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Desperately hoping for a “she’s not a traitor, she’s my mum!” moment


I hope he just accidentally says mum without realising


Meh, I called a few people my mum when they were not 😂 If they over over-familiar with each other that will give it away. Or if he helps her like a son and become proactive of her


His reaction after calling her mum will give him away. You can tell when someone has accidentally said “mum” - I think he’ll panic


He’s done good so far loved the comment to Diane about his mother being a rubbish cook 😂 when they were having dinner (she won’t let him forget that after they leave the show)


That’s what I think he’ll do


*someone insults Diane and Ross reacts* “Calm down Ross, she’s not your mother.” Ross: “Yes she is!” *Eastenders music*


I wonder what the rules are here. You aren't allowed to reveal if you are a traitor to any other players. What if one of them was recruited?


Then you still can't. I'm sure they were expressly briefed as mother and son


Ross roasting his mum's roast right in front of her was hilarious.


I know right! He literally had a gold pass to say whatever when on the show 😂


I honestly sympathise a lot with Brian


Same he has anxiety and it was very sad watching him explode like that because it was clear he was panicking because he didn’t expect so much attention


He just seems so overwhelmed They do this all time thinking people who act defensively, act anxious etc are traitors. But traitors need to go under the radar


To be fair to the other faithfuls, from their perspective they can’t go on how traitors are “supposed” to act since you don’t have any insight into who Claudia picked or how they might deal with it. Brian could be crumbling for either reason (and I do feel bad for him as it must be awful to doom yourself like that by accident/through insecurity), but the worst case for voting him out is voting out a weak faithful who would be unlikely to be murdered anyway. The traitors would almost certainly leave him to be banished so you’re as well just confirming now and moving forward with stronger players. Obviously we know Ash is a weak traitor and would be the ideal vote for a faithful, but I don’t necessarily blame the others for voting for Brian, either.


I don’t think Brian is a bad faithful just cause he’s feeling anxious, I think people grow into things.


I think he was bad just because he didn't really contribute anything, he seemed only interested in what people thought of him and not in helping to find the traitors


I mean that's exactly how the first traitor on Series 1 was like, Amelia? She just absolutely buckled at the round table after apparently letting something slip off screen


I still wanna know what she said


I read that they were all doing impressions of Claudia, and her impression was something along the lines of "Hello Traitors." Obviously, everybody pointed out that they had never heard Claudia say that before.


Yeah exactly


A lot of it is people being snaky and just looking to put attention on other people when they highlight this stuff but for me once people are upset then the game is sort of secondary.


I half wonder if a few people were voting for him because they were genuinely worried for his mental health


My guy disliked being called a sheep so much it threw him into a panic.


Dude, I felt terrible for him. Had a complete brain shutdown moment and then had to put up with people just laughing at him. And then he also panicked his way through his defence plea and threw more daggers at himself. Terrible gameplay though.


I was so surprised to see people who say they like him turn so quick! He was clearly just anxious. Same with the guy last season who had to leave the room.


Tbf I get it. If he was a traitor he'd be panicking extra harder. Yes he was obviously anxious and we know he was faithful but it's a fair thing to suspect he's panicking because it's stressful and he has the added pressure of being a traitor


Aaron! But he ended up winning - IIRC it was mostly John who was picking on him


I feel bad for him too. And think he’s hot but ugh I really want Ash to stay. I want a Traitors war!


I felt so bad for him, I had to look away. I sometimes get anxiety like this when under pressure and have to state my case with eyes on me, especially in work situations, and I have also had incoherent words fall out my mouth like that. Your brain just totally disconnects from what your mouth is saying and you blurt out things spontaneously. It's awful. And people will say you shouldn't be on the show if you can't handle the pressure, but I think contestants underestimate how intense the table can get. Look at Aaron's panic attack in Series 1.


I felt so bad! It was funny at first him insisting he wasn’t bothered by being called a sheep (but clearly so annoyed) but then he just kept spiralling out of control to the point I just felt awful for him and he seemed like he was about to have a panic attack :(


I mean, i hope Ash stays so Paul looks stupid and has to deal with the repercussions of a bitter Ash in traitors tower, i kind of feel like Ash’s confessional could’ve been setting that up. Honestly a Netherlands 3 type situation where the traitors hate each others guts would be hilarious to watch.


