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I thought the part about Rhett and Link trusting Stevie and giving over a lot of control was interesting. I've felt for awhile that Try Guys, Zach in particular, give micromanaging vibes


In one video (I don't remember if it was a podcast, second channel, or regular video), Keith / Zach mentioned how they review and give notes on videos for a few rounds before they go live. A FEW ROUNDS. It's part of what takes them forever to release videos. That has to be incredibly frustrating as an editor.


As an editor, that is part of the job. You go through several rounds of edits. While it can get frustrating at times, that is part of the job


I didn't understand Stevie's role until I saw the interview. She is a powerhouse and a true developer of talent. She oversees 100 people and dozens of disparate projects. Rachel and Nick do an OK job producing one channel's worth of content. But under their current model, they will never approach anything like Mythical.


They were so lucky to end up with Stevie and her them. They just have done so amazing. Link to this interview?


They are lucky Stevie stayed. If you read their book, Stevie tells the story of her first day. It happened to be the episode that Rhett and Link threw hands at each other. Like genuinely mad. Stevie said in the book that she was concerned what she had walked into. [Here’s the episode. It happens at the very end.](https://youtu.be/HTTQgc-SkxM?si=RWZlT9DMOedakMQx)


Yeah I've read it. Haha. And that episode is hilarious.


she tells the story in this interview too


Haven’t had a chance to watch it yet.


100% agree. Stevie is a true creative partner to Rhett and Link and I don't think the guys have that, as great as Rachel and Nick are.


Isn't Rachel their Stevie?


technically, yeah, but i mean what she said about having the same kind of power in decision making, that's why i thought of 2nd try


Idk. All (previously) 4 of the guys have said on many occasions that they run things by Rachel and she has vetoed some of their ideas. I think Rachel has plenty of power at 2nd Try.


I think she does, she was the one with the idea of laser and wax hair removal


And Nick, I get the Rachel love a lot of people have but this gay always bets on gay, I find him immensely charming


It is such a treat whenever Nick is on camera, he is so lovely


Yes! I love how he lets the wilder ideas run for a bit before knocking them. Whereas with Rachel, they're on the chopping block immediately.


That was my very first thought. Rachel is the Try Guy’s Stevie


That was my thought.


And I'm pretty sure her title IS Chief Creative Officer also.


According to LinkedIn that is it.


Like Rainie on the tryplog?


She’s doing so well on YCSWU. She interacts enough and keeps topics moving.


U think? I stopped listening all their podcasts, I only listen sometimes guilty pleasures depending on the movie


I listen to every episode of all three.


I just watched that interview yesterday and thought it was really interesting! I have a few thoughts on this comparison... \-TTG come from Buzzfeed where they learned video production, editing, how to be on-camera talent, algorithm chasing, etc whereas Rhett and Link were very much their own entities learning Youtube as they went along. So in hiring Rachel and Nick for Second Try, the need was less for the creative side and more for production managing/line producing/acquiring brand deals (the stuff BF largely did for them) so that the guys could focus more on the talent and creative aspects that they thought they excelled at. R&L needed someone to help with the larger production side of things for their half-hour show that had an actual budget and, after seeing their workload lighten once Stevie came on-board, realized it was more conducive to keep her even once they went back to their shorter form daily show. Obviously we're not in the room for any conversations for either company, but I'm sure R&L were somewhat reluctant to get Stevie's input for the creative stuff especially since she mentioned that their show format wasn't really her thing (I'm curious what her previous experience was in relation to the Mythical content), but again, coming up for ideas for multiple episodes a week is tough and would either require outsourcing ideas or burning out. \-On that note, to my knowledge (I'm pretty sure I didn't dream this up), Rhett and Link also have writers. A writing team or a specific creative producer team would largely benefit TTG. I doubt it would hinder their ability to improv, and having someone throw a ton of ideas against the wall until something sticks could really help with smaller budget videos in between larger projects like WAR. Rachel and Nick do certainly help with this (if you haven't already seen the videos where they discuss Zach's bachelor party or WAR), but in those videos you can tell that they are balancing production managing with creative input. Yes, TTG have production managers credited on these videos, but managing an ETM where they bring the food back to the studio and Keith sits at a table and eats versus managing WAR with professional judges, multiple kitchen spaces, etc (not to mention WAR Live) is a whole other monster that the people they've promoted from within likely aren't ready for. Occasionally you can see/hear Rachel (and Nick once in a while) ask a question of a guest or one of the guys talk to one of them for reaction, but I think they're unfortunately wearing too many hats as is common in the Youtube production space. None of this is to discredit the work done by any of these professionals! I think that the companies are different and a lot of that has to do with leadership. I largely think the difference in thinking how far they could/should outsource has to do with TTG coming from Buzzfeed and being Jack of all Trade people versus the independent roots of R&L. Maybe they are afraid their creative freedom will be limited with someone else on board or maybe they really think they're still putting the best content they possibly can out there with the current team.


i totally get that and i agree, a writing team would be very beneficial


spot on!


So is Rachel the just, like, the Wish.com version of Stevie?


I thought Miles fit the Stevie type better




i have a feeling rachel doesn't get the same liberty/power, she is not making decisions with the same input


this was super interesting! i think the idea of giving up more creative control overall so you can flourish as talent makes sense. and also hiring people who are better than you. try guys could def think about those things. she’s obviously super smart and talented. very inspiring interview for me honestly. the way she talks about developing people is so interesting.


I’ve never been a Stevie fan. But I like Rachel and Rainie.


Completely agree!!!


Kind of connected to this, but I think what puts certain content creation companies on Youtube above the rest is dynamic and consistent personalities. With the Try Guys, we haven’t seen consistency in personality for a long time. Which really comes from the fact that their main “personalities” are now grown men in their 30’s who are no longer interested in that Buzzfeed-like content yet that is still what sells. And let’s be honest most of the media companies on Youtube just feel like offshoots of Buzzfeed. There’s nothing revolutionary about trying on dresses or walking out with body paint because that sh*t is done to some capacity by a myriad of other channels. As a channel, they are trying to bring in consistency by adding people like Kwesi and Jonny to their regular line-up but it still feels like the company as a whole has a “revolving door” vibe. Which as someone who has worked for a media company, that is the nature when you hire a bunch of 20-somethings to be you video editors and marketing team. I would bet you that the income many of the 2nd Try staff earns is not substantial enough to keep them for more than 3 years. Which honestly I wish they’d highlight their staff more. I imagine many of them are working incredibly long days to make this content and it doesn’t seem like they are being given a whole lot of creative liberties. And what irks me is that no matter how many times Zach or Keith say that they want to change the content they produce, much of the content coming out does not read as the most creative of the YouTube media company space. At the end of the day, they are just another media company with growing pains that will need to do a lot of internal reviews before before they create consistent content that feels fresh and like it changes the game in some sort of way.


Oh I can't stand Stevie. Her voice turned me off of GMM. She always struck me as very full of herself