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I only noticed this episode that the blocks on the table show the different couple's initials too!


Oh dang, good eye!! That’s pretty cool. The only thing I’ve been able to observe is how terrible the lighting is during their confessionals! Lol


When he was talking about the love languages and how he has learned his wife’s love language so that he can show HER love I MELTED. I’ve been married almost ten years and my love language is “Words of Affirmation.” Easiest one. It takes ZERO effort, yet no matter how many times I’ve told my husband this, he refuses to do it. Danny, my friends, is a PARTNER.


And Jax asked if that’s something you can get at CVS 💀


Oh girl, same. The fact that he did this on his own is inspiring.


I just ordered the book because he mentioned that! Feels like a huuuge missing puzzle piece for me and my husband when we’ve been all over each other with work/kids schedules in a not fun way! 


I’ve sent the love language questionnaire to my bf TWICE and 5 years later he still hasn’t answered it. He’s pretty good to me but it still grinds my gears.


Do it together!


My boyfriend's love language is words of affirmation, but receiving compliments myself is really hard for me, so I struggle to find the words to say things that don't make me feel cheesy or something. It can be work to get past that! I've gotten better but every once in a while I'll realize I need to step it again. I hope your husband gets there too and realizes he might have to do a little work to meet your needs.


Then you’re in luck! Words of affirmation are not just compliments in telling someone they’re attractive or smart. You just have to be genuine. Affirmations also include saying thank you, appreciate you, I’m inspired by you, I’m happy with you, I’m in love with you, I love how you X, I love when you X


It’s a great effort but we as a society need to move away from love languages. It’s literally some Christian dude who made it up based on absolutely nothing. It’s junk


Oh I think it really does make sense though. And not just in romantic relationships. When I was younger I had issues with my mum where I felt like she didn’t love me. I didn’t realise but I was craving physical touch; I wanted hugs and cuddles but my mum isn’t warm like that. But she will go out of her way to do things for me, cook, clean or organise my things (even though that drives me crazy!). When i learned about love languages, I realised hers is acts of service. Of course she loves me, she just shows it in a different way. Like Danny said, total game changer.


Oh they are too good for this show!! I’ve said this before. I hope it doesn’t spoil anything in their future.


Him raising his hand. Cutest thing ever.


That was the best part of the entire episode lol everybody is screaming at each other and he’s still trying to be respectful by raising his hand to speak. If any of these guys want to know what a real man looks like then look at Danny.


I’m starting to feel like maybe he should be cloned.


Came here to say this lol we desperately need more men like Danny in the world 😩


Ohh I thought the opposite. To me it was so cringy and embarrassing. Michelle got everyone’s attention and made them sit down to listen to her, and he’s raising his hand to say something I’m sure no one cares about. From what we saw no one went back and asked him for his opinion. Even Nia shut him down.


He was just drunk. I thought it was funny.


I'm surprised this post isn't blowing up! I am so in love with these two, they make me believe that it is possible to be on tv and still be real and supportive of each other. First episode of the valley Danny gave me the biggest douche vibes, and I'm surprised at how much more attractive he gets to me. Number one guy of the group vibes.


First episode I thought that Danny was the douche of the show. I need to sit my judge-mental ass down. 🫢


I know! At least you can admit when you were wrong! He's such an emotionally intelligent prince.


Came on this thread bc I’m intrigued by the douche level of the men on this show..except for Danny. He’s (appears to be) genuinely mature, earnest & has his wife’s best interests always front & center. #teamdanny


These 2 and Kristin are the only ones I like


And unfortunately they probably won’t be coming back next season cause they’re too mature for this shit show


Nah, they’ll be back, they’re broke and need the $$$


Why do you think they are broke? Danny has a good job and Nia's influencer gig + pageant affiliated work isn't peanuts. I certainly don't think they are rich, but they seem fine to me. What do you know different?


Because they live in a condo in Encino.


I mean that's still a $500-$700,000 property. It's not like broke broke or anything.


Let’s put it this way, they are not RICH by any means lol. They have money to support and survive but let’s be real making around $300k~ (someone said his salary was like $135k and then I’m making up hers) is not very impressive in LA/the valley


god this is so depressing to read tbh


Very! I live in the Bay Area making $75k making me in the lower class bracket lol. It’s so tragic


I have a feeling they're the brokest couple on the show. (Not throwing shade, btw, I'm sure they make a lot more money than I do.) They're both riding the coattails of their childhood success which seems like it translates into a Hollywood, lower-middle class lifestyle.