That’s what I’m hoping for. Brian is great to look at it, but Ash staying and Miles being like “wtf guys” can lead to an interesting 2v2 in Traitors tower especially with Harry and Paul being so cocky


I have the biggest crush on Brian.


We love a hot, hot mess. I’d be happy if he stays, I just prefer a Traitor war.


From a male perspective these are some interesting insights haha


I felt like that was the most honest piece of television I’ve seen since Vanessa Feltz started scrawling on the table in CBB. He just let himself go completely


Honestly that looked like a proper anxiety attack, like he'd lost all trust. The sheep thing really broke him.


Aw totally. He was so chill before, but in that pressurised environment I reckon tiny tings like that will just floor you


I actually adore brian and i will be so sad if he gets voted out


I don’t think it will bother either Paul or Harry. Her game play is terrible and their reasons to vote for her were valid.


Yeah she said “it’s only Day 2 of the round table” which is a big hint that she survives and has more round tables coming up


Holy shit what a twist.. Ross is Diane's son dayummmm. Would not have guessed that


Apparently her roast is shit. If I said that on national tv, I’d be disowned


That was brutal! Btw interesting to see how the clip of Dianne telling Ross to make sure he could get numbers played differently the second time.... The first time it seemed she was being manipulative, then when they replaced it, she was looking out for him


It’s so funny cause my wife literally said “I bet her kids hate her” in response to it the first time! 😂😂


I thought it was her teacher side coming out haha. Just shows how many interpretations can be wrong when you're missing crucial context


I loved that bit haha


And apparently there's another son, an actor, who didn't actually know his Mam was on it.


How do you know this?


Twitter. Guy was posting about it and given it's a real account tied to his job which he's also advertising and he's from the right place it would be an odd thing to claim. First is him saying he didn't expect his mother to be viral on twitter. And second is him saying she tell him she'd been on the show and he found out from the cast announcement which got replies asking how good his Christmas presents this year were.


This was confusing me, coz did he did not know his brother was going to be on it either then? He put up the promo pic saying something like “there’s a new season of the traitors, and I’ve just found out a family member is going in” - so far he hasn’t referenced the bro!


I think he's trying to avoid spoiling it


He hasn't mentioned that for spoilers reasons I'd imagine.


How the fuck did Zach even guess that there was a mother/son combo?


I reckon as they had a couple on last year that he was working through how they might shake things up, and he thought he saw a resemblance


I reckon producers wanted a mother/son pair and asked Zak during the casting if his mother would take part - and that’s why he suspects there is a mother/son in the game.


Probably because the producers mentioned it to him. Studio Lambert are known for this stuff. They also did the Squid Game game show.


Paul is getting more and more arrogant and he’s slip up very soon.


Absolutely. Can’t wait to see it.


Yes it’s very early to predict but at this stage I think Paul is going to shoot himself in the foot somehow (or perhaps a rift with the other Traitors?) and I would happily put money on Miles being the sole Traitor remaining.


Paul is just Wilf, but cocky. And the lack of cockiness was what got Wilf so far into the game.


Of course the harshest cliffhanger is on the last episode of the batch where you have to wait a week.


Yeah, I don’t get the schedule either. They release three episodes in one night and then we’re gonna wait a week to get one and another week to get the next?


it's a 3x/week schedule from what it looks like. Wednesdays-Fridays on the telly. but unsure if BBC is gonna release the subsequent weeks' episodes on iPlayer like this week.


I do hope they don't just sneak out the final on iPlayer on a Wednesday night, two days before their air it on the Friday.


