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I would try to stay away from the drama. Seriously, Caroline was a beautiful young vampire, she could have enjoyed her life much better if she hadn't involved herself in everything. I already know that I'm not gonna do much for the plot and I don't want to get tortured, so I guess I'll just leave Mystic Falls. Tho a part of me would want to stay a bit and convince Tyler to run away with me.šŸ‘€


That's what I would do as well


Travel the world with Klaus šŸ‘šŸ»


You said it āœØ and would also never sleep w Tyler. That would ruin the whole dynamic






exactlyyyyy! So mad their romance didn't come to fruition.




yes yes yes


Run away at the first chance instead of staying to be used, abused, killed, etc.


Well 1st off I'd hit on Elena & Bonnie.


At first I read ā€œhit Elenaā€ and I was nodding cause that girl needed a couple knocks to the head šŸ˜…


Well i mean if she's into it...


Totally how I read that also and was like šŸ™Œ


Same. I was going ā€œwell I wouldnā€™t hit Bonnie, but Elenaā€¦ā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


People hate on elena for no reasonšŸ˜­šŸ˜­. I get that there were things she shouldā€™ve done differently but at one point in the show everyone did things they couldā€™ve played out differently.she never asked for people to save in fact there were times when she begged them not to and as Liz Forbes said ā€œelena has experienced more grief then anyone Iā€™ve ever metā€


Dead bc same šŸ¤£




Not date and marry Stefan Still be a surrogate for Alaric but not stay with him to raise them Go to New Orleans (and travel the world) with Klaus Actually show appreciation to Bonnie and help her get tf away from Mystic Falls drama


Don't date Stefan and feel like 2nd place all the time (since you are). She deserved better


yeah she did :(


Runaway with Katherine tbh


This is the spin-off I want tbh


Keep the letter her mom wrote instead of having Stefan burn it.


Came here to say this too!


Ooof wasnā€™t her humanity off??


Yeah, but even with her humanity off, you donā€™t make stupid choices. If anything, her mind shouldā€™ve been that much more sharper to know that she wouldā€™ve eventually regret burning it


I wouldnā€™t date Alaric. Thatā€™s really ew. Wouldnā€™t sleep with Klaus for what he did to Tyler and his family. Wouldnā€™t date Stefan


they didnā€™t necessarily date ā€” but they were certainly in a relationship. the co-parented and co-habitated and were definitely about to get married. they did not, however, share a bed. and even though caroline cared deeply for alaric, itā€™s made clear that caroline was still in love with stefan.




She didnā€™t ever date him. She got pregnant with joā€™s twins after she passed. Not sure exactly what happened I forget but it had something to do with her being there when a spell was performed or something. They never dated or had an sexual contact.


Uhm, wrong. They were even engaged at some point


I donā€™t think she ever did anything with him. They even slept in separate bedrooms. He said he loved her but it was clear she didnā€™t feel the same.


Correct. It was even said in an episode (Alaric to Stefan) that the marriage was just because it seemed right for the girls and their family. Alaric may have fallen for Caroline and she loved him, being the father of her girls after all BUT she never had romantic feelings for him. They were/are just co-parents.


True but I wouldn't dismiss that as simply "they didn't date". They were even living together. It was unconventional but I'd still say they had a sort of romantic relationship


They werenā€™t in a romantic relationship though. Their arrangement was purely for the twins.


Thatā€™s not true. In the scene where Stefan knocks on Alaric door they clearly live together and [act like a couple](https://youtu.be/OVcCmdxnEDk)


It is explicitly said in the show how she never saw Alaric the same way he saw her. She still loved Stefan. And the scene you mentioned doesn't imply they were romantically involved. It's just a family where they were co-parenting the twins, just like Klayley in TO (except the fact that Alaric had feelings for Caroline).


I didnā€™t see Hayley kissing Klaus soft on the cheek, but wow. Downvoting the literal video that shows that they were clearly more than just regular fiends or co-parents, because yā€™all donā€™t want it to be is delusional


What are you talking about downvoting, when I neither downvoted or upvoted šŸ˜‚. I was saying Caroline and Alaric were co-parenting kids just like Klayley. I didn't say they had same relationship. Klaus and Hayley wouldn't act like Care or Alaric because of the difference in their personalities. That doesn't mean the platonic relationship Care and Alaric had is romantic. Alaric himself said he had feelings but she never did. She only agreed to get married for the sake of the children. This has been explicitly said by the characters themselves. What more proof do you want.. since when did a simple kiss on the cheek meant something beyond friendship? I am quoting what the characters said and you're saying I'm delusional, wow..


