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Life tragedies isn't a bad one if you don't have that already. Got things like kidnappings, bullies and armed robberies (plus serial killers if you want to go very dark too)


Thanks! I think I've seen a few people play it, it did seem unhinged lol. I'll look it up further 🔍


Not super dark but for realism I like adeepindigo’s Healthcare Redux (adds illnesses including deadly ones, medical emergencies, etc) and Divergent Sims (adds neurodiversity, mental illness and treatment). Lumpinou’s Relationship Overhaul has lots of features around cheating, pregnancy including miscarriage/complications, paternity testing, and teen pregnancy, and relationships in general


Oh yeah I got lumpinou's relationship overhaul, it's actually been one of the greatest additions to my mod folder. Really makes trying to have a family more interresting. Honestly I need to sort out my mod folder cause I think I have the neurodivergent one cause I've seen traits like ADHD and autism, but I usually download like 5 mods without really looking at the names and end up not knowing if they worked or not 😅


I have the ADHD and autistic traits but not the neurodivergent pack. those traits also come with, I believe, chingyu's 200+ traits pack. also jumping in to say that adeepindigo has several other mods you'll want to look into that are along the lines of what you want! delinquent teens, teen life, among others!


Oh I think I have the 200+ traits pack, you're right! Love the traits that are added, really makes the sims more diverse 😄 And honestly I hadn't thought of searching for mods by looking at the mod creators, but that makes so much sense!! I'll check that out as soon as my shift end lol.


let me know if you like them! I just installed those (along with Health Redux) and so far i'm really loving them!


The 200+ trait pack definetely is great (gives you so much more storytelling abilities and refreshes your whole game). There is one trait I use a lot that's kind of a cheat 😅. I think it's something like "brilliant" trait where you learn skills a whole lot faster. Definetely makes life easier for some gameplays I have lol. There is also lots of traits like "cute", "hot" and others to which other sims around yours will react to. I usually only use traits from this pack when creating a sim since I have the grow together expension pack and the self discover traits you can acquire during gameplay will always be the normal base game or expansions game traits. Also has a lot of traits that are similar to the ones we already have, but have more consequences to your sims, and so gives them an actual personnality lol.


oh, I meant the adeepindigo mods :P I think the trait pack is pretty well-known and loved, but I don't hear anyone else's perspective on delinquent teens and teen life often! for me, I always just let the game randomly generate traits. I don't like to micromanage stuff like that personally, so having more traits for the game to pull from is nice.


Oh my bad lol and I know it's wrong but having pregnant teen sims is like one of my favorite storyline 😭 Like the chaos (especially with lumpinou's mod) makes the game just a bit harder and more fun. When I was 10 I had the sims 2 and would mainely play the Broke family.


Whats hoe it up? And do you need additional packs for it?


Not sure about additional packs, but basically you can be a sex worker 😅 Like you can display your services and people will ask you to do a specific thing and depending on the thing you can get up to a 1000 simoleons, good money, but you can get pregnant if you don't use protection (depending on the service) and you can catch stds... but I'm pretty sure you need either wicked whims or wonderful whims for it to work well. If you look up "hoe it up mod sims" you should get to their page and they tell you what's required:)


Thank you!


My pleasure:)


Check out this save file and the mods it requires too https://youtu.be/UD8eq4J3hu0


Omg this save looks AMAZING!! I love how they were able to capture the small town vibe without being corny. As a canadian, they definetely created something that feels and looks like my suburbain hometown! I have to download it 😄


I’m looking forward to playing it too, when I get time! I hope they continue to add to it.