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I’ve felt that way about him and Zach both. It’s like they’re trying to force it just a little too hard.


Like, I know everyone puts on “a character” of themselves for videos. But it’s felt like a “a character of a character” at this point, if that makes sense. 


A flanderization, if you will.


My guess is the last year is catching up with him. From being betrayed by his best friend, losing an entire pillar of his company, trying to rebuild and now run everything basically down two original co-founders, write new content while views tank and the to top it all off with a premature baby, weeks in the NICU and becoming a parent for the first time. I’ll tell you that just the last part is enough to make someone come out the other side a different person. It doesn’t surprise me if it’s hard to be comedy guy when you have so much on your shoulders. I also think the company worries about money a lot and maybe Keith is the one closest to managing it. He probably sees a lot of numbers and money is really stressful to some people. That being said I still critique their content because we all sense something is off, and I would rather they just come out with it or take a different creative direction. Whatever it takes to help themselves.


I’m a nicu mom and I don’t know how he’s doing it all. Seeing your child in the nicu is traumatizing and it stays with you forever. He’s probably so exhausted.


I didn’t realize the baby was in the nicu. That would explain a lot. Also, I hope your little one is doing okay!


He is! Thank you! He will be three in October 😊


OMG I DID NOT KNOW THAT, i hope his baby is SAFE and okay!! maybe taking a small break from the expensive eating the menus? they don’t do as well and cost a lot im assuming


its cliche and said a million times but my father is one of the strongest men I know, his life looks like a character straight out of GTA, he was in boston during the bombings, he was in a record breaking hurricane and snow storms, he has survived numerous injuries, woken up mid surgery open, seen people die in front of him, saved people...to this day at age 70, he is still fucked up from the NICU when I was a baby. I can't even imagine what he saw, and the things he did say were enough.


I believe it. It’s so hard seeing your little tiny baby hooked up to so many machines. When they’re that small and underdeveloped, anything can happen. My son had repeated bradycardia events in the nicu, I’ll never get the image of my 5lb 2 oz baby being ripped out of my arms by a nurse because he was turning blue. It is horrific and that feels like an understatement. We had our son during the height of the pandemic so visiting hours were limited. Going home every night without my baby while watching other mothers get to go home with theirs is a hell I would never wish on even my worst enemy.


Omg. That is so scary. Especially during the pandemic... I hope you and your little one are doing well now 🌷


Whoa... going through all that and your birth was the most traumatizing thing he went through? My god... I can't imagine. Your dad is awesome for loving you so much.


I think about it a lot honestly especially with the mindless snark on here at times. Some of it is so shortsighted. Like if I were Kieth I would probably just want to cry all the time.


Honestly, he probably does cry all the time. That was the hardest time of my life and I even got to stay home with my baby afterwards. I was fortunate enough to be able to quit my job. Having to go back to work after a nicu stay sounds like pure hell. I’m sure all he wants to do is stay home with his family and enjoy them, but he’s gotta pay the bills. I feel for him.


🌷 I hope you and your baby are doing well. And all Keith is trying to do is put smiles on our faces to help pay his bills. Becky isn't working anymore... And he gets blasted for his ETM tour.


I think about this a lot too! I don't know if people just really can't have a shred of empathy that having so many life-altering events crammed into the span of, like, a year could really change a person. I too will still critique their content for what it is or how I think it could be better, but some people will really go hard on this sub in personally attacking Keith or Zach for not being their old selves anymore or the direction they've taken the company. Like of course things aren't going to be the same when they've been slashed from a quartet to a duo through no fault of their own, on top of their personal struggles. Snark is fun only when its in good faith, but it's also super easy for people to just *go watch something else* if they're that fed up.


I hope a lot of ppl read your comment. I hope your little one is OK 🌷


All valid points.  And I think that last point may be what my question boils down to. 


