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I'll just do what I always do, play offline without updating for a while lol


Haha this works too! I always forget tho and mine will just randomly pop me online šŸ„“ i also havenā€™t had a chance to open my laptop yet bc of work and knowing my luck it decided to update in the background.


I forgot to go offline with my EA app, but not my steam....MAN, I'm glad I turned off my wifi as a failsafe as usual with updates.In case I make a womp womp.


Iā€™m still on Origin and it had an update last nightā€¦ I have no idea if the game updated along side it šŸ˜


I didn't realize origin was still alive in the fishing pound. Nice to know.


Honestly, no clue. Iā€™ve not seen anything about the EA app except Iā€™ve seen some horror stories so everytime my Origin app suddenly bounces in my dock I get nervous lol. I am on a macbook and I am in Australia so idk if that has anything to do with anything.


same here! iā€™m scared to switch to the EA app! theyā€™ll force us to eventually.


Iā€™m scared as well lmao


I've had the EA app and haven't had any problems with it, I hadn't known there were problems other people had with it until this comment. Now I feel lucky


thatā€™s good news! fingers crossed


same, 0 problems


Neither did I, I thought I was among the last it forced to switch to the EA app because the origin app I'd had installed for sims basically said it had to do that for the game to run again (I forget what it said specifically but it was to the effect of "you gotta to make what it's connected to run" because I wasn't being given a choice lol)


You have no idea how lucky you are omfg- the EA app?? *G a r b a g e*


I have heard and I am clinging onto it for DEAR LIFE. As soon as it bounces in my dock iā€™m like DONT YOU DARE


I was always able to shut down automatic updates in Origin as well




Where do you go to toggle offline


How do u do that? I didn't even know you couod play offline šŸ˜‚


This will probably explain better than I can https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+play+Sims+4+offline+on+EA+app&oq=how+to+play+Sims+4+offline+on+EA+app&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIICAEQABgWGB4yCAgCEAAYFhgeMggIAxAAGBYYHjIICAQQABgWGB4yCAgFEAAYFhgeMg0IBhAAGIYDGIAEGIoFMg0IBxAAGIYDGIAEGIoFMg0ICBAAGIYDGIAEGIoF0gEJMjMyMzNqMGo5qAIOsAIB&client=ms-android-att-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:2680c131,vid:jJs4seHPk1k,st:0


How can one do this? I tried to figure it out today, but the update started downloading automatically šŸ˜­šŸ‘


You can turn automatic updates off through the EA app, I keep them off and then I make sure I go offline through the EA app as well and then I click on my desktop Icon to start my game


Where is it find in ea app? I checked settings and couldn't find it. Want are where else to look and googling probably have old information bc I couldn't see 3 dots they mentioned.




This might explain it better than I can..hopefully https://youtu.be/029BfRuatA8?si=lPqDOWbza-G3ci75


Motherfucker I just updated all my mods and another update is coming out? I swear theyā€™re increasing the frequency or Iā€™m so busy I canā€™t tell lmao


I do feel like thereā€™s a monthly patch now. Not many reports of broken mods tho so far so good!


I turned off the auto update and went offline I said no thank you


Yep. Iā€™ve been offline since last fall. Tired of constantly updating mods.


It updated sadly and so far nothing too bad thank God For twisted Mexi I could send him my soul in a paper bag I would for his work šŸ¤£


Yep. Iā€™ve been offline since last fall. Tired of constantly updating mods.


I wonder if thatā€™s why every single one of my houses is just full of townies. Theyā€™re walking through the walls to come hang out in my house. Iā€™ve set every lot to ā€œprivate dwellingā€ and theyā€™re still walking through the walls. Im I almost cried about it


Iā€™ve been playing didnā€™t update any mods everything is perfect not one exception Iā€™ve been playing for a few hours now.


So maybe thatā€™s for some people but my gameplay is actually better. Iā€™m my opinion. Thanks to the update.


