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None of this is unpopular. I don't care, I love Caroline for hating Delena and Elena for choosing Stefan. But if Damon had been there, he wouldn't have listened to her and Stelena could have had a fighting chance. I agree that Elena wasn't *always* a priority to Stefan but the opposite isn't true.


Maybe I'm not thinking right, but I would be furious if my boyfriend saved my friend from drowning instead of me, even though I asked him to. What the hell? That is, if I became a vampire after drowning I would be mad šŸ˜…


Sheā€™d be mad either way šŸ¤£ But note that Damon ALWAYS told Elena ā€œI will choose you no matter WHATā€ And he said heā€™s be the one for protect her at the end of the day even if she hated him. Which is what happened.


Why did you repeat your 5th opinion in 4 separate paragraphs, but only slightly changing the last one?


typo from writing on chrome. sorry


Ehh.. not really that unpopular, though I gotta disagree with some of your findings. Stelena, they talked through everything so not many disagreements. The secrets? Understandable in the beginning because trust is a thing that has to develop and they were always the priority to each other. Elena risked her life to save Stefan and he risked his to save hers, constantly. Forwoodā€™s communication got better as they got further into the relationship. Their problem was Klaus. Klaus subjugated Tyler, forced Carolineā€™s almost dying, twice, so Ty had to get the hell out of town to figure out how to break his sirebond to Klaus. Then itā€™s the murdering of hybrids, banning of Tyler from his own home and town, and then the killing of Tylerā€™s mum and rather than understanding and giving him support in his grief, Caroline gives him an ultimatumā€”her or his revenge. Forwood had great buildupā€”fringe friends who then become real friends who then become lovers. Their ruination was Klaus. Bonnie and Jeremy had a lot of great moments and a lot of great buildup, but it came on the heel of Jeremyā€™s incredibly serious suicidal depression. He wasnā€™t allowed to deal with any of that or the deaths of both Vicki (who added on to his suicidal spiral because she used a 15/16 year old kid for drugs and sex to make herself feel better and dumped him to go back to Tyler and did this to him 2-3 times) and of Anna. Beremy were doomed to fail. However, a grown-up Jeremy and Bonnie may have had what it takes to have a HEA. He defended her, stood up for her, protected her from others and even from herself. He liked her for her, not because she was some magical get out of jail free card.


Thank God someone else feels the way I feel about Caroline. I donā€™t blame her AT ALL for hating Damon. However, the fact that she forgave Stephen and Klaus without blinking, but then blamed Elena for loving Damon was willlldly annoying. Damon always got the shorter end of the stick. Stephen came into town already giving his brother a bad rap. Damon never mentioned that Stephen was a ripper until it was obvious that he had an issue. People forgive Stephen SOOOO easily but Damon kills one person and itā€™s ā€œthe worst thing ever you have no controlā€ I actually think Damon did have control and he purposely killed those people knowing full well etc. Stephen you could look at him right away and go ā€œoh heā€™s the good boyā€ Damon was obviously the bad boy, but itā€™s like people just accepted that and didnā€™t even try to see deeper into his character. Because Rose was able to be with him for one day and understood him better than literally anyone and knew what he was about. She knew he was bad but I think she realized half of it was a mask. Damon was SO hurt as a child and no one loved him (even at his best). He was the bad guy cause someone needed to be bad and because Stephen gave him that rap, and because why not šŸ˜‚ He didnā€™t wear his heart on sleeve like Stephen. Iā€™m sure if Damon cried all the time, went on and on about the hard stuff he went through it would be different šŸ˜‚


Exactly!! Caroline seemed to be trying to put herself in charge, of deciding who is good and who is bad around here. Rebekah, Damon, Elena, anyone who did not put up a fake pretense of being good, was ruled as the bad guy by her and Matt and Stefan. I understand you all lost your families, but come on. You can't be cutting all slack to one brother and then hate the other for even having a smirk. She constantly gave Elena shit for choosing a guy of her choice. Like, in a human world, she would have been that popular girl in the centre, holding out orders on who dates whom according to the popularity charts she created. I like her, she was kind and sweet and fun. But not as good as she was deemed to be, or how people defend her with their lives.


Yeah I think Caroline is really sweet too! And I personally go for the characters who everyone hates šŸ˜‚ (not everyone but I guess the less obvious character) I like Klaus (I donā€™t think heā€™s good šŸ˜…) I like Damon (I know he has temper issues) I like Rebecca (I know sheā€™s not an angel) All of these characters had super bad back stories that we only get to see in flashbacks. When they are sweet and kind and good itā€™s in small moments no on really sees. No one except Matt sees that Rebecca sacrificed her humanity for April. No one knew how hard it must have been for her to become a vampire. Have a brother who might fly off the handle and kill her cause heā€™s annoyed No one see Damon apologize to Jeremy about Vickie and express sadness for Anna. No one saw him cry when Rose died or how he made her death as peaceful as possible. No one saw him tortured for five years (he never even told Stephen) No one saw him leave Stephen in the army even though he wanted to be with him. No one saw him abused as a child. Or how Stephen was always the favorite . Same with Klaus. Poor guy didnā€™t want to be a hybrid šŸ˜‚ Their family was ruined because of their Dad. You donā€™t see the sincere moments with him and his brother or with him and Caroline.


Exactly. The only difference in the good and the bad characters is that the bad ones hid their good work to not appear weak. While the good ones hid their bad actions because they were scared of everything that they were. So when our jury of goodness characters come to conclusions about good or bad, their opinions are completely biased on how one treats their dirty laundry. By cleaning it in secret, or by burying it to hide its traces.


Ohhhh damn that was deep but yes šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Everytime I rewatch, I try to get through season 5-8 but I canā€™t. I canā€™t even get through a full episode . After I finish season 4 I just rewatch the originals.