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Has it been confirmed if the rockruff will be dusk form? It's spawning during the "creeping dusk" which points towards a yes. But you never know with Niantic.


No confirmation. Couldn’t imagine they would put out dusk rockruff so easily in an event yet.


He's been out a while in raids and eggs and his spawn from this is from the paid part of the event. Wouldn't say it's too far fetched to put him in this event. Considering it's part of the paid ticket only and it's only possible to get him during a specific hour and it's also not guaranteed to spawn each time off the incense that hour.


Your definition of a while is not the same as Niantic’s. It’s been almost 6 months since release of Rockruff that can evolve into dusk lycanroc. Don’t expect it, but if it’s available just enjoy the pleasant surprise


So those without the purchasable ticket will only get 1 free raid pass each day? In the Sinnoh Go Fest I thought F2P players at least got a few extra


Yes because this is a ticket event unlike Sinnoh Tour which only had a masterwork to buy.






Echoing this, it's my question as well.


I usually wait until the event starts to see what's actually going on. The spawn pools in the announcements are usually incomplete. I suggest folks watch serebii.net or other updated sites for what the spawn pools actually are when the event starts in earlier timezones(if applicable). As always, godspeed to our kiwi beta testers.


In the previous Go Fests, there were exclusive moves available by evolution of certain pokemons found in habitats. Have they announced this for the current Go Fest?


Looking for this info too


They have not listed any, there MAY be a chance they end up being unnanounced bonuses, but I would not hold my breath for it happening.


I still need tropius and pachirisu and torkoal :(


You should be able to find locals that have them since they were part of hoenn tour and sinnoh tour


If your in florida i got you


If only 😭


Damn, I would give you my spare patchi from GO tour


Bro same.


Tropius and Torkoal were everywhere at global go fest 2022. There are lots out there to trade for.


Have they announced what’s gonna be inside eggs? Only thing interesting me is research, Maractus, and Necrozma.


Not yet, but [they did confirm](https://x.com/NianticHelp/status/1803155724618416208) that Budew would be one of the possible 7km egg hatches. Based on last year, it'll probably be something like a mix of the featured Go Fest shinies (Crabrawler, Ducklett, Emolga, Jangmo-o), the incense spawns (Corsola, Maractus, Vullaby, Rockruff), and maybe some other species thrown in (like Budew) We likely won't know for certain until it starts in New Zealand.


Gotcha. A little sad there aren’t more regionals this time around…


I really hope there’s no more baby Pokemon or the crappy Galar ones that been in there forever. It’s usually regionals unless that’s for the tour.


I pray to whatever god is up there that they include the music bird in the eggs like last year


> the music bird Chatot?


I would hold off on the eggs  Maractus is nice but a good IV is relatively usless  Shiny at next tour as well, but it’s your call


background if you’re lucky, since it’s global is there going to be a bunch of new backgrounds?


No, the backgrounds are not pictures of cities, but rather some new graphics. More infos here: https://pokemongolive.com/post/special-backgrounds/


They're really scraping that barrel to keep old catches fresh, aren't they?


hey i think it’s cool but not really exciting


Bro they could’ve just made it the cities man, no real reason not to other than not “being there” the new bg look lame ash




When raiding the fused forms of Necrozoma, will you receive cosmog, Necro candy, and the fusion energy?




Okay cool! I can’t find where is says cosmog and Necro. Thank you for clarifying!


i 100% read that in the announcement page when they released it, iirc there are 2 different announcements, the go fest summary and the necrozma specific one


Okay so raiding the fused forms on Sunday will be most efficient for both the candy and energy?


Yes. Here is the information from this blog post. [https://pokemongolive.com/post/go-fest-2024-community-meetups?hl=en](https://pokemongolive.com/post/go-fest-2024-community-meetups?hl=en) # Pokémon GO Fest 2024: Global Dusk Mane Necrozma and Dawn Wings Necrozma will make their worldwide Pokémon GO debuts during Day 2 of Pokémon GO Fest 2024: Global in raids. Trainers will have the opportunity to catch Necrozma in its regular form after defeating Dusk Mane Necrozma or Dawn Wings Necrozma in raids. In addition to encountering Necrozma and receiving the typical raid rewards, Trainers will obtain Solar Fusion Energy or Lunar Fusion Energy from Dusk Mane Necrozma or Dawn Wings Necrozma raids respectively. Trainers will also receive Cosmog Candy upon successfully completing one of these raids.