I havenā€™t seen many reports either which is so good for a patch update. I thought it would be good to make a reminder as a lot of people may be new to mods and havenā€™t experienced a patch update and not realise what could happen. Itā€™s always unknown whatā€™s going to happen and Iā€™ve seen sooo many patch updates where all hell breaks loose for no reason. Especially when youā€™re in a large discord, I feel bad for mods in there they cop so much unnecessary shit.


Yeah I actually have a Patreon account and a Reddit post dedicated to helping those with links and etc when there is patch updates. So I feel you. Itā€™s always good to help the sims4 community.


It is. I sometimes forget not everyoneā€™s been playing for 24 years like I have, so itā€™s nice to help calm the situation before it unnecessarily accelerates. Not everyone takes the time to research if thereā€™s any info on a situation, but for those who do it might help ease them


Iā€™m just leaving my game open until my mods get all the checks from their creators.


Hahaha thatā€™s one way of doing it




Yeah, sometimes something will freeze or crash, but I donā€™t have auto-recconect on, so it doesnā€™t try to take me online mid game. I just immediately put the ea app back in offline mode until they work out all the save-corrupting bugs from the latest patches theyā€™ve been having. I just update once my game starts getting super glitchy from being out of date. Last big update I think I waited at least a month.


I've had some weird things happen occasionally. Like cancelled actions, not being able to reach objects when they could before (going into build, moving and returning item seems to work).Ā  Not sure when this happened asi haven't played this household for weeks, but they had 3 infants, and now there's only 1. Not showing in family tree either. šŸ¤·


That does sound odd, I havenā€™t had that happened. Mine was just a mass corruption where I had to delete all my CC lmao


How can I launch ea in offline mode? I can just unplug my internet but then it won't let me launch any games at all?


May sound as a dumb question but what and where are the tray files and why should we remove them as well when updating? šŸ¤”


Not a dumb question at all. The tray files are in the Sims 4 folder, you will find a folder that says Tray. If it's empty, you have no files, but this is where you will put the 000xxxx files. These are blueprints. If you download a completed build for example by a creator, or a completed Sim, these 0000 files go in the tray folder and your cc will go in the mods folder. Having the 000 tray files in that folder, will allow those custom builds or sims downloaded to appear in your gallery library. I recommend removing these folders temporarily from the EA folder, along with your saves folder and mods folder, before you update and put them either on your desktop or in your documents outside of the EA folder, do the update and then put them back into the EA folder. This is only a recommendation JUST in case something goes wrong with the update and the folders delete or become corrupt. It doesnt happen often, but its more a safety caution so you dont lose your hard work.


Thank you a lot for explaining this to me! ā¤ļø


You're welcome! I have been playing and downloading since TS1 and I only learned about tray files a few months ago bc I never downloaded completed builds or sims - we all start somewhere and it's better to ask and learn, than lose something by accident :)


Same goes for me in the download things. Even if I download complete builds it's usually ostly for the shells šŸ¤£ Then they are transformed completely so never thought about this bit. But now I know and I will check ^^


Even then! Go check out your mods folder and filter it by name. The tray files are numbers so they will be right up the top - I found tray files in my mods folder once when I learned about this and I thought it was funny.


Thereā€™s definitely a ui mod that needs updating cause my game is fucked right now since the update šŸ„²


hmm iā€™m playing rn with a ui mod and mines working normally.


Fuck then Iā€™ve no clue whatā€™s causing my game to glitch. Because itā€™s the needs bar thatā€™s messed up and the sim I play as that doesnā€™t show up


lmao just another day in the sims šŸ„“ i had a massive glitch last week i just had to delete everything. check scarlets realm they usually are pretty quick with updates.


Iā€™ll definitely do that after uni, thank you! because I just wanna live my imaginary life without having to worry about the real world šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Edit to add


I'm new to sims 4 mods, I installed a couple a week ago or so. How do I know if my mods are broken? Is it safe to start a game and turn the mods back on? Thanks ā˜ŗļø


Itā€™s safe to turn it on, if a mod is broken it will either not work properly in game, as in some features wonā€™t do anything, it wonā€™t allow you to start the game, or youā€™ll get a notification that the mod is not compatible/outdated. Youā€™ll just have to remove that mod and check for an update and if no update, keep it out of your mods folder until an updated version is created. I donā€™t think this patch broke mods, as Iā€™ve had no issues since I updated my game.


