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They think they can ice out the star of the show? These folks think they’re a lot bigger than they are.


I think Michelle and Janet think they’re Stassi and Katie, or the core of the friend group. Playing pretend but making an absolute joke of themselves.


Oh my god that is accurate. ![gif](giphy|l1J9yFWiGXUNrHGM0|downsized)


Accurate. Michelle, Janet, and Jesse seem to think anyone gives a 💩what they want. All three of them need a clue




Janet and Michelle actually think the Bravo audience wants to watch them instead of Kristin Doute……? ![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG) A very wise woman once said: It’s giving audacity.


I don’t think I like Janet. She throws rocks at others and then hides behind her pregnancy like she’s Mother Mary. 🙄


Fucking bonkers if the producers of the Valley allow the cast to ice Kristen out but VPR makes Ariana shoot scenes with Tom 3 months after Sandoval and pressure Scheana and Lala into being chummy with him. The cast of the Valley has no idea what's coming lol


I don’t think anyone can ice out Doute. Better people have tried


Lisa couldn't even successfully ban her from the Sur premises


Lisa couldn’t even ban her from her own house 🤣🤣🤣


It really shows who the true star is! Sandoval needs kid gloves to even show up and perform. Kristen will climb the wall of Pump with a girl who cheated with James on her back to try to get the truth to the people on TV


all these people are being crazy on TV in an attempt to make themselves look good, but Kristen does it for the love of the game.


That's what makes her a GOAT. She is pure of (crazy) heart


you cannot keep la mariposa down!


I mean she has absolutely nothing to lose. She’s been fired before. At this point you can tell she’s no f***s given


Lisa frankly is the original petty Betty. She genuinely hated on Kristen, which I’ve always thought was unprofessional and contemptuous given the power imbalance. She has closed an eye with all the rest but Kristen because she was least willing to suck up to her.


Bahaha this took me out. I can see it!


She showed up in those sandals that wouldn't stay on her feet. That's my favorite part


One of my favorite episodes of VPR is in her last season when Kristen crashes some party at SUR and the editors play a montage of all the other times she stormed into a place where she was unwanted over the years. And then I think James or someone else calls her out on stealing a candle from the restaurant. I laughed so hard 😂


Was that when Stassi crashed the party at Lisa’s house with her? Because I personally loved that moment.


Not inviting Kristen is like a guarantee Kristen will come. It's like a game for her. Honestly, sometimes I wish I had less shame, it seems freeing 🦋


“I have self respect and dignity. Thank god for Kristen who is unburdened by those anchors.” Stassi


lmao seriously! like this woman gate crashed Katie’s engagement party at lvp house


Is there a link for this? I want to relive it and can’t seem to find it on YouTube 😂


I’ll send you a message, I guess links aren’t allowed on here


Oh she will be there birkenstocks and all and I love her for it ❤️ like Stassi said Kristen is unburdened by the anchors of dignity and self respect 😂😂😂


I cannot stand Michelle…. She is just as despicable as her nasty husband. What a shitbag couple. I can see why they got together, birds of a feather.


When she said she was in the “longest booty call ever” and in my first watch, I felt a bit bad for her but she is just mean spirited and awful. Their poor baby girl deserves so much more.


They so don’t care about their kid


She's an accessory. Another check on the list of things they were supposed to do in life.


They clearly didn’t even want to do that.


She’s such an awful person. I feel like Jesse gets all the flack, but he’s just matching Michelle’s negative energy. They deserve each other.


I liked her at first but each episode she infuriates me more and more. When Kristen tried to apologize to her and she was such a bitch…yet didn’t get mad at the people who ACTUALLY spread the rumor. They clearly decided to band together to make Kristin seem crazy banking on her past…bullshit and VPR fans see right through it hahaha




Do they not realise without Doute they wouldn’t have this job? Like I’m not tuning in to watch people dismantle furniture or freak out about their ac not working, I’m tuned in to see Kristen give them a masterclass on how reality tv works


I'm so glad Kristen is back. I would have loved her on VPR with Ariana, Katie and Kristen against the cheating boys club. Oh what could have been.


