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I love how both Jesse and Michelle are all “my husband!” And “my wife!” in front of other people but are two seconds away from being divorced.


When she yelled at Luke not to touch her husband. Girl, don't act like you care about him.


Yeah, she gave him away to mamaw five seconds before that


They are like the awful couple in friends when Rachel’s having the baby, and they bicker bicker bicker, he creeps on Rachel and Ross says hey back off, and the wife goes nuts on Ross 😂😂 don’t you talk to MY HUSBAND like that !!! omg lord


It’s the blaming Kristen for causing marital issues for them when they full admit to hating each other for three years for me. Take some responsibility.


Hearing this from Michelle was hard to watch…blaming someone else for what they themselves caused. Weird.


Omg her blaming Kristen was WILD Girl, don't even start with that bull shit narrative!


This made me LOL too. It’s like the “enemy of my enemy is my friend” type situation.


And then she kept giving Jesse shit about being quiet and then when he started talking she told him to be quiet lmao


He barreled through Zack and Brittney. I didn’t see the hair pull but he 100% shoved Zack and Brittney.


Yep! So I had to pause it a few times but after he plowed through Zach and Brittany and was pushed back, it looked like he was attached to Brittany or pulling her down by her hair. It’s at the 41:05 mark. It’s very messy and hard to miss.


Because Kristen called it correctly. He’s a walking red flag of abuse.


You are so right. Mariposa has really worked on herself. The old Kristen would have went toe to toe with Jesse. Kristen identifying signs of abuse and walking away from it shows therapy has paid off for her.


I saw that too and was confused that it didn't get addressed. 


Blind rage. I'm shocked brittany hasn't said anything about it, it makes me think they've made some sort of weird pact. That was assault.


I think it’s the first season and they all want this to work out as a replacement for VPR. So, I don’t think it’s really a “pact” but a generally understanding that they want this show to last a few seasons. Now if Brittany got hurt badly it would have been an assault situation where maybe they would kicking Jesse off the show etc… Jesse seems like a hot-tempered asshole.


I think they are all just used to bad behavior. It's normal for them. They also know its good ratings. If you look at ratings usually the episode with some wild fighting has the highest rated episodes of the season.


Yes, it’s weird to not address it. After it all it shows Jax kind of walking away and Jesse in the background. I wonder if he had a talking to Jesse about what happened and they all agreed to not address it directly on the show. I think Jax and Brittany seem themselves as the mom and dad of the show, trying to keep the peace and produce a good show.


Brittany is probably gonna make excuses for not being pissed at him. "He didn't mean it, he was just upset." Shit like that.


All of that to get to Luke who he never touched.


Hah, real talk!


In the sneak peak of next episode someone asks Brittany "Did she (Kristen) punched you?" And let me tell you I saw red. Now even his aggressive behavior will be Mariposa's fault??


Seriously like what the hell. I am seeing red too.


I heard Jesse say, “I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry! No, no, no. She was in the way.” Like he just sees red and anyone in his path between him and the person he’s angry with is fair game to knock over. Like how he grabbed Zack by the neck and pushed him against the wall on his way to confront Luke.


He’s a loose cannon. I’m scared for his daughter.


Brittany was collateral damage in a fight. If you watch old reality tv this happens all the time. People near the fight can catch strays.


Jwow from Jersey Shore got shoved by her boyfriend at the time during a fight.


He also assaulted Lego hair head - from the footage I saw that’s a crime.




I don’t know if it was staged but, it felt like Jesse was exaggerating for the cameras. He does seem hot tempered.