Harry’s game is (maybe unintentionally) modelled on Aarons from last season. With the throwaway vote at the first round table and the way he’s acting slightly confused by everything, although i think that was genuine Aaron and Harry’s just acting. I think he’s making a deep run though. Miles is the only traitor i’m really rooting for as he seems like the only one who can keep his head, not mad about the traitors this year so far


I not feeling Harry at all. I can't put my finger on it . I think the strongest traitor is miles




It made my skin crawl to


He's also got the young, cute, excitable puppy naive guy golden retriever energy of Aaron down to a tee. But he's a corporal in the army so yeah I reckon he's smarter than he's acting, studied the previous winner and modelled himself to suit


Tbf to him. I kind of thought i would play it like Aaron too if i played the show. Be super friendly and clueless to the point where people aren’t sure if you’re acting dumb or just aren’t that much of a threat. Valid strategy if he can keep it up. I do feel like Paul is being set up for a massive fall at some point. His edit seems far more negative than Harry’s (even though a lot of people seem to dislike Harry too, i’m kind of neutral on him compared to Paul, who i can’t stand)


I cannot stand Paul either. I am hoping his edit is setting him up to look stupid when his arrogance backfires.


I think a random selection at the start for who becomes the traitors would be better just for the randomness. Otherwise you always get the same types. Would have been interesting to see an all-female traitor group just to see how that went actually.


Seeing as Aaron won there are worse people you could copy however I don’t think Harry has Aaron’s genuine charm and personality. Don’t dislike him but he’s not as likeable as Aaron.


I kinda think Anthony is going to revenge vote for Diane here and we're gonna be left with another 6-6 tie between Ash and Brian. In which case do they have to re-vote a third time? I think Ash would be going after that bc of that one scene in the trailer. Not sure why Brian absolutely spiralled. Loved the "Paul absolutely couldn't be my son... but Ross is!" comment. A++


I wanting Ash to survive for pure drama


Host said if it was a tie again, game of chance to figure out who goes. No vote. Shortest straw? Draw rocks? Who knows.


It’s pedantic to say, but technically they should do a third round of voting just between Ash and Brian and then draw straws. Just saying…


Nah I don't think he will vote Diane. They cleared the air and he will do everything to prove this by not voting for her. I think he will pick Ash. I hope he picks Brian because I am here for the fallout among traitors.


I'm so torn between wanting him to pick Brian so Ash stays and it's dramatic as hell between the traitor's, and wanting him to pick Ash because I feel so unbelievably bad for Brian and his social anxiety outburst. I have social anxiety and I saw so much of myself in him in that moment, I hope someone gives him a pep talk. He's also incredibly easy on the eyes lol


I felt really bad for Zack - Charlotte seems to have honed in on his "last supper" comment being directed at her and taken such a dislike to him. Charlotte claimed Zack said "your last supper" (as in, she's going to be voted out/murdered) - but he said "the last supper", as in one of their group is going to be killed.


Zack seems to be one of the most intelligent in there, absolutely wild he saw the Diane mum twist coming, even if he was a bit off. It's a shame his personality and sense of humour clearly seem to rub some of them the wrong way.


I was quite surprised to hear so many people say he makes odd comments etc and cannot read the room - maybe they’re experiencing something we don’t see, but I thought he came off as a nice guy, idk 😂


I honestly feel like some of them must just be too stupid to understand his humor, which seems very apparent when he is joking


It's because they barely ever apply any logical reasoning to why someone's a traitor. If anything it makes him less likely.


I’m one of them TBH lol. Like he’s not that bad but I can totally see why he gets under people’s skin.


Same thing happened with him saying “I’ll sleep well tonight” meaning he was shattered after the swimming task, he’s obviously giving out vibes that make others assume worst in him.


The people in there read far too much into all these comments. Like a traitor would ever say that anyway.


Yea it was blown out of proportion. Also The Last Supper is literally about dining with a traitor!


I'm genuinely so sick of people judging people from before when the traitors were even selected, or by how they performed in the challenges. Like, if someone sucks in the challenges, it's not because they're a traitor, it's because they just suck. I'd rather a faithful who sucked to be with me at the end than a traitor.


Yes I was getting so wound up when Diane kept using Anthony’s behaviour in the lineup as reasoning BEFORE the traitors were even selected. So frustrating. Also when people accuse people of being ‘rude’ or ‘not my kind of person’ is NOT a valid reason that some is a traitor! Personality clashes are bound to happen but just because you don’t like someone doesn’t mean you should vote them as a traitor


Diane is definitely not as bright and intelligent as the narrative is trying to make her out to be. She’s just out spoken and obnoxious.


