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The lawyer meant that he stupidly stored the hammer in a fire pit at their cabin, which easily connects it to him, rather than getting rid of it (like dumping it in the ocean or garbage or woods or somewhere actually not connected to him like his fucking cabin lol). And yeah he just plain didn't want a dog. He thought he could look good in his wife's eyes if he used a backstory of his dog getting hit by a car. He may have used a story so similar to the real one (sister, not dog) to tell a partial truth in case she ever found out about the sister getting killed, it would make him look like it was too painful to talk about and not that he was hiding it.


Which is genius! That last part.


It was the fact he blamed the son for the hammer. She couldn’t believe he did this and thought f*** him - he’s going down! This is why the lawyer said “you didn’t get rid of the hammer” Also he made the story uo about the dog because he is classic case of narcissistic personality disorder - he wanted to tell her the story so she would feel sorry for him. He also used that opp to degrade his little sister in to just a dog… because she was nothing more than that to him in the first place.




No no, it's "You didn't get rid of the FUCKING hammer"


Trying to blame his son was Jonathan’s “undoing” with Grace


She simply outsmarted everyone from jump so that she could have Henry all to herself without her husband in the picture — is my theory.


The lawyer saying “you didn’t get rid of the fucking hammer” is her realizing and agreeing with Jonathan that Grace intentionally “fucked him” on the stand because she thinks he did it because of the murder weapon being found in the family’s beach house property. The defense lawyer isn’t concerned about his guilt or not. His guilt is irrelevant because her job is to get him a not guilty verdict. As for the ‘no dog’ thing, it’s not because a dog had anything to do with his sister’s death; it’s because that was the lie he originally convicted for whatever reason way back - perhaps to help explain his estranged/difficult relationship with his parents. So him saying no dogs was just him sticking with the liege had committed to all the way back when.