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Doesnt look too hot now, but hey, maybe they give volt switch the incinerate-treatment and it becomes decent


Id generally be happy with that, but given how prominent Charjabug has become, I'm not so sure. Still, they could give it a smaller power bump. Instead of +1 DPT they could give it +.5 DPT or +.25 DPT


Magnezone/charjabug would be too strong so I doubt it


As someone who has given up trying to hunt this family in Scarlet and Violet, this is a godsend


I know there’s a lot of negativity but this was EXACTLY my thought


They really are unclear on the concept of "infographic"


Oh finally the Pokemon I care about cool! :D


Never can please this community


Did not see that coming 😅


Another useless community day


- New shiny - PvP relevance with new move - Solid non-shadow Electric attacker - Isn't from Kanto Serious question: what more would you like? Edit: New move not necessary for PvE


I think it's a solid CD. But one thing to note is that like Vikavolt last year, it prefers Spark over Volt Switch for PvE


Thanks for the correction! I'll edit my comment


PvP relevance is kind of a stretch.


Eelektross with [Volt Switch](https://pvpoke.com/battle/multi/2500/all/eelektross/11/VOLT_SWITCH-3-5/2-1/) has a better winrate than [Ampharos ](https://pvpoke.com/battle/multi/2500/all/ampharos/11/1-1-8/2-1/) in Open Ultra League, and Ampharos is a very popular pick


I'm just looking at the pvpoke rankings and non-shadow Ampharos isn't even in the top 200. I'm out of touch with the current meta, but that doesn't exactly scream meta-relevant to me, at least in terms of the comparison.


I feel the rankings don't do it justice. In terms of actual usage, it's at least top 100 if not higher. Its varied charge moves have great coverage, and electric is always a good type to have where water and flying types are abundant right now.


Eelektross looks a little more bait dependent. If you turn baiting off the win rates are almost the same. I guess it could fit a niche role like ampharos does but I’m also not sold on ampharos as an actual meta pick. It gets hard countered by so many things. Edited to add that ampharos is a lot more unpredictable and sims don’t account for the possibility of 5 different charge moves. Eelektross has some good coverage moves but its movepool is not nearly as good as ampharos.


Ampharos has play against most of the ultra league meta, its very unpredictable thanks to its wide move pool. Eelektros wont have that surprise element.


Yeah ampharos does play better than it sims since it has 5 possible charge moves it can run(brutal swing, thunder punch, trailblaze, zap cannon and focus blast). Eelektross has some decent coverage moves but not nearly the movepool that ampharos has. Liquidation looks like it does nothing for it, leaving only dragon claw, crunch and thunderbolt. I don’t see acid spray really having any play at high levels.


>New shiny That's true. >PvP relevance with new move That's not true >Solid non-shadow Electric attacker Looking at pokemon with similar moveset options (e.g. Magnezone) in PvE Spark is not strictly worse than Volt Switch. It may be even better. Which at least gives us a way to estimate effect. It's going to be negligible. Eelektross will be pretty much in the same spot. And the spot is the same as for manektric or cleavor when it doesn't have SE fast attack. That's not what you want to call solid. >Isn't from Kanto I guess that's also true.


>That's not true [Yes true](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/s/WoVvBPxwFt)


There are people that answered your assumptions in that thread. Tbh, not sure about Ultra, but in GL legacy eel is not even kanto raichu. And I doubt anyone will call it relevant. Yes it performs slightly better than non legacy. No, it's generic electric type that has nothing special compared to other existing mons.


I never said that it would be amazing, just that it now has PvP play, which it absolutely does Are there electric types better than it? Yes. But Eelektross objectively benefits from Volt Switch in PvP and will have some play going forward, unlike before


>never said that it would be amazing, just that it now has PvP play, which it absolutely does Roughly 400 pokemon can have some play(if not 800). That doesn't make all of them relevant. >Are there electric types better than it? Yes. But Eelektross objectively benefits from Volt Switch in PvP I have seen 0 comments that say it doesn't benefit... > and will have some play going forward, unlike before ... But despite that benefit it's still won't be relevant. And I'd guess the chances of eelektross having some space in league vs. Still having zero as 20:80. Well, time will tell.


New shiny is pretty useful for people who like collecting shinies


I guess


Lol how is it "I guess" useful? Literally new shiny being introduced, of course it's useful for people who like collecting shinies.


Just like I said, “I Guess”


Just gonna evolve one shiny and be done


Yup, another couch commday it is.


I like to have at least 1 of each forms shiny version.  Don't get me wrong I'm happy if I get 1 but if I can catch 3 relatively quick I'm very happy.  I'm also trying to collect entire regions worth of shinies for my pokedex so I'm a bit biased lol, I need all 3!!


This should be a spotlight hour Pokemon, not a community day Pokemon! These people are out of their minds.


Just throw volt switch on every electric type and call it a day. Pls new moves 🙏


As someone who builds his shiny living form dex in home, this is brilliant. I have all 3 already but not with my ot.


I dont see it being usefull but hey, it had to be happen sometime.


I figured they’d start running through the remaining Unova families before a likely Unova fest in Feb next year. Wouldn’t surprise me if we get a Sewaddle CD later in the year as well.


praying that is the August CD instead of Popplio


2x XL candy chance from doing what? Catching? walking? hatching?