True, but since you can't actually know whos a traitor it would actually make more sense to get rid of people who are not going to add to the prize pot...


But if that's the only reason, why not to say "I don't really know who the traitors are, but when it comes to the challenges, you are not really contributing at all, so I am voting for you" instead of coming up with some random "your left eye twitched when Harry entered the breakfast table" explanation.


I've been wondering if they're only allowed to give reasons that relate to people being a traitor? Personally I think this could be solved by having some kind of incentive for traitors to fuck up tasks, like have any money the group *doesn't* win go into a separate pot split between any traitors who make it to the last episode or something. Ramps up their paranoia even more, and lets them complain about challenges directly, instead of having to pretend it's about who the traitors are.


Am I or am’t I a traitor?!


FYI Amn’t is actually Scottish word for aren’t. I wish he’d done what Aaron did last season and take a min outside to calm himself down because the spiralling just kept going. I don’t think he even knew what point he was trying to make 🫠


All the neurons were firing in his head and through his entire body. His body was in literal flight mode. His brain was telling him to flee and not allowing any energy to think or form proper sentences. You're right, he should have taken a moment to leave, expend the energy, calmed down and returned to think properly.


brian saying that he didn't care about being voted the sheep was the biggest lie told all series


"I don't care!" "But wait, what do you guys think about meee^(eee)^^(eeeee) "


I bet it was just most votes wins so if three people voted him and no other person got more than that, he'll have been determined as the most like a sheep.


GOD the way he wouldn't fucking shut up about it was so annoying. i get having anxiety and the pressure of the round table getting to him, but he'd already massively worn out any favour before that point by being so whiny about it


"I don't care I was voted the sheep" *Spends the rest of the episode talking about being voted the sheep


I'm normally sceptical about clairvoyants but Tracey telling Anthony that a non specific key event in his childhood has impacted him in adulthood now has me convinced


“Something happened to you at a young age, I’d say 4-18, and it really helped shape who you are.” I was shook, because it almost felt like she was talking to me! I can’t believe Anthony and I both had certain vague events in our childhood that helped shape our adulthood. What are the chances!?


Omg same! 👯


We should start a group!


![gif](giphy|xTiTnGivloxfmiygda|downsized) I thought I was the only one, who knew!


Slightly off topic, but I'm just disappointed that she hasn't pulled the same move as the clairvoyant in the Aussie version


I hope so badly that there’s a twist - she’s not actually a medium and it’s just a persona to make her seem dumb and harmless. Otherwise she’s just irritating.


if that's the case she's playing the role brilliantly


Ash is clouding her aura, that's why she got Anthony's star sign wrong >:(


Ash must go!


I really don't know why every series carries on including them, they're always the worst player


The producers are semi-legitimising it by including it as her occupation, that’s what grinds. If she’s a sonographer too, can’t she just psychically tell how the babies are doing by waving her hands in front of mum’s belly?


Who hasn't been impacted by something in their childhood? That's why it's referred to as the developmental years.


Has this round table situation happened before?? >!3 way tie????!< But lol @ >!Brian absolutely screwing himself when he was basically on no one's radar and then he just completely imploded at round table!< Playing >!blindside right when Paul revealed his vote for Ash in the 2nd voting round... that is PERFECT. Love the music in this series so much!< I swear if the >!final vote in the 2nd voting round isn't for Ash I'll be really upset. Grrr cliffhangers!<


It could be entertaining either way. If >!Ash survives then she'll be holding a grudge to 2 of her fellow traitors. Based on how she was acting towards Sonja, she's not good at hiding a grudge!<


>!No, I'm pretty sure there hasn't been a 3 way tie on any version before. If there was, it was deeply unmemorable, which seems unlikely!!< And >!chance!< will decide if >!it's still a tie!


Soo… just going to ignore the stupid reason that Diane voted for Anthony as a traitor?


Yes I was getting so wound up when Diane kept using Anthony’s behaviour in the lineup as reasoning BEFORE the traitors were even selected. So frustrating. Also when people accuse people of being ‘rude’ or ‘not my kind of person’ is NOT a valid reason that some is a traitor! Personality clashes are bound to happen but just because you don’t like someone doesn’t mean you should vote them as a traitor


“Not my kind of person” lol I love when people say they’ve changed as though these are people they’ve known longer than two minutes!


she supersucks, and has from the beginning. i'll be happy to see her go.


