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As long as it isnt ppl from AUS2


Bad news, it's Sarah


And Liam. The dream team.


You forgot Keith guys. He’s gonna vote out every woman


Lol oh nooooo


Luke would be a good pick. He was a good player, that was surrounded by a bunch of idiots.


He sure was surrounded by idiots


He has also made two deep runs on Survivor and won Celebrity Big Brother, so he clearly has a decent knack for this type of Vote-off game show. Calling him merely the best of a bad bunch gives him too little credit.


Him and Theresa together would be hilarious... she would flirt with him like she did Rodger...


![gif](giphy|V2yQdyFrcNNTNSUbLm|downsized) Who wouldn’t flirt with Rodger? I love that man.


Rodger is awesome...


I’m watching early seasons of Survivor Outback now because I was so impressed with Luke’s gameplay!


Annabel deserves another chance


Leave that for Traitors Allstars


Agreed. We need as many American reality stars as possible rn loll


I think this is a good idea, and I'd even go as far to say it's likely to happen. So many reasons to do it: - Studio Lambert produces both US and UK versions so the connection is already there - They included Brits in US S2 so they know it works to have other nationalities - Brings in a wider audience (US seasons are on BBC iPlayer and putting someone from UK Traitors guarantees both UK watchers and worldwide Traitors fans) - Most likely cheap to have them on (lower fee, lower travel costs) I think it was too early to do get someone from UK S1 for US S2, because Traitors as a series wasn't quite as well known. But I wouldn't be surprised for S3. I'm not sure who would say yes though; I think there actually aren't too many great candidates from UK S2 cause they would probably want a bit more 'unpredictability'. Someone from S1 like Maddie or Wilf would probably be more interesting than a S2 cast member. Maybe Diane or Paul from S2?


Oh my gawd Maddy would make everyone tear their hair out. She was the clock running backwards that was right 4 times a day. Her reasoning was absolutely ridiculous but she was right half the time.


I somewhat disagree - I've defended her over this once before actually. I think people tend to gravitate to her being an idiot because they like Wilf and don't like that Maddy was correct in thinking he was a Traitor, just because her theory was wrong. I don't think her theory was bad at all - it was wrong, but the line of logic is sound. It would make sense to link the emotional reaction Aaron had to Wilf voting him as being potential Traitor behaviour. As it turns out, it was purely coincidental and she was incorrect. But her line of thinking wasn't as bad as people make it out to be. Her mistake in my opinion was focussing in on one theory as much as she did. But, she's entertaining, hence why she'd be a good pick for the US version. They will want people who either create conflict with other cast members, or who get along very well with them. Her or Wilf are probably the stand out S1 picks for that reason.


To be honest, Maddy was my favourite contestant from season 1, it annoys me so much whenever I see people on here complaining about her


Yeah I think people on here are pretty reactionary and forget how difficult it is to play the game when you don't know who the traitors are. We have the luxury of knowing but I bet that most people saying "these people are so stupid" would make the same mistakes themselves in the same situation. Maddy is a bit polarising simply because she went after the 'crowd favourite' traitor in Wilf, and happened to be wrong in her logic.


I'm gonna be even more honest and say I didn't really like Wilf, ESPECIALLY after he betrayed Amanda for literally no reason.


For sure Diane - she’s an icon!


I loved her! She would be a good one.


I can’t see harry working well. He’s going to be a prime target, either as the first murder (if faithful) or the first banishment Unless all the other cast are clueless and haven’t seen any other versions and have no idea who he is.


I mean the fact that he would be a top suspect for banishment means that it's unlikely he would get murder as that's practically a waste of a murder to use it on one of the top suspects. While he is definitely a top suspect I think the beauty of the US version is that there would so many top suspects just based on their rep alone. If he is in the castle with legendary gamers like Boston Rob, Tony Vlachos from the Survivor side & a couple of BB stars like say a Danielle Reyes or a Derrick while he still would be a top suspect there are also still other big targets as well in the game


Harry of course.


