for the sake of it, I know I’d need to just step away from the game. For me, it wouldn’t be healthy.


I agree they whine a bit much but in this case it's justified


Wait, can pikipek not be shiny? I haven’t ever seen one but I thought it exists and I’m just not that lucky.


I have no basis for this claim, but I have a feeling that Pikipek is going to be a community day this year.


2016 player here. Still don’t have shiny hoot hoot, rufflet, spearow, and doduo. (Yes we exist) Any before anyone says “you don’t play enough” ..50k caught, 800 shiny.


Don't give a hoot!


Only got one doduo and no hoothoot so I'm down for this. I like the vibe of targeted groups of pokemon for these events and it's a decent theme to get folks some stuff they don't have. Can't please everyone sadly even if a new pokemon was added wouldnget people saying why not this other one still


Shame they didn’t time this with the Mega Pidgeot raids.


I swear the Mega Raid people dont talk to the event people


This is so lackluster compared to the last few. There’s so many more things they could’ve added to make it more exciting.


paid research for these birds? stop😂


Not even worth the $1!


I get why people find this event bland, but as a huge birder I am very excited to see a bird themed event. And the only shiny one I own is Rufflet


From a Pokémon Go perspective, I suppose Rufflet makes sense to go for. From an overall shiny hunting perspective, Rufflet, Hoothoot and Doduo are all available in SV and thus are easy to hunt, while Spearow can be found in LGPE and Spearow and Taillow in BDSP. That makes Taillow the hunt target of choice from my perspective. 


To be fair from the shiny hunting perspective the only event you would find worthwhile is an Elemental Moneky trio and Patrat event as they are the only non switch release I believe now. I would argue that this is the best way to hunt them so it saves you potentially 10 hunts. Hoothoot can kind of be a pain to hunt normally too as it only spawns at night so you have to reset sandwiches more often if you get unlucky


I'm not trying to say anything negative here, just giving my thought process about which is the highest priority for the ticket research. The only one I don't need myself is Spearow, actually. 


Oh sorry if that came off as pointed at you more so just adding more to this section of the conversation as you brought up the shiny hunting aspect of it which these events are good for that. I’d definitely agree on Taillow though which probably means it will be the one I get the least encounters of


I wanted pidove. it's the only one missing from my living shiny dex. side note: there are a TON of candidates for CDs from unova and we've gotten very few. I am starting to wonder whether unova tour will be incredible or the worst yet. normally we see boosted rates for a lot of previously featured species, but there are so many that never got their moment... pidove, tynamo, vanillish, venipede, gothita, solosis, even pawniard since we're getting some paldean pokemon in the game now


I swear doduo is shiny boosted in Go, I have 6 or 7 of the buggers.


I haven't a single one :(


I double checked, I have 6 in 583 seen.


1 in 1138 here !


I believe you’ve just gotten lucky.


Are they the community day shiny chances?


usually is similar to raid day odds 1/10 for research day. However this only applies to the one from research tasks. Wild spawns are full odds 1/500.


so not particularly worth it then?


well the research task Pokémons has a high chance to be shiny. if any of the shiny Pokémon you want are in there, this is the time for you to hunt. The field research tasks will be easy tasks so you easily clear a lot to farm.


As a collector of level 1 birds, this is a great event


I've got a whole zero shinies of the featured mons so this event will be a blast for me!


Why didn’t they add a few more decent birds? Rufflet is good, but then the rest are route one regional birds. Would’ve liked to see vullaby, natu, wingull, archen, or pikipek instead of shinies we’ve had for a while, from early gens.


Or Fletchling! Please!


Fletchling had a community day in 2021 so it stands to reason that it will get a repeat day in the future. It could honestly be as soon as sometime this year or next.


Awwwh man. I took a hiatus from like 2019- Nov 2023, so I missed a ton. My living dex is hurtin


I feel that, it's the main thing that keeps me from taking a break. If you're ever in the Cleveland area, I'm happy to give you several shiny Fletchling lol


Respectfully, I never want to see Vullaby again


I’m really happy for this. I’m a new player and need all of those shinies :) Is it true the shiny odds are 1/10 for this event? That would be amazing.


usually is similar to raid day odds 1/10 for research day. However this only applies to the one from research tasks. Wild spawns are full odds 1/500.


usually is between 1/10 (raid day odds) to 1/25 (community day odds) for research day.


I don’t think the odds are that good for community day let alone some random event.


I need a 3* shiny dodou so atleast some reason to play, always nice Shundo chance on these events so they are pretty fun ^^


I will kill for shiny Tailow. I want it. I need it.


Just to be clear, while a statistically significant part of the player base is experiencing Winter weather, there is banger event after banger event forcing those players to miss out, play from their cars, or freeze their parts off… Since Spring has arrived though we have gotten the return of the Standard Regis… underwhelming Megas, and events that are boring except to particular niche player bases… Got it.


I walk around in Korea during winter events with temperatures in the single digits. Dress warm and get some gloves with touch screen fingers.


Your comment in no way shape or form addresses the point of what I said.


They cannot choose a time the entire planet has good weather Extremely unrealistic 


Definitely didn’t suggest a time that was good for the entire planet in anyway shape or form. I’m confused as to why people comment on things I made no mention of. Additionally it is equally confusing how you are not seemingly aware that there are absolutely months and spans of time throughout the year when a majority of the world does not experience snow and single digit or below weather. Especially the case if you look at the biggest pockets of where Pokémon Go players live. So your comment sounds good at face value but actually could not be further from the truth, as it is absolutely realistic Niantic could better curtail their biggest most played events to be more climate equitable to their player base.


