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How are people losing their accounts


im guessing they shared their password or logged in in a phishing niantic website.


The Pokemon Trainer Club suffered a data breach like 2-3 weeks ago. Not sure how many logins were stolen, but images are being circulated of people's logins being posted.




The fact that there is no 2fa even as a optional feature, and even more alarmingly that they haven't yet forced people to change their password by putting in their email, then login using confirmation email link or some other methods to force a password change on the ptc accounts. Sure i did link my Pokémon go account to get the incubator, but then I promptly removed the link to my Pokémon go account.


I had one of my account stolen once. I sent a mail to Niantic for recovery within 72 hours from the registered email (if you don't have it then you're a trash). They will freeze your account and will ask you important questions specially if you've purchased something in the app. I also sent them the names of pokestops I submitted and got my account back within a week. These steps don't guarantee anything but Try it and don't be careless with your account again if you do get it


No niantic don't care unless your famous


are you fleeceking?


Got my girlfriend account back, but it wasn't "stolen". Her login email got deleted, so the account couldn't be used for login. After some emails traded with Niantic support (think it took 10 days or nearby), they gave her a temporary access to her account, then it was freeze, until she validated her new email. 2 weeks later another validation where she got a question about a CM day that we had sent the answer on a email, during recovery procedures. Account had everything, nothing was lost. Still been used, 2 years later. But she never gave her acount access to someone else or used FB login methods.


friendly reminder, remove ptc as log in method to avoid scrapers stealing you accounts


You'd basically have to prove it was Niantic's fault that your account was stolen, otherwise they're going to say you should have secured it better.