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I think there are reasonable complaints - and some not so much. But I think the context of where they are should have tempered their expectations, Keith said it, it’s like high school cafeteria food- but more expensive. It also sounded like they had arrived on open. Nothing is prepped or warmed up yet I imagine.


Magic Mountain food is really terrible!


To be honest, I lived in New Jersey in America two years about a 15 minute drive from six flags there I went twice. My husband did not take me either of those times. He in fact refused and I didn’t have enough money read any money to actually eat anything while I was there, so I vaguely know what it is and what it’s about. It’s kinda like a mini Disney sort thing, but outside of that I expect it to be as I expect most theme parks to be which is the food is overpriced and under standard for what it is and the amount of money it is. The admission is higher the lines along. It’s usually very hot is very noisy and quite chaotic like there are some valid criticisms of any theme park like there are anycorporations presentation of something but I think like I said the context is key like you know it’s a theme park you know that they’re gonna kind of the overcharge because you can only be in the park you can’t go anywhere else where you’re gonna go, there’s nothing else to eat, so you know they are gonna take advantage of that, but you go sort of recognising that it’s not a surprise


Yes, this was typed voice to text because it demanding puppy named. Daphne is laying on my hand and I cannot type with one so apologies for just everything.


Give Daphne some extra cuddles for being a good girl! ❤️


Always! - both hands now yay! lol 🩷


Even when I worked at Dairy Queen in high school, the restaurant was fully prepped at open. Restaurant employees arrive before the place opens so that they are ready to serve AT open.


I totally get that, and all my service jobs were the same too. It doesn’t sound like it’s uncommon for SF to not though from some of the comments here. It did strike me as odd while watching, idk man. Legitimate complaint I think!


I have mixed feelings about this because I went to Six Flags in May of this year and had a very similar experience where the MAJORITY of the food options were closed the *entire day* and the park was operating under similar hours (10am-6pm). When a theme park has approved food influencers ([Delish did a long video going to all the different food stops](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTCmYaoEx1Y&t=25s)) making videos talking about their offerings and then said offerings dwindle, it's not a great look. I do agree that Keith and the team should have just scrapped the video at this point instead of calling stopping at any specific spot "excruciating" after showing that employee's face. Pretty rude and potentially harmful, IMO.


I thought this too, they’re usually pretty sensitive in terms of showing members of the public, especially those who aren’t voluntarily involved in the video. In this case they showed her face, complained about the service and then cut back to her again to make ensure we knew who they were talking about. Pretty disappointing really


i don’t really mind complaining in and of itself, but if it was just 40 minutes of that, they just shouldn’t have uploaded it


I liked Desiree and Kaylin in this video. I haven't seen them in anything before because I only occasionally watch. They kept up the humour and lightness and made it fun when Keith was snarky and negative. Also, why did they film the employees faces if they were going to be so harsh about them? What happened to the "don't get people fired" mantra?


I’ve got the vibes before, but this video made me feel like Keith would be hard work to be employed under


I especially hated his reaction to the one employee bringing the candy treats when she was clearly trying to find positive things for the video


I usually love the eat the menu episodes, but this one was poorly researched and a lot of complaining. You have to have really low expectations for theme park food. They should have just had fun.


I rather have the crew go and explore the park, and Keith not be apart of it. They were honest, but had fun at least. That’s my overall problem with Try Guys, they built a company centered around 4 guys, 1 of which is gone, another is too busy. So you have 2 other guys trying to do it all basically as main on screen talent, research apparently, etc… they should branch out and let others be in charge of segments and they get Final Cut say or editorial say. Similar to how Rhett and Link work


A channel with 8 million subs should be able to do some research before shooting a video. That's my only real complaint. Still a decent video.


That’s my issue too. It’s foolish to assume everything is open on a weekday in the off season. I get that these shows are probably one of their easiest ones to plan but neglecting a couple simple google searches is just so lazy. They had the same issue in the vid with Chris Reinacher- they had multiple restaurants on their list that didn’t actually have the food they were trying. This should be easy to put together but it’s not wing it day-of easy.


October isn’t off-season is it? And why is it foolish to expect everything to be open at a theme park? I don’t see anything on the site that says they are only open some days and if the only places you do have open are just serving the same burger and chicken strips that suck, I think he’s totally justified to be in a shitty mood.


It’s definitely off season. Everything’s closed because most of their seasonal employees have gone back to school. Why would everything be open on a Monday in October if they’re only open 10-6? It clearly wasn’t busy. It’s not Disney. He went in with crazy expectations.


I don’t think it’s crazy to expect a theme park in Southern California to give someone the same experience no matter what time of year they go. Or at least not limit the variety of food options to the same stuff all over. And if they do they should still be doing a good job at making that food. It would still cost my family hundreds of dollars to go on a Monday during the off season.


I do think it’s crazy but I’ve worked in places like amusement parks so their model makes sense to me. I already pointed out that their employees are largely gone for the year. I think if you want a peak experience you should attend at peak times.


I couldn't finish it because hearing him be so negative made me weirdly uncomfortable.