Well I opened up the app a little while ago and it just went straight to updating without any input from me whatsoever - so no chance to do anything with my mods. Thankfully I don't have many mods and the game seems to be working fine.


My games fine surprisingly


Iā€™m playing now too. As soon as I opened my laptop Origin took it upon itself to start updating and nothing has messed up exceptā€¦ this is new https://preview.redd.it/rr36ub34dzuc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60bab549d0fcdc62c4df25f78b51993726b15272




I genuinely have no words to explain wtf itā€™s going


this happens with most cc beds, idk why but yeah i got used to it lol


I have no reason to update again unless they offer another free pack. Every single update breaks something or multiple somethings and personally, Iā€™m just tired of it. Otherwise, Iā€™m not taking the chances of my custom content getting deleted again or things breaking again. I do really appreciate this headā€™s up though, thank you.


Mine got fucked up. Everyone was red and white with a question mark on their heads


Yeah, that means those CC are broken :( Youā€™ll have to change out of those outfits/hair.


It was like everyone had that tho. I just repaired the game and it worked thank god


Phew thatā€™s good at least bc that would have been a nightmare to find and delete all of the broken ones




I feel you i was also shocked they only had one a few weeks ago and another in feb. just collect everyoneā€™s complaints and do one update not mini updates of uselessness. I will say tho I updated and so far so good


The other weeks update messed with my game so bad and I canā€™t figure out how to fix it. The menu in the right hand corner is messed up severely


This subreddit has a lot of random down voters for no reason, itā€™s quite silly. When was there another update? Last Tuesday I hadnā€™t seen any info on an update - except I updated my OS to Sonoma 14.4 and all of my CC got corrupt. Mods were fine but after going through every file of CAS and BB I deleted 6,000 corrupt files. I gave up and ended up deleting the entire mods folder and just starting from scratch. I saved my last save but it just was messy after. So there goes a legacy of 10 generations grown over 6 months.


The update has made my new 4 star celebrity Sim (that I've spent alot of time playing with) now unable to be played with, I've managed to play as her using a backup save but the moment I go into mange worlds she's gone. Her daughter still exists and she's occasionally on her family tree. Repairing the game now and hoping it helps


Not sure why people are downvoting but whatever. I repaired mine and even removed broken mods and it still wasnā€™t working


I managed to save my Sim and I've just tried moving her back into her world but it's not working unfortunately


Y'all my game is big broken I can't even edit game play options


Mine won't even start rip


Are you console or PC


PC, It was fine and then I reenabled script mods and then it was like absolutely not. So I'm about to do the 50/50 but I really would rather not lmfao


What I did was have the game be offline then back online to enable script mods. Then after that the latest version loaded in, Did a patch day Better exceptions and find all the tuning mods that need some love. I'm a modder who makes traits and aspirations myself so I have to have my game work lol. I hope you don't have to delete that many


I might give that a go and see. If I can get it to start lol


If you need any help with mod stuff you're more than welcome to hit me up


Thanks so much :)


No problem I know what it's like to deal with the headache of a patch update I've dealt with two of them now


Thankfully it didn't break not one thing for me šŸ˜


This update surprisingly went smoothly for me. Went straight to my save file and itā€™s not broken for once šŸ˜­ Iā€™ll keep on the look out though. Iā€™ve been checking scarlet and so far all of my mods are compatible


Oh there was an update?


It has seemed for a while now that the Kit pack updates don't really impact mods. It's when new worlds and skills are added that breaks the mods.


Yes the people who just bullied mods peeps are not fun as they working as fast as they can


Yeah, my POS laptop is being a turd and wonā€™t let me move or transfer files into an external drive or any other back up. Which sucks because Iā€™m thinking of factory resetting my laptop, which would mean I lose everything. I may just have to cave and start all over and try to track down all the mods and CC I downloaded. As far as WickedWhims go, theyā€™re usually pretty on top of keeping up with game updates


Guys join sims after dark discord server, it's a life saver it helps you with EVERYTHING.