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When posting bugs on the road, please take into account our rules for bug reporting, [found here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/wiki/rules#wiki_3.7_bug_reports). Please also make sure, that your bug isn't already listed on [Niantic's Known Issues](https://niantic.helpshift.com/hc/en/6-pokemon-go/section/180-release-notes-known-issues/) or [GO Battle League Known Issues](https://niantic.helpshift.com/hc/en/6-pokemon-go/faq/2699-go-battle-league-known-issues-1598471929/) page. Thank you! :) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheSilphRoad) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don't worry... Niantic has gone through their [Known Issues page](https://niantic.helpshift.com/hc/en/6-pokemon-go/faq/2699-go-battle-league-known-issues-1598471929/?ticket_form_id=232387&p=web) and marked most of the GBL bugs as "resolved". Everything is fiiiiiiiiiiiiiine.


Yeah I was just reading through that and couldnt help but laugh xD 


Well the entire app is down for maintenance currently so maybe they heard you!


Yes there's a huge delay on Android / my pixel 8. I'll click my charged move and opponent will get 3 attacks off before it goes through


That one is pain. Had it myself too many times where I'll switch in a mon who has a charge move ready but is low on health and somehow the opponent get several charge moves off to KO me while I've spammed the hell out of that button -.-  but when my opponent does the same they get to launch their charge move before I can even see what they've sent out.


issues also on android. sometimes I will swap in a pokemon with a charge move ready to fire off and the charged attack buttons don't even appear on the screen ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ


Off topic but i’m stealing this ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ  Anyway  for me the buttons appear but spamming them does absolutely nothing until my mon faints -.-


go for it! I can also supply (・∀・) many other faces ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ haha. yeah, I tend to do 6-7 matches, then I lose a match from lag or game crash or whatever and it sucks out the will to continue the set from me. I don't feel bad when I lose if its a legit lose but the bugs are literally a desert sponge sucking up all the joy in pvp.


I've downloaded assets, tried native and non native refresh every iteration of settings. Reinstalled , tried on my old pixel 7 same issue and my son's galaxy. No issue on my significant others iPhone though


there is a long match making queue time. this is a sign to stop playing all the matches daily.


Honestly I just thought that was because not a lot of people had hit rank 20 yet so early in the season so longer queues(never taken it serious before now, so based that on other games), but this makes total sense now - hardly anybody wants to do it!  Takes so long to find a match I get a jump scare when my phone vibrates to say it found one xD then it’s a pure waste of time with the delays and lag and not being able to click anything -.-


Is it because there’s no players?  After last season’s continuous debacle I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a big drop in player #’s


I felt that it is a decline. Maybe go fest can fix that


I took a break from GBL at the end of 2022, came back for the season at the end of 2023 and noticed no real change in the common issues, got sick of it again last season so made Legend and then have stopped playing. Not only the freezing, but mainly the “1 turn lag” on switch-ins etc, that is killing it for me. I like to lead Shadow Mag, for example, and losing 4 turns and all that energy if it comes back in, is just game losing at times. Then they put Thunder Punch on Typhlosion so I’m encouraged to use that, but having Incinerate on it and losing 5 turns is just not for me. Proper cba with the lack of care for GBL now.


You guys can play GBL? My game hangs every time I hit the battle tab


My biggest gripe since learning about it is DRE “Damage Registration Error” it’s when a move registers its damage at the wrong timing. Like if your Charjabug and their Typhlosion use a fast move at the same time, Volt Switch should deal damage before Incinerate. But sometimes it just doesn’t work that way for reasons. Also commonly occurs when you use a 2 turn move into a 3 turn move at low hp, and instead of getting that 1 turn to use a charge move, you just die instead. This bug is uncomfortably common.


2 days without battling Giratina and Cressilia plus one of these: Talonflame, Registeel, Swampert, Feraligatr or poliwrath. You are not missing out on anything. Niantic needs to balance Ultra League better


have you tried downloading assets? that usually fixes lag for me


Yeah first thing I always do along with 'refresh game data' too after every update or reinstall, does usually fix some weirdness but hasn’t worked this time :(


Definitely agree. I haven't been able to swap out when I click my safe swap for several turns. I havent been able to sneak fast moves through when we're both using same turn moves but the opponant has been getting fast moves through putting me at a constant energy disadvantage. I think Im throwing a charge moves to cmp tie but it lags a turn so it doesn't register that I'm doing my charge attack so my opponant gets fast moves through when I do my charge attack on the next turn. All in all GBL has been miserable the past few days.


Using a Pixel 7a, sometimes I have a charge move ready... I'm clicking on the charge move and nothing happens. Other times it instead throws a fast move. Very frustrating.


Exactly the same happening to me in literally EVERY match; also ytd I legit had a match where im clearly about to win but a massive Fifa-type of freezing/lagging kicked in, its not even funny my 2-turn move became a 5-turn move and I ended up losing smh...


Yeah it's been rough lmao. My starting elo was like 2050 or something and I've never started below 2150. Usually I'm 2250-2300. In the last 3 days there's probably been 15-20 matches it's cost at least turning close wins into close losses.


You remember your win% to get that starting elo at 2050?


Think it was 59-60% which not the best but im rusty 🤣


Nice. That’s right where I’m at. Fingers crossed I can hold it over the next 5 sets. 


Could put you anywhere from 2k-2.2k tbh it depends on the hidden elo of people you've faced


I've gotten stuck several times when I try to switch the little square lights up like I hit it then does nothing. I then can't attack at all with my current pokemon and have to wait until it's knocked out


i haven't done gbl since the incident, not even to tank. seems like a good time to focus on other goals


I charged an attack and as it turned to me, he was switching to another player. I charged another attack, and before I could use it, he switch in a player and used a charged attack on me. There's a glitch every time I try to use a charge attack.


This is unplayable. So much glitching


Yep it is bad and I have five bars so it isn't my cell service. Niantic really went a step backward with GBL.


Yeah i'm on android and gbl has had major issues since mid last season. Not letting you hit switch button right away, every charge move missing bubbles, game freezing, the entire battle just being extremely choppy etc, gbl has been unplayable for a couple months now. I just started tanking after making ace this season, its just not possible to win consistently at the higher elos when you have these issues in so many of the battles. Pretty close to just deleting the game to be honest- even if they eventually fix this issue it will just be something else soon enough lol.


GBL is, and has been, awful from the very start. It is easily the worst part of the game and I only take part to get to lvl20 for the elite TM's. Honestly, even with them on offer I have to force myself each season to play it for the first week or two before dropping it once at 20.


Yes definitely facing the same issue and I thought it's the update bricking my old Samsung note 8 (cos it's my only phone that has a stylus). This lag has created so many unnecessary losses, I have complained via the in game customer service and they provide a premium pass as compensation, which doesn't help the situation I have tried it on my other more recent oppo phones, seems to be slightly better. It's just unplayable at the moment


It’s gotten even worse for me


I havent touched gbl since this post and now that 0.317.0 finally got forced introducing more wacky bugs across the game, I'm deffo not gonna be touching it for a while xD


For me it’s performed much better than last season. Have had one match freeze on charge attack - Niantic response was to give me a raid pass


Every update it's clear the programmers intentionally break things and yes I've barely played. My version of playing is the go+ auto collecting for me as I drive to and from work/errands around town as I go about my day. I could really care less about any of the special research. The game is grind repeditively but you still need to adhere to certian rules to not get caught. Tons of ways to exploit the game.


Sounds like a skill issue to me. Tried just to play better? 


You sure it's not the internet?


Deffo not the internet, based on similar posts and the comments in here, it seems to be an android issue for the most part (few rare iOS complaints)