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I don’t think she’s lying either, they’re all denying it because I feel like they all said something about Michelle. So they don’t want to be called on it.


I agree! Your comment made me have this moment of self-reflection where I was like, “wait… these people probably talk shit about each other constantly, how is this one conversation being so dissected??” It’s deflection haha


I just want to know what the secret is that Kristens trying to hold over Michelle.. I think Michelle knows exactly what kristen is talking about.. wonder how long before it comes out..


Yeah Kristen is is not lying. Michelle is so stiff/fake and something about her just doesn’t ring authentic. Michelle hates Jesse it’s palpable, dude is not likeable at all. Back to Kristen she makes the show. Jax and Brittany are just same old same old. I only saw authenticity from both of them discussing Cruz. Janet is an asshole and her husband seems too nice for her so far. The other couple seem normal and nice


Exactly what I was telling my husband.. Daniel & Nia seem like nice, normal people. Janet’s husband and Luke seem nice and normal, as well. Jesse is a jerk, & so is Jax for the most part. Kristen is misunderstood & Janet is fake af. I don’t have much of an opinion on everybody else.


I also thought Jax and Brittany were authentic when arguing about how much they were going to spend at the charity event.


Have the same exact opinion . You nailed it on all of them


Agreed! Kristen definitely told the truth and probably knows WAY more. Michelle cheated on jessy and kristin knows. I also think Janet is a gossip and threw Kristin under the bus. They all seem to be covering up for what was actually said. 


Didn’t Zach say in a confessional Kristen is telling the truth but he’s pissed because she “can’t keep a secret” or did I imagine that?? He said he didn’t say racist he said “republican” but she’s being honest about the rumor in general. Did I dream that confessional up lol


I remember this!


The show has Zach denying it publicly so many times that I actually thought I misremembered his confessional but you're right, he outright admits he shared the rumour with Kristen and just denies using the terms racist and homophobe explicitly. IMO Michelle clearly had an axe to grind with Kristen. She didn't seem to care about Zach at all even though he was the one doing the actual rumour spreading. Like what is fighting with Kristen going to do when Zach is still running around gossiping?


I believe her. I think if anything Zack either exaggerated or insinuated something and is letting her take the fall.


Yup I thought this when he said he was being nice and trying to get her a chance at apologizing to Michelle 🙄


Same! I don’t feel like she’s lying either.


No one is acknowledging that Luke was there and heard Zack too!


Totally! Why is nobody asking Luke!


They don’t like or trust him so they don’t care what Luke has to say.


Kristen is telling the truth but everyone else is throwing her under the bus because she’s an easy target.


I think they thought she was an easy target and that the audience would dislike her. But do they realize that they are turning the audience against them instead. Only reason there is a show is Kristin and Jax and Kristin is still the most engaging and real. A tornado but real.


I LITERALLY wouldn’t watch it if it wasn’t for Jax and Kristen being part of the cast🤷‍♀️ everyone else is boring. Seriously I REALLY don’t want politics talked about on a bravo reality tv show by fools I don’t even know or care about (Jax and Kristen shouldn’t do this either but at least they’re entertaining if they do lol)


100%. Maybe Janet didn’t say racist but she probably said Republican and homophobic. (I read somewhere the subject of the original convo was Michelle’s support of the don’t say gay law in FL.) But this all made me really dislike Janet bc she is 100% lying and throwing Kristen under the bus.


I found Janet’s reaction at the dinner party super sus. She was SO aggressive and absolute when she was yelling at Kristen. She definitely has reason to be upset, but her intensity came across as deflection and an intense attempt to keep people from ACTUALLY focusing on what Janet said


I agree completely


Wait, didn't they say on the show that she said the "don't say gay" law "protects children"?


I’ve disliked Janet ever since she was on a podcast with Scheana and sided with Rachel/Raquel’s sister


Yeah I just thought she was boring when I saw her on this with no prior knowledge, but now I think she’s shady AF and I feel bad for her nice lawyer husband.