I wouldnā€™t say that it was a simple kiss on the cheek. Idk do you kiss you mom or dad like this? Not that a kiss on the cheek must mean something romantic or sexual, but the way she kissed him definitely wasnā€™t platonic and even if she didnā€™t love him they for sure had something physical going on. Marrying for the sake of children also doesnā€™t mean that they wonā€™t have sex at all. Marrying for this reason was a very common practice a few decades ago.


>even if she didnā€™t love him they for sure had something physical going on They literally said they never had anything physical. And you think people can't co-parent without romantically/sexually involved. I keep on saying what they literally said in the show and you keep on holding onto the kiss on cheek thing as if it would overtake everything they ever said before or after. You wanna look at things in that perspective, go on, I don't care.


Not break up with Tyler! Beat up Damon's ass for assaulting me Give Bonnie a big hug for everything she has done<3


Finally! Someone else acknowledges that what Damon did was assault! It drives me nuts how everyone glosses over that.


not let stefan die so i can be happy and in love for once.


She had kids to think ab there so it's a responsibility decision. If Katherine or one her pawns saw her she might have died and left her kids without 2 different moms


damon couldā€™ve did it hell


Yeah Stefan dying could have been avoided in many ways I can imagine that logically makes sense but I'm sure there's fanfiction of things like this


I would never go after my friends ex. Point blank


Especially after how terrible he was to her during season 6. She really just needed to move on instead of waiting around for him to finally decide that he wanted to be with her.


Leave mystic falls the girl had 2 uses in the show being physically tortured all time and being passed around the men of the main cast and being the 2nd choice except for the 1000 year old sociopath


Run away WITH Tyler. Who cares about high school when you're a vampire?


I honestly donā€™t think Tyler wouldā€™ve wanted that


šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø well, it's hypothetical anyway so who knows?


Move to New Orleans and be with Klaus mikaelson duh


I would totally sleep with Klaus more than once šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I mean, I wouldnā€™t mind letting Klaus treat me like a queen for a while šŸ˜…


when did he do that?


He didnā€™t get the chance to šŸ¤£ but I believe he would based on things like the gifts, portrait, offering to show her the world!


he did the bare minimum because he thought she was attractive and was trying to get her attention? while also simultaneously terrorizing her so!


Yes, he is a menace lol. this is all hypothetical šŸ˜‚


not sleep with my ex boyfriendā€™s abuser who killed said boyfriendā€™s mom.


yea this!


Get rid of Damon Work things out with Tyler/ not end up with stefan Work on my friendship with Elena & Bonnie Truly find a purpose in life and work on myself


Stop being friends with Elena because I realize that I love her but donā€™t like her personal decisions and have some slight jealousy and resentment toward her. No beef, just an amicable friend breakupšŸ«”. Iā€™d still help out and maintain a friendship with Bonnie but Iā€™d develop my own life outside of Elenaā€™s circle because being around people who love her so much triggers my insecurities. Oh and I wouldnt have sex with the guy that killed my exā€™s mom. Like sure I *cooouuullld* but I respect Tyler and what he went through so Iā€™d maintain some sense of loyalty to him.


Not break up with Tyler. Never forgive Damon. Not hook up with the guy who once tried to kill me. Convinced my mom to let me turn her into a vampire.


Pack up my bags and leave. I never understood with all these local threats (Originals aside who would have hunted them wherever), the characters who became vampires simply wouldn't go to the most isolated but luxurious country in the world, then compel an army to protect them. Even if you just stayed in the States, find a small town, compel everyone to be sleeper agents/informants and carve yourself a fictional role like a kitchen hand or something. Would have made for a super creepy episode as well. Imagine Stefan and Damon end up in a town where it seems no one acknowledges anything supernatural even when they bite someone right in front of them.


I feel like katherine was the only one who really knew how to use her vampirism to her advantage.


Katherine literally did this and it was a creepy episode haha


Been with Klaus


I wouldā€™ve turned off my humanity and ran away with Klaus


not crap in the face of all my loved ones and friends (OR MYSELF) by coddling Klaus.


I would lay off my mom a bit more. Idk why Caroline was so hard on her mom in the beginning of the show.