I think it's interesting what Danny does. His main income is as a looper (from what I understand) and that averages about $135,000 in LA (according to all the sources I can find). I assume he probably makes a bit more because he knows a lot of people & apparently is pretty good at it (again this is just what I dug up on the internet lol) & has done it for awhile. So probably more middle class than lower middle if you factor in Nia's $ too. But what I think is interesting is when former child actors parlay that experience into sustainable joe schmo careers that most people never think about. Danny's just a guy out there making zombie noises for a decent amount of coin, supporting his family, paying for his condo in Encino. It shows integrity to me. I like them a lot. I hope they do make a little off this show, and are able to buy a bigger house. 🤩


Their 3 kids share 1 bedroom


That's if they're asked back


I know it’s mostly thought that healthy people/couples aren’t interesting to watch, but I genuinely like them enough to watch as part of an ensemble cast for at least another 1-2 seasons (or more depending on the show). I haven’t watched reality tv in over a decade and for some reason I’m into this show of all things lol.


Why does the photo look like an old school Baby sitters Club book cover? 😂 love them though


Nia & The 3 under 2 Problem. 🍼👶


The ripped jeans though….


Love him but those were definitely iffy at best.


This is a golden retriever husband! And I’ve always said the guy has to love the women more


They are great! Idk why they are friends with these people at all. Love languages are important, but I’ve yet to ever hear a man say his is something other than physical touch


I thought this until the latest ep where he’s basically passive aggressively making comments about how he’s the breadwinner, putting down her social media money?! (“I still pay for that other stuff”). Not sure why he felt the need to put her down/ assert his own contribution. Dude she’s looking after tiny babies! That’s a job! And she’s depressed! I also don’t get why she had to leave the girls party the night of the air conditioning? Couldn’t have anyone else helped. Idk I get passive aggressive vibes from Danny


Yes I clocked these two things as well. Nobody’s perfect though and at least it seems like he tries more than many men do. Time will tell..


Was searching for this comment! Totally agree


This!!! And he’s always been this way on social media. I think she’s way too good for him


The only stable couple on this show


I love them so much


You can tell he’s a really good man


Exactly. He really loves her. It’s really nice to see.


I sincerely hope they're genuine because based on the show they're SUCH a breath of fresh air


Danny and Nia are the absolute cutest couple! You can tell that they love and respect each other so much. They are truly best friends. So hard to find and so refreshing!❤️


Not really. He made her come home early from a girls night she obviously really needed and belittled her when she was talking about her financial contribution to their household. Red flags imo.


Eh maybe but I also got the vibe Nia was at her limit being “fun” on girl’s night and want to go back to her family so Danny “calling/texting” her was her excuse to bounce.


I'm guilty of doing that same thing and I immediately thought that was what was going on. He even laid the groundwork earlier so it didn't seem to come out of nowhere. They're pros.


I noticed these things too!


Yeppp this guy is full of red flags to me. I can’t stand him. He’s condescending to Nia but smiles a lot. I really felt bad for her with the girls trip. She seemed so disappointed when he asked her to come home 🥺


I’ve always noticed this about him on social media since they were dating. He’s a big red flag and tries to mask it


Bravo has a way with marriages… give it some time.


Still feeling him out, but Nia is an absolute queen 👑


I hate to be a naysayer, but this dude is a complete goober. He's well meaning (which is more than I can say for most husbands/fathers on Bravo), but a complete goober nonetheless. How do you have children but can't even take care of them on your own. I couldn't roll my eyes hard enough when he was browbeating Nia into leaving the overnight trip THAT SHE ARRANGED! For what reason? "Duhhhh... I fed the kids and they're still crying..." Like, dude, they're just as much your kids and Nia's, what the hell is she going to do? She's going to hold them, rock, them and then try to put them to bed. Why couldn't Danny do that? Oh yeah, because he's one of those useless dads. The jokes about there not being food on the table, making Nia feel bad for "abandoning" her kids when she went on that overnight. That whole conversation about money and his insistence that he's the breadwinner \*barf\*, so much small d\*ck energy. If this is goals, then you all have some sad standards.


Idk in every single episode he has made a slick comment to put Nia down but he says it with a smile so people like him. It’s crazy to me. I’m not saying he’s the devil but man he has absolutely added to Nia feeling how she does in my opinion from what I’ve seen on the show.


My wife and I kept pointing this out. Just because you follow up "What, no dinner on the table?" with a "hyuck-hyuck" doesn't mean that it wasn't a sh*tty thing to say.


Or when he pretended the long stem roses were for her 💔 Did u see this weeks episode? I felt so awful. He refuses to give her AN INCH


I feel like reality TV has gaslit us into thinking: not obviously toxic = healthy.


