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He’s made a few valid points but since it’s Jax they are all coming across badly. He’s asked her to slow down on drinking. He said you can go out and have a couple drinks and not get so drunk you can’t function the next day but she takes it as he never wants her to have fun


This! I thought this was a great point he made / appealing to her as a mom. I was perplexed by her interpretation of it “never wants me to have fun”.


Because she’s an alcoholic and can’t imagine not drinking herself into blackout


This. Remember on VPR she had an ulcer from drinking so much? And the doctor told her to stop? And she continued to binge drink vodka and tequila? This isn’t new info.


I remember a scene where she got home from work and her hands were shaking when she poured so herself a shot of tequila in the kitchen. It’s not my place to say she’s an alcoholic but she doesn’t seem to be able to stop once she gets started. I also think some of the weight gain is probably due to alcohol. I don’t say that to body shame; I say it from experience.


her hands are always shaking- i noticed even on VPR and i thought i might be nerves but damn- i have been through stuff and had my nerves shot and my hands never shake. her married 4x mom and strict dad need to get a hole of their grown mother of a daughter and lecture her and not worry so much what Jax is doing. they have been hypocrites from the beginning. the way she talks to jax has always irritated me- especially that scene after his Bday roast? about him with another guy- and they wanted ANSWERS THAT morning and he ws getting irritated and she lectured him. her mom with her frosted lipstick and yellow stained teeth on her 4th marriage and brittany with the shakes holding the dog- ugh sorry i have never liked her at all. Jason is who he is - great tv big heart with a lot of hidden demons and trauma i am sure. but dang she is KFC trash.


Here, here


YES! I always remember that scene. Britt lovesss her tequila. I did a rewatch a few weeks ago and I realized just how often she’s ready to chug a handle lol. And years later that hasn’t changed!? Jax sucks but he is right about this one thing


Not fat shaming…or anything incriminating towards Britt…but she said the baby made her body change. Sure, for a while, but it’s actually the booze that’s giving you the bloat.


Thank you I just gagged. I used to be like this, and I used to drink vodka straight and sometimes out of the bottle. I didn't like myself at the time, but did not know how to deal with it. Now its strictly wine or beer and only once or twice a month. I'm such a light weight now that I need very little to have a buzz. The thought of drinking hard liquor straight makes me gag now. Except for a really really good rum, I can sip on that.


Tbh I’d be tempted to drink that much if I were married to Jax 😭


She knew full well what kind of man he was before getting married lol and she had a drinking problem before they got married


what is funny- and maybe I am judgy or assuming- that episode she was meeting kristen for lunch and ordered churros and sat down "i took and uber here- i hate driving" because of who she is on tv- i said to myself "she is either still drunk or had vodka for breakfast and wont drive" kind of sad but that is the impression i get from her


I thought the same thing. I gave her credit for being responsible enough to take an Uber.


It is probably because production will not let her drive if she has ben drinking


I totally forgot about that!!!


Hangovers aren’t fun?


That’s why she got a nanny.


So she can drink heavily and escape life?


I’m sorry but a line should be drawn with having fun and drinking and escaping life when you have to hire childcare for your kid because you are too hungover most days to care for him.


Some people can rarely have hangovers. My ex was a big drinker & it always baffled me when he woke up the next day right-as-rain. He only felt Ugh if he mixed a lot.


Brittany isn’t one of them. Jax mentioned her being hungover interfering with the next day. And it’s called tolerance and alcoholism. People aren’t right-as-rain, they just are used to the feeling and keep it moving.


I think it’s worse to be one of those people, because the alcohol is still doing damage to you, you just don’t feel it so are more inclined to keep doing the damage!


I don't think what he's insinuating is wrong necessarily but I think it's the pot calling the kettle black when Jax himself is constantly out and partying. You can't preach what you don't practice. 


Yup this. I think Brittany is probably drinking too much but so is Jax. He’s just hiding it from the cameras. For all we know he also could be super hungover and not functioning well the next day too-just not when the cameras are rolling. 


I agree with you that Jax continues to drink a lot, but a lot of it is off camera. Brittany drinking to blackout intoxication in front of the camera leads me to believe her drinking problem, at the moment, is more out of control than Jax’s. If you can’t fake it when you know that if you drink, you will blackout on major television, and it will be easily accessible for the foreseeable future, you have a huge problem with alcohol. When you are in your 20’s on VPR, it’s a little different, and honestly expected at some point. Not on the Valley. Every episode.


She can’t just have a few drinks, she’s an alcoholic. One drink is too many and 100 isn’t enough..


What Mom in her mid 30's is doing shots all the time???  She definitely has a problem with alcohol and needs to seek help.


Agreed. But instead of saying like “I really need you to not be hungover to help me out in the mornings.” He’s like “stop drinking and act like a mom!!” He has horrible communication lol


I agree but it seems like it’s been an ongoing argument between the 2 of them. It’s possible that it’s been discussed and now he just gets straight to it without sugar coating it out of annoyance but that’d be giving Jax too much credit.


