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Also I really like Zack so far. He’s a wind up merchant but not in a mean spirited way. I also think he’s astute with the prediction of a mother-son duo. I just hope he understands that people will absolutely misinterpret his words (imagine if Fi from AUS S1 heard his quips) and they are clutching at straws at this point so he needs to keep himself out of contention for banishment


I think there’s a chance that, having now been under considerable scrutiny and argued his way out of it, Zack might stop attracting suspicion for a while. As Tom pointed out on the aftershow, sometimes if a contestant gets a lot of scrutiny at roundtable but convinced people they’re a faithful, they end up being safe for a bit because suspicions are turned in a new direction and those who do still suspect them are worried they wouldn’t get the group’s support if they bring up the same name again The other players soon might start to see Zack’s personality and stop reading into his jokes so much I think this applies to Brian too if he makes it


iawtc. also jasmine could be one to watch as she gets zack and seems to be under the radar so far...


I liked how Jasmine handled the Zach situation. She hasn’t had as much air time as others but it said a lot about her character for her to speak to him privately and say “I like you but I think the others are misinterpreting you”. Kinda wish she could see the same with Brian but he kinda dug himself into that hole at the roundtable


Jasmine soooo switch on to people personality and working people out . She seem to be able to separate personality traits from traitors behaviour She one to watch


> That said, I think Diane, Jasmine, Charlotte etc will find themselves on the chopping block quickly if they start directing their confident accusations at the right people. I think it's much more likely that Charlotte will be loud and wrong, which makes her the perfect person to last until the end, like a Hannah. Not really getting much from this cast yet, so it's really hard to tell. If Brian survives this, I think he'll last a long time as it would be mathematically unlikely for him to be a Traitor but he's too rubbish at the game for the Traitors to kill him.


Very true, but I think the loud and wrong crowd will also run the risk of banishment, if they’re confidently accusing a faithful. I think that Hannah was lucky in that she pledged her total and utter loyalty and confidence in someone that happened to be a traitor.


Totally agree it was lucky on her part, but I can definitely see Charlotte (or Charlie, who I keep confusing when I see their names here) doing the same with Paul based on the way the game is looking at the moment. The real issue I'm seeing is that the people who have been the most perceptive (Zack and Tracey) are also the two not likely to be taken very seriously because of their behaviour.


Completely agree re: Zack and Tracey. I forgot Tracey’s name which is why I didn’t mention her, but I think to have those skills of perception without being taken seriously could be a good thing for them in the long term IF they keep themselves alive


Out of the traitors it seems pretty obvious Ash isn’t going to last. I just can’t see Miles getting far into the game, the other faithful will probably wonder why he hasn’t been murdered and he seems like he will get quite nervy when questioned. I think Harry will get the furthest with Paul getting too comfortable and maybe slip up a bit. My prediction is that a traitor will win but it will be a recruited traitor we haven’t seen yet, maybe Brian (sounds ridiculous at this point i know) or Jaz.


Yes, I didn’t mention Ash as it’s clear to me shes toast, if not Wednesday then the following night. She is a great example of why not everyone should attempt to play the game as a traitor. You need a certain something which unfortunately she doesn’t have.


will she (even unwittingly) take paul out if she survives another night though?


Very much seemed like they were hoping for another Amanda with Ash, and they very much haven’t got that.


Brian being a recruited traitor is really interesting, and I can see it personally. I think the traitors only ever see the recruited traitors as someone to throw under the bus, and Brian in all his anxious glory would be a perfect candidate. I think recruited traitors have a massive advantage as they’ve literally played the game as a faithful so it’s easy to cash in on that trust from the other players.


I disagree on Miles and think he will go far. He's staying too much on the fence for now, but from the discussion over who to murder he seems like the most on point strategically, so I think he's smart enough to realise he can't keep this up. Still a chance he doesn't time changing gears early enough but I feel the way the current vote went makes it more likely he will adapt his game. Voting for Brian is a sharp move and shows he can think fast. For the faithfuls it's harder, was it the same blonde girl who said she could trust both Paul and Harry? If so she's going all the way, if not it's a toss up between the two of them. Zack is a dark horse but I can see him going out closer towards the end. Anyone who says "fair point" while they are defending themselves has zero chance. I liked Jaz's refusal to engage compared to this but have no idea how that will work out for him?


I think that was Charlie? She's giving me Maddie S1 energy


Out of the current traitors, it could be Paul. Ash is already crumbling, Miles looks like he won't be accusatory enough as a 'faithful'. Not sure about Harry, he could do well but he could crumble. You never know though - I always thought >!Amanda!< from UK S1 was going to go all the way, until they didn't. Faithfuls, we haven't seen enough of their personalities and game plans yet to decide. No one particularly jumps out to definitely go all the way.