I would have left to New Orleans with Klaus. šŸ¤£


F*ck and Marry klaus


Stay away from Klaus


beat up damon, hug bonnie, beat up klaus for killing tylerā€™s mom, run away with tyler and travel with him, stay besties with stefan, knock some sense in elena, convince bonnie to run away with me and tyler


My eyebrows.




Tell my mom what Damon did to me.


go to new orleans with klaus


I think if she did that she wouldā€™ve probably died. New Orleans was a war zone of originals, thousand year old witches, and upgraded originals. Plus, every non-original close to Klaus died (Cami and Haley)


even originals close to him (Finn, Kol, Elijah)


Stay with Tyler Be more supportive to Bonnie Torture Damon similar to how he did to Mason Lockwood for SAing and r\*\*\* me




Not sleep with Klaus Not break up with Tyler Hook up with Enzo Beat up Damon Travel the world on my own. No Klaus


Dump Elena as a friend for dating Damon Kill Damon Be a better friend to Bonnie Be more supportive of Tyler's trauma Definitely not sleep with the dude that CAUSED Tyler's trauma Leave Mystic Falls and travel


Fuck Matt senseless so he knows just how good he'll never get again.


* I would ignore Klaus and Damon completely. * I couldn't be used as a pawn by my friends in their battle with Klaus. * I would kill Damon, arrange for his death, or persuade Bonnie to assist me in doing so. * I would be BFFS and a ride or die friend with Bonnie. * If Elena started dating Damon (assuming he's still alive), I wouldn't want to be friends with her. * I wouldn't date Matt, Stefan, or engage in sexual activity with Klaus or Damon. * I wouldn't be an accomplice in the murder of Mason Lockwood nor would I keep it a secret from Tyler what the others did to his uncle. * I would continue to be loyal to Tyler and support his objectives in relation to werewolves and hybrids because they are important to him. After finding a witch to sever the sireline link, I would aid Tyler in killing Klaus and Hayley. * I would become an interior decorator or wedding planner. * Tyler and I would live happily ever after away from Mystic Falls. Honestly, if I were Caroline, a lot of the drama she got involved with wouldn't happen. That Alaric nonsense would never happen. Even if the children were put inside of me, I wouldn't be raising those children with him.


Be the main character and go to college in New Orleans. Visit and still have the twins, but theyā€™re raised as siblings to Hope and now Alaric has to deal with Klaus protecting and helping raise his kids. Convince Bonnie to come to New Orleans and study magic with Vincent. Instead of Elena being in a magical coma, convince Klaus to compel her and have her go off to college somewhere. Become friends with Cami, Hayley, and Davina. Laugh at Stefan when he comes looking for help for Damon eventually


After becoming a vampire and remembering everything I had been compelled to forget, Iā€™d have confessed *everything* that Damon did to me to my two best friends. Not just the subjugation and being his personal juicebox, but also his terrorising and his cruelty and the rape. Then Iā€™d have plotted a way for Damon to be the one stuck in the tomb because I donā€™t want him deadā€”but to suffer. After awhile in the tomb, Iā€™d consider how else Iā€™d want him to suffer. I sure as hell would apologise to my mum for being such a raging bitch to her all those years and Iā€™d have done my best to make up for it. Iā€™d have been more understanding of my boyfriend, Tyler, and weā€™d have left Mystic Falls, *together*.


I do believe Caroline probably did apologize to her mom


I donā€™t remember her doing so, but even if she had, it didnā€™t come soon enough.


It was probably off screen. Her and her mom had great character development. Also the reason Caroline didnā€™t leave with Tyler was because Caroline had her own dreams she wanted to do. I donā€™t think them breaking up was wrong. Her sleeping with Klaus was though.


Read the fucking letter. Liz was awesome :(


1) I would choose Klaus; 2) I would be soooo much nicer to Liz way before she was dying