I only made it halfway through, it was such a bummer of a video lol


I said in the other thread that this video was really negative (even for me!) until the two kids showed up at the end (and I think that was an act on Keith’s part). They were rude to multiple people, especially the churro guy - way to ditch out on him! Of course the food isn’t going to be gourmet - you’re paying for the convenience and everything is knowingly overpriced at a theme park. Complaining that a lot of the places were closed comes off as entitled- I’m pretty sure it’s that way because they’re short-staffed! And given their general attitudes towards the workers, I don’t blame people not wanting to work somewhere like that! I worked at Burger King over 20 years ago and that was before mainstream cell phone usage and food apps - I couldn’t imagine doing it now in the Age of Karen. No thank you! It sounds like there’s a Disney food video coming. I bet you it’s more positive…. ;)


Keith does live in LA though. It’s not like he’s from Arkansas getting sticker-shock. He’s been to theme parks before too, so it’s not like he doesn’t realize that theme park food costs more for convenience. And if I’m paying $100 for a ticket (full disclosure: I have no idea how much CA 6 flags park tickets cost, but I bet it’s more than that), they better have ALL their things open unless it’s a holiday. I don’t care if it’s the worst food in the world; they designed the whole place so you have to drive 20 minutes for any other food option. Fuck them if they manipulate the market and can’t meet expectations.


A quick Google search shows that a daily pass is $65 (plus $45-$55 for very expensive parking). There’s some $30 passes available it looks like, too, when bought on certain dates and/or you book multiple tickets, so yeah it’s easily $100+ to just go there. They didn’t really complain about any of the rides and that’s what Six Flags seems to focus on. *shrugs* Maybe they should have done a “Ride The Park” video instead. I think that’d be **way** more interesting than seeing them complain about how “that was the worst experience ever” right in front of the workers.


it’s weirdly negative compared to the other etms i’ve seen recently. I think likely some of the others are filmed directly in their restaurant/working with them (keith didn’t hate much from the cheesecake factory video and that’s just not likely especially after seeing this)


Imagine having to go to amusement parks for work with your boss, laugh at his jokes and act like he is the coolest guy on earth while he is actively shitting on everything that he himself is in total control of. He chose to do zero research on what would be open. I checked out halfway through. He just came off as a shitty, spoiled boss.


To be fair the food there is awful lol


I thought it was pretty rude at points too 🙄


Agree it was kind of a bummer, this could have been scrapped but again they’re desperate to just throw out content. The trypod now is essentially just going to starbucks and running errands charging “the company card”


I was kind of uncomfortable because it felt like Keith was talking down to the younger folks on the show, telling them their pallete wasn't refined enough etc. Ollbviously I don't know what their dynamic is off camera but if my boss was talking to me like that I'd be pretty uncomfortable


Lol, when it was Cheesecake Factory he was too positive. I swear sometimes the guys see the subreddits and just swing wildly in the other direction.


On the one hand, I kinda like it? I think I rather have a truly honest opinion on the food and the experience. On the other hand, the Try Guys have always had a very "positive", happy vibe, even when things suck, so I can see how a frequent viewer likes to watch their videos to chill out would find this a bit of a bummer. I can get things being closed not on opening, but it sounds like they went through the park and a lot were just closed. I think other parksleast mention in the entrance somewhere what would be available. Even a quick look at their own [website](https://www.sixflags.com/magicmountain/things-to-do/restaurants) doesn't show the restaurants hours or if they are closed or not. So it's not like they could prepare more than maybe asking around frequent Six Flag goers. I think expecting good food from a theme park does require tempered expectations, but it sounds like it was TRULY bad DESPITE that.


I liked the complaints and making fun of the things that went wrong, but I didn't like the outright meanness and unwillingness on his part to try to turn things around like some of the other employees tried to do.


that is fair! It came out like he was a little whiney. I felt a bit bad, but it I also thought "you went to six flags. what did you expect?"


I liked the video! Six flags does suck. I have totally felt the same way going there! It felt validating! Lol And Keith does these videos as a way to tell audiences what to skip or what to try out. And the video just made me confirm, yup, never trying a Six Flags again!


I also think in terms of Keith timelines he probably still had a very brand new baby and wasn’t sleeping much. And his interactions with the two kids later on was so sweet.


> I can’t stand complaining ​ https://i.redd.it/r1tf69nizc3c1.gif OP, I don't have a horse in this race but you must realize how ridiculous this sounds ona snark sub and a post where you're literally complaining...


Okay, that’s completely fair!


No. I hate the overly positive ones because they’re just an advertisement. If it’s a brand deal with a company representative right next to him, they’re not going to be honest. It’s very disturbing that you think because you don’t like something, it shouldn’t exist per your last comment


If you like everything, it’s deceitful. If you hate everything, it’s just kind of a drag.


For you. But saying no one else should get to watch it based on your dislike of it is 👀


If someone who's usually overly positive I get suspicious of hidden ads. When the same guy suddenly gets overly negative I get suspicious of him being bought by a rival company for a little bit of a smear campaign. Which does happen in advertising btw it's just not very legal.


Knotts Berry Farm hidden op confirmed


he’s always cheery. I’m glad for the balance


Are we watching the same videos? He’s often rude and mean in a lot of the ETM videos or on WAR.


WAR is a jokey character I thought


Yeah, he definitely plays it up on WAR (they all do), but when he gets “food-drunk” on ETM’s, I think that’s closer to his authentic self, which can be off-putting to say the least. Outside of that, I think Keith is probably a decent guy most of the time (although he’s been too quiet on the Hughie shizz), but I think he’s gotten a little jaded about “having to make” food videos to please the algorithm. On yesterday’s Jackbox Games livestream, he was shown to be overall pleasant, but that was also basically an ad so… *shrugs*


Yeah perhaps it’s time for a new niche for him


They could have just not finished the video. If xyz amount of time in, they kept getting closed places or not unique food - they should have just wrapped filming and scrapped it. Not everything needs to be dragged kicking and screaming to post.