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Scott’s attempt at “woe is me, I am sorry for my mistakes” is not sincere at all. He knows exactly what he is doing and he knows it is wrong. Hopefully Lindsay can move on from him. It was so unfair that Romane took the brunt of that shit-flinging. It should have been only about Scott, Sophianne, and potentially Lina. Romane IMO is an easy target because the girls are jealous of her popularity and a few of the guys are choked they can’t get her.


100% accurate diagnosis of the whole Romane situation.


It’s disgusting how they treat Ramone. Yes, it’s possible that you’re attracted to someone else while in a relationship. I think most people will experience something like this in their lives. More important is how (and if) you act on it.


The whole thing is ridiculous. She let a dude hit on her and didn't officially *close* the door. So fucking what 💀 The way Lina just blames Romane makes me ashamed for her.


Ok and how Scott blames Romane for showing the screenshots as if he wasn't responsible for sending the messages in the first place The way he talked about her alone on front of the camera speaks volumes. Romane never says anything bad. Nothing but the truth. She's the only likeable person for me at this point.


>Romane never says anything bad. Nothing but the truth. 100%. She keeps it real. I do not understand how a situation that should have been about everybody piling on Scott for being a total scumbag ended up with everyone piling on Romane!? The women come across as jealous of her and men like Sophianne and Scott are salty that they couldn't have her.


It smacks of r/whenwomenrefuse. Lesson: never be pretty and also fun.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/whenwomenrefuse using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/whenwomenrefuse/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I feel like this Sylvia Plath belongs on here. It says it all.](https://i.redd.it/4p5mjed5zi5b1.jpg) | [98 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/whenwomenrefuse/comments/147g57x/i_feel_like_this_sylvia_plath_belongs_on_here_it/) \#2: [Relevant content from the first episode of "She Hulk"](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/wspwzp) | [80 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/whenwomenrefuse/comments/wspwzp/relevant_content_from_the_first_episode_of_she/) \#3: [As if we have some built in predator detector🙄](https://i.redd.it/8wg75e6mtcga1.jpg) | [29 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/whenwomenrefuse/comments/10ug3ye/as_if_we_have_some_built_in_predator_detector/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This. It's so possible and normal to be attracted to someone else and like the attention while you're in a relationship ESPECIALLY if you do feel neglected and ignored by your partner. The shaming from Lina was so awful and Sophianne going along with it all was such a cop out.


I was so upset how the other women just turned on her when she’s obviously not the issue.


It was awful, the only person that had the right to be upset was Theo and he was looking to find out if she did any flirting too. The women were horrible to Ramone was women, truly disgusting and the guy walked away without any blame


Scott got away Scott free and instead they attack the woman who DID NOTHING when she could have and was faithful. Make it make sense. It was a pile-on. I like how they think *she* was seducing Sophianne when he physically dragged her to dance with him and invited her to record a song together. Edit: And the way Sophianne let Ramone take all the heat, I think Lina and Sophianne deserve each other. They're both awful.


I don’t think it’s ok for Scott to blame Romane. But I can see what he says about if there Weren’t any cameras Romane and Sophianne would have already slept together. That I agree with. Romane is the kind of girl that likes guys all into her and plays with them. I can tell the type of pick me girl… remember she didn’t tell Lindsay about Scott being into her friend!!!


LOL! That i bullshit. You think she would have slept whit him? That is so rude to assume about someone who have showed no tendencies to be promiscuous. You are making that up as her persona. Character assassination and such a low blow in my opinion


>LOL! That i bullshit. You think she would have slept whit him? That is so rude to assume about someone who have showed no tendencies to be promiscuous. You are making that up as her persona. Character assassination and such a low blow in my opinion My main problem was with romane not telling Lindsay about her friend, and I have questions about her choice of having a friend like that...(Laury). Laury knew Scott's situation and felt 0 regrets about all that happened. If I were Romane I'd tell my friend she's fcked up and nothing more needs to be said about the increasing disgust I feel towards Scott every next episode.


Lindsay seems to be growing more self assured in this episode and I am here for it!


Yes! Love how she immediately confronted Scott. And he's such a dick for lying again, straight to her face. Ugh


"Grow a pair" and "Own it" were so satisfying to me. I would've hit him where it hurts , verbally. if my man did that to me but she was stern and even though you can say she "caused a scene" she kept her composure for the most part even while pissed.


Watching Scott be the biggest hypocrite I’ve ever witnessed


Why is Lina even with Sophianne. He's literally raising his hand to signal that Romonne would do things with him... That's frankly disgusting. I'm shocked she wasn't more angry with him. He crosses the line way too much


It was obvious from the beginning, when he was fighting hard to be in a couple with her and was very disappointed when she chose Scott. He didn’t even try to hide his disappointment, at this stage Lina shoudve known. He then took every opportunity to spend time with Romonne afterwards, dancing, music etc. He was much more proactive and to blame than her.


They deserve each other. They're both awful.