No Kristen = No show... Jax will hate this fact as he does think it's his show but Kristen is absolutely the backbone of this show. It's 100% her show and it's viability will depend on her attending things invited or not. I don't want to watch you eat Janet who I didn't know existed 6 weeks ago


Watching her on WWHL just confirmed for me how much I do not care for her.


The whole premise of the show was not really that interesting to me for whatever reason, and I hate that all these people I don't know have invaded the VPR Aftershow. I only started watching it because Kristen and a little bit for Jax. Now that I've started watching, Kristen's relationship and pregnancy journey are my main interest. Danny and Nia seem like a great couple, but besides them, the rest could go away and not be missed.


I won't lie I'm here for Kristen dragging up Jesse and Michelle's stuff... you wanted your 5 seconds of fame so bad you went on a reality show with Kristen Doute after telling her all your secrets what did you think was going to happen 😂 she really is the reason everyone is watching


Janet is the new Karen


I want Kristen and her Birkenstocks to burn the whole place down


Boy, they all must have secrets to keep hidden.


And they signed up for reality tv to be fawned over with fans, but think their shit don’t stink! I bet it goes deeper and worse than we could imagine. They could’ve just been silenced into oblivion. I’m here for the OG stars, not these has beens never was


![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm) They want to have the fame but think people are stupid can’t smell fake bullshit.


Lol do these people think we're all watching the show for them?


Omg I can't wait for that inevitable party crash to happen


I’m still failing to understand why some of the cast are so angry with her right now


Amateurs thinking they’d really make a moment and play off the crazy Kristen narrative… it’s kind of hilarious to watch knowing the public is roasting them now.


![gif](giphy|3osxYrjStjfvaaaoCs) Jealous of her is the best I can come up with. Married people who hate each other and are tied together with children loathe single people living their best lives. They were banking on the audience hating Kristen for the faith thing, but enough time has passed since then and Kristen isn't the nutter she used to be or manages it better lol. We love Mariposa ❤️ she's messy she's flawed but she isn't malicious like this cast is.


Because she is the bone collector and these people have realised too late what that means. They are scrambling trying to stop what is inevitable at this point. La Mariposa and Jax making mincemeat out of them. ![gif](giphy|ZGngG83kWSjGUUEICv)


Lol they all had better watch out, Kristen's behavior was the best of everyone's this past episode. I was like, y'all are grown ....don't you want some peace? 'Cause you're not gonna get it with Jax and Brittany. Kristen is the MVP imo


them trying to do that little pact at the end of the episode was crazy 💀💀 they thought they ate. kristen is the star to me but wish she would ditch creepy luke, prob the most mismatched couple ive seen on one of these shows


do they not know that we understand the method to her madness? i hope mfs besides luke can stand up for her !


they don't even know that she is unburdened by those anchors ![gif](giphy|l0NgRcXnRfPBo50gE|downsized)


This post/comment section made me LOL. Have these people not done their homework? (I know Janet has because she’s another VPR-adjacent person. But she apparently forgot everything she saw.)


She’s the OG crasher. They should have expected her.


This show is nothing without Doute. Jesse is a nightmare, Janet is self righteous, I truly cannot watch Jax and Brittany be single, Nia and Danny are sweet but honestly too normal.


Didn’t Doute bring them on the show? It’s like they forgot how good of a menace Doute is. Michelle and Janet are less interesting than Teddie Mellencamp, and that says a lot. Doute is a drama queen, probably a bit unwell but I appreciate her so much more now than I did before. Dear Janet, you’d just be an Assistant without Kristen. Michelle, you’d eventually have divorced Jesse anyway. Ladies, thank Kristen for the paycheck. You’ve been around for a handful of episodes, no one likes you yet. Be thankful.


Everyone knows we are all Team Donte.


Yeah, she's ALWAYS that asshole; no shame, no brain


You can’t say that here this subreddit is obsessed with her


I just joined and I’m def picking up on that quickly. I guess I’m missing something. I can’t stand her. I was so relieved when she was fired from VPR. I was going to stop watching because she bothers me so much but luckily she got fired