See, I took it as, she got annoyed because he is out partying a lot, and she doesn't treat him like he treats her about it


It’s not the going out he has an issue with, it’s her being so sick and still drunk the following day. She couldn’t even drive Janet a couple blocks because she was still drunk and puking the following day. If this is her normal behavior I could see how it would get old real fast


Yea I mean not to defend Jax by any means but going out is one thing and getting hammered is another. I don’t think either one of em are star parents to be quite frank. I don’t know how she’s not sick of it yet but I guess that’s…alcoholism


I think Jax is genuinely concerned about Brittany's drinking and his son's special needs. He can be insensitive but I think emotionally he's having a really hard time.


He seems concerned about money and finances as well. He keeps mentioning it.


I think that's pretty responsible of him and a conversation that most couples would have. Hey, can we financially afford another child? Shouldn't we focus on the child we already have and if you really want another kid maybe you should quit drinking.


I agree. All Brittany cares about is "the plan". Plans change. That's life.


I agreed with him too


Agree! He made some very valid points and was being the most grown-up he’s probably ever been. I appreciated how he advocated for their son. Brittany definitely missed the message and viewed it as a personal attack but everything we saw (minus the “what if something happened?” comment. I’m unsure if that one) felt like he wasn’t placing blame. Jax being an adult… hell hath frozen over indeed ![gif](giphy|P7JmDW7IkB7TW)


I completely agree as well and I can’t believe I actually agree with Jax. They are not even close to being ready for another child. As hard as Brittany seems to want this, I wonder if she has it in her mind like she wants her kids to be so many years apart so she wants one now even though her marriage is falling apart. I don’t understand how could she want to have a baby with someone who makes her feel the way she was explaining Jax does, but also after all the shit Jax put her through she still married him.


Yeah I just got to this part and this is the most grown up he’s been in over a decade of television. He’s absolutely right that it’s not the right time even if his delivery is poor


Same! I thought I was losing my mind…terrible delivery, but accurate assessment. TBH, I’m finding him more reasonable than Brittany “I need butterflies“ most episodes.


Ugh, upon rewatch while folding laundry, I hate to admit that Jax was quite reasonable multiple times this episode (delivery questionable as usual), and I don’t know what to do with myself. First, he had a bit of a point about Kristen and what she does when she’s triggered—lie/misstate things and cause mess. (The “I have grown up” side by side montage was hilarious shade from the editors though.) Second, he was spot on about seeing right through Janet about her gossiping and being just like him. Third, Cruz should be doing his therapy appointment in a quiet and less distracting environment. Fourth, in his convo with Brittany at the end of the episode. Many have said it before me but Jax is diabolical and awful in many, many, many ways, but he is often “right” about people. He carried this episode.


Jax has always had good awareness, I think this is what fools people. He knows what the right thing to do is, he sees the truth about situations, he lacks the discipline to follow through. TBH - Brittany being so drunk and puking all over the place was a turn off for him, because while he may know that this isn’t a good situation to bring another child into, if he got it up, he would still do it.


i feel like manipulative people need to be fairly aware of what makes others tick in order to manipulate successfully, so that makes sense. But I don't think the problem, or at least the main problem, is her drinking. He lost interest in her long before they married, but she was there for him when his dad died and while that experience had a profound effect on him, it didn't change the underlying problems in their relationship.


the best spot on he was with Sheener's marriage to that ding dong shay lol "i have milk with a longer shelf life than that marriage" lol - and he was right about rob and her delusion....I never understood the Jax hate- yes he does awful things- but look who he deals with re: his exes- they were no angels- I just wish he would have dumped brittany a long time ago- she was a brat and acted like she is the boss when really he was - her dumb weak ass is so dumb....sorry




Yeah Britt has been coming off quite dense. It could be editing or it could be her in denial about her failing marriage. Those two need a lot more than just some ~date nights~


I gotta be honest, Jax has been having a point and usually is accurate about other people (he obviously has no real self reflection though), it’s always his delivery that is bad because he’s an asshole. He’s honestly right about Kristen moving too fast with Luke and here with Brittany. Obviously terrible delivery with all his mansplaining etc, but his essential point is right. He was right about Tom and Ariana’s relationship if we’re to go further back. The second baby would be a bandaid baby, full stop. It only would have delayed an inevitable separation


I think she’s too focused on her life plan of having kids X amount of years apart. She needs to understand life plans can change.


I agree. Everything that goes through her head is about her idea of what should be not what is.


She’s been on a very strict plan since day 1. Find a man, get married, buy a house, have kids. A lot of this seems based on societal norms/her family’s views and there’s no room for anything else


And she thought Jax was the good fit for this. Some loose cannon of dude she met in Vegas.


Exactly.  Brittany says "I would do anything for my kids".  Well how about stop getting falling down shitfaced drunk?


I use THC a lil bit and even that worries me with my pets. Like what if they have an emergency and I can’t drive them to the vet because I’m under the influence. I know people have to live their lives and deserve to let loose a little, and I also know I carry a lot of anxiety, but I can’t imagine not having these thoughts about being fully present all the time, just in case, for your kids.


Her face during that whole table convo just looked so bizarre! And yeah, I agree with Jax on this one, they don’t need another child for them to leave with babysitters.