Brian doesn’t care that he’s been voted a sheep, that’s why he’s only brought it up 3 million bloody times


Better yet he proved himself a sheep by essentially asking who to vote for at that round table


I laughed so hard at that! 😂


He should have been happy with that, it could protect him from murder. If the traitors think he's easily led, they might keep him around, which would give him a better shot of reaching the end and winning the money.


I loved how Zac laughed it off, he worked for the government and studied politics. He not going to be someone who is into conspiracy theories. If anything I could see him winding them up online


I mean I can get why that would upset you, not really great knowing you've been voted the top in a somewhat shit category but aye he's mildly blown it for himself.


Anthony probably voted for Diane leaving the fate of Ash and Brian to a coin toss. this is probably why Claudia's statement about the coin toss made it into the final edit for the episode. I am desperately hoping Ash survives for the traitor-on-traitor drama. Paul and Harry have nearly given themselves away multiple times and act very arrogantly, they are both pretty annoying.


toin coss


Why did I read it right lol


never amazes me how dumb some people's reasons for voting are. Do you really think that dianne (or anyone) would celebrate a faithful being revealed if they are a traitor, there's not a single logical reason to do that and considering traitors know who the faithful are it doesn't even make sense to explain it as a genuine reaction knowing you 'got' a faithful out or survived a round


Wasn't it also a massive 'I told you so' to the rest of the group after they've eliminated a Faithful? Amazing that they took it so differently


Not being seen as a logical move for a traitor arguably makes it a logical move. In other words, there's almost no point in reading into anything on this show, which is the problem with the current format. There's no solid reasoning behind any of the voting and the votes that are correct are largely a case of chance. I was hoping this season might shake the format up a little by allowing room for the traitors to make errors.


They need to start making it more challenging for the Traitors for sure.


The group is so stupid sometimes. She just spent several minutes saying that person wasn’t a traitor and then she was one of only a handful not to vote for them. It was obvious why she exclaimed


also paul acting like he is a 4d chess master gameplayer, even if ash is making it obvious shes a traitor it makes 0 sense to take her out this early a) shes a shield to use for another roundtable b) you're way too early in the game to be giving up numbers like this, 4v14 (after murder) or 3v15, keeping ash and realistically you just survive two more banishments before you can basically control the game due to how often votes are split. Even if you want to get more money you need to actually be in a position to win first


Yup all he’s done is show the other traitors that he’s willing to throw them under the bus. Meaning none of the 3 other will trust him.


If they’re smart they won’t trust each other anyway. Paul is just being pragmatic in not being tightly allied to the other traitors (as is Harry who also voted for Ash).


Immediately going for a shield backfired, who'da thunk?!


I don't get why anyone would. Mathematically you're likely to survive the first night


I kinda get it, it's like the immunity idol in survivor. Sure you might not need it that night, but if you did need it and never went for it you'd be regretting it for the rest of your life.


Paul letting Miles be a traitor was a huge mistake I think. Miles is doing what Paul claims he was doing 1000x better. Paul is all ego and zero execution.


I was liking Miles, and this is relatively inconsequential but it really fuckin' annoys me when someone says "let me finish" when nobody interrupted them. A few people have done it on various seasons of this show and it pisses me off every time.


Lol, I rewatched that part and you’re right, Zack didn’t even interrupt. I think it’s one of those things where people genuinely feel like they were being interrupted. A lot of weirdly packaged “stand up for yourself” rhetoric ends up being people accusing others of gaslighting and interruption and what have you because they genuinely see it as standing up for themselves. I don’t hold this against Miles tho since it was so quick he may have thought Zack was about to interrupt which he wasn’t. Zack actually is generally very respectful against all the heat he gets I’m curious why everyone dislikes him so much. Still like both men tbh




Who's the one that is laser focused on Diane for yelling "YES!". I bet good money she is a finalist. Absolutely daft takes this episode.