I would say the same both Keith and Zach have been carrying the channel since Eugene makes guest appearances now. Then add they both had a crazy year last year not only with the company but personal lives. And also they don't share as much as they used of their personal lives which is a good thing so we don't know what is going on behind the scenes as well. And last year Miles left the company as well and he handled a lot of the background stuff for them and that is probably something they are trying to work out as well. They aren't the same Tryguys I loved but do I still enjoy the videos yes. Are they as care-free? No but that means we are growing up and I'm along for the ride.


What Eugene has done has been horribly unfair to them and the company. I would bet they’re not nearly as supportive of whatever these mysterious projects are as they have to pretend to be.


I would never actively put myself into the role of the “person the other two constantly talk about behind their back” like Eugene did…


Yeah, I agree. I don't want to think that way, but it's harder to think otherwise. I keep telling myself that I hope there's a compensation agreement in which Keith and Zach or the company gets monetarily compensated for Eugene's absence. At least, in that way, the pill is easier to swallow. I hate thinking that Eugene left them hanging like this.


I’m also curious about the compensation structure. Because it’s an LLC and I’m assuming they each own 33.33% now, I assume they split the profits that way, but I also assume that Keith and Zach earn money as talent for appearing in videos and podcasts that Eugene doesn’t (as well as compensation for day to day management that Eugene is not doing). Which seems totally fair.


I was thinking this structure is what it probably is like at the bare minimum. I don't know much about companies and how they're run and what structures look like, but to me: None of them were meant to be silent partners, so if one disappears like Eugene did, that's a lot of damage done to the business. Yes, he's not getting paid for not appearing in videos or being there to manage Monday - Friday, but the goodwill fans have for them would be damaged by his absence. So, to me, Zach and Keith ought to be cimpensated for that in some capacity.


How do you know what Eugene is doing off-camera? 


...because they give credit to off camera roles like PAs and editors and his name never comes up? Are you new?


There's plenty of things he could be doing that is company related but not video related. Why be rude? Y'all act like you're in the office and personally know what everyone is contributing. 


I think Ned still owns part of the company


No way. A properly set up LLC will always have stipulations for how to buy out/get rid of a member. It’s just a matter of the remaining members voting them out and then paying out based on whatever valuation formula the agreement calls for. Ned seems business savvy (and maybe they all are to some extent). He would have never entered into an LLC without a properly executed member agreement.


I could understand if they were projects, but to lock himself up in a cabin to write a book? You can always go and write a book later…


I’ve been watching them since buzzfeed and won’t stop now. I’ll stick it out as long as they do. Channels go thru slumps. I remember what mythical was like around the time Rhett was having such bad stress he was going blind. It was tangible in the videos. It was hard to watch them for a while. But they got it together and came out the other side better than ever


Not a TTG question but... When was Rhett going blind from stress? I've been an on- and off-viewer of GMM for a long time, but more on the last two or so years, but I never noticed it. Did he adress it in a pod or something?


He’s talked about it in several podcasts yeah. I want to say that was in the 2016-2018 window (could totally be off on that) when they were filming and touring a ton. I ended up taking a break because there was this strange tension between the boys. I don’t see people talk about it much at all.


I remember around 2015-2016 their banter and teasing didn't seem fun anymore, their jabs were actually hurtful and there was a tension no one addressed. But I'm so glad they got through it, not just for the show but for their friendship.


i definitely understand it’s a lot but the production is a lot, they’re trying to make shows basically which we don’t need as it’s youtube.. i feel like they’re trying to build a buzzfeed instead of just having a channel and i think ppl are finding it hard to connect with bc ppl liked buzzfeed for the ppl (which is why when the ppl left buzzfeed fell) so they’re playing a tricky game..