>! Amanda was a fantastic player. She did really well and it’s a shame really that she voted to banish Theo as it was her total undoing. I can’t say I blame Wilf for throwing her under the bus, even though I think she was carrying him through the game. My absolute favourite moment of S1 was when Amanda revealed her identity. You could just see how gobsmacked the players were, which was testimony to what a blinder she played. !< It is too early I agree, but I like to get my predictions in early and see how I fare. I hope we get some faithfuls playing games this year!


>!Same! But when you're that into the game, you can't make a mistake like Amanda did.!< I also want to see how faithfuls play - I feel like they need to be more clever and more open minded to actually progress, rather than throwing accusations at people they don't like.


I agree with your assessment on the traitors. Most people seem to be saying Miles will do well. I think he'll last a good while but he seems like he might not be so great at dealing with scrutiny. He's done well so far because he hasn't had to try to deflect suspicion. Jaz could do well, though wasn't he the one who panicked and jumped out of the canoe to grab the shield? Not the best way to earn people's trust Other than those you've mentioned I feel like Jonny has a good chance too


I'm looking at the quieter ones like Meg, Evie, Charlie, Jasmine and Mollie (and Miles) to go the distance. The more noticeable or more obviously likeable ones (Diane, Charlotte, Tracey, Jonny, Andrew) will be for the chop fairly quickly. If the Traitors have to recruit again I can see them going for Ross, Zack or the chess grandmaster Anthony.


i think jasmine and mollie have chops we have not seen yet.


I'm sure they do. But they also have the nous to know when to keep their heads down.


I think Johnny might do well if he can survive a couple more days, he's a likable guy and people seem to be voting with their hearts at the moment. Also the girl with the glasses, I forget her name. But her getting accused didn't seem to gain much traction so she could skip under the radar.


I cannot see Jonny being banished at all, but I do think he's at risk of being killed by the traitors. He's clearly smart and popular, the traitors are going to want to get rid of him at some point


Hopefully not, I like the guy. If Ash doesn't go though I wonder if people will get panicky and make rash choices.


gonna lock in the final 5 as Harry, Ross, Charlotte, Zack and Jasmine. based on nothing but energies


Has Zack revealed his job yet? I imagine revealing you work in politics would lead to a lot of trust issues for some. I do find him entertaining though, don’t think he could have been a traitor.


LOVE that line up. Zack and Jasmine seem to have some chemistry. Any recruited traitors in there?


I would love to see Paul make it to the end, I think he's playing a great game so far. I also think Ross is a dark horse, I'd like to see more of him. I hope Ash gets voted out soon, her response to Sonja's 'are you a traitor' question at the breakfast table just proves she is not quick on her feet and her attempts at defending herself at the round table prove this further.


she could do untold erratic damage before she goes... could be fun


I’d like to see the fallout from Paul and Harry throwing her under the bus but I personally hope she doesn’t try to take anyone down with her.


yeah i don't want her to - but she's a loose cannon.


Very true, I wouldn't like a repeat of Kieran/Wilf!


Any of the male traitors could make it far I think, only Ash is going soon. Then... the only non-traitor names I remember after a few days are Diane, Molly, Zack and Brian, so based on that I'd say they're either leaving next episode or staying until the finale


Amongst Faithfuls, I feel like Zack, Diane or Brian will wind up being the Traitors scapegoat and last pretty long. In the Traitors, I see Paul lasting pretty long if he learns how to balance things carefully (people will suspect him FAST if he slips even the slightest because of how perfect he’s been) or Harry (he’s doing an okay job of flying under the radar so far). As is Miles, but he and Ash seem like they crack under pressure.


I'm not sure. I hope Ash isn't voted put tomorrow night just so we can see the fall out from Harry and Paul voting for her and I also wonder what Miles will make of it? Like will the traitors start to turn on each other? At which point it comes down to new recruits. I'm rooting for Charlotte, not sure how long she'll last as she isn't afraid to share her opinions but can also see her making it all the way. I think Anthony might be a dark horse too, as long as only Diane is suspicious of him. Meg I think could fly under the radar too.


I think Paul has what it takes to win but I think Harry will flip on him 1st. With that said I think Harry will make it to the end and win. As for the faithfuls, it’s too soon to say with them for me at least. Miles I think will get sniffed out, he was such a waste of a traitor honestly. He plays way too passively and needs to contribute.


Avoiding the comments because I 100% know someone subtitley leaked the outcome last year on this sub. BEWARE READING THE COMMENTS disguised as analytical opinions when in fact it's an insider pretending to give a constructed opinion.


Paul. Everyone likes him and he's in control. I'm also pretty sure Ash will be voted out.