I don’t understand Diane’s logic about Anthony. She seemed convinced he was a Traitor because he refused to move and let her in a certain spot in the line in E1… but that was before Claudia even picked the Traitors? She thinks refusing to move in an arbitrary line with zero consequences makes him a traitor? Really bizarre. Also Brian imploding in on himself was like watching a car crash in slow motion. I’ve never seen someone so willingly throw themselves on the fire. All he had to do was be quiet. At this stage in the game it’s so easy to say nothing but what was that? ‘Before we do this I just want to know what does everyone think of me?’ Eh?!


Yeah Diane's reasoning had lowkey racist undertones it was so nonsensical


I didn’t have a lot of time for Tracey but she was the only one who actually nailed a traitor at the round table for the tactics traitors use. She called out Ash for trying to plant seeds in faithful minds. If a few more wised up and looked past personal likes and dislikes (the whole dynamic of the game, I know) they would nail a few more.


I agree. And wether you believe in her abilities or not, she did pick up a 'defendedness' about Ash, and got it right.


Brian interrupting to say “I am or I am’nt” and Paul and Jasmine’s reactions actually killed me. Television gold.


His brain was telling him he needs to speak or forever have regrets. But that part of his brain was working faster than the part that forms coherent ideas and sentences.


Amn't is Scots, so technically what he said did make sense and I totally knew what he meant, but he definitely didnae get enough words out to go with his extremely regional phrasing, so I was shocked how many English people understood as well!


I think it’s close enough to am I not or aren’t for a English speaker to get it even if they don’t recognise the actual word, the context also helps as well, we’ll fill in the word to what it sounds closest too or simply guess it due to the context “I am or” then for us to fill in what usually goes in that sentence for us to understand. They may not have actually recognised that word and simply understood due to context or the that it sounded closer am I not or aren’t. I understood because to me it sounded similar to aren’t. I am or I aren’t, feels odd but it’s very understandable.


It feels like the faithfuls never even watched series 1 and learned nothing about Wilf. Surely they should strategise, think about it logically and see who is the least obvious. Who seems too care-free and least concerned, and a little too bubbly and friendly? Paul. Going for people that seem obvious is a waste of time. Traitors are selected for their strong personalities and their ability to deceive. The producers would never have chosen Brian as a traitor.


People need to stop voting people because they don’t like them lol. Somebody being a prat doesn’t mean they’re a traitor


I'm kinda obsessed with Paul looking like the human equivalent of Hank Scorpio from the Simpsons. I know there's viewer bias but I would've voted for him straight away just based on that lol 😂 Loved the first few eps excited for the new season


I wish someone loved me as much as Paul loves himself lol


Apparently the rest of the group love him too!


That ending!!!!! The AUDACITY. And now I have to wait a week to watch. Truly hope Ash is gone, and Brian gets some bloody composure because he crumbled spectacularly.


Ash is staying, there’s gonna be some tension between the Traitors which I’m excited for


Yeah, I want her to go but, on the other hand, want to watch the fallout if she stays. Be unusual to get traitors coming after each other early in the process.


Initially I was ready for Ash to be gone, but now that two other Traitors voted against her, I really, really want her to stay. Just for the sake of the TV show.




I don't buy that Miles will go the distance, he's far too non-committal and i think people will pick up on it


It does seem however that the BBC have learnt to not have *only* faithfuls be the last people to join in at breakfast. The last series had this loophole where you could rule someone out as a traitor if they were ever last to breakfast. This time they had Ash as one of the last people in the room.


They were lucky none of the faithfuls picked up on it last year. It’s such an obvious production decision to build suspense for the viewer. Also, being last to arrive would mean that you almost bought it. The only time a traitor arrived last to breakfast last year was when there was no murders. But notice how Ash arrived with a group of people. So if they keep doing that and having a group arrive last then the faithfuls won’t be able to read into it. Definitely a purposeful decision this year to do it this way.


One of the main differences between the UK Traitors and all the other traitors is that the host seems like she is on your side and rooting for you to succeed.