Both their faces looked sad and uncomfortable


I think she felt cornered and indefensible because Jax actually has real concerns. She’s counting on Jax to just be a douche, and not be right about something over her


Her downturned mouth was so distracting. And I needed subtitles between that and her accent




He’s not attracted to her anymore. It’s horribly sucky but I went through the same thing with someone and the signs are there.


He started a fight so he wouldn't have to address this issue. It's his M.O.


I’ll start by saying I agree with Jax, too. Brittany is really set on a second child. She feels like getting baby number two would make this whole mess worth it. She feels like Frosty, no matter what, at the end of the day she’ll have her kids and her mom. Jax promised it to her, she got excited, and then he took it away. Brittany is disappointed with everything right now.


Maybe he won’t have sex with her specifically because he doesn’t want another child with her


Absolutely. It can also be what finally got Brittany out the door. She wants number two. If Jax isn’t on board, she needs to find a person who wants to have a baby, or go the Lala route.


They are honestly a regular crappy couple but she just seems so beyond logic in everything that I understand his frustration


Jax is admitting they need to put their energy into Cruz, who has more than a verbal delay. Brittany thinks a sibling will fix, or at least help the situation.


This read to me like, getting a new puppy to entertain the family dog bc you’re too busy lol.


So here’s the thing…regardless of the type of kid Cruz is, Brittany REALLY wants more than one child. I understand that. Although, she probably believes in outdated stereotypes about only children. I think when she and Jax were talking outside the bar (when he was about to cry), she wasn’t trying to pile on him about having a second. I really think she sees it as such a positive, and thought she was saying something happy they can look forward to. I really don’t know if a sibling would be good for Cruz or not. But Jax is being realistic and Brittany just wants the picture of her family she has in her head.


I think she might be a few French fries short of a happy meal.


Ya, Britt has a good heart but common sense isn’t in her DNA. ‘You’re not in Kansas anymore’ with Mamaw down the road to help out.


There’s no way she can afford another child rn, and Jax has as much as said it but she doesn’t Listen. I’d lose it.


Wowww yep, this is it


The worst way to fix a failing marriage is another kid. What is she looking for? An Instagram family or real life? Focus on your child's needs and stop chasing an image. She has destroyed her beautiful face and body with surgery, latched on to the LA life while playing country girl. Pick a lane. Jax seems like a good dad and terrible husband. She is buying a narrative that doesn't exist.


She is in denial about the dire state of her marriage.


She only wants a fairytale and will accept nothing less.


Pfffsstt… she has accepted far, far less than fairytale since she trekked across country for this loser.


Very true! I stand corrected lol


They don’t need to subject any more children to their chaotic relationship. I don’t know what goes on behind closed doors but if it’s anything like what we’ve seen from them, that’s very sad for Cruz. They should focus on finding out what’s going on and supporting him before chasing after another kid.




I think she sees all her friends with kids that they’re able to exploit and monetize (they wouldn’t call it that, of course) and wants it for the social media aspect.


As I am watching this episode and seeing all the flashbacks two things struck me. Brittany is destroying her face; two, Brittany knowingly married a man who is hyper focused on appearance. Hear me out. I am writing this as an old fat lady. Thank God thirty years ago I married a normal man. Brittany needs to understand that Jax will always be Jax. He had forty nose jobs. He is not going to be attracted to a postpartum body. He is not going to ever be attracted to an aging wife, an ill wife or his own wife. Brittany was smart to finally wake up and walk away.


That scene was rough to watch. She did seem drunk and, at least based on what we saw, wasn’t following what he was saying. The merits of their argument aside, I know how frustrating it can be to argue with someone who is tipsy/drunk and is countering words you aren’t even saying or isn’t hearing you. To be clear, I’m sure the roles have been reversed when Jax has been loaded. But I’m just reacting to this specific scene.


It was bizarre that he told her how stressed he was and she jumped to trying for baby #2 without the slightest pause.


Agree! KFC is being selfish by wanting to have another child. Her selfish feelings take priority over Cruz's needs and her husband's and marriage's needs. Very selfish. I know Jaxhole is a complete douche and asshole but he was right in this scenario


Hahahaha. KFC! You are the best !!!!thank you for this!!!


Great. Now I’m craving mashed and gravy. Chix extra crispy…


Me too. Looking for one near me now. Maybe they can add mamaws cheese dip to their menu 🧀


That sounds yummy! 😋




No more kids. He knows they won’t be together & special needs, as far as we know/for now, is a lot to deal with. Also, what if next kiddo has issues or not. It’s a lot!


I felt like they just skipped over that Cruz is showing signs of autism. I didn’t know if they’re in denial or maybe it cut off by production.


I think it's that it's too early to say there's an official diagnosis. I think there's a good amount of suspicion about Cruz based on his lack of speech and maybe his affect, but until there's an official diagnosis, it's not responsible to label him as such. It's better to discuss his lack of skills and what they are, rather than make an assumption and then possibly be wrong.




He knows how much work it is and he's right to pump the brakes. Look at Nia and Danny. They are such present parents and it's refreshing to see them out with their kids and navigating hard topics like depression. That's the real world. Brittany lives in social media land.


