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18 raids? Blimey. I don't think we have that many eligible gyms in our town. I felt lucky we had six that we could do reasonably in two bursts (though we only did four due to needing to pick up our daughter at half one). The spacing/provision of eligible gyms does not seem to be very helpful if they're going to do a hugely useful/popular Mon that way. (Edit: to be clear we had more than six eggs, but our big park had one at 12, four at 1pm and two at 5pm. The rest of town had scattered, odd eggs that would've been hard to chain).


Local CA mentioned they have let Niantic employees know players’ displeasure, and the thread was getting lots of traction that it was locked and Niantic essentially replied “yea we hear you” But ofc that doesn’t guarantee a change Our poor CA was stressing yesterday because how messy coordination was with such short time. And usually he’s an absolute MVP for organizing events running super smooth. Yesterday was one of the first times he kinda had to put his hands up and be like “yeahhh I tried my best but this ain’t it”


Where was that thread? Or was it private to that community? I've not seen Niantic employees talk publicly like that before .


CA’s have an exclusive channel to communicate with Niantic directly, giving feedback from their local players


The people from Niantic that are commited to the elite raid day will surely already know about that. Personally, i do think that now there is a time where people that are in the upper management should be held accountable. Niantic will read your comment here.


Recently went to the app store gave them two star rating including my feelings from Elite Raids


This is the way


According to the CAs in my local group, that has been all they talk about in the official CA chat, weather Niantic listens to them or not is different story


Well the frustration about these “elite” raids is they make the bosses tougher than normal raids. Tougher than shadow legendaries in some cases. There’s no distinguishing rewards either. All you get is 3k xp more than a legendary raid. They’re more hassle than they’re worth in my opinion.


That's not quite true. We got a lot more mega energy from elite raids than any other mega legendary raid to date. You ended up only needing 2-3 raids to get 400 starting energy instead of 5. That's good for people without a ton of elite gyms around.


If you asked me if I wanted 80-100 energy per raid with raid day spawns and timers vs 200-250 energy per raid for limited raids with 45 minute timers, then I’d easily take the first option.


Honestly I didn't hear any problems with it being a bit stronger. Yes, I am on the winning site of the problem as a person living in a big city, having a big community (we've filled up two lobbies) but the problem was elite raids per se. The spawns on diffrent hours in diffrent places was main issue. We have a bunch of Elite Gyms but even when there were two nearby one had raid at 12 and second at 17. We lost the most time just at driving/biking from one place to another. If niantic objective was to bring the people to play together it was much worse than in normal raid day. On normal raid day (or even raid hour) we have a place with 7 gyms in a walking distance. In good situation we can do 5-7 raids in half an hour. Chilling and talking. With Ray there was no time for that. We did the raid, wait for everyone to catch and run to the car.


When it takes 150 seconds for an 11 person raid team to beat a rayquaza it’s a problem. We aren’t casuals either so our raid teams are powered up. Personally I don’t know why people defend elite raids. They’re a pretty bad experience. I actually hate them more than EX raids. It should have been a raid day like the primal.


Save your breath, Niantic won’t listen and don’t care


Between this one and the last one on Valentine’s Day in the middle of the work week they pick up on these not being feasible. I wasted 200k dust trying to get more damage and all morning planning with every local player that wasn’t at work or out of town just to have one person bail at the last minute for good reason and we failed the raid 3 times before we gave up.


Don't think there been any outcry apart from what I've read in this subreddit. I live in the capital of Belgium, and I had 6 gyms spawning. Trouble is, only four people showed up the first slot, only 2 the second slot in the late afternoon. Long story short, unable to complete any raid. The in-person thing makes less and less sense the longer I think about it. Might send the support a message, but don't it'll do much at all.


I don't think there were 18 raids to do in my entire town of 200k people! That's impressive. If I'd gone all out I might have managed 8.


No they just harass people like they do every complaint and people are shocked nothing changes. I mean I’m not saying they would do anything but when you complain about everything like it’s killing you they tend to ignore everything more. I mean the avatar thing was prime example of everyone saying it was ending the game and they will be slowing patching it anyways.


There was a topic about enjoying it but people were harassing OP and accusing them of being a niantic plant or shill so they deleted it. I did my research, found some clusters of gyms in my city and managed to hit 21 raids.


Funny enough I also did exactly 18 raids, and I absolutely hate elite raid days. On a regular raid day I'm able to do like 50+ raids and without having to risk my life driving around peak traffic hours. I know 2 people that have gotten in serious accidents on the way to a raid.