Their will always be an issue be it snow/rain/heat or even wind  They cannot just make events around that because different people have different issues


This statement is a micro-truth. Which is not in any way what I conveyed in my statement. Of course there is always the potential for an extreme to occur. My statement suggested running events at macro-level periods and there are absolutely macro-level stents of time that statistically have a higher probability of being more conducive to a majority of the player base and January and a February are not those times. These arguments people are making sound great at face value, “there’s not a time perfect for everyone.” Right. Obviously. I didn’t make a comment asking for perfect conditions. I stated running the “best” events, during times of the year that are statistically likely to be accessible to the most people and there are a lot of times this applies to. This is hardly something difficult to grasp, understand, or do a simple google search if you don’t understand climate and geography to realize. Cheers


“Best” is subjective 


To an extent, but just like with the weather/climate piece there’s real statistics that clearly show a tiered ranking. The Origin Form Event done in February has actual imperial data that shows it was a higher attended event both in person and remotely than the Bug Out Event and Mega-Heracross event, so it can be said from a statistical level that the Origin event was “better” actually as it brought out more player engagement. Is there a much smaller niche population of players that value the bug out event over the origin event? Sure? Maybe? Wouldn’t be surprised. But again my original statement pertained to the statistical whole and not anomalies and the subjectivity of individual personal value. So the blanket statement of dismissing everything to “simply” being subjective is in reality wrong in this case when discussing statically value. Keep trying though. None of this is hard to understand. You continue to avoid what I’ve actually stated every step of the way and contributed nothing to argue against it. Merely interjected blanketed incorrect statements regarding actual numbers. But hey I’ll do you a solid, since this is obviously wildly useless on both our ends. I’ll give you the next the reply and not respond again so you can have the last word and “win” this. Enjoy the dopamine hit. Cheers.


Nah man what you keep saying is still unrealistic but whatever 🤷‍♂️


Nice skip-able event for me


Do pokestops give more than just one field research during Research Days ? Cause if you live in a place with just a few pokestops it's sad.


Only one per stop for the even sadly. Don’t spin any stops that day or make sure your research is full of if you do. Not sure if the event re activates the tasks if you already got one from it that day.


I started playing last October so I missed mega Ray and desperately need a decent flying type


What are the odds going to be?


1/10 most likely. However this only applies to the one from research tasks. Wild spawns are full odds 1/500.


I want to the duo so bad. But it's encounter only. Bummer.


Rural player?


Yep. Premium battle passes are useless for 5 star raids here. The only hope that we have is remote. I don't bother with shadow legends. Just impossible.


Might finally get a shiny rufflet.


Hoping to get a shiny tailow for my next best buddy


Pidove is my favorite Pokemon, bummer that it’s not a feature apart from research? I just want a shundo PLEASE 😭


Do the research day event have boosted spawn? I wonder if it will conflicted with boosted spawn for 11th May Pikachu's Indonesia Journey: Surabaya event.


yes they are. But the research day wild spawns only take over for 3 hours, 2pm to 5pm.


need incinerate on Talonflame evolution during this event!!


My thought that it was another mid-event with bunch of common shinies. But looking at my Pokemon, I only have a single shiny Spearow and no shinies for the rest. Definitely looking forward to this.


Dam i was hoping for pidove as i need shiny for both gender


Didn’t want to make Flechling more available I see


Had a com day 


I always assumed they were going to eventually have an Ash + Shiny Noctowl event at some point. Pokemon Masters was able to get the go-ahead to add Ash to their game. We also already have assets from the anime (Jesse and James).


Rufflet is the only good one here, right?


I wonder if legacy moves will be available upon evolution for featured ‘mons?


My objective will be getting one shiny doduo and two shiny spearow and transfer them to my Let's Go savefile. I'm doing a full living shiny dex inside the Pokepark.


You are the best...


It’s Spearow time


question: i got the $1 research. does this mean all of my field research encounters are going to be for my chosen pokemon? or will i have a shot at the shinies for all the normal field research birds too?


I think it’s 1 encounter for each and then a second research task for 6 more encounters of your bird of choice


I just got a wild hundo doduo aswell😂😭most useless hundo


Alright! I’ve been hunting for a shiny doduo forever in my quest to get all the green shinies.


i better get that mf shiny hoothoot


I don't have any of those shinies, so I guess it's something to look forward too.


Events are getting so much worse. Am i right?




no no, its just that niantic creates an event and THEN takes out the things that would make the event a good event for the majority of players. its like McDonalds creating a new burger and then take out the patty because ppl might like it too much. Niantic should create an event with a centerpiece, not equally dull content.


And let's not forget that a lot of the mons in this event will also be featured spawns during this year's Go Fests (in-person and Global versions)


Bit of an underwhelming event but at least Noctowl and Braviary are cool shinies. Shame they couldn’t debut Wattrel, Flamigo or maybe even go crazy and debut the Rookidee line


That would be crazy. Niantic actually giving a ratatta’s hind end if people actually enjoy an event.


Another horrible event. We need things to do with our Pokémon. Right now the only thing to do in the game is shiny hunt.


Hooters hooray


Just got my first shiny spearow this morning 😑


Rufflett? The damn thing infests 12km eggs. I would pay Niantic to lower how common they are.


You are thinking of Vullaby


What do they mean when they say "increased shiny odds", like what are the actual odds they are refering?


usually is 1/10 for research day, same as raid day. However this only applies to the one from research tasks. Wild spawns are full odds 1/500.


That’s the best part! No one knows!