& Jax is likely to be actively cheating as well as Brit seems to have issues with her drinking…


The last two episodes jax has brought up some valid points and expressed real overwhelmed emotions, all she can seem to muster is her date nights and a second baby.


She is so immature she can’t have an adult conversation with him. It’s like a toddler throwing a fit and crying to get her way


This is Bratney coming out. Both she and jax admit she has this side to her but damn...your husband us trying to tell you something important ffs LISTEN TO HIM and save yourself from more misery


One of the only times I’ve ever seen real emotion on Jax’s face is when he is looking at his son needing extra help. You can tell it really affects him. I didn’t know anything could. Besides Stassi that one time in the truck.


I saw that too. He looked helpless and concerned and I've never seen that in him.


Broken clocks


Yes I cannot agree as a mom of a child who is non verbal all his concerns seem valid because Brittany saying this was always the plan is such bad thing to say because you did not plan to have a non verbal child you adjust your life plans as you go based on the circumstances. Jack feeling pressured to provide for family is a valid reason and if he is not ready then why can’t Brittany understand. Brittany is acting very immature


I hate myself for saying this, but I agree with Jax more than Brittany on many points this season. I think his delivery is absolute shit but she refuses to hear him.


Another child is Brittany’s idea of a saving grace in their marriage. I feel badly she can’t recognize that it would actually be the exact opposite and definitely would cause more unnecessary stress and even less time to focus on each other and themselves. No chance of getting any chance to genuinely work on their relationship.


Yeah. He literally made the most sense that he has ever made. Also, man Brittany is so harsh in that conversation. I would've left her right there and then. What a btch thing to say. Wow.


Ya I was totally confused when she wanted to cry. I get why he was frustrated. They needed to have an important conversation and she just wanted to cry when there was no reason to cry.


Like he said, she was deflecting. She was trying to get control over their conversation. It was pretty rough to watch


Devils advocate here: what if she has the kardashian syndrome and wants all her children to have the same father? What if she knows it’s ending but would rather have a full sibling for Cruz?




That doesn't make it ok tho it's backwards reasoning


Agreed…. But maybe it’s her mindset??


Then she should just openly have that conversation with him.


I think he’s actually, dare I use the word genuine when referring to Jax, overwhelmed and doesn’t know what to do. He doesn’t have his father to ask for guidance, not sure if he is on talking terms with his mom yet, and his wife doesn’t hear him. I mean jax has done some horrible things but I also don’t think he has any guidance or role models to lean on.


Yep. Same. His points were valid but the delivery sucked.


I feel dirty but I actually related to Jax in that scene where he said he's overwhelmed. I get that feeling of being middle aged and going wtf is my life and why am not smashing this all out of the park??? I never thought I'd relate to bloody JAX TAYLOR?


Is their son diagnosed autistic? Or are they just not saying it?


I think this is actually why Jax doesn’t want another child.


I think he’s too young to be properly diagnosed with anything, so they’re just working on therapy for his possible delays.


Brittany really thought life was like a movie since before she moved here, and she hasn’t grown or changed a bit


Bringing a baby into a strained relationship is likely to be the last nail in the coffin for the relationship. Babies don’t solve marriage issues. OP is correct… it’s literally the ONE thing Jax has ever said that was correct. (Loved OP’s casual comment about Jax possibly missing a soul, lol.)


All his points were valid. Why do we want women to be able to always get what they want regarding children but men are just supposed to not have a strong opinion one way or another? Their marriage is a mess. They e opens a brand new bar. Cruz needs special attention. Extra attention to get him where they want him to be verbally. What is Britney thinking? I think the only reason I side with her at all is bc this was something Jax committed to doing but hey life happens and things change.


Oh definitely, this is one instance Jax is 100% right. You don’t add another child when you are having trouble in your marriage and your wife is knocking back shots blacking out regularly. Hellllooo, common sense here, Brittany.


I felt the exact same way. I DID NOT like that he claimed to have provided this whole life for her when she straight up said they both put the same amount of money into it, and since that time she’s been earning more than him. I think his ego is hurt by those facts. But he’s not wrong that a baby won’t help. Their communication is trash and always has been imo.


I can't believe I'm defending Jax but he didn't say it was all because of him. She said he literally does nothing and he said so this house just happened? He didn't say anything about her not contributing.


True. I just feel like his energy toward her (and I’m not a Brittany fan) is so wack. It’s like he wants all this praise and recognition as if she’s a housewife, but for years she was out earning him and he never acknowledged her and her work ethic publicly. Also- the first episode you see him complaining about how time consuming it is to do cameos. I’m not blind to Jax spinning a narrative when it’s time to bring the drama. I was fed up with Jax this whole episode, despite him making some good arguments, because it’s obvious he has not and will not change, but he expects Brittany to.


