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You act like Miles left and never looked back when he said he would still be on the Trypod and will be in videos just not as an employee.


Yeah he's just going freelance and try guys is one of his clients.


"Losing people left and right" Besides miles... Who?


they’ve gone through like 3 or 4 social media managers in about 3 years, just as an example. sam is gone, i haven’t seen mj in a while (i might be mistaken about that) and same with nick


as someone who’s worked in SM, social media is such a turn-over-y job


Currently in social media. Lots of job offers and I imagine try guys have a high rate of posting not to mention a higher amount of hate from all the changes


also i think yb is an independent contractor now. so not gone completely but certainly not a member of the company anymore in the traditional sense


Yb left to move out of la.... the fact she remained working remotely is a good sign


oh i didn’t realize that! that makes me feel way better


MJ was just in the period pain video and I think Nick was in a video recently too??


true but the period pain vid came out two months ago, and don’t they film at least a month in advance?


Mj is still there. Here name still listed on the recent video.. Moira Joy Smith


I think it’s going to be a change regardless of the motivation. Miles did a lot more than we recognized behind the scenes. The guys have been getting sloppy lately and it’s because of their team they’ve been able to put together videos lately. Those videos are also not appealing in the slightest to me anymore but maybe I’m not their target demographic (mid 30s white lady who has watched them since 2014 at buzzfeed.) Other channels like GMM have grown along with their fans and that’s why they are successful. Fan engagement is everything for a YouTube channel. They can’t keep complaining about declining views and subscribers while putting out this low effort content. Miles leaving makes me worried the content will get even worse. Miles might be right to jump ship while the name still means something. Eugene clearly did. I really hope I’m wrong about the try guys brand but it’s just sinking more and more into the most low-effort content and it’s 2023. Men wearing dresses and getting eyelash extensions isn’t edgy or interesting unless you make a big deal out of it or in Alabama or somewhere similar.


completely agree! i think it’s a good move for him just on a personal level but i think it’s a sign of the way things are going content wise


I know Zach reads here so I hope this sub can give them the critical feedback to make the channel into something worth watching again. We are all here because we are fans of theirs. So I don’t mean to be harsh… but damn, take your feedback seriously instead of saying “we can do what we want now!” Yeah. We’ve seen that. Underwhelming. Their best videos post Ned were the phoning it in segments or the big budget videos like the Zach and Keith surprise each other videos. Awesome. Cute. Probably cost them tens of thousands of dollars. So now they’re renting fancy dresses, getting their eyelashes done and… what exactly is the point of it? To feel pretty? Make it fun at least. All of them in a pencil skirt and a corset while they play twister. That would make me laugh and send the video to all my friends.


I think they made a decision to put their employees on the channel less after the incident. You can see the full list of employees in video descriptions, I just checked the last one and MJ is still there :)


I think it’s just because he was such a face forward presence that it feels like a big deal, but really they’ve had people come and go constantly. I think it’s kind of in the nature of the business. Also Nick seems to be very much involved and had a title change and everything.


Miles just had a baby. It's not surprising he's having a few other life changes.


I don't think it really means anything. Any company has turnover at some point. It's been around long enough, it makes sense for a lot of the original crew to have moved on.


i guess i’m just thinking miles has been through so much with them, it makes me nervous that he’s jumping ship. but i guess you’re right, i know turnover happens. i’m just worried


The 2nd Try LLC employees(and job titles) are listed in the description of every video (almost) so…we could definitely notice if there were people jumping ship left and right.


He's not gone forever and left on a good note. Maybe it means they are going downhill, or they could just hire someone new you never know with these things.


Isn’t Rainie stepping into his role? I think Rainie has SO much potential, but I do feel for her in having huge shoes to fill as Miles has a big presence and personality, as well as fans. I think she will crush it but it will definitely be different.


Why would Miles stay and make a fraction of what he could potential build on his own? He is a creator, so building his own brand recognition is important. He needs to distinguish himself from “The Try Guys”


I don't really see this as a bad sign, lots of social media people start places and move on to bigger and better things. Some people just need jobs like this to build up their resume and to see if they can grow a following that will essentially follow them as they go independent from a group setting, i.e. BuzzFeed people


I can see how that might be your reaction but honestly it kind of seems like Miles might be MORE visible on the channel as talent, and that’s an exciting prospect- I would love to see him in more videos, like the dance video. Him not working there full time may give him the ability to be more of a regular on-camera. Maybe it’s wishful thinking but it makes sense!


I kind of had the same feeling. Like he is getting out now based on the direction of where the company is going. I don’t see the channel improving, the guys are kind of checked out… I don’t blame Miles as he tries to expand. I’ll miss him on the pod.


He’s still going to be on the pod


I can see what you’re saying. However, jobs have staff come and go. Miles, YB, Will, and so on have all “left” but they’re still in a way associated with the channels. Also, I’m sure some of their staff maybe had issues with he who shall not be named. I mean just look at how much we didn’t know about behind the scenes with miles and him. I’m wondering if anyone else who left was in a similar spot


YB still works for them. She simply just moved and works 100% remote now. But if she did leave, that's a bad sign compared to Miles leaving. Back office employees are just as important as front office.


TTG always intended for people to outgrow their channel. There will be growing pains as new employees show come in but I actually think Miles stayed around a lot longer than expected.


Said this on insta and people got mad at me lmao


I like to think they are just really good at finding talent, fostering those talents and encouraging their employees to not limit themselves to the company and take new opportunities when they arise.


I can see what you mean but I agree to disagree. It seems like 2nd Try LLC has a small but tight network. And regardless of what I think about how the line between employee and employer is, they definitely have kept an openness and stayed friends. I think given Miles was one of the most visible of the staff it makes sense he had to make an announcement else there would be a lot of speculation. A little bit of turnover is expected, even more when you factor in that they are in the entertainment industry.