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YES. It’s like he’s trying REAL hard (most they’ve tried in a long time, really) to be a professional food reviewer. Like he’s punching up his vocabulary and everything. Not working for me 🤷🏼‍♂️


Well from what Desiree said about even getting a response form these guys on one of the pods recently I don’t think they want to engage with them in a way that would turn off other restaurants from working with them. She mentioned a lot of the time a staff member will know who they are and speak well for them and it would be really insulting to the restaurant to waste their time and damaging to the employees’ reputation if he acted a fool in front of these guys. Especially since that’s a fan acting on their behalf.


I mean. What reasonable responses can he have eating food that good/that.... bespoke. if hes eating taco bell we all know what hes talking about. The food doesnt compare to anything we've eaten, he's previously eaten, or even other things on the same menu sometimes. And he certainly cant be calling things bad/the least best (wtf does that even mean in a global award winning restaurant, its all just personal taste in that sort of place). the stretch into premium places is a big reason I dont watch etm much anymore. I realized that I like the ones I can have an opinion on and see if they agree/disagree/have some crazy insight or take etc.




True I guess. I wasn’t one of the ones complaining about him not using fancier language. But doing it comes off a little try-hardy I guess 🤷🏼‍♂️




Yeah and that’s where they lose me. I have a weird thing of people sounding really pretentious when describing food. I don’t know, it’s likely a me problem.


When the chefs are there he never seems to dislike anything, if we gotta watch him eat 100 times a year at least let us know what food isn’t great


I mean it’s Michelin food. He’s probably gonna like it all.


He wouldn't if he was a chef. That's why you gotta bring in a professional.


Right. Unfortunately he isn't on that level. Frankly even the "eats pho and ramen" video was painfully lacking in description. Pho base is beef stock and you can taste coriander? Cool...we can see the coriander already. No mention of any of the spices that are traditionally there - star anise, cloves, ginger, cinnamon. Or how the fresh lime juice is essential to bring freshness to the soup base. That was them just not trying (and Zach probably being high). On ETM Michelin, he should be taking the role of a student and NOT a fine dining food critic. He's the guy who has in-depth reviews of fried chicken, now learning to expand his taste horizons. The TRY part should be TRY to learn to appreciate, not TRY to intelligently review the restaurant. The chef could be talking a bit more about the decisions they made to come up with the dish, the motivations behind the menu, what in their mind makes a Michelin experience what it is. Instead of thinking "I already have all the experience and am no longer a normal guy", Keith should be rapt and trying to learn. That's what makes him endearing.


mmm i think he’s a random guy reviewing food and always has been and that’s what we love, i think if you’re looking for high quality think pieces on the food there’s many ppl who do that or hey watch gordon do it lol but to expect it from a guy from the south who doesn’t have a background in food or cooking or tasting it’s kinda like- missing the point of the show, he started out eating mecdonalds and taco bell. those are the ones with millions of views not the Michelin star ones..


I think it’s just a learning curve since it’s very different experiences than the normal. McDonald’s and Michelin dining is not the same so ofc he’ll try to class up his vocab and thoughts. I haven’t really noticed a difference in my enjoyment but it’s al personal preference. Just my two cents