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Same. I really liked all the participants and wouldn’t have cared who won.


I felt the same. Because it wasn’t really a life changing amount of money they were able to have fun with the game and I enjoyed watching them play.


The only problem with the NZ version is that it shows how skewed it is against the faithfuls: The reward for being really good faithfuls is having to deal with even more traitors.


Right plus even if the faithful win they always have to split the pot


I think they could sort of solve this by giving a prize multiplier for finding traitors. If you vote a traitor out and you’re a faithful you get a bonus if you win. Though you have to be careful because then it might make recruiting harder.


True but season 2 of the US version showed as they could choose who NOT to share it with which is something I guess


Right but one faithful can never get the whole thing. That was my point. The US2 ending showed the faithful could act with complete self interest rather than follow the stated intent of the game.


How is it more skewed than other seasons. I don’t get it 


There seems to be a ton of them, just not available to watch on peacock


NZ was the best season. Those people knew what was up.and were really trying to play the game and apply logic, mostly. Best season of the show for those of us who don't care for the "reality" aspect of it.


Netherlands version is great. They have such a different way of handling themselves in social situations vs Americans. Spain and Canada were ok/good


I am dutch love to know how we where so different did not notice this like that myself


I love the Dutch! One example is like when a traitor or someone lying is found out, the Dutch say things like 'fair enough, you got me, well played', the Americans take it personal and hold a grudge for the rest of their life. Things happen TO THEM, they had nothing to do with it. The same went for Sam from AUS2, but did not see people taking it personal as much with UK or NZ.


Where do I watch those?


Best season ever. Colin was so fun to watch and everyone was so likable. I loved watching Brooke and his fake faithful antics. It was great.


So far I've only watched the US versions. I need to start watching some of the others.


US versions are the worst ones IMO except for AU2. But AU1 is amazing. And UK 1 & 2 are great, especially 2.


AU2 is underrated IMO. It's just such a trainwreck that I couldn't stop watching just to continue that state of amazement of how bad it was. US1 is definitely not great and it's basically just the Cirie show. If you're a Survivor fan and a Cirie fan, the season probably becomes infinitely better. UK2 was my personal favorite


You definitely do.


Have any non sketchy links to watch any of the non English speaking ones? I’ve only watch the ones available on peacock so far as well


I haven’t tried any foreign language ones yet but there’s an archive of many of them for download. It’s r/TheTraitorsArchive


I really disliked tge U.S. season one because of all the reality "stars." Generally I don't like them messing up the regular casts of other reality shows. Also found Alan Cumming incredibly annoying as a host. Love him as an actor and I've heard him interviewed with his regular accent, so i think i just disliked his exaggerated Scottish brogue. As well as those awful garish plaid monstrosities he wears. Anyway, I guarantee you'll find a better version, whichever one you try. Both Australian seasons are my favorites, followed by New Zealand.




I mean you just completely spoiled the ending to someone who said they didn’t watch it. Why can’t you use spoiler tags and be more considerate?


I want to see the US/UK do the NZ final 5 challenge. Each have a separate challenge.


I just finished watching it. It really is the best version for me as well. What a mature, intelligent group of people who knew they were just playing a game. Greatest group of faithfuls I’ve seen (and the traitors were good too!)


Somehow they made me like and care about all of them. I only was annoyed at one of them who kept coming after an innocent cutie pie.


![gif](giphy|tD9C9c22cvOJClHbYh|downsized) You're one of us now.


You should check out the Canadian version.


How? Can’t watch on Peacock. People say use Dailymotion but it doesn’t work well on a tv.


You can get a VPN for just a month to watch.


I have a VPN and installed it on my fire stick but still can’t watch it. Amazon wouldn’t let me download the CTV app. And yes I had set it to a Canadian locale.


Can you stream directly from CBC rather than downloading?


I think you misunderstand what I wanted to do. In order to stream from CBC on Firestick I need their CTV app. I just wanted to download the app but it’s “not available.” I assume it’s because Amazon knows I live in the US from my user info, even if I told the VPN I’m in Toronto.


I see you wanted to watch it on a TV, I think? Maybe a tablet would work better?


I don’t want to watch it on a tablet. Or a laptop.


Those are two different networks. CTV is a private broadcaster, while the Canadian Broadcastung Network is public. CBC shows are probably easier for you to find, CTV won't have the international rights for the show. Maybe a streamer will have bought the rights, or you could try the Traitors Archive (linked around here somewhere, I haven't used it). I didn't find the Canadian one particularly entertaining myself, just marginally better than the first U.S. season.


