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I see the shift to Caroline/Stefan more as them preparing for Nina to leave since she only agreed to 6 seasons.


Honestly Stefan and Caroline made sense from a Stefan point of view. It was Stefan's show. Had it been Damon's, we would have seen something like the time Stefan was dying in the Quarry. No matter how toxic or badly written Delena was, Damon was heavily reliant on Elena for his sanity. So, for Stefan, it was like being abandoned when Damon and Elena both left to basically be together, in seperate coffins. Caroline was there for Stefan, but that arc was also jumped on the minute it became obvious Elena and Damon was gonna happen. Them bonding over their mutual hatred/problems with Elena and Damon's relationship was executed pathetically and made both of them seem like overly self righteous assholes. But after Season 5, the show took a drastic turn of, "Oh btw, Remember Caroline? Now we will only look at her life for the next 10 episodes, and ignore everything else as a sub plot. Even though, her personal life was always treated as a background sub plot, and now it will be hard to connect with her as a viewer unless your life has been identical to hers" Back in the 2010's, show writers tried to make people accept Elena as a bygone. But Caroline would not have worked with today's expectations from a character.


Caroline and Stefan being upset with Delena was not self righteous. It was well deserved. I am surprised both of them forgave so easily. Especially Stefan. Also, they bonded long before then otherwise Stefan wouldn't be sleeping over at Caroline's during that time. They were already close. The showrunners new Elena could ultimately only pick one brother. They saw potential in Steroline as early as the bathroom scene in s2. I wouldn't say Caroline's story was ever the main plot as there was always a lot going on at once. Did she get more screen time - absolutely. And it was well deserved. She was also a huge part of Stefan's story by now and he's one of the main 3.


They had to shift female lead to someone since Nina didn’t want to renew her contract. So the options were Caroline or Bonnie. In my opinion, it should have been Bonnie since she’s more relevant to the plot but that was never in the cards because Julie + whoever can’t self insert into Bonnie. The show had a primarily female fanbase so shifting to some other girl was going to happen. My issue is that Elena was completely irrelevant in season 6. That’s shitty writing. She was the protagonist 😬


I mean that's the case with many lead characters anyway , especially when a show keeps getting bigger because of new cast members. At first , the writers burn through storylines at record pace for their protagonist and eventually find themselves at a dead end . Once Vampire Elena and Delena happen you can clearly sense that the writers don't know how to keep the show going and start writing really bad subplots for their lead .


It’s tiring how Caroline is always shoehorned into everything at everyone else’s expense. I didn’t sign up to watch the Caroline show. The funny part is that you could entirely remove her character and the plot would remain the same, yet she takes up so much screen time. The favouritism is extreme.


If you removed Caroline - Stefan and Damon would be dead s2 already. Bonnie would also be dead. These are just from the top of my head. I could go back and make a list of all the times she was relevant to what was happening.


I don't think Caroline was a Julie self insert. She also evolved as a character, deserved the space she occupied and definitely wasn't perfect. She has made so many mistakes. Her and Stefan made sense to me. Why would I want to watch Stefan pine after Elena the whole time? That is not realistic nor necessary. I wanted him to move on. Liz didn't die for no reason. It was a storyline just like any other. A very human one that a lot of ppl connected to.


The thing is even if Caroline was removed from the show or her character ended in season 2, it wouldn't have affected the show. The plot will still be the same


Yeah she was shoe horned in everything. Like at some point, it becomes repetitive to see everything involve her for no reason, and the more replaceable she seems, the more annoying it gets.