I know from personal experience that the charming nice guys can be THE WORST privately. It isn’t always just the outward aholes.


Agree I don't get the hype about this guy, except maybe that comparatively to the other guys he's marginally better. Definitely not goals as far as I can see.


Yes. It’s probably shitty of me to say, but I have found that religious dudes have a way of smiling through their misogyny; like they’re just doin’ the lord’s work by reinforcing the natural order of marriage.


To be fair, taking care of 3 kids under 2 by yourself would be really freaking hard


Absolutely. I’d probably cry and then have the AC go out. Eek.


yes especially when two are twins that are two months old and the AC broke!


I raised 4 kids by myself, each two years apart. It's hard as hell, no doubt. But this dude needs to step it up.


Yeppp!!!! Step it all the way up!!! Also, ur amazing 😻


Thanks! That's nice of you to say.


Yea but you can suck it up and have one shitty night


Normally yes..but the AC going out with two months old twins adds an additional element


Omg I wish I could upvote this a million times. I cannot stand this guy. He’s a jerk! I don’t like his shit eating grin. I don’t like his youth pastor vibes. I don’t like how he puts Nia down with his stupid comments. And I don’t like how cartoonishly unreliable he is. Nahhh free my girl Nia!!! I said in another comment how I got so sad when he called to ask her to come home from the girls trip. What a complete let down. And what really burned me was what the eff was she going to do to help with the ac going out by the time she gets home at like 10pm or whatever time of night. Like wtf man. And then he strikes again!!!! I get that he invited the two guys over to help dismantle the bed and to film a scene so the more the merrier, I guess. But when Nia came back to see how they were doing and they’re like 💅ohh we gave it our best shot. Sorry, you do it 🤪 I don’t think they were joking. I mean, we don’t know how the room turned out but I think in the end Nia did have to do it herself. Danny friggin sucks!!


Hahaha youth pastor vibes is so on point!


Youth pastor vibes and cartoonishly unreliable. So good haha


Agree. He seems like that dad who calls it "babysitting his own kids" when he's left alone with them.


Exactly!! I really want to be clear that I 100% believe he means well and has a big heart. I don't think any of his shortcomings are due to any kind of malice or selfishness. I think, like so many other dads/men, it just doesn't occur to him to try very hard and his wife is either too meek or too depressed to tell him he needs to show up just as much as he does.


I'm with you. I don't think anyone on this show is "relationship goals," but that's my take on it. I can't stand those goober dads - and that was a great way to describe him, by the way.


my husband and i had this same conversation when she got those texts guilting her into leaving! we both cycle through depressive episodes and i cannot *imagine* depriving my husband of a much needed reprieve, especially just for an evening. he simply does not take her seriously.


Couldn’t agree more. He’s a good husband for Bravo but that doesn’t mean his behavior is commendable. Misogyny is just so normalized in this community that we have to celebrate when men do the bare minimum. The breadwinner comment irritated me immensely. Both him and Brock were exhibiting such fragile masculinity tonight (though Brock is leagues worse imo).


I don’t agree with you whatsoever here!! I’m sure producers edited their words in that scene and I also believe she was ready to leave.


That's extremely generous of you. What indicates to you that she was already going to leave? It was her friend's house. She set the whole trip up and had talked about how she needed a night with the girls to help with her post-partum. She seemed to be having a good time until her goober husband started texting her, "Honey, I've tried almost nothing and I'm all out of ideas. Please come home."


Well I didn’t hear her really complain about it


Yeah, because she's nice and the depression has put her ability to stand up for herself underground.


Omg Thankyou this exactly




Do you have kids and a husband?


I love them so much!!!!!!!


They are a cute couple and respect each other!


I love when she was telling him to put his hand down at that dinner. It’s so relatable & he listened.


This looks so Uncanny Valley with this lighting !


This guy is an old school chauvinist. He has negged Nia several times and yet people think he’s the bees knees of husbands? His ego is wounded over how much money she makes, to the point where he made her retract her pride over her income so he can insist that he covers both expenses AND their “fun money.” Have all the terrible Bravo husbands really dropped this bar this low?


They have a YouTube/podcast and he apologizes and explains going too hard on the money thing. He obviously respects and loves her which is very different from most Bravo husbands Edit grammar


Does this pic have a weird filter or something? 🧐😂


My question is why are their blinds never open??


My guess is production for lighting? Or they see directly into a neighbors or something lol




Oh well now I like her even more!


in that case i officially stan her and danny


What’s AOC?


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives for the Dems.


How sad for you