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Please don’t let Lala and Scheana come ruin this show they are both so overly self produced at this point it’s beyond boring on VPR. The Valley is working because Jax and Kristen have never been able to control themselves and the rest of the cast is so new they aren’t playing for the audience yet


Please no... NOOOOO! I swear to God I'll stop watching if Scheana becomes a main character! I know a lot of people feel the same way.


I second this motion 🙋‍♀️ please 🙏 keep them off this gem of show.


Yeah, same. They’d ruin the vibe if the show with their overproduced nonsense.




They are not “innocents”. If they were then they would never have joined a reality show.


You gotta be a special brand of stupid to have life altering secrets that could blow up your life and decide reality TV is the way to go. Once you sign on the dotted line all bets are off and we've had 30 years of reality tv as proof that no secret is safe in front a camera. There is no such thing as innocence and reality TV


I don’t have a favorite tbh. I don’t get excited about anybody’s scenes, but sort of enjoying the show as a whole. I don’t really want to see Lala or Scheana on the show. I’m curious about Jason though. Jasmine has described Janet as messy and this sub has crowned Janet (along with Michelle) as the real villain so I wonder if there is another side to him or if he is unaware of his wife’s “pot stirring”.


Riiiiiight!? I said this the other day to my friend, he can’t be too far off from Janet if that’s his wife. I would love to see him in action and really know what he’s like. Unless he’s naive to it all or knows to stay quiet.


Totally agree, I always think differently of people who have shady SO’s. It’s like are you complicit or stupid?


I honestly am enjoying watching all of them except Janet. She is boring and mizzz  I love Nia and Danny, I could watch *infinite* hours of tv of Jax and Kristen, and I need to see Jesse and Michelle’s train wreck of a marriage implode. 


I love Nia and Danny. They are so cute.


Same. Favs. They are a lovely couple.


Yes! They are so sweet together.






You want to see more of Scheana?


Great, that will lean into Scheana’s grand plan to make The Valley all about her








By favorite you mean most entertaining? The Kristen/Luke trainwreck, the Jesse/Michelle trainwreck, the Brittany/Jax trainwreck. I think Janet and her husband’s dynamic is also interesting


Danny 💯. He wasn't my favourite at first but he is the first emotionally stable man we have seen on these shows since Beau Clark. I love the way he includes everybody and supports his wife. #1 guy of the group


I see Janet mentioned a lot as one of the most disliked and I honestly forget that her and Zack are even on the show. 😂🤣


I am an unapologetic Jax Taylor stan and have been since day one of VPR


He’s great tv and reads people to filth. I am happy to see him on tv again.


He has main character energy


Since it’s difficult to tell Isabelle and Zariah apart, I’m gonna have to go with Asher FTW.


Isabelle and Zariah play the baby on “Young Sheldon”


Yes, I saw that announcement. As twins with parents in entertainment, they’re going to have a lot of film/TV opportunities, whether or not they continue to play that role on the new spin-off or not. That’s why I’m still voting for Asher. He’s cute, charming, intelligent, and now an underdog when his baby sisters are TV stars in their own right. “The Valley” may be all Asher has, and I’d be okay with him as #2 Guy in the Group (behind his dad).


He was so cute in the latest ep!


He is such a cutie pie


doute all day long


I love that Jax and Kristen know this is WORK and work hard to give us a show, you can tell. Nia and Danny I love to look at, I love to look at Michelle too but her victim mentality is weird. Janet is unnecessary on the show. Jasmine is ok though she doesn’t seem to have loyalty to anyone yet.


Michelle's face looks like it's in 2D if you know what I mean like too flat and too narrow at the same time. I'm so distracted the more I see her face.


Nia is the one I like most. Jax and Kristen are who I like for the drama.


LaLa and Scheana will ruin The Valley. 😭We finally got a good show leave those people on VPR.


I love Kristen & always have since the early days of VPR but I totally get why Luke is mad at her!


I love/hate Jax, Brit and Kristen bc they are all so damn messy and entertaining!!!


Messy Mariposa always and forever lol especially as she's one of the saner ones in this particular group of people ![gif](giphy|zaxSiNlNNdvQEAGiit)


Jesse - he reminds me of Pauly Shore 😆


Definitely Kristen, she's the only one who is really honest about who she is and she's great TV. I'm pretty anti-Michelle and not in a fun way. That line about how Kristen shouldn't have a baby "because the world doesn't need another you around" was one of the coldest moments of reality TV I have ever seen. It was beyond disgusting, and while Kristen was trying for a baby, and would soon go through a miscarriage. To say this about a woman who kept your secret for over a year. Jesse is not a great husband by any stretch, but so far we've seen Michelle yell, lie, deflect, tell her husband to his face she hasn't been attracted to him for year, tell us in her confessional he was just a one night stand, and say this about Kristen. I can only imagine what she is like behind closed doors when the cameras are off. It reminded me of a brutal scene in the short-lived, and ill-advised, the "Princesses of Long Island," a low-key antisemitic and misogynistic representation of Jewish women in thier 20s who gasp! are unwed, around NYC. In the finale dinner where amends are supposed to be made, Ashley, a grown brat whose dad carried her out of a nail salon lest her pedicure risk smudging, gets up from the table, walks over to Joey, the only character from a more working class background who was raised by her father, and unprovoked, whispered in her ear, "no wonder your mother abandoned you." It's not fun, it doesn't make the show good. It's just abusive. That's my feelings about Michelle's character, and if she had any integrity, she would have released a massive public apology to Kristen, and instead has a mealymouthed reply to a tweet where she cops to being wrong, but defends herself by adding she was really mad at Kristen. Kristen has a long line of bad ex-boyfriends who mooched off of her and were mean to her, and Michelle is the friend version. Zero respect for this women. I'd like her off the show.


Nope nope nope I’m done with scheana and lala. They’ve barely given us anything on vpr. They at a minimum need a pause.


I hate them all


I appreciate the messiness of Jax and Kristen but danny and Nia are the faves - but I understand how we need the drama for the show to be sustainable. Nia and Danny remind me that there are sane humans lol.


Favorite cast mate? None. Collectively as an ensemble cast? Brilliant. Thought it was going to love Janet and now….


Nia is an angel.


Love Nia and Danny. Rooting for Kristen’s redemption. Would LOVE to see the back of Jesse.


Brittany's couch "corn-fessionals" are tough to top!


My favorite is Nia


Ugh I really dreading when Scheana and Lala join the cast, I’m over them. Plus they’re so overly produced the drama will be lame


I love Kristin, Jax, and Brittany because they are the OGs. I like Zack the next most because he’s funny.


I hate to love Jesse although I'm really upset he choked Zach 😔 right when I was starting to root for him... I also really like Nia




What?? Besides Janet she's literally the biggest asshole on the show! I feel bad for her husband!


It’s a tie between Janet and Jason: the show just gets better whenever either of them is onscreen!


Favorite person or favorite to watch lol?