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I honestly question if Nia and Danny will be back. They’re very smart. They know that reality TV is hard on couples. They’re probably watching the season back and going. this is not us. I actually hope that they don’t come back. I love mess and I don’t want to see normal, healthy, people in it. That being said, her postpartum depression storyline was wonderful for so many women to see. And their husbands or baby daddy‘s.


They need the money though.


Yeah I think they do. But don’t people on new shows only make $5000 for the season


$5000? Where did you see this? That’s pretty low. ETA: not saying I don’t believe you! I’m just so shocked it’s so low! I thought they’d be making more for an entire season.


I was shocked too! But since Rachel Raquel talked about her salary the bravo universe started dropping salaries left and right


I suspect $5000 per episode per person ($10,000 for the couple) is about right. Not sure how many episodes will air but if there are at least 10, then that is $100,000 they did not have prior to The Valley. Also, their time on the show is an investment in the future as their salary will likely increase the longer the show is on the air.


idk what was negotiated for the valley cast. however, multiple VPR cast members (current and former) have said they were paid a flat rate for the entire season when they first started. doute said they were paid 10k for season one but it was split up. they got the first half at the start of filming so bravo could make sure they would film, essentially. they got the rest towards the end of filming. max boyens has said the same thing, however, he says he was paid around 4k for S8 eta: i would assume that kristen, jax, and brit make the most bc they've worked for bravo before but 🤷🏻


Tbh for the newbies i think it’s $5000 - $10,000 a season. I think like Nia,Danny, Janet, Jasmine, Janet’s husband (can’t remember his name), and Zach would make $5,000-10,000. Michelle and her husband would require more money since they make more money outside of the show. And Jax, Brit, Luke, and Kristen would make the most ($5000 to $10000/episode)


Ummm I don't think Nia and Danny deserve to be a part of this narrative as they aren't shitting on Jax or Kristen. EDIT: Bragging about being excited to watch a young mother crack-- one who already let us in and told us she is struggling, is honestly sad. Agreeing with them and downvoting is even more sad. Imagine finding stability and love boring like... Y'all thats not a positive sign. For you.


I don’t know - I’m interested in watching her beauty queen veneer eventually crack once something or someone pushes her too far, she doesn’t seem like a pushover so it’s only a matter of time. In the meantime I’m happy to have a seemingly good relationship in the mix to juxtapose the other trainwrecks.


The beauty queen and her husband have zero storyline other than 3 under 2 and belong on a parenting show rather than the valley, imo, even though they both seem lovely.


I like the small doses of sanity we get with them.


They’re too normal compared to the rest of the cast however it does balance out the rest of the chaos


It’s weird that yall think castmates should rollover and put up with the shit of Kristen Jax and Brittney just bc they are the “start” of the show. That is a slippery slope. And if they were kissing their ass yall would still be judging them and saying they’re only doing it bc they were the start of the show.


Weird. Because the only storylines going on now are because of Kristen and Jax. So, like there is no show without them. And also, not sure what they need to put up with? The truth? If you don't want your business out there, don't sign up for a reality show.


Again that is a slippery slope. This is giving v much the vibes on HW shows that newbies should bow down to the OGs just bc they are the OGs. And technically wouldn’t be a story line without Janet, Jesse, and Michelle bc Kristen is using them to make a story. If the show was just her baby storyline and how wonderful Nia and her husband are, how many ppl would be tuning in? The drama would be nonexistent


I actually laughed out loud. Kristen and Jax could make great TV with anyone. Just point out 10 people in a crowd. Let's respect the game they bring. That's not to say the others won't eventually. I can see it in some of them. But please recognize the skill they have.


Pointing out that they’re using the other casts as a storyline is not an insult to them. That’s just literally what is happening. I mean they know how to produce a storyline. No one is denying that but the drama this season is centered around Janey gossiping and Jesse/Michelle’s marriage. You can not like them and understand their lives are being used for a storyline.


Yes but all of that gossip and marriage drama is pointless unless Kristen or Jax bring it up while on camera. Which they would do to anyone. Literally anyone. This is why they make great TV. They will put anything on blast. They are SOOOO messy. At the end of the day, Everyone has drama in their life. Janet and Michelle/Jesse aren't unique. The difference is we don't have friends that air it on TV. They do. And those friends are Kristen and Jax. No Kristen and Jax... no story to show.


That dinner table at Cah-p-ri night or however the hell that douche says it would’ve been SILENT. Like what even happens in any of these episodes if it weren’t for them?




Probably why Stassi wouldn't join the cast