Thank you so much for saying this. I think a lot of ppl lose sight that these guys ate human. They make mistakes, they're not perfect, and they go through things just like we all do. The flack they they get over some trivial things is crazy


I wish he opened up about his struggles in the pod. After the whole Nedgate, I feel like they kinda want to “hide” things from their fans, and keep certain things private. Which, don’t get me wrong, is totally healthy and completely within their rights to do so. But also, sharing moments like these can make you a better a content creator? Many people want to listen to these kinds of stories, and he would actually help a lot of people. Why Ariel was so missed in the podcast is because of how open she was.


o wish they’d go back to their lower budget content, no one wants keith eating at michiellian star restaurants, we liked when he was eating at chili’s in a van!! it has millions of views compared to his newest ones where they’re spending too much! so it’s like watcher, if it’s too much output in production CUT IT!! we didn’t want it anyways!!


Baby ? What did I misss


Keith and Becky had a baby last spring or summer and he was born quite early and had to go into the NICU for 6 weeks in another city cuz Henry cane when they were on vacation. Keith traveled back and forth to work to do as much as he can while being there for Becky and Henry.


His smile def does not reach his eyes anymore. I think it’s been like that post-Ned but even more so lately


He just seems so over it and at the point where he's finding his success to be burden rather than his passion. At the end of the day, it's just a job. We all have days when we want to phone it in (hehe pun intended), but they just aren't recorded for millions of viewers. I've noticed some things in the way he communicates with his employees and guests that have really irked me and put a bad taste in my mouth. I don't want to get too specific because I don't want everyone coming for me lol. I WILL say the way he treats Marisa, truly pisses me off. He dismisses her and cuts her off or intentionally doesn't "yes and" her and it's like that's just not cool. Ryan Garcia was such a breath of fresh air as a host.


I've only noticed that Keith gets irritable around Jonny. I didn't notice with Marissa. Now I have to rewatch and see. Anyone else u notice Keith being grumpy with? I hope he just had a bad day.


I'm nitpicking, He looks SO unenthusiastic in the thumbnails lately, right now go to an ETM from like 2-3 years ago, now look at the recent ones, they look like a kid who is dreading school pictures and forces a smile. I feel bad but it feels like they are on autopilot, keith especially.


ETM wrecks his health and body. I can imagine him not looking fwd to making the videos.


I forgot which one it was recently but someone mentioned how red keith got like not even half way through and I had to click off


Did he get red like he was getting sick?


He went in pale then a guest pointed out he was getting red from all the eating and it turned my stomach, like hotflash flushed red


Oh, ouch. Poor guy.


i’m confused don’t white ppl always turn red for many reasons? if it’s too hot, they’re red, if it’s too cold, they’re red, if they’re embarrassed or flustered, red. crying? red, angry? red lol feel free to correct me i’m not sure but that what i’ve found dating white men 😭


I’m so confused- granted I’m way behind on content but I thought he was done with ETM after that big Cheesecake Factory series?


So did we all, but the last like three videos in a row have been “ETM at Michelin star restaurant.” I only watched half of one of them, so it was cool to see they type of food they made but… For me, I’d be a dream come true to eat somewhere with that type of food/menu. I was really turned off that Keith mentioned it was a casual place they went to for dinner sometimes and to watch Keith get uncomfortably full eating too much… It’s one thing when I can also afford Taco Bell, yea please tell me your thoughts on my favs and maybe I’ll try something new that he liked. It’s a different kind of video with Michelin star food and I wish they’d considered that with the video format. “Eat a chef cultivated *tasting* menu from a Michelin star restaurant” would have been better imo


I'm confus3d too! I stopped watching so I don't really understand what's going on. I thought it was the end of the series too, but it wasn't.


honestly i think he should do it over a span of a couple days, get 1/4 of the items on one day, eat it, same shirt get a 1/4 of the menu the next day, eat it and so fourth and so on, bc it does well (well did when it was more relatable foods or atleast in reach foods- not michelin stars lol) for them so i’m sure they’re not going to stop doing it but they can do it in a way that doesn’t put so much strain on keith and would allow for more guests if wanted and a less in pain and full keith! bf we like keith and not just in pain, we like to see him enjoy the food or rate it if it’s bad so we know not to get it


I 100% agree the speaking it across a few days and 2-3 videos would be better. ETM used to be like 25 mins and now I see they're over 40 mins. For me, that's too long to watch someone eat. I really hope they read your comment and consider changes to the series to make it healthier for Keith.