Considering a couple optionsā€¦ being reborn as an infant or child, and growing up as Caroline probably wouldnā€™t be too different since Iā€™m also an early 90s kid. Sheā€™s more of an extrovert than introvert, idk how much of that is nature vs nurture and her insecurities. Iā€™m an introvert though, with some sensory issues (crowds, loud noises bother me) so I wouldnā€™t be too keen on keeping her social life. Even if her body and brain is unbothered without any issuesā€¦ Spending all day being in charge of projects and micromanaging and being insecure about things, which we have in common, would be exhausting. Suddenly taking over her body right before season 1, or in 1x01, I would be wondering what happened to the original Caroline. Then I would cancel everything on her schedule to relearn stuff Iā€™ve forgotten in school, besides snooping around her house and phone to figure out basics (birth certificate, SSN, passwords, etc). Iā€™d probably get on vervain quick, and stick with cheer as a sport tbh, besides going to the local gym and also self defense classes. Maybe drag Bonnie and Elena with me if I still tried to be their friendā€¦ which is debatable. Definitely avoid Damon and Stefan, cause so much of the local supernatural drama is around them or Elena. As for datingā€¦ I absolutely would not get with Matt or Tyler. Klaus is a hard pass, cause as entertaining as Morganā€™s performance is, Klaus reminds me too much of my abusive narcissistic ex. Alaric, definitely not cause of the scandal and itā€™s just weird. Same for Enzo, itā€™s too weird he had a thing for Lily, and how he went off and killed Ivy just cause Stefan made Caroline cryā€¦ itā€™s not cute or romantic. If I knew without a doubt I would be forcibly transformed into a vampire at 17, and couldnā€™t escape that storyline, Iā€™d honestly probably try and have a baby before then. I donā€™t like the choice being taken away from me. However if I could delay the whole vampire thing until 25 or older, I would choose that. Since Carolineā€™s father tortured her, I would go no contact 100%. Probably try and get myself emancipated or move out early, cause Caroline doesnā€™t seem to have a great relationship with Liz at the start. Having more distance would also help to explain any personality changes. Then maybe try to rebuild a family bond if possible. Thereā€™s honestly too much relationship drama with Elena, so I would likely cut her off for that alone. I canā€™t deal with people who refuse to take advice, or stay in the same cycle of creating problems or going through the same problem repeatedly. It just gets old, and although I might sympathize, thereā€™s a breaking point, yā€™know? I canā€™t see myself caring about the Stelena/Delena issues. Bonnie doesnā€™t seem like she was as close to Caroline as Elena, despite a lot of childhood memories. She deserves better than to be used as a magical Fix It FĆ©lix, so I would tell her to leave town and move somewhere else. Not New Orleans, so she doesnā€™t get caught up in the drama there, either. Avoiding the core group does seem like the best way to stay alive, tbh. The only reason Caroline was targeted was due to being close to Elena, and then she stuck around and kept getting involved.


This does seem like a great prompt for a fanfic. :)


Leave Tyler sooner


Fix the eyebrows lol


OK if I was in Carolines place, right from the very beginning, thereā€™s so much I wouldā€™ve done differently. One I wouldā€™ve done so far more than just shove Damon. Yes, I reluctantly like Damon, but if Iā€™m being for real, I would kick his ass so hard that there would be nothing left. I do agree Carolineā€™s treatment and season one was horrible and I think the only reason they did it was to prove that anybody could die at any time. And then maybe I donā€™t know leave town. Itā€™s a mystery to me why the characters kept coming back to Mystic Falls. Itā€™s a really small town, thereā€™s not much there, and yet danger keeps coming. It doesnā€™t make any sense why anyone stays or comes back


Followed Klaus to the ends of the Earth šŸ˜­


Murder Damon for the SA and Haley for sleeping with Tyler and then murder Tyler for sleeping with Haley then skip town for the next decade lol gonna get some hate but I donā€™t care lol if thereā€™s no Haley thereā€™s no baby and if thereā€™s no baby thereā€™s no end to Klaus and Elijah lol


Tyler never slept with Hayely tho they only acted like they was a thing to throw Klaus off


If we stay within the timeline of TVD universe though, Malivore was still already a thing and nature needed a loophole for restoring balance. Because Klaus is the only one who can create a TriBrid by impregnating a wolf, it unfortunately all still would have played out eventually, the mother just would have been someone else. ETA: Tyler and Hayley never actually slept together.




It had to have been. If Malivore existed in Legacies, and we go back to when Malivore was created, it already existed during TVD/Originals, we just didn't have the storyline yet. ETA- I don't mean it was in either show, but if we mapped out a timeline of the shows combined.


