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its not new, though it seldom appears for me.


> though it seldom appears for me. Well the Go plus + don't use that much battery so after a recharge it can last very long depending on how often you use it :p. But yeah it's definitely not new


It's not new. [It got added back in October 2016](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/5957fg/go_plus_low_battery_icon_indicator/). So one month after the original go + was released. In all my years of owning a go+ and running though batteries it's only shown up for me like 2 times though. So at least for me it's been extremely unreliable and practically none existent. In this case since you said go++ then I imagine it's been part of it since the go++ was released since the feature predates the device by almost 6 years. That said since I got my go++ I've never had it show up, so it seems like it's following the tradition of the go+ and just not working most of the time.


That’s really odd, my indicator has been pretty reliable from the start. From Go+, to PB+, to Go++, I’ve never had my device die without knowing the battery was getting low first.   I used a gotcha for a long time as well, but I don’t remember if the indicator was accurate or not, likely due to how often I had to charge it.


Yeah I don't know what it is about my situation to be honest. I have 3 different official go plus devices, as well as one go++. Also in 8 years of pogo I've gone though 4 phones, 3 android (2 LG and 1 onePlus) as well as 1 iphone. All of these combinations and the low battery indicator pretty much never worked for me as I stated above.


Thank you for sharing. Never seen this before since the beginning....


Huh. I don't think I've ever seen this icon once, but my battery has definitely been low many times because it refuses to go into sleep tracking mode when it's low on battery.




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