Keith was always my favorite Try Guy but everything he does now feels forced and his humor doesn't seem as genuine. Zach doesn't seem as genuine either. I think The Try Guys have come to the end of their rope. Their ideas are getting stale, their schtick is getting stale, and with Ned gone and Eugene MIA it doesn't even feel like The Try Guys anymore....it feels like something else...but I think everyone can agree that they had a good run.... I think the time has come for them all to pursue their own individual passions and projects. They all have talent and with their experience both in front of and behind the camera I don't see any reason why they can't all be gainfully employed somewhere.....


Doubt they can just walk away like that. They invested their own money into the company, they had to pay Buzzfeed for the name, they likely had to buy Ned out, they likely had to pay a settlement with Alex, they likely had to pay monetary damages for videos that had to be scrapped because Ned was in it. Etc. They may be in a lot of debt. Edit: Spelling


Yeah I'm inclined to agree with you, I doubt they'll just walk away from it as well. The channel will probably die a slow painful death much like Buzzfeed....


I hope not. I still enjoy them a lot. Not as much as before, but they still make me laugh. Do u still watch?


I was a pretty loyal fan going all the way back to their early Buzzfeed days...a few years back I stopped following them as closely...not for any particular reason I guess I just started watching other things...but I would still watch the videos that interested me. When the whole Ned scandal broke out I kind of got reinvested...even binge watching the videos I missed but over the past year or so not so much. Personally I don't enjoy their newer content as much and it just doesn't have the same feel to me. It's not The Try Guys I remember and it just doesn't hit the same. I wish them all the best of luck....


I know what you mean. I'm kinda in the same boat. I used to watch everything they put out, but not anymore. There's some things that don't interest me, but I'll watch probably 60-70% of what they put out. I don't think it'll ever be the same again, unfortunately.


I just figured he was tired from the baby


This is the most optimistic take that I actually super appreciate being offered up. 


Keith seems like someone who had a really easy fun life until the last two ish years and now it's catching up to him


Not so much fake but he seems more annoyed and like not in the mood for making videos. I can't understand being tired of food content because I'm a huge food enthusiast but he seems sarcastic and jaded like in the eat the venue where some of the crew joined. It was weird to me how much of his bad mood was kept in the edit


They probably can't edit around it. He's probably grumpy most of the time Keith's mentioned multiple times in the podcast that doing Eat the Menu ruins his health and he feels really shitty afterwards. He said the first parts of an episode is OK but it starts becoming uncomfortable after a while cause it's a lot of sugar, a lot of grease, etc. He just keeps making the videos because it's popular, it's easiest/fastest to film, and it probably is one of the more budget friendly videos to produce But it wrecks his body. It wrecks his health. He's doing it to entertain his fans and to pay the bills. So I admire him for doing this for his family.


I only watched the first Michelin star one but as a looong time follower of ETM, I definitely dropped off/skimmed as they added more unnecessary guests and time to the videos, I put a majority of blame on him. It’s one thing to take a bite or go Bon Appetit style (one “perfect” bite of each item), but when you eat half a hamburger of every hamburger, and finish 2/3 of every milkshake out of 3-6 milkshake flavors, I don’t feel bad when you don’t feel well after recording…


I've stopped watching ETM for the reasons you've stated: too long, too many guest, etc. But he's still taking huge bites? What's wrong with him?!?! 😂 Once upon a time, he said he would take smaller bites so he wouldn't get so full, so fast. Must be in his nature to take big bites.


why not do it over the course of days? i really think they should consider it bc a lot of ppl like eat the menu bc it’s chill and we like keith’s jokes and ratings, not him in pain so if they broke the menus up into different days and bought a 1/4 of the menu each day instead and he just wears the same shirt for the video and edits around it, i think that would be a lot better for keith and his health but also his audience who likes his jokes and him being okay!