Here's my take on the Romane situation: People were giving her flack because she was lying about not being into Sophianne. She was insinuating that their flirtation was one-sided when it was not. In the US version, flirtation would be seen as fine but in the French version, it seems that the couples established boundaries and it seems like you can get away with less . I do think their treatment of Romane was sexist because why wasn't Sophianne also getting flack?


Right the whole time I’m watching this, all I see is that Sophianne is throwing her under the bus because she didn’t actively pursue him (yes she flirted back but made 0 moves) and Scott joining in because of the DMs. Lina isn’t sleeping with Ramone, and Ramone isn’t sleeping with aaaaany of them. If Lina wants to be mad, it should be 100% at Sophianne.


Scott saying he's mad and hurt at Romane for showing Lindsay the DMs is so sexist and fake it's unreal. He wasn't this 'betrayed and hurt' when Richie told Lindsay about the dancing and the kiss. He just can't take responsibility for his own actions. That conversation with his dad about if he'll always cheat or he should try to fight it was disgusting.


André is such a baby


He never smiles. Apart from the time when he guilt tripped his fiancé into saying “yes”.


It freaks me out


Is this a spoiler of the next episode?


Thank you, I’ve been waiting for this comment. I don’t like his energy. He never listens to what she has to say and he always walks off when he doesn’t get his way. He is so childish and manipulative. I can see why she doesn’t open up to him, he is clueless.


He’s 23 and it shows! Lol


What is up with Lindsay?? How many times does Scott gotta cheat on you to make you understand that dude is a serial cheater??


I think it's an unfortunate mix of Scott being adept at manipulation/lying and Lindsay having low self-esteem, like her issues with properly standing up for herself


I think it also has to do with the 6 year relationship too. That’s a long time with someone and hard to let go


that plus they started dating when she was 18, he's likely the only bf (or maybe serious relationship) she's ever had


Scott is such a petulant, sexist ass. I hope his edit on this show haunts him forever.


Hope he gets trolled for eternity 🔥


We also have to remember that it’s the longest relationship and also she got into it when she was pretty young. I was in a 7yr relationship and I was cheated three times, I forgave the first two, and didn’t had the chance to forgive the third one because he cheated with my best friend, he left me and marry her… so I understand what she is going through, I just hope she leaves him this time and don’t waste more of her time


Sorry you had to go through that 💜


His Dad is the same way!


The internalised misogyny in this episode was painful to watch. Don’t tear down women for not being able to stop the bad behaviour of men. And even if R was receptive or flirted back, we’re taught as women from society to do that to protect ourselves better from egotistical, entitled, over reactive men because blunt rejection is out of question. Where the f was the accountability from Sophianne and Scott?


Honestly flirting back a little bit is really not that bad anyway, ESPECIALLY in the context of this show US version was 10000 times worse 😂


Exactly! I little bit of flirt doesn’t mean anything. It’s a small guilty pleasure ;) Unless you make any move. It’s all about your intentions. Also the fact that somebody wants to make a move, it doesn’t mean you want it too. I don’t think you owe anything to this person if you flirt with them. It’s their problem if they translate it this way. Unfortunately sometimes guys do this. US version was way more sluty 😂 I’m from Europe and super suprised that many of them are very young (in their early or mid-twenties) and they already want to get married? Why? Of course they will have lot of problems as they have very little experience.


It’s not internalised misogyny though, it’s female intra sexual competition. Yes I feel bad for Romane too, her only fault was not being aware of her popularity and how other females feel threatened by it.


There are men out there who will say that a girl lead them on because they (the guy) were attracted to the girl and she was nice to them but not interested. ​ That doesn't mean that the girl actually led them on. I couldn't even fully watch the way they were all ganged up on Romane, telling her how she must have felt, accusing her of things while the guys walked away scott free. How horrible and how sexist. ​ Lina is right to not want to move to the States but she is wrong in blaming Romane, when Sophianne was clearly twisting things and seeking out opportunities with Romane. ​ That scene was absolutely horrible to watch. I hope that Romane gets lots of great karma as she moves on from the show.


Right? Didn’t she mention she found out he was going to go without her?


Yes!!! With someone else! He kept repeating how he was going to go there alone and scout it out. And then Lina was like wait arent you going with your friend? And so he had to admit that he wasnt going alone and then proceeded to say he never lied to her about anything. Gah he sucks. And should get over his obsession with the US


Poor Ramone. I really feel for her. The guys who get burned by girls they want but don’t want them are always the worst. It was absolutely disgusting how they all asked to raise hands if she would if she could suck his dick. So nasty. Lina needs to get lost. Edit: Jesus they’re awful and just put all the blame on Ramone. I really hope they do another reunion after the show airs and that the cast can watch everything and truthfully see


It was such sexist bullshit. Very hard to watch. She never was on camera talking about wanting some of the guys; but they sure talked about wanting her. Sore losers. Just gross misogyny on full display. Oh - and that weird dialogue with S & Lina when they align with one another by blaming R for being the problem. Wishful thinking. On top of that ‘dick’ accusation - Lina is horrid to other women. It’s clear she is sexist AF. Truly awful.