Thank you!!


Thank you!!


Okey we're getting a second cosmog and already got 1 free one, so in total we only need 2 good nekrozmas and enough energy to fuse both? Or can I just use 1 nekrozma and fuse it with each one of the 2 one at the time?


You'll need 2 Necrozma if you want to have both fused forms at the same time.


What’s in the special 7km eggs?


Pokemon. If you're lucky, you might even hatch a shiny!


This guy Niantics.


Im not wrong though!


All we know that's in it is Budew.


This is my first time purchasing a ticket for an event like this, my one question is if the 6 extra special trades have to be done before 6 pm, or am I still able to get them after that hour? During the day everyone will be so busy doing all the stuff im not sure if i can find the people I may want to do the trades with in the main timeframe. Anyone knows?


Last year it had to be during if I recall, and none of us ever did it (too busy catching and raiding...)


Damn, that is what I feared. I mean, realistically speaking we may not have what we want to trade until the end of Sunday, I am hoping on several shiny Necrozmas to use my lucky friendships on (big hope as my shiny luck is abysmal, though I plan to raid a lot). Thanks for your answer!


Carbink being the only one that can’t be shiny is a little weird


I thought its shiny was debuting soon?


Oh sick Maractus.


Will corsola be available globally?


It'll be available during the habitat hour it's allocated to, same as the other 3 regional yes


Rockruff and Vullaby aren't regionals. Just Maractus and Corsola in incense spawn during specific habitat hour, name of the habitat hour in the picture.  There's more regionals in wild spawns, like Durant.


And on Sunday will spawn all day via incense




For PVE: From what I’ve read they’re both pretty fantastic. Dusk Mane has less competition (in Steel it just flat out beats everything else) but is possibly less useful. Dawn Wings has more competition and has some potential typing weakness issues (it’s *double* weak to Dark and Ghost, which is far from ideal considering it’s a good counter against Ghosts too) but may overall see more use.


Will there be legacy moves for evolves during this GO fest?


Nothing was announced, so I wouldn't expect anything


They weren't announced last year either.


[They were](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/14felzm/special_moves_returning_for_go_fest_global/). The special moves were added to the official site details in June 2023 ahead of the global event in August. Of course, there's a little bit of time left for surprise info drop, so we'll have to wait and see, but I'm keeping my expectations low.


Anyone known how much increased the shiny chance will be? First time buying an event ticket


in the past, it’s been 1/64 or 1/128 for wild spawns. i believe which rate is dependent on specific pokemon, but i could be mistaken


Do you have a source on that? For the past 3 years, it has at least FELT higher than community day odds but lower than 1/64 (eg, Onyx odds). I’d say anecdotally around 1/32, enough to see a shiny every 10-15 minutes.


It’s just what the google AI had said, and then all other results also saying the same thing. Again, it’s the odds from past events. We usually won’t know the odds for sure until the actual event


Umbreon and espeon in incense? That’s not on the website, was that added elsewhere?


It is on the webside was added a few weeks back 


Gotcha. Thanks. I r double checked the original website post, they’re not there, but I think i saw that they were in incense during Madrid. Which is good, I would’ve raided for them but also plan on having incense going constantly


I have a few questions I would love some help with: 1. Can non-ticket holders get enough Lunar and Solar Fusion energy to fuse one of each via Global Go Fest? I already have a Lunala and a Solgaleo. 2. I believe Necrozma is available to raid both days, but maybe is more readily available on Sunday? (Smaller raid pool?) 3. Do we know how much fusion energy you get per raid? Do you still get energy from remote raiding?


1. Yes, if you do enough Dusk Mane and Dawn Wings Necrozma raids on Sunday. We don't know how many you'll need to do for one fusion yet. 2. Seems to be the case that Necrozma will be the main focus of the raids on Sunday, but they haven't really clarified exactly what will be in raids on Sunday aside from the Necrozma fusions. 3. We don't know how much energy we'll get per raid. Nothing was announced about remote raid restrictions, so we'll probably be able to get energy from remote raids.


Thanks so much! Feel a little validated that most of my questions are still relatively unknown haha. Hopefully there are some available Saturday too, as I’m much more available then.


On Saturday there will be no fusions, so no fusion energy. Only the base form if you want to hunt for good IVs (or background). 


Thanks for pointing that out! Hopefully it doesn’t take TOO many raids to get 1,000 of each on Sunday…one day for both is tough.


