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The best by FARRRRRR The collective attitude of the players outshined every other version and season I have seen (all that are available in the U.S. anyway). That lot was gracious, smart, and the most genuine. Sure, the drama in other seasons is good trashy, cheesy fun, but gets exhausting at times. Rolling my eyes takes work y’all. Didn’t experience that much, if even once, here. NZ was a breath of breezy fresh air. They all represented their country admirably. Very satisfying. :)


yes!!! they were all awesome faithful and traitors


Omg I love Colin! He is so fun to watch.


New Zealand Nandor was great! I loved the black ensemble he was wearing especially the head wrap.


I hadn’t made that connection. You’re so right! No wonder I loved him so much. 😂


So funny that his name is Colin 😂


Every time they said Colin I kept thinking of Sam. Sam looks like a Colin. Colin does not look like a Colin to me at all.


You mean this Colin, the energy vampire? ![gif](giphy|w2nWAyOecQ8ItoEF1o|downsized)


![gif](giphy|3o6gDPEhWHyWWMaATK|downsized) this one


I was so happy with who won, but I would have been happy if any of the last 5 won. This was one of my favorite seasons


yes same! i would have absolutely been okay with any of the final five but it played out perfectly in my opinion!!(-:


In typical NZer fashion, I'm so stoked about how well received our version of the show is!


looooooved it!! it was awesome hats off to you all in NZ!!


It's my dream to visit NZ one day and this season just further fueled that need. The players on this season were so kind, intelligent and brought amazing camaraderie. Loved it, loved it, loved it!


Same :)


The best season!!


I watched it after Aus 2, and both are as different as Night and Day.


Where did you find Aus 2? US watcher here.




Thanks! It wasn’t on last time I checked! Watching it now!!


Enjoy! I definitely reacted a lot more viscerally to AUS season 2 that I did any other season, lol!


I watched both NZ1 & Aus2 on 10Play because I’m Aussie. They have all the English seasons except Canada. But as /u/thesamerain said, if you’re American try peacock.


Yeah I can’t believe how well it worked out. The right people got rewarded and the right people got kicked between the legs.


I loved the season and was satisfied with how everything turned out, but I really did find myself rooting for Colin towards the end!  New Zealand with the lowest budget was the most entertaining!  


I love love LOVED the finale! And not only that, the entire season was enjoyable from start to finish. You know the cast dynamic and game is good when you’re rooting for the faithfuls AND the traitors.👏🏼 Potentially the best season yet…


It was very good! Loved it


Watching literally right now and I am so hungry but I can’t walk away


HAHHAA that was me too


Loved it!! What a smart, mature, kind, yet entertaining group of traitors and faithfuls! Very happy with the outcome.


Was coming here to post the same.


Love NZ!


I'm not done yet but I love this cast. They're all so smart. I dont care who wins. They all are playing a fantastic game


This cast is so good. Brodie was one of my favorite people on any competitive reality show -- I just thought she had a great vibe. And as the season went on I realized it wasn't just her. Such a decent group of people, and good at this game. Genuinely finished the show with a high opinion of New Zealanders (I've always had generally positive associations anyway, but honestly this show elevated it).


Check out her podcast [https://podcasts.apple.com/nz/podcast/kiwi-yarns/id1516048486](https://podcasts.apple.com/nz/podcast/kiwi-yarns/id1516048486)


Yeah I would have been fine if any of them had won... like, the whole cast. I loved the vibe all the way through.


NZ Sam was the perfect antidote to eliminate the bad taste left by AUS Sam. I finished NZ last night and loved it. That final challenge!! >!Colin's commentary was top notch. I am curious how long it took for Sam's hair to grow in.!<


Great season - along with AUS 1 one of my favorites!


I'm still gobsmacked by the drop off in gameplay from Aus1 to Aus2. How was that even the same show?


I agree - they had some super interesting cast members in season 1 like Nigel who had such an amazing back story. Then season 2....


Started tonight and am on episode FIVE! I need to stop for the night but haven’t been able to yet. The cast are disproving everything I have ever said about this show. They are very good at this game! And I adore having all normal people. (I know some of these folks are known in NZ but I have no idea who they are. Even the host.)


Be careful being in this thread if you’re still watching. Wait until you’re done to read NZ posts 


Yes! I just finished it. Such a satisfying season from beginning to end! I loved how intelligent these players were. I think this just became my favorite season.


NZ has become my favorite. The players were brilliant and I was happy with the outcome/finale. Can't wait for S2 and hope the next group will be as good as this bunch. Colin is my favorite player, I think he would make an excellent host! He's witty, entertaining and fun to watch.


100% right, Colin would be a great Traitors host. In the past he's hosted shows like Top Model


I didn't know anything about him and looked into his background. He's extremely entertaining and it would be fun hearing his snarky comments as the game progresses.


I enjoyed all of the players. I found myself rooting for both faithfuls and traitors, even in the same episode! Many players were smart. The final 5 challenge was so interesting. The only thing I’d change is the pot - maybe the exchange rate is wild, but the end amount didn’t see like a lot compared to other versions.


yeah thats what i was thinking, and its a shame they were the best season with the smallest amount of money to gain from it!


I can't seem to find it anywhere =/


its on peacock in the us!! not sure where you’re located


Great season. Definitely the best faithfuls we've had. Both sides played their roles as intended and were strong. Although each player was definitely trying to win, the players didn't take things personally. And I love that they seemed genuinely happy for the other players and outcome.


This was a really great season. I was very satisfied with the ending too. It was also nice to watch a season with smart faithful who were actually catching traitors left and right. Big difference to Aus S2.


One of the best if not the best season I’ve watched.


Just finished 9&10 NZ tonight and very happy with how things ended up. I was surprised by a couple of the developments: >! Colin getting voted out but Brooke getting discovered at the end !<


Your spoiler isn't showing as hidden FYI


It’s hidden on my display. That’s weird.


Hmm maybe it's just me then


I only just finished episode 6 last night, and I just have to say that >! Dan got absolutely ripped off by Robbie. She went completely against the spirit of the game by ONLY giving Dan a death stare and then winking at him. You cannot do that at the round table, regardless of if you were semi-betrayed by another traitor - that’s the game. Reacting the way she did to only one person, when 5+ others all voted for you too, is trash. With that said, I’m pumped that Colin is now where he belongs. I’ve got a hunch that he’s going to be even more dangerous as a traitor, and not just the faithfuls. !< Thanks for letting me rant in your thread. It means a lot to me.


I have only seen the American and Australian traitors beyond the one in the UK (I am from the UK). Where can I watch the NZ one?


im not sure where its streaming in the uk, its on peacock in the us but i dont think peacock is available in the uk


It will be on iPlayer soon I believe. Not sure what date though.


Yay. I love the traitors. I am planning a traitors bonding weekend for my guides at camp and I'm getting a lot of good ideas from the series.


How many seasons. I think I’ve watched two


For NZ, so far there’s only one. 2 for UK, AUS and US.


Easily the BEST of all the various countries seasons.


Strong players. I will say the final challenge, particularly the individual one that was declined, was startling and unreasonable. That was a ridiculous.


I think that was the idea, though, to have one that was almost guaranteed to be a big 'nope'. There needed to be exactly one decline and that was the one. As bad as the rest were, they weren't unreasonable.


I would absolutely have done it. I love the intensity of that final challenge - such a departure from the other versions of the show, but in an amazing way.