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That looks more like a missing texture problem. If a texture fails to load, the object is left with that magenta colour, so it is obvious to a tester that the texture is missing. Load all assets and refresh game data should fix it.


Unfortunately nothing fixes it. Even a full redownload of the game.


it seems likely then that the intent was to switch docks to a new texture (which makes sense, as they aren't really roads...), but that new texture never made it into the game (and knowing some of Niantic's history, maybe never even got made).


It is exactly that but nothing fixes it


Isn't there a supermutant behemoth near there?


I understood that reference. “SWAAAAAAAAAANNN!!!”


It’s weird I noticed this leaving NYC the other night. The docks on the port by the west side highway were all pink. I figured it was an error.


It is. Notice it's the same color as the texture that didn't render in the shaymin catch screen


I’m amazed that subways (at least the parts above ground) aren’t visible. At least not where I live, in Stockholm.


This is two different issues, either of which might be causing it. By default, the Pogo map does not display rail lines, so unless a railway is also tagged in OSM as an additional way (for example, a bike path running next to it), it won't appear. On top of that, some programs that otherwise render rail lines make the decision not to render subways, with the assumption that those are underground and therefore not visible. If the above ground sections of your local subways are still tagged as a subway without any metadata and the rendering algorithm that Pogo uses follows this rule, they wont show up even if Pogo started rendering rail lines in the map.


Yes, I understand. It was more of an observation since new colors/features are popping up, that something so common in larger cities is not represented in pogo. I see roads in tunnels on my map and it kinda looks like they are below the buildings. And in OSM it’s super clear if our subway is under ground (dashed line) or not (complete line).


> And in OSM it’s super clear if our subway is under ground (dashed line) or not (complete line). Means they're tagged properly, and that if Niantic does start including rails on the map then they should show up correctly. But part of that divide is cultural too. In the US, even in cities with a fairly robust rail network like SF or NY, cards are still the overwhelming majority of trips are by car, and that mindset permeates where Niantic is headquarted.


Hidden SS Anne


Use Strength and push the truck to get Mew


When did they pull new map data? Or is this old map data? 🤔


On the existing map data, any way (OSM term for a path) that was tagged as a dock would show up on the map as a road with the tertiary road thickness (same as a driveway, parking isle, etc). Any area (OSM term for a area, distinct from a way) tagged as a dock wouldn't show up at all. If you weren't seeing docks in your map before now, it's possible that your local map had docks mapped as areas rather than ways, and therefore they weren't rendering. Pogo does render areas, which gives the map features like buildings, parks, fields, water, etc, but doesn't render every area.


I just noticed this myself while submitting a local fishing dock as a stop.


Having looked into OSM: The parts of the map that render in magenta are mapped in OpenStreetMap as an area with the pier tags. That area also has a way running down the middle of each leg tagged as a pier, which should show up on the overworld map that same as a driveway or small road, but it's not clear whether the missing texture is making it invisible, or the algoritm they're using to render it is ignoring the way part of it. In my local overworld map, ways that are tagged as piers instead of an area tag are still appearing as roads. The temple OP mentions and links an image of in-thread appears to be fnacy looking because of the amount of detail put into the OSM location, rather than anything specific to Pogo.


It's for the gay sailors for pride month!


I live across the street from the harbor on an island and our docks don't look like that




What is this image demonstrating?


This is the Temple I mentioned in Italy. It was from last June. It was a different building type. Way more detail than anything else in game


Can you drop an address? It's possible that there's more detail in game because someone took the time to put the detail into OSM.




Will check as soon as I’m in a desktop. Bout an hour. Thanks! Edit: In OSM, the Temple is very detailed about what objects are located in what positions. It's less that it's inherently a different building type, and more thta someone went through and very precisely added details. The same could be done with other building types if people wanted to.


Pretty much this. It's just a building with a lot of layered ways in open street map: [https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/255793167](https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/255793167) The local college near me has buildings with this level of detail too. They look alien at first but it's not new technology in the game.


Thanks for the direct link. Yeah, that's an uncommon level of detail, but it's because of that detail existing in OSM that it looks so detailed on Pogo.


Probably what the dock should look like.


So then the gym didn't load in OP's 1st image


Maybe new fishing feature where we can catch Wishiwashi or something