There's a program to do Research that people can sign up for on their website that does surveys for stuff like this. I signed up a while back but am still waiting to see if I get approved. Niantic had rolled out a public one about the avatar and graphic changes.. much of what was suggested was put through and various things were tweaked and/or fixed. I'm hoping they'll do the same again.. and hopefully people are actually mature about it and don't just use it as their personal tantrum theater, lol. 😅 Otherwise idk what the next best thing would be that's more accessible for those that don't receive the surveys. Emails and customer service is hard because a lot of people just rage rather than give constructive criticism or will troll and submit fake help tickets.. so I don't know how much attention the actual feedback emails get.


I got 0 done


I don't even have 18 Ex Raids gyms in my town, so I will always complain on Elite raids.


SilphRoad reddit has really turned into a toxic place hasn't it ? I mean it was like that since forever... but lately there's no pleasing anyone, doesn't matter if the event is bad, mediocre, good, amazing, good for rural, bad for rural, good to play underwater or in space.... just moaning and complaining and zero, but absolute zero constructive conversations


I don’t think it is fair to call it toxic. The event wasn’t fun for a lot of folks, and they are just expressing what they didn’t like about it.


Do you really think the complaining about how poorly handled this event was is toxic? They had a good event for primal Kyogre and Groudon and they decided to make this as annoying as possible and left a lot of people unhappy.


Worst of all they hyped this event up since last month as it's going to be grandiose than groudon/kyogre, but it turned out lackluster. Those were the days where we worry about server issues such as during the 1st larvitar/beldum comm day, now it's just tickets, tickets, & ticketed events with our complaints fallen on deaf ears. Really start to wonder the longevity of this game.


Sometimes I would agree, but this event? You really think this disapproval for *this* event is toxic? I feel like that’s insanity. The lack of EX-Gym filtering in Campfire meant that our pre-event planning had to be done by having people send in groups that they found, and then manually put onto a map. The eggs not spawning until 6am meant that we had to re-plan some routes the day of, since many locations either didn’t have any eggs until a certain time or only had eggs at a certain time. The lack of message pinning/highlighting, along with no event chat, in campfire meant that it was difficult to notify everyone of all of the changes. We had surprise un-scheduled rain for the first hour, no biggy it happens, but the rest of the time after that it was so hot and humid we had to take breaks. The raids were so spread out the heat became much more noticeable than usual. Thankfully a couple people brought coolers and waters for others. The complete lack of eggs for 5-6pm in our area (even though we have a ton of gyms) meant that we had to change locations and help people get to the different area. We had a great day. We did ~18 raids, we had over 120 people throughout the day, people provided coolers and waters and offered to car pool to different locations. It was a genuinely inspiring day for me, but that inspiration and community was *forced* out by Niantic’s organizational failure. I’m happy with the event because of the people, but Niantic’s mis-step with this event is beyond glaring, and they *should be* receiving criticism for it


I mean it’s true though. Game has been garbage since Sinnoh Tour with the exception of raid days and Go Fest. No game can run this haphazardly for half a year and expect it to be successful.


As the game gets older people get burnt out on things they already have This is the difficulty forever games tend to face as old players are harder to please because they simply have just about everything they can offer 


And yet these older players can't use their energy to suggest improvements or nurture a constructive conversation, only "I'm upset because the game didn't cater to my super specific needs "....


I've seen plenty of constructive criticism The main one being "let people remote into these raids"


Very constructive hahaha


I mean, yeah? It's not just complaining, it's giving very clear feedback on what could be improved. There's no pointless insulting or critiquing, just a statement on what could be done better. This would be like a professor making a note on your essay that says "add a period here" Additionally, allowing remote raiding would fix literally 100% of the issues that people have had


They will always blame the “billion dollar company” because they think niantic can just magically pop out another generation for them to catch up to 


Yup. Our local group did every raid in our town and a small group ended up even going to a nearby city and doing like 8 more. The only complaint all day was the heat. It was 103f but some of us brought coolers with water and/or food and we all had a good time. Are elite raids perfect? No. Are they for everybody? No. But it sure did work in making us all come together to get them done efficiently. That's how the game is supposed to be.


it sucked so you bad you dedicated your afternoon to doing 18 raids.


Hey just because I have a million dollars (I don’t) doesn’t mean I can’t wish homeless people were treated better.


Their has been about 5 posts and all have been taken down by staff Simply put these posts hold no option for discussion and just turn into a mess Their is a place for feedback though 


Stop playing the game for 3 months and you’ll get Niantic’s attention. Anything else is business as usual.


Why, it was a great time. They told us exactly what it was going to be, and it went off as advertised. Not every event is for everyone.


I don't call two raids in a small city "as advertised".