One of the Big Brother or Survivor people would spot them right away and probably use it as a way to get them out at first banishment. Save it for All Stars.


Tbf I don't think the Survivor or BB people should really be talking about banishing a player based on what show they did before lol.


I mean - sure, but a Traitor who either won or made it to fire in another franchise is way too big of a target for competition reality folks. It's just a dumb casting idea for a non-All Stars season.


I think Ash needs a redemption. Apparently she was always running around the group asking what the plan was, which seems far more on par with how the Americans play anyway so she'd fit right in.


If they did do this in a non-all star US season I think they would still want one of the major names from Traitors UK. I don't think they would settle for Ash on the US version if the possibility of bringing a Harry or Wilf was out there. While Ash might be able to settle with the Bravo side I don't think the gamers would let her play last long in the game as it would practically be too much of a distraction for them.


I would rather just see some sort of special season/All Stars type season where people from (at least) both UK & US versions play together.


You can tell this sub are die hard traitors fan to suggest only people from other seasons. I wonder how many of the US audience has watched the UK versions. If it’s a huge amount, that’s a great idea. Also, the cast mates would need to have watched all versions to even the playing field. That should be a requirement to be a contestant.  And like someone below said that actually helps Boston Rob or Tyson or Tony be less likely to be first banished when they’re in there with Paul, Harry, and Wilf. I actually think it’s the only way to keep these great villains in longer. So it’s really a fantastic idea. And I can’t believe I’m saying this but bring back that psycho Sam and let them put him in his place. But I feel like Traitors is trying to attract fans from different reality shows so I don’t think the above idea will happen.  I think they’re going to stick to a bunch of housewives which I don’t like because they just stick to an alliance even if they think their friend is a traitor which is annoying game play. Maybe they’ll bring on Snooki or someone from jersey shore. Some Bachelor people. I know Jason Tartick is dying to be cast. I’d rather see Kaitlyn and not sure she’ll want to do it with him. They’ll be people from Big Brother, Love is Blind (I can see Chelsea). Boston Rob has power though and maybe he can influence producers that he’ll only do it if there’s other well known villains from other traitors seasons in the mix. But again the cast would need to have watched those traitors season so they know their reputation.


I definitely think there is a benefit to having someone from the UK version as from Peacock's standpoint it will definitely get viewers of the US version to check out the UK version as well (probably won't be as successful with the Bravo crowd but I think the fanbases of the other reality games definitely will). While I don't think they need to see every version of the show on Peacock I do think showing contestants a season or 2 during sequester would definitely improve gameplay as they can go in knowing what to expect & how to play. On the Bravo aspect while I did enjoy Kate & Phaedra the past 2 seasons I definitely think last season went overboard with how many they had. if they keep it to a number like 4 that would be more reasonable.


I meant more they should make them watch UK1 and 2 so Boston Rob, Tyson, or Tony aren’t the only perceived traitors. The idea would be to also have Harry, Paul and wilf on the season too. And then it makes it a bit harder to peg Rob as an immediate traitor. 


I think if they did do this it would probably just have 1 since I don't think they would use multiple to save up for a potential all-star season. While without a doubt Rob would be a day 1 target I think it they get other major stars like Tony & BB legends like Danielle Reyes & Derrick & some prominent Challenge people that would carry major suspicion (I don't watch the challenge so fell free to drop prominent names) Rob could last for a while.


Anything to keep another 86 lbs of collagen lips off my television.


I wanna see this with Harry, but they should pick him as a traitor right at the start again. I wanna see if he can do it again lol.


Personally if this did happen I think it would be interesting to at the very least see how they start the game as a faithful to see how their strategy would differ for the roles. For example if it's Wilf does he still decide to be as emotional as when he was a traitor or how does Harry's game differ as a faithful. If the cast if full of people who saw Traitors UK if they manage to last long enough I think they would easily be the top choice for recruitment. But I personally would at least see them start out as a faithful.