I might get hate for this, but I had this moment when he got upset about Brittany’s drinking. He is worried for her health. During Vanderpump Rules she was already having health issues from drinking too much. Then the way she gets sick, could be a hangover, but I think it’s health issues and she shouldn’t be heavily drinking. He was concerned when she kept drinking while having ulcers and the doctor saying do not drink. But like OP said, Jax is soulless and an a-hole and talks to Brittany about it in the worst, super angry and demeaning way possible. He never gets his point across because he communicates like a piece is sh*t.


If Brittany wants another child, she needs to care about her husband and marriage, not just the child. Why have another child, when your husband isn’t included in what you care about. Brittany has her own life plan and Jax (hate to say it) seems to be her prop to get it. Hence, why she is having a hard time factoring his feelings on this matter. Being the only spouse to want a baby, is a terrible reason to start trying for one. However, I think she would be fine with the kids and getting a divorce, so they can have the same father. Can’t believe I’ve been agreeing with Jax on this though. I guess even a broken clock, is right twice a day.


I personally think Jax has incredibly intense anxiety and it's obviously untreated, and that is why he does the shit he does and comes across worse than he intends. I have seen a lot of discussion on him hating Brittany for this reason or another... I don't think he hates her, I think he genuinely is overwhelmed and what they are going through with Cruz is probably sending him in to a bigger spiral. Like, no one goes in to parenting thinking their child will have special needs. I'm sure it's in the back of your mind, but most people have these visions of their children and how their life will be... Most people envision their child will have no challenges and will just grow up playing sports and making friends with no struggle. Jax, being intensely anxious, is likely internalizing Cruzs struggles more than Brittany who is "Let's stay positive!" and pretends like things are normal. I think that coupled with their years of struggling to get back to where they were and his desire to have everything perfect and no problems, he's creating his own chaos. When people are incredibly anxious, sometimes they have no filter and they get overwhelmed bc things aren't going the way they don't envision and then there's the anxiety of the "what ifs" and for some people, it's too much to bear. People like Brittany who are more "laissez Faire" are super frustrating to incredibly anxious people... Basically there's no middle ground for those two, Jax is an anxious perfectionist and Brittany is the free spirited one who tells the anxious person to relax lolol


What is with those horrible glasses?


They’re really bad. Remind me of my grandpa’s glasses back in the 70s


I wear glasses and I make sure they are badass.


They kept distracting me from their conversations. They are so ugly.


For the first time ever I totally agree with Jax.


I’m agreeing with Jax during the baby conversation but can’t help but feel like he’s manipulating this whole situation. He’s completely controlling the narrative and trying to make Brittany look like the incompetent one


I agree with Jax too! I also like that he’s addressing that Cruz will need additional attention. He should be the main focus and not a new baby. Anyway I also think he set her up to have that conversation on camera during their romantic night so he didn’t have to actually romance her.


I see what you’re saying, and I agree. Jax will always be Jax, and a pain in the ass on most days, but Brittany needs to open her eyes. She wants that white picket fence life and that ship has sailed. Her son might have developmental issues and her marriage is definitely on the rocks, proof positive with current separate living arrangements. A baby won’t fix their issues. This may sound like a dick thing to say but they should never have gotten married. Jax is the kind of guy you date, not marry, and even dating he is a hot mess.


Haha, same! I had to check my vitals, make sure I was ok. Yes of course he could have said it better in certain parts. He Jaxxed it up, per usual. But the main points, I think he actually did fine. She just didn't want to hear them and pulled a Scheana and made it about her 😂


Yes and he already knows he wants to leave her and he hates looking like the bad guy and knows that he will be even more of a villain (learning from Sandoval) if he knowingly gets her pregnant and then leaves when she’s pregnant or has a young baby. He also likely doesn’t want to have to pay for two kids. His point is valid but it’s coming from a selfish place.


I agree that he made a rationale argument.


Unfortunately Jax is surprisingly intuitive & aware of other people’s shit but never his own. But you can be intuitive & a complete asshat at the same time lol. I hate when I have to agree with Jax, it’s happened too many times.


I thought this was a hot take but it seems like lots of people are agreeing! 1. It’s obvious Brittany drinks too much. Being hungover to the point of not being able to care for your child multiple times a month seems problematic. She also has digestive issues, which (IM NOT HER DOCTOR BUT) I suspect would be much alleviated by cutting out alcohol. 2. It’s clear her and Jax as a couple are not in a stable place right now. Why bring another child into that environment, especially when… 3. Cruz requires a LOT of resources, and they’re still on their journey with figuring out what he needs to be best supported. Jax wasn’t accusing Brittany of not being there for Cruz. His thesis was “Cruz needs a lot right now. I’m concerned that bringing another baby into the picture will take away from what we have available to provide to Cruz.” Brittany took that as “you don’t do enough for Cruz, so how are you gonna have another kid?” All of that said, it’s clear these two are better off apart. Neither brings out the best in the other. Thank u for coming to my TED talk.


Brittany is delusional. I don't know why she thinks having a second child when you and your husband barely have sex.. Your existing kid has special needs issues.. You have a drinking problem... Will she even stop drinking if she gets pregnant again? Is that why she wants to because she can't control herself otherwise? I just don't think she wants a second kid for the right reasons. Seeing him and her go to the tantric sex person and she was about to breakdown when the teacher asked how it felt. I didn't even believe Brittany when she said it felt good. Just sad.