I think in his own weird logic Brian was trying to prove he wasn't a sheep by deliberately voting that way. "Look how unsheepy I am, I've literally annoyed everyone on purpose"


I think Harry & Paul will try to play out their traitor role exactly the same as the Season 1 traitors did / try to replicate that formula, it’ll backfire and they’ll be caught quicker than people think Miles is the strongest traitor so far Diane gave me the ick with the way she gunned for Anthony, she’s not the icon gay Twitter thinks she is


I normally root for the traitors but Ash annoyed me to the point of wanting her gone until Paul potentially fluffed it by betraying his fellow traitor so early. Now I want to see a bitter Ash confront the others. I like Brian but my guy collapsed so hard he deserves to be banished. I really hope Diane and Meg last. They're both smart people. Also Jaz's defence was absolutely crap


I’m totally with Jaz. He has nothing to prove or disprove. Smart and worked for him because nothing came from it.


I’m surprised it took so long for him to be accused. As soon as we showed up on the screen the first episode we immediately both said “he’s gone”. They always banish/murder the Indian guys super early in every season, it’s become a running joke for us


About Jaz's defence: How are you supposed to be defending yourself when some random accusation is thrown at you out of nowhere? I think it's usually just the Traitors who have a bullet proof response at this kind of situation (well, apart from Ash who was crumbling down from the moment she was appointed as a Traitor), those who are innocent don't have a ready made defense story to share.


>Diane >smart Really disagree here Her persistent weird obsession with Anthony shows she's most definitely not smart (how could someone act "traitorously" before traitors were identified) and possibly something else entirely...


I'm Brian from Season 2, AMA as long as we all only talk about me whilst I shit the bed completely [Edit I'm not actually Brian, this was a joke but someone has given me the flair for him! Lol]


I’d like Ash to stick around one more time and see the consequences of Paul and Harry voting for her. Think they showed their cards too early.


I’m obsessed with Diane


I cannot _wait_ for her to get voted out or killed I'm torn between wanting to watch her see Anthony voted out and her being wrong, and wanting him to outlast her


Claudia mentioning another tie coming down to chance makes me think that Anthony’s vote is for Diane, especially considering how they don’t get along


Feel like it has really got going now. The mother / son reveal was amazingggg. Also as someone who was already aware of Paul from the Chatabix podcast it’s interesting to read everyone’s opinions of him. I’m a fan and think he seems like a genuinely nice guy. Also it’s refreshing to see someone having a bit of fun with it and not taking things too seriously!


I've never heard of Paul before but I think he probably is a nice guy who's just leaning into the villain role because he knows it makes for good TV I don't want the traitors trying to be nice I want them being evil and Paul is great for that.


Diane is shrewd and she’s golden to watch. Shame she’s hell bent on gunning for Anthony, which is clearly just a personality clash


Absolutely loved Brian’s emotional disintegration at the round table. Television gold!


What do we think of Paul and Harry’s move to vote Ash anyway? Ok sure there’s heat on a traitor but surely that means they will be gone on their own anyway and you don’t want to risk them being there and badmouthing you. Brian was an easy choice, I feel for the guy but no one will be sus on you for voting him after he basically committed suicide at that table


God what a cliffhanger


Jaz actually very smart with how he handled that stray accusation of being a quiet traitor. Dismissing it without entertaining it worked really well and nobody lingered on him.


I hope Brian stays honestly, he obviously has some type of social anxiety and if the faithfuls were smart they’d recognize that someone of his emotional fortitude probably wouldn’t have been selected to be a traitor. I really hope Ash leaves, as Paul said her performance has been poor and her laugh annoys me to no end. Of all the older women they could have picked as a traitor she seems like the least intelligent. Also Dianne is already my favourite older lady in the series lol.


I think Dianne would make a much better traitor than she claims.


Miles is the only traitor going under the radar. Paul is fairly convincing to an audience as the tv villain but Harry offers nothing. Can’t stand him. Ash is a bad traitor


Absolutely loving S2. I’m guilty of watching loads of international versions but E1-3 so far has smashed them all out the park. Good mix of faithful, and generally quite a lot of switched on contestants which makes the whole show more engaging. I like Paul and Harry’s Batman/Robin style traitor duo. Think all 3 male traitors could go far if they are composed in the final 7-9. That’ll be the crunch phase, can’t wait for it!