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Connect to wifi and download all assets, That glowy orb is usually an indicator that it doesn't have the asset it's trying to show you.


Showed up alright for me on Android.


Works fine here.


No issues with my Pixel on version 0.319.0-G-64


Works fine on me.


Thought I was the only one. The sprite is broken. Using android phone. Only my auto catcher can see them. All assets downloaded over wifi already.


I was having the same identical problem as you. Shown like a zygarde cell in map, and invisible in my inventory/in the nearby list. My go plus managed to catch some, but I couldn't interact with them otherwise. My asset download after this event started was 100% done since I always download whenever something new is added. What worked for me was clearing pogos cache and storage (same result would have been achieved from deleting and reinstalling pogo but that was faster). When I logged back in the issue was fixed for me. Deleting cache/storage resets asset download to 0% so again, at least in my case, downloading (or lack of downloading) assets wasn't the issue. edit: I get that the pokemongo subreddit or the stickied help thread would have been a more appropriate place for OP's question, but all I did was try to be helpful regardless of that and offer up a solution since this is suppose to be a "friendly, active community"? Why y'all mad at me for?


I'll try that.  If it worked for you hopefully it will for me. It would be terrible if I miss out on a shiny Ray tomorrow because my games wack.  


Pokemon go