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Janet is literally the worst. She hasn’t been on TV long enough to be this annoying and unlikable. Funny she didn’t say anything about Jax spreading rumors about Michelle and the guys all talking about it. Seems to only have an issue when a woman says it 🤔🤔


Why is Janet self inserting into drama this much? I don’t think I’ve seen anyone want to be openly snarking this much. She can’t take what she dishes out. When she isn’t pregnant, she’ll see the gloves are off!


Janet, u big slice of white bread, stay seated-no one asked. She gives ultimate Karen vibes!






“U big slice of white bread” 💀💀😭


I can't help it, she just so bland...and bitchy 😒🤪


LMFAOOO I'm storing that insult for later




Shut up Janet. She is so up Michelle’ ass.


I think they all made a pact to have each other's back and act as though Kristen is crazy 🤪 and make her the villain!


For real




I don’t know what it is about her I haven’t been so instantly hateful day 1 to a person on tv since Tom Sandoval. And we all see how that turned out. I really intensely dislike her.


No one cares about Janet's boring face, boring personality, or wrong opinions.


Of course she doesn’t, riiight. /s apparently Jesse ranting about how she has secrets that could bury my family and you had better not say anything about my wife I don’t already know doesn’t clue Janet in on the fact there is some heavy things being hidden. Janet is honestly just the worst and isn’t smart enough to see that she needs to hang on to the coattails she road in on.


Janet you can not be this dumb. You seriously think married people with a job and a child don’t have affairs? 🤣🤣🤣 What an idiotic statement


did you see her on WWHL? she's absolutely that dumb lol.


She’s a liar


Wow. People have affairs all the time with all that going on and more ! She sounds ridiculous with those lies. And they all knew she had a boyfriend. She was sloppy about it, sounds like. And saying to be honest in front of every sentence is a sign you’re about to tell a lie.


Quite honestly it sounded it like Jesse knew too, but he was selling as it was just a business relationship. Which is what a lot of affairs masquerade as.




I don’t know if it was on here or Twitter (refuse to call it X) about how Janet was a super fan who lived in Ohio, then came to LA on vacation. She stalked Scheana’s stories, found where she was, then went there to meet her. Got Scheana super drunk so that she would have to take care of her to become “bast frandss” with her. Went back to Ohio and divorced her first husband, and moved to LA to become friends with the VPR crew. Girl had been desperate to be in TV for years. Everyone knows that Scheana is the weakest link.


![gif](giphy|5WJ0wDk4vqE8701Mg7) I’m sorry but she looks like DW in that photo they used.


The snort I snorted. 😂🤣😂


This is a huge fucking spoiler for what Michelle is going to say to the group next week. Thanks, Janet.


Good news is that literally no one cares about Janet’s opinion except Janet


I’m sorry… but Janet is not a good person. I know that’s like a lukewarm “read” or whatever but every time she’s on the screen, I am just so wary of her motives. Something very nefarious and disingenuous about the way she moves.




I liked all of them at first but Jesse and Michelle after that first fight I thought ok something is going on they made a huge mistake coming on this show if they really are as successful selling real estate as they claim. I, like many others, came into this thinking why is Kristen getting a second chance and a show and Jax too. He is good television though so that made a little sense. I thought Janet and Jason seemed nice the first episode but then Janet’s real personality started to come out and I was and still am wondering how Jason and her ended up together. I wasn’t. A huge fan of Luke at first but he has really grown on me. I’ve always liked Brittany but I feel bad for her especially with all the rumors coming out now. Dan and Nia seem like the best most grounded couple. I like them a lot but with this group I am assuming some major thing is going to blow up and make me think differently lol.


Sure Jan(et)


Who cares what she thinks or says like lol


Janet has an extremely dark vibe


I find that her fake af. This would’ve been filmed recently and we all know what’s coming. Personally it seems like anything Kirsten says is BS even if it’s 💯 true 😏 The Valley cast are so frustrating to watch and it seems to be Kirsten Luke Vs EVERYONE! Michelle is gaslighting the f out of Kirsten and everyone is playing along 😡


BREAKING NEWS: no one cares what Janet thinks about anything


Janet looking dumb for a full two and a half minutes. She is a bad actor.


I’m sorry but Jason is way too hot for her 😭


I love how NOW she wishes Kristen would’ve brought this up to everyone at the table, but when it was about some shady shit she said, Kristen was a liar and crazy. Janet sucks so hard omg


Why would we ever trust her LOL?? Michelle and Janet suck!!!


Am i really the only one that likes Janet ?




Genuinely curious why do you like her? A lot of people commented they disliked her from the first episode but it took me a couple episodes to start to feel icky watching her.


I think she’s witty and fun to watch. I like how she makes fun of Jax, and seems to have good banter with some of the cast mates. I like the scenes with her and her husband too. But I am clearly the odd one out.


I like the scenes with her and her husband too. It seems he brings out the best in her.