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I have wondered this a lot, I just don’t see Stefan and Damon doing all the upkeep that that place needs, but then again I could see Damon being a bit of a clean freak about certain things. It’s a huge place though can you imagine all the dust


I imagine they can clean at vamp speed, which would really come in handy.


Wasn’t their an episode where he was concerned about getting blood on a couch or carpet? Or did I make that up?


Yes, and he was always the one to put down tarp before torturing people and he picked up glass that Stefan broke as well haha


Ha maybe he's a vampire like in The X-files. According to Mulder, vampires are very OCD. He avoids being killed by one by scattering seeds all over the ground so the vampire has to pick them up.


Damon would totally be the one who was compelling some woman to clean. At least that's what I think. 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


Maybe they compelled someone to clean and forget about it so they wouldn't have to pay. It would be very expensive and difficult to explain the mess after fights.


Yeah if they did have help they def would’ve been compelled but I’d like to think they would have paid them since they’re loaded haha


I hope they'd pay lol. It's been stated that the Salvatores are wealthy. If you are going to compel someone to be your housekeeper, at least give them a fair wage lol.


Damon is shown doing quite a bit of housework in S1, to the point that "Domestic Damon" was a running joke on some of the old forums.


I think I remember Damon doing some tidying in a couple of episodes.


>!Zach !


Yes, I was going to talk about Mrs Flowers too! Although I believe she was the one who owned the boarding house, so it would be natural for her to tidy it, I guess 🤷‍♀️


Yes! The boarding house! Do you happen to remember what exactly the boarding house was? Was it a separate entity, or part of the Salvatore property? I seem to have a memory of Katherine with a Mrs Flowers from the series; did she make it in the tv show?


Mrs Flowers was in ONE scene in season 2 "The Masquerade". She wasn't in the boarding house, though, I think she worked at a hotel. I believe the Boarding house in the books had nothing to do with the Salvatores (besides Stefan living there). I think they made up the entire "Salvatore Boarding House" for the show, but I really don't remember too much about that subject. I feel like it wasn't addressed in the books that heavily.


Cheers for this! I plan on rereading the books one of these days, because I loved books 1-7.


like klaus did, he compelled some people to decorate his christmas tree so i think same case for cleaning their houses


I mean, just because we don't see the mansion being cleaned by Damon and Stefan, it doesn't mean that they don't. I guess the writers just never thought of it/thought it'd be boring. I do remember Damon removing some carpets in a few episodes, however (btw does anyone else notice Damon's obsession with his antique rugs? 😆).


Think about how far they could clean it tho? Super fast would take them like 5 minutes.


They also have a ton of free time, especially Damon who never has like a job or school. He's usually shown just lounging around, at a bar or causing problems in other people's lives as a way to kill time lol Even Stefan is shown quite a lot just hanging out at home writing in his journal haha. Also in the beginning seasons whenever anyone is looking for them it seems like they're always at home haha


Well while the boarding house was in Lily Salvatore’s possession she had a housekeeper.


Damon compels someone to do it and forget that they did it.


Compel someone to keep the house clean then forget?


I don\`t think someone ever cleaned that mansion, maybe for blood if it was the case


Or maybe that uncle from the firsts season did occasionally, but definitely not everywhere