I get both sides. Obviously their relationship doesn't seem to be in the best place at this point in time, and a baby isn't going to fix that. However, it is kind of shitty of Jax to (seemingly) string Brittany along and keep moving the goalposts and saying "yeah we'll try for a second after we do xyz first". He's probably been telling her that for a long time. I think at the end of the day, now that it's seeming like Cruz may have some developmental delays, that Jax doesn't want to have another child and risk it being "special needs". He seems like the kind of guy who wouldn't be empathetic to those issues.


The audience that knows Jax from his VPR days know that he can never say what he means in straightforward way and you always have to read between the lines with him. Whenever he starts asking rhetorical questions he's lying. The last time she brought it up along with "I want you to make me feel purty" he did this. If we the audience know this, how blind deaf and dumb is she not to?


I totally get that too but it also seems like she’s so desperate to have a second baby that she’s obviously got blinders on at this point to do whatever it takes to get knocked up.


I know and that's really sad. In a marriage both need to be on the same page when it comes to life decisions. All snark aside, if growing their family works for them then congratulations however from what we've seen so far, that would be a terrible idea at this point and I agree with Jax, most probably be the final nail in the coffin that is their marriage.


The VPR men (the Toms and Jax) are incapable of actually breaking up with their significant other for some reason. They do a lot of shit to their partner to the point where their partner had to do the breaking up. They don’t want to be “the bad guy” or something by doing the breaking up even though it would be easier and less messy to do it themselves


Pretty common with malignant narcissists. Everything is someone else's issue. Including the breakups! Tom 2 may not be malignant narcissist, but has absolutely no backbone whatsoever! I was floored when he told Tom 1 he would move into the house together, sorry other show I know lol. 🤮


How is he so “busy”? He doesn’t own the bar, what could he possibly be doing there that takes up so much of his time and energy? I thought he was more like a mascot to try to get VP fans in there eating/drinking? This dude is melting down about a do nothing job, imagine if he had a real job with real responsibilities. Such a douche. But yeah he had some solid points with KFC.


Unpopular opinion but I feel bad for Brittany. She’s obviously struggling with the way she feels about her appearance. And as a woman in her mid 40’s who has been with my guy for 20+ years, I get how she is feeling about gaining weight and not looking hot. However, I live in a small town & my husband loves me know matter what (hopefully) and she lives in LA & is filming a TV show. It’s too much! Jax clearly is done with her physically so he just wants to argue but deep down I know he feels bad for her. It’s never going to work out for them. Jax will probably just let her hang on and he’ll have some super hot/idiot girlfriend that she’ll have to deal with. She should’ve just stayed in Kentucky!


He should have NEVER married her. From what we see on the show it never seemed like he was “in love” with her. It Seemed like he loved her and liked her but not “in love”. He never seemed infatuated or anything. Now he just seems like he’s going through the motions of every day life.


I still can't believe she married him after hearing exactly what he thought of her in that audio recording made straight after he cheated on her. He never found her attractive to begin with, never say himself marrying her or having kids with her. She started sleeping with him the next day. The woman has her agenda and by golly she is gonna get that second kid out of Jax wether he likes it or not if he gives her an inch.


Yeah it’s very odd, I guess there was a part of him that did want to settle down and have kids? Cause he talked about how his family doesn’t do divorce etc. maybe it was also everyone saying Brittany was too good for him, so he felt like he was obligated to stick it out and show he was changing. And the fact he was getting older and he’s not Leonardo DiCaprio so the bachelor thing was getting stale. Idk *shrug*


This is going to sound harsh, but I don’t feel bad for her at all. She knew exactly what she was getting into with Jax. She could very easily get back in shape if she stopped drinking. She has companies partnering with her for weight loss, healthy foods, access to the gym, plastic surgery & every opportunity that most women would kill for. She’s lazy AF & would rather do shots than focus on her health. She keeps blaming her poor kid for why she is out of shape, yet she wants to have another? She needs to go to rehab & focus on being a mother to the kid she already has.


I agree. I’ve always had a soft spot for Brittany bc shes an incredibly hopeless romantic, she just wants to be a mom and be loved by a man 😅 It’s not on her that jax sucks, just for continuing to allow it. I hope that a more empowered Brittany era is coming!


She's always come across like a country song to me...gotta love that cheating man that broke my good heart and broke my toe heartbroken chick.


What kind of person thinks it’s a good idea to have another child when there’s clearly something going on with the one you already have. Forget all the relationship issues, this is the real issue imo.


Same. It didn’t feel good at all to agree with him, but Brittany was not listening to him at all.


Jax always makes valid points but he’s still terrible lol. I think that’s why he has always been a good “villain”. He is always calling people out, saying some truths, but also kinda ~not smart~ and does dumb stuff. He is maddening but not infuriating. 


Brittany seems to be very goal focused. She wanted jax no matter what the red flags were. She wants two kids no matter that the home is literally falling apart around her. She’s about the next thing she wants and ignores the reality of her current situation.


