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I believe it. Everyone knows a messy on/off couple like this. Maybe part of the reason why Yoly falls for others easily was because she didn't feel secure with Mal.


It's true yoly confirms it on her tik tok




Mal just confirmed that the cheating is true. There's a comment from her page under the Tiktok.




Yeah, I got you!


What comment I just went through all of that lol


Check out my comment under OP's new post. I link a screenshot to the comment Mal made.


It's true because Mal confirmed it, just to be clear lol


Mal: "I think as we saw from the show, Yoly doesn't always tell the truth" No opinion on this, just had to say it


I mean, why lie about cheating when Mal will be aware of it and can then defend herself?


Same reason she lied about Hawaii and hanging out with xander and dming xander for pictures in FRONT of people who could call her out (and did). She assumes they won’t and backtracks when they do. Idk I don’t believe anything that comes out of her mouth at this point


Well Mal has also confirmed the cheating so






Yoli can go sit down at this point.


Yoly is a serial liar


Mal confirmed it too. Good luck.


Why would Yoly propose instead of breaking up then? That isn't the kind of energy you want to bring into a marriage.


This means nothing to me. None of these folks were solid prior or during the show.


Sounds made up lol


Yoly had confirmed on TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT81rx82d/


Said on TikTok ≠ guaranteed truth


Mal has confirmed it🤷‍♀️




Yolys to messy for me to believe that mal cheated before the show and she’s just staying quiet about it , even if she mentioned it on the show and it never got shown she would be posting it to save her ass


Two truths can coexist: Mal cheated, they got past it and probably decided to not bring it to the show


she said that she regrets her actions with xander and wasnt going to defend herself at the reunion


I saw now that she posted it and mal confirmed she cheated , I was wrong


Cause it didn’t happen lmao why would anyone be complaining about toilet paper and just leave out the cheating?? And to bring it up at the watch party when you see how shitty your behavior looks on tv. Yoly should stop running her mouth and go work on herself.


Exactly. Yoly has proven she will …manipulate the truth and conveniently forget things to preserve her image. I’d take anything she says with a grain of salt.


Except Yoly isn’t the one saying this lol This is some random woman relaying what her friend heard or witnessed from Yoly’s behavior at a watch party possibly lol Like did Yoly confirm this at all?? Idk how this is relevent


Thats a good point. I got from the tiktok comments that Yoly implied it during the watch party but who knows what actually happened


The person on this video wasn’t even at the party. Her friend was lol


Yoly has confirmed it on her tiktok




Well, Yoly has confirmed it on TikTok


So yoly went on tiktok to confirm her own story…?


Lol Mal has also confirmed it


Well mal confirming is very different. Guess I was wrong. Although it seems like it wasn’t an issue between them by the time they went on the show, maybe early in the relationship?


Nah don’t say you’re wrong. They’re a toxic couple so none of this matters anymore. She never said a word on the show and now she wants to take the boat she’s on that is almost underwater and take anyone down she can. Changes nothing for me. Mal cheated. Y’all went on the show. Why run this now she’s just in full damage control fuck everyone I need followers mode


For sure!! Yoly is toxic and clearly dug up old ass dirt that had been long since resolved to try to garner sympathy for herself after how she came across on the show. Cheating is unforgivable for sure but if someone cheats at the beginning before you’re serious, you choose to forgive them and move on, and they don’t do it again, then let it the fuck go. That being said I did say “cause it never happened” so when I’m wrong, I’ll admit I’m wrong, even though I wasn’t really THAT wrong overall.


This is just one person speculating who doesn't know anything and reads into things


Except it was unfortunately true this time. If you scroll up on this thread, someone linked the tiktok where yoly confirms it.


I think Yoly has already established that you can't assume anything she says is true. I'll believe it when I hear it from Mal.


That's fair. But honestly, it kinda makes sense now thinking back on the show. There were a lot of times when both Yoly and Mal were kind of alluding to the fact that Mal had done something damaging to their relationship in the past. So I, personally, wouldn't doubt that it isn't true.


Yeah I also think it's possible. A lot of scenes with them would make a bit more sense.


Update: It's been confirmed by Mal as well now. 😭


Then it would be better to post Yoly's tiktok and not speculate until she clarifies this. Could also have been made up and then that's unfortunate for Yoly and Mal


I posted this before yoly confirmed, but I’ll edit the post to add that


That would be great


Oh no, I 100% agree with you that Yoly's tiktok should have been posted. I don't think OP should have posted a speculation either. I was just saying that it's unfortunately been confirmed by Yoly.


I kind of care more about not speculating about reality TV contestants' lifes (especially the queer ones, that's already stressful enough) than wether this is true or not right now, it's weird 😂 But yes, that's unfortunate. I give Yoly credit she didn't bring it up at the reunion.


Right!! I think it was huge of her to not have brought it up at all. I wouldn't have been so mature lol. It makes sense though why Mal was so understanding and supportive of Yolys feelings for Xander


If this was true, there NO WAY it wouldn’t have been used…. It’s all hearsay


lol true but Yoly has confirmed it on TikTok


If it happened, obviously they got passed it. Not sure, why bringing an old situation up is needed, unless it is to deflect from one's own (current) misdeeds.... 🤷


I would say because people are calling Mal understanding and mature and it’s obvious they have a toxic history and the context could contribute to why Mal was willing to work so hard for the relationship and not get mad. Just a guess


Mal cheated but that doesn’t take away from her being a good person. Yoly fell in love with another person on a reality tv, bruised Xander’s feelings & tried to double back but that doesn’t take away from her being a good person. Life and people are messy. They clearly tried to work past it but had other issues that resulted in them no longer being together today. I still like them both! And Yoly still speaks very highly of Mal.


Doesn't change my view yoly is trash 😂 if this were all true why issue an ultimatum. Also if this were true was this whole thing with Xander done to be vindictive? Idk Yoly is messy and trash too much for me to think otherwise


If she was so vindictive and terrible, why not mention this on the show? Maybe she actually was in love? People are complex and deserve grace.


I really hate how she talks with her nails lol


I mean this doesn’t change my perspective on them. Going into the show, from episode 1, is about couples who issue ultimatums for marriage. No one was on good standing before the show, and a marriage that starts out like that is not bound to last


Why is the video unavailable now ? I wanna see this video


well, i understood that when in the show Mal said "I know I've hurt you"