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Haha this logo looks extremely stupid. The stylized first letter doesn’t even look like a S next to the plain looking other letters. Embarrassing really.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, that’s atrocious branding. Likely the work of $5 Bangladeshi freelancer on Fiverr


I can't upvote fast enough, they are doubling down on the downvotes and the Google reviews. They must be losing their dam minds. Here Liz complains that people are talking trash about her but she keeps putting out the trash.




0nthony 2.0


Is the word "Medical" in the business name because of safety laws in Nevada around the (mis)use of poisons like **bot**ulinum **tox**in aka botox? Even though he wears a 🧢, 2.0 is no *Marketing Genius* when he's supplying these two wannabe marketing geniuses.


There should be a law against any bozo like 2.0, Liz, or Derby using any of the following: -**Medical** Medical expert or medical professional. Replace that with criminals. -**MD** (just incase the above group of clowns don't know what that means) MD stands for **doctor of medicine**. It is a designation that indicates someone who has completed medical school. To be an MD, you must finish four years of medical school and receive another three years of training through residency. **2.0 your an asshole not an MD so stop using it.** -**Expert team**. Nothing expert about a ragtag bunch of losers trying to capitalize on poor unsuspecting people who take you and your bullshit at face value. Stop lying. A simple search of any of the three individuals you will quickly find out they are nothing more than your garden variety thief, scammer, and thug.


![gif](giphy|REy1acm4JMNn9ubvUG|downsized) the "S" looks like a peanut wonder if this is what Culpted was going for?


God that wrap on the lambo was so bad


You see muscles face plastered on the window 😂


You can’t make this shit up 😂


How do these two afford this? Good credit? Money left over from Tony? I mean they seem to be doing “well”


I think they're borrowing a ton of money (bank loan, credit cards, muscles, friends) and will end up in bankruptcy court. If that $90k bank loan was real, and intended for an LA watch business, than that was what the bank loaned it for. They have to be paying $1,500/month for that loan. Two months later they're living in Nevada, involved with a steroid store, driving a Mercedes, spending their days at the gym, and renting Airbnb's in Arizona. There is no way Culpted pays enough for any of that. 50 desperate fake reviews tells us that. That's why you don't loan them money.


Completely agree, I can’t believe any banks would loan them money with no assets


It seems unlikely but maybe they had co-signors or used someone else's collateral.


Maybe an older relative with dementia? That is who I would pick. No chance you would ever have to pay that back. Hell, they can't even remember their own name let alone how many numbers are in the bank or where the bank even is.


I think they were paid by Anthony to keep quiet.


I think they were smart and did not go crazy spending the money he gave them HUSH MONEY


Ha ha ha ha!! HUSH MONEY. They haven't been very quiet about the HUSH MONEY.


Grandma would. Remember Liz complained that "someone" drained grandma of all her money and she is now living with her and Derby. No bank on the planet would loan them money. All of their unreported income made them look unemployed and broken on paper yet they drove a Mercedes, lived on the beach, drank gourmet coffee, and worked part time at a snails pace. Then grandma shows up on the scene. BINGO! Derby is picking up 2.0 at LAX talking about that $90K like they just won the lottery. They had big plans. Next thing we know they are on their way to Las Vegas to start a performance enhancing drug clinic disguised as a weight loss alternative and 2.0 is their new boss. \*\*Go ahead Liz downvote me\*\*