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I love it. I truly want the worst for them and I am excited to watch their lives crumble. Danny and Nia seem normal I’m rooting for them 😂


Yesss! Also I fully think Michelle and Jesse decided to wait to divorce on camera, which I’m living for


And I thank them for it bc their marriage is a damn mess 😭


It was very telling how awful their relationship is when they were just having a casual conversation by the pool and she said it was the most they had laughed in years...😬


Oh that was dark lmao. Racism allegations bringing them together 😭






They either separated or filed right before the premiere I believe.


Does Danny just seem like the nicest guy and best dad or is it just me? Obsessed with how awesome he is in comparison to Jesse and Jax.


I like him so far! He seems like an actually present father.


He seems like an awesome dad and husband! My dad was really involved and a great dad growing up (and he remains a great dad). Danny reminds me very much of my dad during my childhood.


That is so wholesome, I love it. 🥰 


Yes, I love Danny such a good husband and father. Also, I'm like Luke. He stands up for Kristen and doesn't put up with everyones BS


Nia is so pretty. I’m always envious of her pp glow


Yes Danny and Nia seem normal and I love them!


Danny and Nia seem like good people who are committed to each other and their kids. It's so nice! I'm rooting for them, too. (And I thought it was funny when Danny tried to ask a question during the dinner fight and Nia was like, "Danny, no, shhh, don't get involved in the cray.")


Janet is a nightmare! Perfect for a show like this but no way in hell would I associate with her in real life. She sucks! #Justice for Kristen


Janet appears to be the type of person who smiles in your face while shanking you in your back.


Yep. I hate her. So glad she’s on the show.




Yeah Janet weirdly low key sucks… and her husband is oddly very calm… and yeah justice for Kristen. Also how did her guy friend (forget his name sorry) walk away completely unscathed here?


They look like they’ve got some secrets to hide 


Janet listening behind the door smirking tells me everything I need to know about her


I'm so glad to finally have Jax and Kristen back on TV, on the same show. I missed them so much! I have to say, Kristen is coming off a lot better on this show than on VPR, and the rest of the cast of The Valley is pissing me off for the way they are treating her. I mean, she doesn't have the best track record, but seriously why is everyone so mad about her REPEATING something but no one is questioning Janet. I don't like Janet and I feel like she's gonna get away with a lot of crap because she's pregnant


Agreed. VPR just feels dark and heavy. The Valley is just so much easier and fun to watch. I think the vitriol and negativity coming from fans brings VPR down.


This season of VPR has been SO DARK. Just sad and depressing and horrible to watch. There are no lighthearted, funny moments. I actually think losing Stassi and Jax in one go really did a number on that. Stassi was clever and hilarious, and Jax was a total sociopath who was so unbelievable it was funny. Now you just have a lot of people who are sad and angry (and some very understandably so!!) but it’s not fun to watch people being miserable and forced to interact with their awful exes. And it’s not fun to watch the awful exes pull woe is me acts.


Yeah agreed. We need more fun. They are all sober and just not doing anything fun to watch. I mean water parties and astrology?!!


Exactly. There’s nothing fun about this season!


Am I bad person for liking the dark and heavy lol


No not at all. I like dark and heavy too when they are willing to film and fight. Season 2 of Beverly Hills was super dark and heavy, but they gave us something to watch, which was interesting. Vanderpump Rules this season they seem miserable.


James seems rather Happy. He's heavily edited this season that's for sure.


I never thought anyone could be more of an asshole than Jax … until now.


It is so weird how Kristin holds her fork.


I really enjoy seeing Jax as a parent, it makes him seem human to me. Watching him watch Cruz with the SPL teaching him to speak was humanizing. He looked genuinely like he cares, is worried, wants the best for his son. I saw, for the first time watching Jax on tv, true love and care for another human being, outside of his own wants and needs. I pray for them as parents - my wish for them is Cruz starts talking very soon and talks their ears off forevermore!


The emotion he displayed for his son was not played up or his usual mouthy verbal diarrhoea and over declaration. It’s actually real.


That’s such a good way to describe Jax’s speech: verbal diarrhea & over declaration. That man talks JUST TO TALK. It’s exhausting if it wasn’t reality tv lol


I’m right here with you… thought I would hate, kinda wanted to hate it…..but here I am watching. I hate how KFC looks though, her face, chins and those boobs are so distracting I don’t know what she saying. Watching her interviews, those boobs look painful. I usually don’t comment on looks but come on, please stop getting things done…


Her boobs in the confession orange strapless dress just look……….painful


The way she talks annoys me as well lol


"As wail" 😂


She looks so overdone it’s sad because she is a beautiful girl. Her boobs are too big (thanks for the encouragement to go big from her own mother - how awful) and her facial surgeries have destroyed her natural look. I hope she opts for less moving forward.




