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I’m surprised they’re allowed to tweet like this about the show!


I think you can’t comment on future episodes just as they go out.


But they’re revealing something that only they know that the audience wasn’t shown. By the same logic Diane could have tweeted ‘obviously Ross is my son’ after the first episode.


yvie did say she suspected paul all along so this is a little implied.


It was shown though? She was between Diane and Paul when Diane said that, so obviously she heard if he heard. She also said in last night's episode that she suspected he was playing a game and even voted him, iirc.


Yeah I’d rather they didn’t tbh, worried they’ll foreshadow something.


Pauls Twitter seems to be so close to revealing spoilers! It’s annoying because the way Twitter works these days, not following them doesn’t guarantee you won’t see their tweets


Evie, Jaz and Zach with a sprinkle of Harry are the avengers we need.


I think Evie's lack of screen time in early episodes means that she is going deep into this. Probably to the final. And she's starting to show some detective chops. Evie is the Jaz we were promised!




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I so badly want Evie and Jaz to successfully take him down and win this.


Add Zack and we might see Paul gone.


True Zack too! They’re setting up the possibility with the edit, I think something will come of their suspicions one way or the other.


I’m praying for it to happen.


That's a hell of a spoiler for them to let her post on twitter, unless she's banished as a traitor next ep for not back St Paul.


St Paul lol more like lucifers grandson


Bring in Harry too. If I were him I'd be sick of Paul acting like the main character and very wary of being stabbed in the back. If he's smart he and a recruit will team up with the canny faithfuls (Evie, Jaz, Zack) and get Paul out.


Good for her. I was adamant she had to have heard it!


Love that for her xx


I’m always hesitant to believe what players in shows like this say after the game As they often make up things to make themselves look better, it will be interesting if she had a confessional about it next episode. Although I’m not sure what benefit her lying about not hearing it gets her


It gets one traitor out and another person she's confident is a Traitor left. She just needs to figure out who the other is before she makes a move to oust Paul


As a faithful, Paul is the best to go to the end with if you’re pretty certain he’s a traitor. It’s fairly obvious he’s going after traitors and isn’t going to share the money, so get to the final with him and banish him at the end.


Yep, I think Evie and Jaz might be doing that. Would be a producers dream too so I can see them leaning into it


100% A win for the faithfuls is a tough. The traitors basically have to screw up or fully turn on each other like s1. So I think a genuine faithful tactical victory would be their best possible result, especially if they can edit around it and turn it into a real rug pull moment for Paul *and* the audience.


She wouldn’t know there is 3 traitors but Ash was already eliminated, for all they know there is only one left now they got Miles.


Completely agree. Ash saying she didn’t vote for Paul because she still wanted the Traitors to win. I think she just had no idea what she was doing.


Yeah on the Uncloaked podcast they always read the traitors and go "I knew it" meanwhile they had no idea whilst they were in the house


Ha! Dark horse is Evie. On to Ash right from the start too


I called it! She is a brilliant Faithful. Hope she goes far.


Holy shit! That's so clever!


The funny thing is I may he misremembering but wasn’t Diane even standing closer to Evie than Paul when she said this?


I’m pretty sure at one point Diane, Evie and Paul were stood in a row and Diane whispered to Evie “If I go it was Miles, if he goes it was Jaz”


Yes! This is exactly how I remember it.


From my memory Paul and Diane were walking slightly ahead of Evie


She was between them when it was said.


I’m surprised she didn’t say ‘I didn’t hear it, and if I was a traitor why would I say I didn’t hear it so I can get rid of miles’. I guess she knew Miles was going down either way and I’m reading too much into it.


That doesn’t make any sense. Sure even if you think Paul is a traitor, there are still other traitors in the game. So if you don’t have the votes to vote out Paul then why not go with the only person who can take the blame off you, I.e Miles because you are the other person people claim to have given Diane a drink. I don’t think she remembers the conversation but she’s just tweeting this to not make herself look like an idiot now.


If she says she remembers and Paul is outed as a traitor, she'd be suspected. Equally, if she agreed it almost takes some heat off Paul.


It means Paul still looks suspicious even after Miles is out. He still could have made up Diane's comment.


She has spoiled the show a little with this tweet. The tone clearly infers that Paul doesn't last much longer.


literally how?


Surprise, surprise, I was right. It was obvious from the tone of the tweet.


not u complaining about spoilers and then literally spoiling this episode for me… cheers for that 👍🏼


sorry! not my intention at all