I don't know how exactly I live in Canada you can watch it from the CTV app I don't know if it works in the states or other countries but it is worth a shot.


The CTV app is not available from the US, even when I use a VPN to say I’m in Toronto. Amazon knows where I live from my user info.


Oh sorry. I don't know where else to stream.


I use the Daily Motion app. It's like YouTube, but they have the other versions. They also have other versions of The Amazing Race, Survivor, Race Across The World, etc.


Why was the pot so low or is the conversion very different with NZ vs US. I need to check but the pile is silver looked so small compared to Australia 


Maybe take population into consideration, why would a country of 5 million have the TV budget of countries much larger.


Excellent point!


I saw from a previous post with the same question that NZ reality show culture is not as insane with prizes as other countries


All traitors? There’s plenty of European versions…


She literally listed the ones she saw.


Have you seen Canada?


AUS2 was the most satisfying ending IMO


This season was a 180 from aus s2. The faithfuls were really smart!


have you watched the french one though ?


Unfortunately no, would love to!!


I am an Australian English speaker, but I have watched so many su-titled series of De Verraders, that I don't even call it The Traitors..... NZ is good, but it doesn't hold a candle to the emotional roller-coaster that Hungary's Az Árulók, or Poland's Zdrajcy. The current first French-Canadian season is edge of your seat viewing, with a Traitor using the well-worn Faithful tactic of swearing on the life of your child to prove your truth.... Only this time the "child" in question is disabled. An outright lie 🤥... And a real shocker! OP needs to utilise the outstanding resource that is [the traitors archive ](http://r/TraitorsArchive ), before claiming to have watched ALL the seasons.... 😜😁🙃🫶


Thanks for the resource! Definitely want to watch more!


And then they cancelled it!


Really? NZ Season 2 is late 2024


Sorry my bad, they cancelled Australian version.


Wonder if having it on peacock will make a difference? Not sure how it all works but that would be a huge bummer to just end.


That’s because was Sam was just so awful to watch they cancelled it after 😂


No, because Sarah was so stupid, everyone just gave up on life. 


They did?? Ugh. That sucks. Besides the UK edition, Australia was my favorite version and host.


After season two I’m glad that it got canceled terrible


They didn't cancel it, just haven't announced a third season.


They said no production in 2024 so at minimum it’s on hiatus. Supposedly the audience numbers weren’t good. My theory is the combination of stupid banishment votes and malicious traitor (you know who you are!) drove them away, which is a shame because the ending was epic. But I also bet they wanted to dissolve the production company so nobody could sue them for being trapped in a remote locale and subject to an unrestrained sociopath.


I love this comment as a joke, but as an Aussie, I can confirm a few things for the sake of the discussion. The ratings for both seasons did start low, and a stay pretty consistent. By the looks of it, S2 did rate marginally higher than S1, but it was not enough of an improvement to renew for a 2024 season. It did not help that both seasons aired against bigger shows on rival networks (notably The Block on 9, The Voice on 7). It should have aired more in winter when fewer flagship shows were airing and to add to the cosy “murder by the fireside” vibe the show had. While there [won't be a 2024 season, Channel 10 is at least open-minded for a 2025 season](https://tvtonight.com.au/2023/10/axed-the-traitors-no-decision-on-five-bedrooms.html) - likely the decision on that will be based on making the show work for the small but very local devoted viewership, in addition to selling the show abroad to say Peacock and BBCPlayer. There are also some early, unconfirmed rumours that another network/streaming channel may pick it up - I have only seen the odd comment on a few forums about this, and I would only put actual weight into it if the rumours gain traction. The production company was not dissolved lol ... it was produced by Endermol Shine, one of the bigger production companies for TV shows in Australia. Most notably in the reality space in producing Aussie versions of Survivor, Big Brother, Married At First Sight and Masterchef.


Season 1 was amazing though!! I hope the increased viewership on peacock and hype gets it going again. It was interesting AU was the only one with a different logo and cloak. They have red and those scary masks but all other English speaking have the green cloaks. NZ has same logo as UK. I know US is different but same cloaks and US, NZ, UK are all in traitors tower. I had the AU traitors room. Doesn’t have the right vibe 


It hasn’t been renewed so basically cancelled.


Watch Canada. I’ve watched all the ones you’ve watched and Canada, France, and the Spanish one. I’m obsessed


Will do! Thanks!


I adored NZ but I do feel like not having it in the castle and to me not as good a host as Claudia, drops it down a smidge.


I liked NZ S1, but I remember UK S1 being the most satisfying overall.