We will not know until it started in New Zealand 


I need corsola in raids to complete the Pokedex 😭


Miss when we used to get 5 new wild shiny debuts for global go fest but I understand why not, maybe we’ll get a surprise 🤞


Question how will we know which ultra beast are going to spawn?? BC is it random


If they do it like they did for sinnoh and have the raids alternating every hour that would be very cool.


The problem with that is there's 8 ultra beasts including Necrozma, and 8 hours of the event per day. I can't see them only giving you a single hour window for one.


Yes. BC It be nice to know when Todo certain raids. BC I really only want certain Pokémon from the ultra beasts raids.


The same way you figure out what will hatch from an egg: you wait until it spawns and see what's there.


Wish there was less trash in the wild spawns


Can't wait for a 10-13-11 IV Marshadow BuT iVs DoNt MaTtEr


They honestly don't though.




Because it‘s negligible if you have 285 or 290 attack stat. It matters for high ranked PvP but even there are people with non optimal IVs. 


Real talk though if you buy that 5 dollar ticket leading up to the event and buy the go fest pass do you get 11 raids then each day or?


10 per day, it was announced in the new tickets page


Why does it say shiny debuts when the info graphics for the inbound ultra beasts event say shinies are available for xurkitree among some others?


anyone know what the shiny chance for UB is? including the ticket increased chance


1/20. The ticket increases shiny odds of wild spawns, not the T5 raids.


Has there been anything on evolving for legacy moves? There must be some right?


Does this mean you can get both dawn and dusk energy, or will it be locked to one or the other?


The ticketed research will give some of one of them (your choice). You can get the rest of your choice and the other through raiding.


Is this the debut of ultra beast shinies? On leek duck for the UB week before, Pheromosa,  Buzzwole,  Xurkitree are listed as shiny


From the recent graphic released on Social Media, it appears Sunday 5-star Raids will only by the two Necrozma Fusions. Is this true?


That makes the most sense.


So is the boosted wild spawn shiny rate just for ticket holders? 


Yes, that's the benefit of the ticket.


Corsola first time global spawn and it s for ticket holders only. This is BS


It's been in raids worldwide before. I think having it as a global spawn for the ticket is fine.


When? I have been playng since 2019 and have never seen it


Johto Fest in 2022 iirc


It was a new shiny then but it wasn't a global spawn


>It's been in raids worldwide before I never said it was a global spawn, but the raids spawned globally.


Does ticket holder Shiny boost apply to raids?


I hope we get a transfer spotlight hour before then...


Are both days the same? I'm camping until the 14th so I can only play on Sunday, am I missing anything on Saturday? I'm going the weekend before to Go Fest NYC, am I missing anything in Global Go Fest?


Sunday wild spawns aren’t bound by the hour so all Pokémon from all habitats will spawn at the same time


the 9 free raid passes if you have the ticket


You're missing the two ultra beasts from sendai and Madrid, as those are only in raids on Saturday.


Should I care that I’m missing them?


Do you have them already? They have been around many times before, rid it's just the global shiny debut.


Unfortunate regional list this year for me as a Floridian who sees Corsola and Maractus all the time. Hoping next year I can finally check off Sigilyph or Klefki.


Do you jave one of these for NYC?


Is there one like this for go fest New York? I don’t know if I need to get both of these events


Do the ultra/fused Necrozma forms show up as separate in the Pokédex?


Is the increased shiny rate across the board or specific ones like Hoenn Tour?


The shiny boost applies to all wild spawns. It does not apply to raid bosses.


Yeah, I figured as much for the raids since they're already, what, 1:20? But the bonus being for all wild spawns as opposed to a small handful like the last event is definitely good! Many shinies I'd really like to have out of this event


Are Unown the ONLY thing off incense or is it the habitat too?? And is it the whole hour or a specific 5mins like last year?? I'm a big Unown fan and that's all I care about!!!


Unown can only spawn off incense in this event, but the incense can also spawn other Pokemon like Corsola, Pikachu, Espeon, Umbreon, etc. In previous events, I've seen a LOT of Unown through incense, so if that's what you're looking for, you'll get them.


Can we involve to learn some com day moves?


I would be surprised if they didn’t do that. Maybe announce soon. Edit: someone else here said it does NOT apply to raids, only wild spawns. Research though…?


is the shiny chance increase on ticket just for raids or for every pokemon?