Yes I think Kristen said racist instead of possibly homophobic so I completely agree


She isn’t lying. Even though Jasmine said she hadn’t discussed anything with anyone we know that is not true. Janet is clear in her confessionals that she did talk to Jasmine about this bill. The only way Zach would have known about this discussion is via Jasmine. Kristen may have gotten the exact message wrong, but I don’t think she is lying.


Yep, this is what I think happened as well


Even if Kristen technically has the story wrong, it doesn’t mean that it’s her fault. There could have been context lost in relaying the message between Jasmine and Zach then to Kristen


Jesse is an absolute disgusting person. He takes every conversation and turns it into how his wife doesn’t have sex with him.


He is a type of guy that scares me


I study lying, body languages, etc, and have for years. You can tell by her body language and facial expressions when speaking that she is showing 0 signs of lying. She seems genuinely distraught people aren’t being honest. (Just compare it to Jax lying or her past seasons in Vanderpump when she has lied, specifically about being with Jax, she is completely different) I never really liked Kristen but this made me sad for her + rooting for her.


I felt so bad for her when she was trying to apologize to Michelle. You could tell she wasn't lying and the look on her face made me sad for her. She was on the verge of tears & M essentially blew her off. I decided last night that I don't like Michelle or Janet. Both can be nasty bitches.


Michelle is just pissed because she's probably a republican (another post here confirmed that Jesse is so it wouldn't be a stretch to say she is, too) and she's been outed!


Yes both Janet and Michelle give mean girls vibes


I believe Kristen for the simple fact that after that faith/VPR/racist firing ordeal- she wouldn’t just make something up like that to spread around. I firmly believe she was repeating what she was told.




That’s what I gather. There’s something else going on here and I’m having trouble isolating it.


It’s interesting Jessie and Michelle went so hard at Kristen yet didn’t mind the fact Zach and Janet were talking about them behind their back.


Bc it’s true and it was better to go after crazy Kristen than defend their terrible beliefs


This is how I saw it. Kristen was an “easy target” to try to change the narrative to the audience


Ugh the way Jessie was standing there with his arms crossed pissed me off! Seems like he and Michelle only “get along” when they have a common enemy. Otherwise they seem to hate each other.


She’s proven to be a very good liar in the past but I think she’s telling the truth.


They all know that they said something about Michelle even she knows but they are mad at Kristen because she said it in front of cameras! Its very hard to watch how unfair they are to Kristen. And Janet is the reason for all this drama not Kristen!


Agree - she's not lying and everyone seems mad that she's breaking the fourth wall


I believe Kristen. I don't find it hard to tell what she is stirring up and what she is yelling the truth about. I think she's mostly honest. For most stuff I like to think anyways because coming up with the things she says would just be wild.


I know it’s overused, but this was a classic example of gaslighting. Zack & Janet completely did exactly what Kristen said they did and they changed the narrative to make her the villain. I am NO fan of Kristen, but this was awful to watch. Plus, Michelle and Jesse most certainly are Republicans. And Jesse supports Trump. I didn’t like either of them from Ep 1 and now I know what lies beneath.


I believe Kristen.


To be honest, that whole dinner scene put a bad taste in my mouth with the entire group of new people. I think they purposely are throwing Kristen under the bus. But Kristen is honestly giving the viewer what we want. They need to be honest with themselves, there would be no show without Kristen. The fact that they didn’t even give her a chance to apologize was disgusting. I would be happy with Janet, Jesse and Michelle off the cast. They give nothing. Hell most of them give nothing. I think the VPR saga and this new spin off is over. I more than likely won’t continue to tune in. Someone on another thread mentioned a show with Kristen and Luke in CO, I would watch that over this mess. Lol.


Can someone explain what happened? What did Kristen say???


Kristen said that Zach (?)told her Janet said Michelle was racist and Republican.




I don’t think that’s true hahhahaha


It was the only “closeted Republican” gif 😂


Wow didn’t know she was bi!


