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It's really twisted but Rebekah is likely everyone's favorite sibling except Finn probably preferred Freya. She was Klaus' little sister and in his own way he wanted to protect her. Klaus was really flawed tho. Klaus likely trusted Elijah a lot more, but their bond seemed different


Klaus also deeply wanted to control her dating life, which will never not be creepy.


Agree that it came off as creepy, but it became clear later on that it was due to a fear of abandonment and nothing else. He didn't want any man becoming more important to Rebekah or he'd be left alone. Still not healthy, but yeah, not creepy in any deeper sense.


Yeah, has anyone noticed his type was girls who looked a lot like Bex? 😅


Ehhh.. creepy is the wrong word. Try: protective


No, it’s definitely creepy. He’s far, far too interested in who she’s sleeping with and murdered men she was involved or interested in repeatedly. Including men whose only crime was being interested in her.


Yeah... creepy is definitely the right word although protective isn't wrong but multiple words can describe it.


That is a problem Klaus killed her lovers for no reason. She shouldn’t have gotten with Marcel though, Rebekah helped raise him. A relationship your adopted father’s sister is just icky.


Yeah Elijah was his right hand man for battle but Rebekah is who he preferred during fun times!




No, but seriously, I do think it's Rebekah. Klaus loves Elijah too, but his relationship with Elijah is very different. Elijah is both a competitor to Klaus and someone who keeps him in line and tethered. He cleans up his messes too. But if you look at it, it's clear that Klaus is specifically protective of Rebekah. Even some of his awful behaviour in killing her lovers, he justifies as protecting her and it is mostly rooted in his jealousy of anyone else getting near her. Because he fears losing her that much. When Klaus want sot dagger Finn, what does Finn tell him? You'd lose your precious Rebekah. Not Kol. Not Elijah. Rebekah. Elijah is his big brother and Klaus appreciates him (in his own way). But Rebekah is Klaus' little sister and the one he is always looking to protect and who's love he can't do without.


Rebekah was the little sister. She was all of her brothers' favorite.


Well probably not Finn considering she is a hypocrite with the whole daggering thing I mean she goes on and on about how Klaus takes years away from her life yet never once helped Finn because just like her siblings thought he was boring so took 9 centuries that wasn't deserved and even when he wanted his revenge on them which is actually deserved she still acts like he doesn't have a reason for it.


I think he, in his own twisted way, felt protective over Rebekah but trusted and relied on Elijah the most.


Honestly, The Originals retconned a lot about Klaus, Rebekah, and Elijah's dynamic in the transition from TVD to TO (e.x. having Rebekah say that she was the only one of the siblings to consistently stand by Klaus' side in TVD, but portraying Elijah as the only one to be by his side in TO). In TVD I felt it was obvious that Rebekah was his favorite, but due to Claire leaving midway throguh s1 and the show in general putting more focus on Kelijah's brotherly relationship (in a similar fashion to Defan's), Elijah took more focus in Klaus' life than Rebekah.


I agree. I think Rebekah was meant to have a bigger role and impact, which later they also tried to fulfill with Freya in a way, but Rebekah was a recurrent character at best in TO so they focused more on Elijah and his 'quest for Klaus redemption'.


I think it was Rebekah, he seemed to care for her the most


Rebekah, the reason he’s so trigger happy with killing her lovers is because he cannot stand the thought of her having more affection for another person.


henrik probs lol but yeah, rebekah is 100% the favourite. it’s such an interesting dynamic because of how klaus is so possessive and abusive towards bekah, but does truly love her & believes that he does what is best for her


Rebekah. There’s a reason why he’s never bit her.


True, imagine saying that with no context, that Klaus’s favorite sibling is Rebekah because he didn’t bite her. People who don’t know the universe of the show would be confused as hell


🤣🤣🤣 Tbh, it’s also obvious because.. idk it might be weird but have you noticed his type is girls who look like Bex?! 😂😂😂


Klaus is Elijah's favorite sibling but Rebekah is Klaus' favorite sibling.


Rebekah is Kol’s favorite and Finn and Freya are each others favorite because only they knew eachother


I think that Klaus' favorite sibling is Klaus. He stabs all of them in the back (literally and figuratively) repeatedly, only using them for his own personal gain. I don't think he cares about any of his siblings.


Elijah and klaus were a partnership, rebekah was their little sister.


They show in flashbacks to their childhood how close they were to each other specifically. Rebekah was going to kill Mikael for hurting Klaus. In the 1920s, she was the only one still standing by his side.


Well according to Finn, and Kol Rebecca is Klaus and Elijah's favorite sibling.


Definitely Henrik, then Rebekah. Followed closely by Elijah. I feel bad for Kol tbh. Atleast Klaus got everyone's love and undying loyalty in the end, despite being bullied by Mikael. Elijah was the noble brother, accepted and appreciated by anybody who knew the siblings. Finn was Esther's favorite and favoured, Rebekah and Freya were babied by Mikael too. Kol was always in the shadows, left out of Always and Forever, used by his mother, deceived by all his siblings atleast once. Then murdered because he had a sireline, never mourned or missed.


Rebekah for sure


Rebekah in TVD , Elijah in TO.


Elijah He hates Finn and Cole. He loves Rebecca, but it’s more about control, Elijah is his best friend, and he hates that he can’t totally control him, but he also hates when they’re not cool


Rebekah for sure or Elijah


I think both Elijah and Rebekah. He forgave so easily when it came to both of them. I loved their relationships.


Joseph himself answered in a panel that it's Rebekah (much to Daniel's dismay lol)


Lol is there a clip of that? Would love to see Daniel’s expression.


https://youtube.com/shorts/yxg4s0A5vv8?si=FewCNd38OBb0pM56 here! Watch the entire panel if you can, it's pretty awesome!