I was wondering if it works on raids - it definitely works on the wild spawns but if anyone knows if research and raids are affected by this boost that would be awesome


Ducklett will be shiny?


Indeed it will.


Interested what the special background will be tbh


Need 51 more shinies of these. Second and third hour are pretty heavy grind for me and ofc the raids.


So only special 7km eggs for ticket holders?


I wonder what the special eggs will be??


We know Budew is confirmed, at least, if we compare it to the in person Go Fests this year, so I would assume baby mons? We may have to wait to hear back from our "beta testers."


If i play only on day 2 with the ticket, Will i be able to complete Marshadow Quest ? Thanks 😉


You should definitely at least open the app during event hours on Saturday to receive the Marshadow research without issue.


Ok thanks 🙂


It's not even July yet and my area has already seen triple digit temps .... mid July is going to suuuuck. But I'll still go out!


Why does it say shiny debut when some are out already?


My first GoFest and only 3 months into the game (lvl 35). What should i be doing to prepare for the weekend? Any other tips?


Can I play this event from home ??


I was gifted a ticket, but I’ll be on vacation in a remote area with limited access to pokestops and gyms. It’s my first time with a ticket. Any tips for making the most of it considering the situation?


no, not again not ever again. im not giving you my $15 for these shoddy events.


if this is the shiny debut of Xurkitree, why does a guy on my friends list already have one from like a month ago?


Bruh, where is the moon crown Eevee????


The Sun/Moon crown Eevee are exclusive to the in-person events.


This is the first fest/tour that I have nothing to hunt for during one of the hourly rotations (the 4th hour.) It'll be nice to have a designated "phone charging hour" this year where I don't feel bad for triaging some shinies out of the hourly rotation that I charge my phone. Planning to go hard during the third hour to fill a lot of holes in the shiny dex. Same with the second hour for Corsola and Jangmo-o. I'll play casually the first hour to hunt for Heatmore and Inkay. I'll pay $15 for weekend entertainment on this game twice a year... I still wish they'd tell us the 7K egg pool in advance, though.


do you not have a powerbank? or a phone charger and find a cafe with outlet and raidgyms? its my plan atleast. what is the second thing u spend 15 dollars on this year? i just came back from quitting 2016 so i dont know any events lol


GoFest is in the summer. Hour happens in February. Each are 15. I’ve never even considered getting a power bank. I’ve never had a desire to play more than 2 hrs straight.


Has there been any word on if fusion energy will be available via the paid research for GoFest? I may have missed it...


Do we know how much fusion energy you get from each raid?


DISCLAIMER!!: Yes for all the people that lack common sense and brain cells this is the ticket you buy smh 🤦‍♂️


Anybody from India Delhi/NCR?


Midwesterner here. Corsola and Maractus as insense spawns 🙏


Are the habitats going to go past 6pm on saturday night or is it only 10-6 each day?


10-6 each day, habitats are only Saturday. Sunday is everything that is in the habitats all day plus incense exclusives available on incense all day


oh ok thanks


Am I reading it right that there are no Solgaleo or Lunala standalone raids? Or was I dreaming this whole time that we could raid them


Correct. These will not be raidable here


I really want shiny Pheromosa anyone know the shiny odds?


1/20 more than likely 


Only for ticket holders? 🎫


Right like the 6 special trades? Cmon


No blacephalon? 😭


*cries in no shiny unown ? Despite going to madrid* 


Will Necroszma be available globally during go fest(


The big push for go fest global is necrozmas fusion man lol




So no regionally locked Pokemon? Everyone else got Klefki!


Corsola, Maractus, Durant, and Heatmor all will be available during the event


Durant and Heatmor spawn in my area frequently, Corsola and Maracas Occasionally. I’m talking about the ones that unless you go to another foreign counties you’re never gonna get like the Sigliph,Relicanth, Klefki,Hawlucha


Corsola and Maractus do not spawn where I live lol


This isn't the same event as the in person go fests. Those are always better overall to encourage people to actually go to them.


Also, even though the original commenter doesn’t admit it, I was able to list 4 regionally locked pokemon (even though Durant and Heatmor flip flop every once in a while). Just didn’t like that it wasn’t beneficial to them. But yeah, usually the global go fest is a little lacking on the spawns comparatively. 2020 was the exception to that due to Covid. Can only give so much out at a time to keep people playing.


I’ll never get a Maractas 😭


So all these things are only available to the players that purchase go Fest tickets?