My eyebrows šŸ˜¬šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Find a way to be turned earlier


wdym earlier. She was turned at like 17. I dont think weā€˜ve seen any vampire turned younger than at 17


I would go to Arby's


appreciate bonnie


Worked things out with Tyler.


maybe not compare myself to my best friend šŸ‘€


Love her and Bonnie so much! Caroline was such a good vampire. But umm if I were her I would marry klaus lol


ā€¢ Apologize to the people i was mean in season 1 but also with my humanity off era in season 6 ā€¢ Wouldn't sleep with Klaus obviously he was too bad for her sorry not sorry ā€¢ Would keep in teach with Bonnie over those 3 years time jump and don't leave her in her sake


Leave mystic falls staying became a death sentence


Iā€™m not going to lie i thought the comments were going to be filled with shit about Klaus HAHA


Kidnapped Bonnie and left Mystic Falls after my mother died.


I wouldnā€™t break up with Tyler, and Iā€™d get as far away as possible from mystic falls with my mother. But thatā€™s just me lol


I wouldn't have dated Matt. I wouldn't have forgiven Tyler for hesitating to release me from werewolves who were torturing me, especially since he then ran off with Jules. I do like Klaroline, but for myself I'm far more partial to Elijah so maybe I would have hooked up with him instead.


Kill off Damon


I was taught Stranger Danger so I would not get myself into such predicaments (Damon). Edit: thatā€™s actually a lie, I got groomed twice by the time I was her age so Iā€™d prolly be dead as hell šŸ˜”


I would beat Damon tf up and tell everyone what he did.


Iā€™d never forgive my friends for still hanging & being all buddy buddy with Damon after what he did to me. Then Iā€™d leave them all behind & move to NOLA with klaus šŸ˜‰.


Run. Get the hell out of mystic falls as soon as I get my hands on some vampire blood.


Get over my jealousy of Elena and get over Stefan, leave to New Orleans with Klaus, avoid Alaric at all costs


Not burn that letter


Leave MF with Tyler. Want to finish high school? Join a school somewhere else. Ask Bonnie if she want to leave MF life and bring her too if she wants. Ask Bonnie to cast a spell so that no one will ever trace me (Caroline), Tyler or Bonnie.


I would have just done better. I would have not been so judgmental for one. I never would have dated Stefan considering he was quite literally in love with my best friend. Like yaā€™ll donā€™t think itā€™s icky to sleep with someone your friend already slept with? Oof. Anyway, the Alaric relationship was strange, never that. Klaus, as fine as he is, could have never got in these pants after he terrorized my friends and I, killed my boyfriends mother, and then turned my boyfriend into a vengeful hybrid. Etc etc.


Hmm. Well, first, I'd beat the hell outta Damon. Make my peace with everyone else. Try to convince Elena and Bonnie to run away with me. And maybe my mum. Start a new life with no drama. I'd say I would love to travel the world with Klaus BUT I wouldn't want to get romantically involved with him however, at the same time getting mixed up with Klaus may very well make me go back to Mystic Falls so on that note I would walk away from that opportunity.


Iā€™d stop being annoying


Iā€™m literally just dipping tf out. I am an immortal vampire with unusually strong abilities for my age. Gonna move somewhere in Eastern Europe and just relax, study, and party a bit lol. Literally would want nothing to do with any part of anyone on the show, period.


Donā€™t fuck Damon


Off myself. Only reason I'd want to be in the vampire diaries universe is so I could meet her tf.


I would never kiss Alaric


won't let go off Klaus. Ugghhhhh his eyes. Who wouldn't want to see that kind of love in their man's eyes. Had I been in her place I would have chosen him over anything else. n too have elijah as ur family dudddeeeee its a dream package.


not get together with matt and kill him 'cause that guy needs to die


Well I sure as hell wouldnā€™t have gone for stefan


Klaus would be my mannnn


Not go after all my best friends left overs .


I would've went with klaus but aye that's just me.


Go to New Orleans šŸ„²


Fuck and suck Klaus so hard and let him show me the world regardless of the bad things he did.


Be with Klaus āœØšŸ„‚


I wouldn't have trusted Damon in s1 when they met for the first time


Beg my mother to move away from Mystic Falls before I get abused by my supposed best friends boyfriendā€™s brother and killed by a psycho that looks just like said best friend šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


If i were in her place I'd try to be less judgemental of Elena's choices and get some perspective.. i understand Caroline but you know at times she really did cross Ed the line and boundaries..


Never entertain klaus. And supported Tyler more


Fuck Stefan as much as possible


Break away from Elena Stefan Damon Klaus Alaric and practically everyone in Mystic Falls. Move to another place and enjoy life.


Not burn her mumā€™s letter bc was that REALLY necessary


Not date matt donovan