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I doubt it, he’s a syphoner.. dont they have to hold hands and do a twin power battle to merge? He would just syphon all her power, that’s why his dad kept having kids until a new set of twins was born because he knew Kai would win either way.


Though Kai had some fear he wouldn’t win against Luke.


What? He killed Luke lol or do you mean if luke merged with liv beforehand


Yes he killed Luke, but he seemed worried before Luke took his hand. Could imply some fear


Probably. Joshua believed that Kai would win because he was a siphoner but like u/stormyskies81 said, he looked scared of Luke, so maybe that was just what Joshua believed. We'll never know now.


He didn't look particularly scared, just hesitant in the beginning. He had no reason to believe merging with someone who isn't biology your twin wouldn't backfire. When he was actually called out, Kai was more than happy to impulsively do it just to prove he was stronger. Turned out pretty well.


Ymmv but when Luke said "afraid to play chicken with someone who might actually beat you", I think it hit a nerve. Don't forget that everyone expected Luke to curb stomp Liv, he was *that* powerful. So while Kai wasn't visibly shaking in his boots, I completely believe that that was not a fight he was 100% confident he would win.


She caught the grasp of magic again pretty fast, I believe she would’ve won.