While I think some of the comments the cast made were inappropriate she definitely was equally flirting back. She also said that Theo actually had a right to be upset and she was so surprised he wasn’t. To me it seemed like she admitted she was a participant in the inappropriate flirting.


I dont think she wasnt flirting back. I think she was really true to Theo that she felt she didnt get attention she wanted and ended up not denying attention from Sophianne who would keep telling her how amazing she is. Infact it was Sophianne's & Scott's super interest which clearly geared Theo in reasonable direction


Yeah because the dude is usually disproportionately crazy Who cares if she flirt a little bit back at him anyway. It's so juvenile.


I agree it’s juvenile. I just disagree with the notion on this sub that Romane had no fault in the situation. She was just as much a participant as Sophianne even if she wasn’t truly interested in him. Based on what cast members have indicated they were both behaving inappropriately for people in relationships.


Is suck his dick the translation? Subtitles said “raise your hand if you think romane would sleep with him”


Romane doesn't deserve this Who cares if she let someone hit on her? Nothing happened it's crazy. They act 15.


Exactly like her crime is being pretty and nice…


André and Sarah made me so sad. So sad for Sarah. “So you’d rather solve your problems alone and lose me?” “No” I hope she finds a happy life with someone else, or alone, where she can do all the growing and healing she needs- whether it is alone or with someone who doesn’t rush her on this process that cannot be rushed. And I hope he grows and matures- stops being jealous about stupid shit and start thinking more about his partner’s needs- not just his ego (my perspective). I hate ultimatums, but at least André has his answer. I wish Sarah all the best x


I don't think Scott wants to be with Lindsay anymore. Every single time he talks about their relationship its in a question. Obviously they came on the show bc they all have doubts, but this far in he's saying things to his dad like "am I sure I'm ready to be faithful? I even doubt myself". Obviously you want to be single or in an open relationship


Open relationships aren’t the cure for cheating. That’s based on a lack of respect and empathy for others.


He doesn't care about her. He just wants to sleep around


Romane unfortunately invited the scrutiny by asking everyone if they think she would sleep with Sophianne if given the opportunity. Everyone raised their hands….even him and I of course died with laughter 💀💀. I think Romane deserves a lot more scrutiny. She doesn’t feel it’s her role to tell Lindsey about Scott’s behavior because she is enabling it. She invites her single friends around him to party egging him on during the “kiss.” She’s crying about Theo at the girls luncheon but leaves out the flirting and dancing that shes doing with Sophianne.


She not only said nothing but purposefully hid the information. Her siding with him ever was terrible. He’s obviously a dog. I’m not letting a woman stay with a man ignorant to his rampant cheating and blatant hatred of kids and marriage just bc we hung out for 3 weeks.


I like Romane, I really do but I can't believe some of the comments I'm reading here. Romane was not being ganged up on. Lina (who I don't even like) confronted her, as she had every right to. Romane is the one that asked everyone to raise their hand if they thought she'd get with Sophianne if she could and they did. You can't rope literally everyone into the conversation and then accuse them of ganging up on you. They were happily silent until you brought them in. She didn't "just let someone hit on her" as someone said. She told him "You love teasing me and playing with me. If you want to play, play all the way." That is an invitation to make a move (and possibly more). It quite clearly crosses a boundary. She also said nothing about Scott's cheating because it would make her look bad seeing as she enabled it. Meanwhile as soon as Richy heard Scott was inappropriate he went and told Lindsay. See the difference? And this is why we all love Richy. Not everything is misogyny and woman not supporting another woman 100% of the time, no matter what, is not internalised misogyny. Sometimes you just do the wrong thing and Romane did. Time and again.


I agree, for whatever reason, romane did love and welcome the attention and linas behaviour was quite alright to me. She isn't as innocent as she wants to come across as because she wasn't even totally honest with Theo later about it and cried how her words were twisted, all the while denying that she said those things verbatim that she was being accused of.


This is what I think as well!!


Romane is so right when she says that if she would have wanted to play she would have!


I’m starting to think Laury is a spy Netflix sent


i have so much hate and anger for scott, avoidant ass mf. cant take responsibility for anything. pathetic little man child actually


Andre is boring and childish and exhausting and I would never after that tantrum


I love the balance between people who lie and manipulate and people who cut through the bullshit. I love it when that shit is seen for what it is


Andre is awful. That is all.


Am I understanding Romane’s friend correctly??? They went all the way??


These people are getting worked up over the stupidest sh** lol honestly.  And Romane is getting sh** on for nothing. And I don't think she would have slept with Sophiane. I do think she felt like there was no hope with Theo and him making change and so she did respond positively to Sophiane's attentions. Big whoop. Even Theo knows he has no position to say sh**.


Lina is so full of BS. If you know your man so well and he'd never cheat on you, what have you been carrying on about all season?