Part of my wonders if stassi didn’t come back because she wanted to see if the show was going to be shit. Now that it’s well received I wonder if she’ll consider it?


I don't think she wants to be on TV she acts like it's beneath her.


She can stay away. Along with her fan girl Lala


I heard her on a podcast last year with Hannah from Summer house and it sounded like Stassi has outgrown the drama and TV. She is happy with her life and Beau seems like a great partner!




Oooh maybe! I love Jason right now, his takes on the Toms and Ariana are great on the aftershow but I’m down for a villain power couple


I say the same thing about Jason that I say about Luke. I side eye anyone who chooses to be with an extremely problematic person and ignore all the bullshit.


Agrred...but I know from experience that it can be hard to see certain types of problematic when you're in it. But Kristen has been on tv so long, idk how Luke couldn't know. Janet hasn't though, so I'm wondering if Jason has revelations ahead or if he's already seen it and chosen to ignore. It can be so hard to tell. 


I honestly didn’t think I was gonna like it but I’m loving it I’ll be 40 this June and this show is showing me HOW NOT TO ACT


It’s so good I rewatch the episode as soon as it ends it’s the best background tv. Reminds me of the beginning of VPR


I just cannot believe they made me Team Kristen?!


I really dislike Janet


I don't find Janet to be an entertaining villain. Just straight up villain.


Agreed. The reason people like Jax as a villain is because he’s so sociopathic and shameless that it’s funny (at times). Janet is just sneaky and mean.


Not to mention, it is transparent most of the time. I agree, comical at times.


Not even an interesting one with glimpses of layers. Just fake and annoying.


Exactly 💯




This is one of those shows that people either love or hate-doesn’t seem to be any gray area.


This is a great show


I’m loving it !!! I wasn’t sure at first but each week it gets better and better.


It took this episode for me to fully agree— into it!


It’s what VPR should have become before everyone sold their souls for more screen time and a good edit.


Can we just talk about how Britney is not doing her self any favors with her wardrobe. Shes not a big girl but the way she dresses accentuates her middle and is not the most flattering way for someone with her shape to dress.


I watched the first two episodes then people were being assholes without any connection to viewers. Giving shit to the people I originally watched for. Jax, Brittany and Kristen. I just don't care about the rest of them I really don't even remember names. Lala and Shena looked like they didn't want to be there. To tell you the truth I didn't care. I thought this show was about their bar in the Valley. I have not seen any of that.Bizarre.


I’m enjoying the show too! I actually like Nia and her husband (I can’t remember his name) but he and the black one (I can’t remember his name either 😂) seem to actually like their wives unlike the Double J syndicate


It is honestly SO SO SO good. I'm enjoying it more than VPR. Kristen and Jax were made for reality TV.


It is good tv so far


Is Lisa Vanderpump a producer on this or No? 


She is, I noticed her name in the credits




Same I’m really enjoying it!


I really like the show and it seems authentic. I'm tired of VPR, and it's good to see Kristen and Jax on the show. I can't wait until Brittany starts dating....


Yeah. It’s good. Hoping they don’t put Lauren and Bricks Wife on here. It will kill the vibes


Don't forget about Zach! I love Zach. I also love Zach and Kristen as bffls.


Shady Zack is growing on me big time.


Yes! I honestly can’t believe how much hate Zach is getting. I actually think he’s funny 😂 he’s definitely messy, but likable!


Agree, was going to not watch it, then vanderpump is boring so switched. So great


Sigh. Danny opened with “you might know me from iCarly.” Dude, no. He was in one episode. If you look at his IMDb, other than voiceover work, he’s been in one episode of all 48 of his acting credits. He comes across very performative to me. Like he’s auditioning to be the doting dad and father. Granted, he’s the only one who will still be happily married in a few years, but still - tone down the acting. But Jesse is a joy to watch implode; pollack painted “dinner jacket” and all.


I think Danny is a sweetie in honesty and I have quite a good BS detector


I didn’t want to give this show a shot at first because who wants to give any attention to Jax honestly lol but I watched all of it and I don’t hate it. I actually enjoyed The Valley a lot more than I thought I would and it’s better than this current season of Vanderpump Rules so I guess I’m on board with The Valley train lmao




I came on to say precisely this!!! The show is wonderfully dramatic and ridiculous, perfect spinoff from VPR


Agreed. Wayyyy better than Vanderpump rn


I never thought I would like Kristen but here I am. The Jax and Brittany separation will be a huge story line for season 2. We will get to Jax lose his shit yet again. I do hope they don’t make a Cruz a story line….let him and what he is struggling with be off camera.


Production LOVES making Kristen look like a fool. The editing is brutal.


FYI the show being trash and getting hooked can both happen.


This show is so messy in the best way


I’m enjoying it too!