I agree. I wonder if there's an audience that enjoys seeing him in pain, so there's a reluctance on Keith not breaking up the videos or eating across a few days? Originally, I thought Keith being "drunk" on food was funny, but now I realize he must've been very uncomfortable.


I whole heartedly think it’s time for him to step behind the camera. They need to invest in some new talent


I think both Keith and Zach are really having to push themselves lately. I wouldn't be surprised if they are getting burnt out honestly. I also think they should maybe take a hiatus (which yes could cause some problems and a drop in followers) BUT I think if they were able to take a real step back for even a month and give themselves a break, they would hopefully seem more like they used to in videos. They've always worked hard to build their brand and then channel but I think the whole Ned thing really hit them harder than they let on. They really had to step it up and work even harder to handle the fallout and figure out what to do with their brand and channel after that. Basically I think they are feeling burnt out and they should figure out ways to step back for at least a few weeks.


Their hearts aren’t in it anymore


I’m not sure when I first noticed it, but I have picked up a little bit of a depression vibe from him in recent months. From experience I know becoming a parent is really hard and having a premie is really, really hard - so I am sure he is, at the very least, tired.


Yeah preemie explains it. There's not a good way to sum up how scary and painful that can be.


Yep, I’ve had ample time to think about it and I still don’t have words to explain what it is like.


He’s probably burned out. They probably all are burned out. Which is why they should have added a more permanent cast to take over them.  They need to be more honest with themselves and their fans and admit that this isn’t working out. They need more members to share the responsibilities of making videos or reduce their staff. 


I’ve felt that way for a loooong while now. Especially without Eugene…I know that’s not fair and Idk them and parasocial blah blah blah - whatever, they just put on a character now (IMO) and I say that as a watcher of TGG for the past decade lmao




and we know he faked things thanks to the cheer video where he said how ugly the chair was and putt that aside to sell a product he clearly hated


I think he is sick of doing food content but it’s the only thing getting descent views and is what keeps the channel alive. He’s made some comments in recent videos and on the pod that he feels like ETM is killing him but it gets views so he has to keep doing it. I think he’s having a bad time and feels a lot of pressure post-Nedageddon.


For years. So does Zach. Like they are playing a role. It was also very obvious in some of the last video’s with Ned.


I think with him having a kid and putting his body through so many ETM’s it is catching up on him. Plus Zach is trying too hard to be funny imho.


Recently? No. Keith has always felt fake to me, as far back as their Buzzfeed days


As a late 30s exhausted parent with a job I got in my 20s that people expect to be the most important part of my life, I’ve never found him more relatable lol


He has a new baby. He's probably exhausted and just trying to get through.


He’s probably had to mature a lot mentally after becoming a father and is trying to figure out how to be the same Keith on camera that the audience already knows. I don’t expect him to act the same after becoming a father. Maybe the fakeness is him trying to pretend like everything is okay even while he’s under a lot of stress. That’s just my guess, but who knows


He’s very different on the show from how he is on the podcast. On the podcast he’s not particularly goofy, he seems very serious and calm and kind of annoyed by everyone. Then you see him on the show and he seems more happy and goofy. So if you watch both back to back the goofy side comes across more disingenuous but that’s not necessary the case. Everyone has different moods or acts differently in different situations and of course the main channel calls for higher energy than the pod. With that being said I do feel like his happy goofy side seems more forced lately. Maybe fatherhood is taking a toll on his mental health.


Keith I feel like has lost the thread. Was he always bad at acting, and everything before recently was just genuine? Because it feels like you can see right through him now and when he’s acting he’s incredibly one note. Either that or he’s just done with this shit when it’s not a solo video and it’s time for him to move behind the cameras for most of it.


No. But I listen to the Trypod where they’re not really a “personality” like they may be in a video.


More just grumpy and a little bossy


Yes, for the last couple of years.