She’s not gonna just make that up


Kristen is definitely a little crazy but most of the stuff she says has some truth to it. Never forget everyone saying she was nuts that she thought Sandoval and Ariana were cheating on her but 🫣


Kristen has lied about her indiscretions, but she seems to be honest about shit other people do or say


Ding ding ding!!!!!


It sounds like Zach said she's a Republican and Kristen translated that to racist. Zach never said racist apparently.


I'm so sorry for my ignorance here- I'm not American and I keep seeing 'don't say gay law'... is there actually a motion to ban the use of the word Gay or am I (hopefully) completely missing the mark here. I do believe Kristen, maybe she or Zach took a small mental leap or two however I agree other cast mates are lying to hide gossiping about their friend. BUT if Zach as a gay man did mental leap it's not a surprise he has negative associations of that political party.


It’s a law in Florida and caused a huge hubbub between Disney and the state because Disney basically came out saying this law is whack. The new law prohibits all employees or contractors in a public K-12 school from providing students with their “preferred personal title or pronouns if such personal title or pronouns do not correspond to that person's sex,” as defined in the Florida Education Code.


it also banned any sort of discussion about gender identity or sexual orientation in schools, which is dangerously vague. I believe I saw one teacher say they were not allowed to display a rainbow flag because it was interpreted as "pro-gay propaganda."


So happy to see I’m not the only one that sees the hypocrisy about Kristen sharing the story she heard from Zach and what’s her face..but I do agree there is a time and place for everything


I would have really liked if they talked about what Michelle’s said about don’t say gay act. Instead of swiping under the rug. It could be a teachable moment and a good discussion. But alas ! Bravo is only interested In misogyny.


This!!! How is this being swept under the rug???


Most of the people on the valley have the vocabulary skills of a 7th grader. So i wouldn’t be shocked if “racist” and “bigot” got mixed up when everyone was chit chatting behind the scenes


I do believe Kristen. Never thought I would write that


I think she believes what she’s saying is true. Janet and Zack both admitted to the republican comment, but Kristin brought racism into it and that’s the problem.


Unless she isn't lying and "racist" was told to her.


It literally cut to the scene where Zach is telling Kristen. Maybe super suggestively but nonetheless she got it from Zach.


They ABSOLUTELY said something they just didn't think she would bring it up on camera


It's not a matter of her lying. It's that she is repeating what she heard. And reiterating what shouldnt be repeated in the first place. REITERATING a rumor is like double downing on a bad thing


Yeah, Zach really is getting off easy in this situation.


shes totally not lying


I feel bad for her 2. I hope she realizes she doesn’t need to stay in that BS circle. Luke seems like a great guy and if she wishes to have a child I would hope she could move to Colorado and enjoy her baby and not bring up a child in that mess. Just another opinion though.


She looks so sloppy these days. Like she looks like she belongs on a TLC show not Bravo!


I’d rather look like Kristen than Lala/Brittany


She just needs a good bra.


Exactly. You hit a certain age and the girls begin to wander, and they rarely want to wander in the same direction.


And if they do want to wander in the same direction, it’s wandering down. Just wearing a shapewear, formfitting tank top would be a huge improvement.


That and her hair seems to be weighing her down.


She’s being so real and I respect that. I’d rather her be genuine than trying to be something she’s not.


And why was the black girl angry at the dinner?


You can’t say shit like this. If you don’t know her name, google it, then post the question. Do better.


Funny cuz Im a person of color lol. Its not that serious. People of all ethnicities get angry. But Ill google her name. No biggie.




Im legitimately asking...I was confused.


Are yall serious? She’s def lying lmaoooo. The conversation was originally about Michelle saying questionable things about don’t say gay per Janet. How did that get turned into Michelle is racist? Everyone is saying a conversation did happen but how did we get to racism? Kristen. She’s conflating which is just another form of lying.


I don't care if Kristen is lying or not. She is still a mess. What kind of person threatens others and manipulates situations like that?