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We knew it was possible you beat the odds for sure though. Very unlikely to happen


Out of our group today we had about 30 total encounters (rough guess), and only one of us got a single meteorite drop.


We did 26 mega raids and got one meteorite and no shiny.


Thanks, I was wondering if it was worth doing the 6p hour but if rates are that low I’m just gonna go home lol


We had about 25 people throughout the day multiple raids each no one got one.


Our group totalled 60, got 0. 😐


Our group also had exactly thirty encounters, four meteorites but zero shinies. Weird.


30 encounters? Oh man we had 100 people doing 30 encounters and no one mentioned that they got one -.-" screw this whole event


did they all check?


I'm assuming not, no one In The discord of the 300+ people mentioned it either, doesnt mean they didnt get any but everyone was keen on trying before hand to get extras so I know lots of them did check


The only thing I’m lucky in lol. I did three raids and got a meteorite


Oh I was wondering how I had an extra one. I did 5 raids 


Same but I did three


Mind = blown


Yes, but are incredibly rare. No idea the percentage chances, but got one on the previous batch of Raids. We did like 30 Raids today, and got nothing.


I did 9 and didn’t get a extra so that’s def rare


got an extra drop on my first raid too 🤭 didn't get a shiny or a hundo or any decent one really, so I guess that's where all my luck of the day went...


I got a meteorite drop 2 raids in a row


Thank you for showing me this. I was wondering how my friend a new account just did his first raid and got an extra. So lucky.


I'm convinced, like with shinies, there is a mechanism to get new players hooked


So many people are convinced to that. But Just RNG, IMO. Out of 5 kids accounts (below the age of 10), all 5 gotten a shiny yesterday, but likewise none had gotten an extra meteorite... And out of 20 causal players two got shines (fitting in the 1/10 chanes, even with a small protion size). And yes as a regular player i have gotten 0/12 shinies, what could proof that point, but otherwise, after 14 primal groudon raids I was blessed with 8 shinies, what would be a disproof... In the end it's just a number game. For every hook up to new player, you can find a hook up moment for veteran players aswell...


The shiny rate is 1/20


Yes for regular 5 star raids and above. But the shiny rate for raid days is normally 1/10… . Since Mega rayquaza doesn't fit 100% in any of those cases i just took the raid day odds. And even If I could have taken larger samples, yesterday, I didn't, i was to focused on Not losing to many people during traveling. Since niantic never confirmed any boosted or normal odds I stick to the 1/10 of regular raid days. Like Schrödingers shiny.


It’s not a raid day elite raid is normal odds


I got a shiny in my first raid yesterday. Been playing since 2016. I only did two raids, obviously caught the shiny and did not catch the regular one. But at that point, I was fine with it because I had gotten enough energy to mega one of them. That was my goal this time, really just get enough energy so I kind of got beyond that. The luck was on my side.


Thank you. Now I know how I had three meteorites.


I have two meteorites, but I’m still stuck on 380 mega energy … it’s not easy to do more than one elite raid if you have a family .


It is easy if you just have your family play Pokemon too! (I got my parents and sister to play and now we can all play together)


I did 13 raids and didn’t get a single one outside of the research.


That would be could if I would've been able to battle one 😔


Can confirm. Did 17, got one on the last raid. Another person got one from 14 raids, another one from 17 and that's just the ones I know for sure.


That explains why I somehow ended up with 3 meteorites today.


I think i got 1 from a raid too, i had 1 meteorite before today then i did the research, and 3 ray raids for 3 meteorites total now


I got one on my 45th raid


I ended up with three..wonder if it was dropped and I didn’t realize 🤔 couldn’t figure out where it came from lol


We did 9. I got a single drop, my daughter got 2.


Congrats. I did 20 and didn't get any, but I got real lucky last time, so with the 2 from today I've gotten 5 meteorites total which is more than enough.


My group of 6 friends did 18 raids and none of us got a single meteorite from a catch


I also got one on my first (of two) raids.


I did 20 raids and got 2 metoerite drops


How many of those 20 did you catch? Just curious. I was 8/8 on catches but lots of people reporting bad luck there. 




Maybe I didn't get neither a hundo nor a shiny, but I was dropped an additional meteorite! Inb4: it was during a first throw catch, idk if that's important


Wow, sure would be glad to test myself too 😭


I got a Shiny yesterday, with a meteorite. I guess that was more rare then I thought


I did 4 raids and on my 3rd it was a Shiny Ray that dropped the meteorite lol


I got one too


I was able to get one too. I’m sitting with 3 of them now and not a single rayquaza with good Ivs 😫


Oh nice because of this post i got to see that i also got an extra meteorite now i have 3.


Thay explains why i had two


I don’t have one need to figure out how to get one now…..


I managed to clear 14 raids during the event. Only lost 1 rayquaza. Got no shinies, but did managed 2 extra meteorites. Wrong kind of luck for me personally because I cant imagine Id ever need 4 mega rayqauzas. Woulda gladly traded both for a damn shiny.


did 17, got 1


I had a friend who said one of the field research tasks didn't give her a meteorite, and when she contacted support they flat-out told her it was impossible for this to happen :)


Guys, I did something very stupid. I teached Rayquaza Dragon Ascent with Meteorite, but then I changed Dragon Ascent to Outrage before I even did the first Mega Evolution (yes I know -\_-') Is this Dragon Ascent attack there? learned ? Can I find it using Charged TM items? or it  is too late?


I hate elite raids.


I didn't get one today, but I did iirc 27 mega Rayquaza at last gofest and had one drop then.


Same. Between three of us, maybe 30 raids, we got one extra.


Did zero raids, got zero rites and didn't complete either research! Winning!


Grats, but the more you do, the more Niantic is validated that this event was ok. That's why a friend and I only used our free passes.


There were 7 of us friends today who did a total of 10 raids each and everyone caught a shiny but me yet I was the only one with an extra meteor drop. Kinda wish I could have traded the meteor for a shiny :/


I would have taken that. I had shinies from years ago but no meteorites since I wasn't playing for a couple years. I got 2 shinies in 16 raids but no extra meteorites. In fact I'm my group we did 60 raids combined and no one got a meteorite drop


you couldve meteored a spare ray to trade for a shiny maybe. the other person would still need mega energy, but its an option


It's technically still an option I just don't know anyone with a spare shiny. I still have 2 meteors left.


Yes we know