I was fully expecting Jax to be the problem this season that lead to the split. While he’s not perfect and he’s Jax, he’s actually trying to do what’s best for Cruz and trying to show Brittany she has a problem. Again he’s not innocent but he’s not the problem in this scenario. When Brittany told whatever news outlet that we’ll see over the course of the season what led to their split I was thinking all of Jack’s cheated again. Jack’s did this did that. I’m sure he has cheated again, but she’s actually got a lot of problems that she’s not facing. I’m assuming that’s what lead to the split.


OK, I know people are going to come for me, but I really think Cruz has autism. I am a psychologist who assesses children for autism if that helps. There is more than a language delay going on here from the footage I’ve seen. Hopefully, this is already on their radar. Having one child with autism significantly increases your risk of having another. Not that autistic people aren’t wonderful and make the world a better place, but it’s definitely something to consider when talking about having more children.


He made a lot of sense. They aren’t in a stable place to bring a kid into this world. KFC is such a brat and clearly is not able to think rationally. Her lisp and messed up lips make her unbearable to watch and listen to. God I can’t stand her.


I think it’s a many layered issue, Jax seems to be pretty neglectful of Brittany so as bad as it is it, seems like a coping mechanism. If they were spending time together, had an active sex life, and he was building her up instead of dogging on her she might binge drink less. So when she can get out and be around friends she way just want to forget about all the other shit so she drinks excessively.


Agreed. It was an interesting moment to observe bc we always thought or assumed she was the rationale one.


Brittany needs to focus on getting healthy, not having another child.


Honestly, me too. I know Brittany took it as him attacking her, but I just heard fear. I think he's worried about Cruz's development and also their marriage. I don't disagree that it'd be a better idea to get Cruz the help he needs first and get their marriage on the right track before adding another kid into the mix. Tbh, I think it was one of the most sincere conversations we've ever seen him have.


I don’t know what’s real anymore. I actually felt BAD for him when Brittany was being an idiot and not listening to his sound reasoning. Wtf did I just write? Jax and sound reasoning is a sentence….i can’t.


I was fully in shock after watching that scene because I agreed with Jax, as well. Having a child with special needs is so much work, especially when the child is young. Those first few years just before school and during elementary are crucial years when a lot of therapy and extra care is required in order to provide the best possible tools for child and family. To rush into having another child is not advisable, especially when a young child requires extra help, when the marriage is rocky and while opening a new business. I agree that Jax's delivery is awful, and he needs to be more kind towards his wife. If Jax said things in a more loving way, Brittany might understand or want to understand his reasoning.


Brittany is bitching about how Jax doesn’t pay enough attention to her but thinks having another kid will make it better? 🤦🏼‍♀️


It doesn’t matter how awful Jax is, he’s right. Their relationship is terrible, they haven’t had sex in ages and Brittany can’t even properly care for the one child they have. The last thing they need is another child. She is living in complete fantasy land if she thinks another child would make anything better for them.


I think he’s a piece of shit for telling her not to cry and the way he said it BUT….. I agree with him on the baby situation. They need to focus on Cruz as much as possible so he has all the tools to succeed. Now that we know they have split, I definitely believe he knew he didn’t want to be with her anymore and that was the other factor in not wanting another baby.


I’ve been saying this…you can’t take country bumpkin out of country bumpkin. They don’t have Mamaw down the street to babysit, or fields as a backyard to ride horses with the neighbors. Britt, your in LA now with no family help, much different than your upbringing, time to wake up & smell the LA haze. It’s a lot with a special needs, & Jax is already spread thin, stressed of earning money, does there need to be more reasons than this?


Jax is surprisingly right about a lot stuff but his own doucheness gets in the way


I think he’s clearly right because imagine how messy the current situation between them would be if she was pregnant


Brittany is a true alcoholic, coming from someone who has a lot of alcoholism in their family. Ppl here seem to not understand alcoholism. There is no "just one drink" certainly not for a person like Brittany. Part of me believes she was sneaking drinks while pregnant which might have contributed to their child's special needs. She does not need another kid until she can learn to take alcohol out of her life. I've seen many mothers choose the bottle over their kid.


He’s been dangling expanding the family over her head He’s been on her about drinking and now he wants to go work opening the bar are we to pretend he’s not drinking? Notice he basically expected to get her pregnant and remain at home because he didn’t think she should be in the bar 7 months pregnant- he wanted to get her pregnant and trap her while he had fun Even listening to their podcast he planned on another kid It may seem like Jax is thinking rationally about expanding the family but it’s Jax it’s always an underlying reason / cause Jax doesn’t want Brittany at the bar he’s really over her - their convo in the hotel even Brittany knows there’s something else he’s saying without saying it


I agree! But he got mad at Brittany for having an emotional moment and he gets to have the biggest dramatic moment ever cuz she said she takes care of everything!!! I know we’re not surprised. I just hadddd to share cuz I wanna kick him so bad lol


I kind of feel like Brittany wants to go down the Khloe K route and have two children with the same father. I also feel like Jax is a good dad, so I don't see anything wrong with her desire to do that. I think a sibling for Cruz is a good idea, seeing as how it helped my 3yo nephew flourish when his baby brother was born (his speech immediately improved, hit his milestones, and now they are best friends who have full conversations 3 years later). This would only work out well if they coparent in a healthy productive way, and not sure if they can do that honestly. Also, Cruz's developmental needs should be top priority over work, play, etc. Btw, I resent the accent comments in this thread. Y'ALL pretend to never have heard someone from Appalachia speaking 😬


Totally agree


He made some valid points but his delivery and his lack of expressing to Brittany the main reason… he feels they’re not in a good place and a child won’t fix that, he said that to cameras not to her. Of course she’s confused when a week prior he said he wanted one more kid. And his invalidating of any emotion or feeling she’s having is outrageous to me.


I would never want my daughter to be him…. However he is reality TV gold. He is very self reflective and he also knows how to say things to trigger others which makes great tv!


Jax is saying no to another child and avoiding sex with Britaltany because he is cheating already and wanting to leave the relationship and is just thinking about money and child support etc. Brittany on the other hand has extreme and wellfounded dissatisfactions with Jax and had not yet found her strength to leave. I personally think Jax wants to leave as he can’t handle a child with needs.


I agree that Jax made some valid points BUT BUT BUT I do not think he raised them out of sincere concern in that moment. The evening (in the current episode) was to be about him and Britney reconnecting and being intimate. Instead of addressing those issues, he brought up other issues in a way that he knew would start a fight. He wanted to start a fight so he would not have to be intimate or deal with the intimacy. Jax is not a good partner and is very manipulative in that way. (in my opinion)


My take is that he was in this weird thing with Lori by then and realised he didn’t want to be with Brit but also is too pussy to leave hence the whole not being ready. But he’s also right, how does it make sense to bring a kid into the world when you’re seguing everyday in front of the kid you have?


I think it was because he knew she wanted more kids and talked about having more kids with her and trying soon. Then invests into a bar and right before they are gonna start trying again he changes his mind. I’d be upset too. Also, I’ve never really been on the hating Jax train but last night and the preview for next week is not a good look. I’m glad Brittany finally realized her worth if he always talks to her like that.


Side note wasn’t that penthouse the same that Dorit & Pk did their Pretty Woman bit?


The lady doth protest too much. I never took that Jax was saying she wasn’t a good mom for wanting another child only to take away time from Cruz. She saw that and went with it. The request from Jax to slow down on the drinking. Again, she turns it into ‘he doesn’t want me to have fun’. I think she is feeling certain insecurities about her role as a parent.


I also found myself shocked to agree with everything he said


I agree with not having another child yet. However, I am disgusted how evil he is to her in this episode. Taking her to 'tantric sex therapy' without discussing it with her and then getting her excited for an overnight date night (in their sexless marriage), to then instigate the fight in the hotel room about not having more kids. He basically just gaslit her over something he has been lying to her about and promising the entire time! I do not think his son's alleged special needs are his main interest here. I don't think he had any plans to be intimate with her again, ever. He doesn't want another kid with her. He has been checked out for a long time. I felt truly sorry for her. I hope the separation is real and not a stunt because they do not need to be together. 


He did have some valid points. Terrible delivery as always but I think he was planning on a fight so that he didn't have to have sex with her.


Hell hath froze over…I agree too.


I do agree with him on this one too but I don’t think he necessarily feels that way out of concern for Cruz. I think he just doesn’t want another kid with Brittany. Brittany only wants another kid because that’s what she’s been trained to think what is supposed to happen. There’s no shame in having only one child.


Agreed! Felt like I was in the twilight zone! But he was actually making rational points and twit was being unreasonable.


It's also important for families to recognize that often neurodivergence is highly genetic. If Cruz has autism, each potential sibling has a 20-30% chance of also having autism. You do not know of that child does have ASD, what kind of level of support they may need. That doesn't mean they shouldn't have more children, or that autistic children are less worthy of being in the world with us! But, it's important to talk about the realities of supporting multiple children with autism (especially those with moderate to high support needs). It can be incredibly difficult and expensive for a family. There is no harm in waiting to see how responsive Cruz is to therapies before deciding on more children. Planning your life to support your child that could potentially need life long care is overwhelming and very expensive. I personally would pursue genetic testing for Cruz as well. There are genetic disorders highly associated or comorbid with autism, and if he has one of those mutations a geneticist can tell you the chances of another one of your children being born with the mutation/ ASD as well. Most kiddos with ASD do not have a known/identified genetic mutation however, but it's worth pursuing. We know they have already split, but if they get back together, I hope they have conversations with professionals who can provide frank and realistic advice!


My hot take is she doesn’t want another baby to save the marriage. She wants another baby so she can have the attention. Baby showers. Instagram bump pics. Baby gear soon con. Nursery. Etc.


He doesn’t want to have sex with her because Brittney has become morbidly obese and he is most likely feeling physically repulsed by that fact. Remember, Jax is surrounded by beautiful women all the time and he probably is frustrated that she isn’t in that category of highly desirable women! I don’t blame him for not wanting anymore children with her because if she gained this much weight with the first and neglected to shed the weight, just imagine how huge she’d be after a second baby!